function [tw] = twitch(isi,rtime,force,tc)
%% [tw] = twitch2(isi,rtime,force,tc)
%% generate a twitch, inputs are:
%% isi = times of spikes
%% rtime = time sequence for sim
%% force = peak force for this mu
%% tc = time constant for this mu
%% output is tw = twitch force over the sim time
tw = zeros(size(rtime));
%% determine time of each spike
stime = isi(isi<rtime(end));
[st,rt] = meshgrid(stime,rtime);
offs = rt-st;
%% twitch function for each spike
twt = ( force*offs.*exp(1-(offs/tc)) )/tc ;
tw = sum( twt' ,1);
tw = tw(:);