function [ltw,emg,sMU,frate,trigs,smuFs,smuPs] = STA_pool2(excite,p,rtime,numspk,ntrigs)
%% this function simulates a motor neuron pool
%% with Gaussian noise on the isi distribution
%% it also selects a sample motor unit for triggering STA
%% inputs are:
%% excite = excitation level (scalar 0-1)
%% p = params of pool
%% rtime = time vector
%% numspk = maximum number of spikes in a spike train
%% ntrigs = maximum number of triggers (based on low rate requirement)
%% outputs are:
%% ltw = muscle force time series
%% emg = emg time series
%% sMU = index of the selected sample motor unit
%% frate = firing rate of the selected motor unit
%% trigs = spike times of selected motor unit
%% smuFs = force trace from selected MU alone
%% smuPs = emg trace from selected MU alone
%% if OUT OF MEMORY, replace twitch.m with twitch_memory.m (line 73),
%% and replace muap2.m with muap2_memory.m (line 76)
drive = excite*p.maxe;
fr = (p.gain*(drive - p.rte) + p.mfr );
fr(drive<p.rte) = 0; %% If drive, aka. total excitation, is less than threshold set firing to zero
fr(fr>p.pfr) = p.pfr(fr>p.pfr); %% If firing rate is greater than peak rate set to peak
gotit = 0;
while ~gotit
candidates = find( (fr<p.frmax) & (fr>0) );
if isempty(find(fr>0))
error(['The excitation is too low - there are no active units.']);
elseif isempty(find(fr<p.frmax))
error(['The excitation is too high - there are no slow-firing units.']);
candies_shuffled = candidates(randperm(length(candidates)));
sMU = candies_shuffled(1);
if ~ismember(sMU,nonzeros(p.sMUs))
gotit = 1;
disp(['MU # ' num2str(sMU) ' tried to be sampled more than once!']);
if all(ismember(candidates,nonzeros(p.sMUs)));
disp('All the candidate MUs have been sampled already - restarting this contraction at a different level.');
sMU = 0; frate = 0; trigs = zeros(1,ntrigs);
ltw = zeros(1,length(rtime)); emg = ltw;
fltw = ltw;
smuFs = ltw; smuPs = emg;
frate = fr(sMU);
twlin = zeros(length(rtime),p.n); emglin = zeros(length(rtime),p.n);
%% sim for each MN
for i = 1 : p.n
if (fr(i)>0) %if this unit is active
disp(['Calculating contribution from unit number ' num2str(i) '.']);
misi = 1000/fr(i); %% mean inter-spike interval
%% set ISI distribution
sisi = misi*; %% get std of ISI dist
disi = normrnd(misi,sisi,1,numspk); %% generate an ISI dist
disi = cumsum(disi); %% generate spike times
%% do twitch function
twlin(:,i) = twitch(disi,rtime,p.twtforce(i),;
%% do muap function
emglin(:,i) = muap2(disi,rtime,p.twtforce(i));
%% calc non-linear force gain as in Fuglevand
rate =;
sc = (1-exp(-2*0.4.^3))/0.4; % gain value predicted for a norm. rate of 0.4
rg = (1-exp(-2*(rate.^3)))./(rate*sc);
rg(rate<0.4) = 1;
twlin(:,i) = twlin(:,i)*rg; %% get matrix of all twitches with gain
if i == sMU
trigs = disi(1:ntrigs);
if nargin > 5
smuFs = twlin(:,sMU)';
smuPs = emglin(:,sMU)';
ltw = sum(twlin,2)';
emg = sum(emglin,2)';