// Bladder Small DRG Neuron Soma (~ C-Type Fibre Soma) Model//
// Mandge and Manchanda, 2018
// by Darshan Mandge
// Computational Neurophsyiology Lab,
// IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India 400076
// email: darshanmandge@iitb.ac.in
v_init = -53.5 // Yoshimura and de Groat 1999
tstop = 200
create soma
L = 24
diam = 24 // 24um Yoshimura 1999 fig 3A
nseg = 1
cm = 28/(3.14* diam^2 )* 100 // 28 pF Yunoki-2014. For Converting pF/ um2 to uF/cm2. Multiplication factor is 100. The calculated value is 1.548 uF/cm2
// cm_napkpump uses cm. Be careful while changing this value
celsius = 22 // Important don't remove this.
Ra = 100 // Du 2014 //Check the value of Ra for DRG neuron
//Passive Channel
insert pas
g_pas = 0.0001
e_pas = -41.583 // Calculated from the custom init() block. See
//Na Channels
insert nattxs
insert nav1p8
insert nav1p9
// K+ Currents
insert kaslow
insert kdr
insert hcn // Kouronova 2008
eh = -30
//Calcium Channels
insert CaL
insert CaN
insert CaPQ
insert CaR
insert CaT
cai0_ca_ion = 136e-6
cao0_ca_ion = 2 // Previously used 10.3 2.5 = default value.
//For thayer 1990 (A-delta neurons) = 2
cai = 136e-6 // ?? Remove either these statements or cai_ca_ion
cao = 2 //
insert bkca
insert kmtype
insert knatype
insert nakpump // NaK Pump
capm_nakpump = cm(0.5) // Check this line
insert skca3
insert cadyn // new calcium dynamics mechanism
//Ca Concentration initialization
cai0_cadyn = cai
cao0_cadyn = cao
//Ca Diffusion Coefficient
//Cytoplasmic Ca buffering
bbr_cadyn = 370 // Zeilhofer 2000 endogenous buffer binding ratio = 370 (Rat DRG);
//ER Ca Concentration
caeri = 0.4
caeri0_cadyn =0.4 //
//ER Buffering
Kmer_cadyn = 0.5
Bmer_cadyn = 10
//Mitochondria Ca Concentration
camti = 200e-6
camti0_cadyn = 200e-6 // 200 nM
//Mito Buffer
Kmmt_cadyn = 0.01e-3
Bmmt_cadyn = 0.065
//PMCA Parameters
soma.k1_cadyn = 3.74e7
soma.k2_cadyn = 2.5e5
soma.k3_cadyn = 500
soma.k4_cadyn = 5
soma.kpsr_cadyn = 0.00027
//IP3R SR values from Fink et al.,
soma.jmaxsr_cadyn = 3.5e-6 //ca Dynamics pdf Thayer
soma.kip3_cadyn = 0.0008
soma.kactip3_cadyn = 0.0003
soma.konip3_cadyn = 2.7
soma.kinhip3_cadyn = 0.0002
// :Koch - Ch6- E de. Schutter pg34 (Purkinje Cell)
soma.kcicr_cadyn = 0.00198 // Lokutta 1998/9
soma.vcicr_cadyn = 5e-07
soma.ktcicr_cadyn = 0.0006
soma.vmcu_cadyn= 1.446825e-6 // 02-05-2018
soma.kmcu_cadyn = 606e-6
soma.vncx_cadyn = 6e-5
soma.kna_cadyn = 8
soma.kncx_cadyn = 0.035
// ANO1 CACC activating Ca Concentration
// caip3ri is the ca change by ca rel. by outmost shell's IP3Rs read by ANO1 CACC
caip3ri = cai
insert ip3dif
DIP3_ip3dif =0.283
kdegr_ip3dif= 0.14e-3
insert ncxsoma
ki0_k_ion = 140 // See chapter 8 NEURON Book -Initializing concentrations in hoc page 10 - It is a GLOBAL variable sets the inital conc
ko0_k_ion = 5
nai0_na_ion = 10
nao0_na_ion = 150
ek= -84.7
ena= 68.83
// Calcium activated chloride channel
insert cacc
cli0_cl_ion = 40
clo0_cl_ion = 145 // Delpire and Staley, 2014
cli = 40 // Deba and Besac, 2015 //8
clo = 145 // gives ecl = -32.7
ecl = -32.7
insert soce // Store operated calcium channel added on 29-10-2016
insert trpm8
// Channel Conductance and Permeability Parameters
// As nseg =1 => soma.gbar_ttxs(0.5) = soma.gbar_ttxs. Similarly for other mechanisms
soma.g_pas = 0.0001
soma.gbar_nattxs = 0.0001
soma.gbar_nav1p8 = 0.0087177
soma.gbar_nav1p9 = 1e-5
soma.gbar_kaslow = 0.00136
soma.gbar_kdr = 0.002688
soma.gbarfast_hcn = 1.352e-5
soma.gbarslow_hcn = 6.7615e-06
soma.pmax_CaL = 2.75e-5
soma.pmax_CaN = 2.8e-5
soma.pmax_CaPQ = 8e-6
soma.pmax_CaR = 1e-08
soma.pmax_CaT = 1e-08
soma.gbar_kmtype = 0.0001
soma.gbar_knatype = 1e-05
soma.gbar_nakpump = 0.001
soma.gbar_bkca = 0.0009
soma.gbar_skca3 = 0.0009
soma.gbar_cacc = 1e-6
soma.ImaxNax_ncxsoma= 1.1e-05
soma.gbar_trpm8 = 1e-7
soma.pmax_soce = 1e-9
// cadyn.mod parameters
soma.pump0_cadyn = 4.232e-13 //PMCA
//Calcium Dynamics Parameters
//ER Parameters
soma.vmaxsr_cadyn = 3.75e-06 //SERCA
soma.jmaxsr_cadyn = 3.5e-6 //IP3R
soma.vcicr_cadyn = 5e-07 //CICR
soma.vmcu_cadyn = 1.4468e-6 //MCU
soma.vncx_cadyn = 6e-5 //MNCX */