// Mot.cpp : Multiple Object Tracking
// Project MOT
// Kazanovich June 2005
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "mot.h"
//***** Subprograms *****
void My_error(CString);
double rn();
//***** External variables *****
extern int it;
struct network net[noaf];
struct connections *connec;
struct parameters par;
struct integration integr;
struct image im;
struct imageproc improc;
const double pi = 3.1415926535;
ofstream out1, out2, out3, out4;
//================ s/p Netalloc =================
// Allocation of memory for the network
void Netalloc(void)
int oaf;
for (oaf = 0; oaf < noaf; oaf++)
net[oaf].osc = new oscillator[par.n + 1];
if (!net[oaf].osc) My_error("Not enough memory for oscillators1");
connec = new connections[par.n + 1];
if (!connec) My_error("Not enough memory for connections");
//===================== s/p Netinit ================
// Network initialization
void Netinit()
int i, j, k, oaf;
long n = par.n;
for (oaf = 0; oaf < noaf; oaf++)
//***** Initialization of CO
net[oaf].osc[0].amp = par.camp;
net[oaf].osc[0].omega0 = par.comega;
net[oaf].osc[0].omega = net[oaf].osc[0].omega0;
net[oaf].osc[0].teta = pi*rn();
net[oaf].osc[0].state = active;
//***** Initialization of POs
//----- Initialization of natural frequencies
k = 1;
for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ncolumns; j++)
double freq = im.intens[i][j];
net[oaf].osc[k].state = (freq != 0)? active : dead;
net[oaf].osc[k].amp = (net[oaf].osc[k].state == active)? par.amp : 0;
net[oaf].osc[k].omega0 = freq;
net[oaf].osc[k].omega = net[oaf].osc[k].omega0;
//----- Initialization of phases
k = 1;
for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ncolumns; j++)
net[oaf].osc[k].teta = 0.0;
if (net[oaf].osc[k].state == active)
{ net[oaf].osc[k].teta = pi*rn(); }
//===================== s/p Netreinit ================
// Network reinitialization after image changing
void Netreinit()
int i, j, k, oaf;
long n = par.n;
for (oaf = 0; oaf < noaf; oaf++)
//***** Reinitialization of POs
k = 1; // index of a PO
for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ncolumns; j++)
double freq = im.intens[i][j];
net[oaf].osc[k].state = (freq != 0)? active : dead;
if (net[oaf].osc[k].state == dead)
net[oaf].osc[k].amp = 0;
net[oaf].osc[k].teta = 0.0;
if (net[oaf].osc[k].state == active && net[oaf].osc[k].amp == 0)
net[oaf].osc[k].amp = par.amp;
net[oaf].osc[k].teta = pi*rn();
net[oaf].osc[k].omega0 = freq;
//================ s/p Trajopen ===========
// Opening files for trajectories
#define FOMEGA "traj\\omega.tra" // file for frequencies trajectories
#define FTETA "traj\\teta.tra" // file for phase trajectories
#define FAMP "traj\\amp.tra" // file for amplitudes trajectories
#define FOBJ "traj\\obj.tra" // file for object coordinates
void Trajopen()
CString str = "Can't open file ", str1;
str1 = str + FOMEGA;
if (!out1) My_error(str1);
str1 = str + FTETA;
if (!out2) My_error(str1);
str1 = str + FAMP;
if (!out3) My_error(str1);
str1 = str + FOBJ;
if (!out4) My_error(str1);
//================ s/p Trajsave =============
// Saving trajectories
double r(double x); // defined in Eqintegr.cpp
void Trajsave()
int i, j, k, oaf;
double time = it*integr.dt;
out1 << "time = " << setw(7) << time << endl;
out2 << "time = " << setw(7) << time << endl;
//out3 << "time = " << setw(7) << time << endl;
for (oaf = 0; oaf < noaf; oaf++)
out1 << oaf << " " << net[oaf].osc[0].omega << endl;
out2 << oaf << " " << r(net[oaf].osc[0].teta) << endl;
//out3 << oaf << " " << net[oaf].osc[0].amp << endl;
k = 1;
for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ncolumns; j++)
out1 << setw(8) << net[oaf].osc[k].omega;
out2 << setw(8) << r(net[oaf].osc[k].teta);
out3 << setw(8) << net[oaf].osc[k].amp;
out1 << endl;
out2 << endl;
out3 << endl;
//out1 << endl;
//out2 << endl;
out3 << endl;
// Saving taget coordinates
//out4 << setw(7) << time;
for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++)
if (im.obj[i].type == target)
int x = im.obj[i].cx;
int y = im.obj[i].cy;
out4 << setw(5) << x << setw(5) << y;
out4 << endl;
//==================== Trajclose ====================
//***** Closing files for trajectories
void Trajclose()
//==================== Neighbours =======================
// Computation of nearest neighbours of a point z
// in the table nrows*ncolumns.
// Absence of a neighbour is coded by -1.
void Neighbours(long z, long nrows, long ncolumns,
long & left, long & right,
long & top, long & bottom)
long z1 = z - 1;// enumaration starts from 1
long r = z1%ncolumns; // column
long l = z1/ncolumns; // row
left = right = top = bottom = -1;
if (r > 0) left = z - 1;
if (r < ncolumns - 1) right = z + 1;
if (l > 0) top = z - ncolumns;
if (l < nrows - 1) bottom = z + ncolumns;
//==================== Connec ============================
// Connections initialization.
// Connection is active if the neighbour exists and is not dead
void Connec()
int i;
for (long z = 1; z <= par.n; z++)
long left, right, top, bottom;
Neighbours(z, nrows, ncolumns, left, right, top, bottom);
long nghb[4];
nghb[0] = left;
nghb[1] = right;
nghb[2] = top;
nghb[3] = bottom;
int ncon = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (nghb[i] != -1 && net[0].osc[nghb[i]].state != dead)
connec[z].source[ncon] = nghb[i];
connec[z].ncon = ncon;