from scipy.io import *
from scipy.sparse import *
from scipy import *
from scipy import weave
import os
from numpy import *
import time
debugg = False # set True for debugging (checks the units)
if not debugg:
import brian_no_units
from brian import *
from selfuxconnection import SelfUXConnection
import sys
import getopt
#letters = 'r:'
#keywords = ['randomSeed=']
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'r:w:W:a:u:n:t:d:c:s:D:f:', ['randomSeed=', 'weightFile=','recurrentWeight=','adaptation=','utilization=','number=','adaptThreshold=','taud_d=','condDelay=','sigma=','delta=','taud_f='])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help information and exit:
print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
# usage()
#opts, extraparams = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'r:w:',['randomSeed='])
# starts at the second element of argv since the first one is the script name
# extraparms are extra arguments passed after all option/keywords are assigned
# opts is a list containing the pair "option"/"value"
execfile('param.py') # set parameters
# eventually override them:
weightFile = None
for o,p in opts:
if o in ['-r','--randomSeed']:
randomSeed = int(p)
elif o in ['-w','--weightFile']:
weightFile = p
elif o in ['-W','--recurrentWeight']:
w_ee = double(p)
elif o in ['-a','--adaptation']:
alpha_Ca = double(p)
elif o in ['-u','--utilization']:
U = double(p)
elif o in ['-n','--number']:
N = int(p)
N_e = iround(.8*N)
N_i = 0*iround(.2*N)
g_ampa_e = 104.0*nS*(1+compensation*delta) / N
g_ampa_i = 81.0*nS*(1+compensation*delta) / N
g_gaba_e = 1250*nS / N
g_gaba_i = 973*nS / N
g_nmda_e = 327*nS*(1-delta) / N
g_nmda_i = 258*nS*(1-delta) / N
elif o in ['-t','--adaptThreshold']:
alpha_2 = double(p)*ms
elif o in ['-d','--tau_d']:
tau_d = double(p)*ms
elif o in ['-c','--condDelay']:
condDelay = double(p)*ms
elif o in ['-s','--sigma']:
sigma = double(p)*mV
elif o in ['-D','--delta']:
delta = double(p)
g_ampa_e = 104.0*nS*(1+compensation*delta) / N # ~ x3.5 to compensate NMDA blocker
g_ampa_i = 81.0*nS*(1+compensation*delta) / N # ~ x3.5 to compensate NMDA blocker
g_nmda_e = 327*nS*(1-delta) / N # ~ x0.1 if adding APV
g_nmda_i = 258*nS*(1-delta) / N # ~ x0.1 if adding APV
elif o in ['-f','--tau_f']:
tau_f = double(p)*ms
print '\nRandom seed = %d' % randomSeed
print 'w_ee = %f' % w_ee
if useAdaptation:
print 'alpha_Ca = %f' % alpha_Ca
if useSTP:
print 'U = %f' % U
print 'tau_d = %f' % tau_d
print 'tau_f = %f' % tau_f
if useAdaptiveThr:
print 'alpha_2 = %f' % alpha_2
print 'N = %d' % N
print 'condDelay = %f' % condDelay
print 'sigma = %f' % sigma
print 'delta = %f' % delta
# common parts
eqs_e = ''
if N_i>0:
eqs_e += 'ds_gaba/dt = -s_gaba/(t_gaba) : 1\n'
eqs_e += '''
ds_ampa/dt = -s_ampa/(t_ampa) : 1
ds_nmda/dt = -s_nmda/(ts_nmda)+alfa_nmda*x*(1-s_nmda) : 1
