//genesis // AddSynapticChannels.g /*************************** MS Model, Version 7.6 ********************* **************************** AddSynapticChannels.g ********************* Avrama Blackwell kblackw1@gmu.edu Rebekah Evans rcolema2@gmu.edu Tom Sheehan tsheeha2@gmu.edu ****************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ function addNMDAchannel(compPath, chanpath,caBuffer, gbar, ghk) str compPath, chanpath float gbar str caBuffer copy /library/{chanpath} {compPath}/{chanpath} addmsg {compPath} {compPath}/{chanpath}/block VOLTAGE Vm addmsg {compPath} {compPath}/{chanpath} VOLTAGE Vm if (ghk==0) addmsg {compPath}/{chanpath}/block {compPath} CHANNEL Gk Ek end if (ghk==1) addmsg {compPath} {compPath}/{chanName}/GHK VOLTAGE Vm addmsg {compPath}/{chanName}/GHK {compPath} CHANNEL Gk Ek end // Set the new conductance float len = {getfield {compPath} len} float dia = {getfield {compPath} dia} float pi = 3.141592653589793 float surf = {len*dia*pi} /* echo "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX addNMDAchannel XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" echo "compPath = "{compPath} echo "chanpath = "{chanpath} echo "caBuffer = "{caBuffer} echo "gbar = "{gbar} echo "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX addNMDAchannel XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" */ // setfield {compPath}/{chanName} gmax {surf*gbar} setfield {compPath}/{chanpath} gmax {gbar} if ({isa dif_shell {compPath}/{caBuffer}} ) // dif_shell // echo spine calcium model is dif_shell addmsg {compPath}/{chanpath}/block {compPath}/{caBuffer} FINFLUX Ik 0.1 elif ({isa Ca_concen {compPath}/{caBuffer}}) // Ca_conc // echo spine calcium model is Ca_conc addmsg {compPath}/{chanpath}/block {compPath}/{caBuffer} fI_Ca Ik 0.1 end end function addSynChannel (compPath, chanpath, gbar) str compPath, chanpath float gbar copy /library/{chanpath} {compPath}/{chanpath} addmsg {compPath} {compPath}/{chanpath} VOLTAGE Vm addmsg {compPath}/{chanpath} {compPath} CHANNEL Gk Ek // Set the new conductance float len = {getfield {compPath} len} float dia = {getfield {compPath} dia} float pi = 3.141592653589793 float surf = {len*dia*pi} /* echo "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX addSynChannel XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" echo "compPath = "{compPath} echo "chanpath = "{chanpath} echo "gbar = "{gbar} echo "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX addSynchannel XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" */ // setfield {compPath}/{chanName} gmax {surf*gbar} setfield {compPath}/{chanpath} gmax {gbar} end