%%  call and run simulations
close all
[pm] = defaultparamsCA1(); %T[=]s
T = 1; %[=]s length of simulation
NE = 800;
NI = 160;

inpseq.slp = 3; %[=]ms slope of current activation (bell shaped)
starts =  1.1:0.22:T;
inpseq.on =  starts*1000; % [=] ms sequence of input starts
inpseq.length = 50; % [=] ms sequence of input ends

opt.nonoise = 0; % if no noise added, turn to 1
opt.novar = 0; % if no variance in synaptic weightsm turn to 1
opt.noiseprc = 100; % percent of standard deviation of the noise to use in the simulation
opt.storecurrs = 1; % if you want the output to include the synaptic currents

opt.seqassign = 1; % if you want to choose 10 cells that are going to be part of a sequance
pm.dcbias = 2; % how much you want to bias the DC of cells that are selected to be in the sequence
idc = 1;
s = ['example_',num2str(idc),'.mat'];
[conn,vbar,veg,lfp,tsp_E,tsp_I,Isynbar,inp,seqs]= ...