dx/dt = -x/(tx_nmda) : 1
s_nmda_in : 1
s_ampa_in : 1
tmp : 1
dv/dt = '''
eqs_i = '''
ds_gaba/dt = -s_gaba/(t_gaba) : 1
s_nmda_in : 1
s_ampa_in : 1
tmp: 1
dv/dt = '''
#reset_e = 'v=Vr_e'
#reset_i = 'v=Vr_i'
if sigma>0: # noise terms
eqs_e += 'sigma*xi*(2*gl_e/Cm_e)**.5'
eqs_i += 'sigma*xi*(2*gl_i/Cm_i)**.5'
# common parts
eqs_e += ' + (-gl_e*(v-El_e)-g_ampa_e*(v-E_ampa)*s_ampa_in-s_nmda_in*g_nmda_e*(v-E_nmda)/(1+exp(-0.062*v/(1*mV))/3.57)'
if N_i>0:
eqs_e += '-g_gaba_e*(v-E_gaba)*s_gaba'
eqs_i += ' + (-gl_i*(v-El_i)-g_gaba_i*(v-E_gaba)*s_gaba-g_ampa_i*(v-E_ampa)*s_ampa_in-s_nmda_in*g_nmda_i*(v-E_nmda)/(1+exp(-0.062*v/(1*mV))/3.57)'
if useAdaptation: # adapation terms
eqs_e += '-g_AHP*Ca*(v-E_K))/Cm_e : mvolt \ndCa/dt = - Ca / tau_Ca : 1 \n'
eqs_i += '-g_AHP*Ca*(v-E_K))/Cm_i : mvolt \ndCa/dt = - Ca / tau_Ca : 1 \n'
# reset_e += ';Ca+=alpha_Ca'
# reset_i += ';Ca+=alpha_Ca'
eqs_e += ')/Cm_e : mvolt \n'
eqs_i += ')/Cm_i : mvolt \n'
if useSTP: # STP equations
if tau_d > 0: # depression is at work
eqs_e += 'dx_d/dt = (1-x_d)/tau_d : 1\n'
if tau_f > 0: # facilitation is at work
eqs_e += 'du_f/dt = (U-u_f)/tau_f : 1 \n'
# eqs_e += 'dlogx_d/dt = (exp(-logx_d)-1)/tau_d : 1\n'
# TO DO: facilitation with delays
# if tau_f < Inf:
# eqs_e += 'dlogu_f/dt = (U*exp(-logu_f)-1)/tau_f : 1 \n'
# reset_e += ';x_d*=(1-u_f);u_f+=U*(1-u_f)'
if useAdaptiveThr:
eqs_e += 'dtheta_1/dt = -theta_1/tau_1 : mvolt \ndtheta_2/dt = -theta_2/tau_2 : mvolt \ndtimer/dt = 1.0 : ms'
eqs_i += 'dtheta_1/dt = -theta_1/tau_1 : mvolt \ndtheta_2/dt = -theta_2/tau_2 : mvolt \ndtimer/dt = 1.0 : ms'
#print eqs_e
#print eqs_i
# Setting up the populations
print '\nSetting up the populations ...'
# dynamically define reset functions
if N_i > 0:
populations = ['e', 'i']
populations = ['e']
for pop in populations:
reset_str = 'def reset_' + pop + '(P,spikes):';
if useAdaptiveThr:
reset_str = reset_str + '\n P.theta_1_[spikes] += alpha_1'
reset_str = reset_str + '\n P.theta_2_[spikes] += alpha_2'
reset_str = reset_str + '\n P.timer_[spikes] = 0'
reset_str = reset_str + '\n P.v_[spikes] = Vr_' + pop
reset_str = reset_str + '\n P.v_[spikes] = Vr_' + pop
if useAdaptation:
reset_str = reset_str + '\n P.Ca_[spikes] += alpha_Ca'
if useAdaptiveThr:
scr_e = SimpleCustomRefractoriness(reset_e,period=tr_e,state='v')
Pe = NeuronGroup(N_e, eqs_e, threshold='(v>theta_1+theta_2+Vth_e)*(timer>tr_e)>0', reset=scr_e, order=1, compile=True, freeze=True)
# Pe = NeuronGroup(N_e, eqs_e, threshold="(v>theta_1+theta_2+Vth_e)*(timer>tr_e)>0", reset=reset_e, order=1, compile=True, freeze=True)
Pe.theta_1 = 0
Pe.theta_2 = 0
scr_e = SimpleCustomRefractoriness(reset_e,period=tr_e,state='v')
Pe = NeuronGroup(N_e, eqs_e, threshold=Vth_e, reset=scr_e, order=1, compile=True, freeze=True)
Pe.v = El_e # Vr_e
Pe.s_ampa = 0
if N_i>0:
Pe.s_gaba = 0
Pe.s_nmda = 0
Pe.x = 0
if N_i>0:
#Pi = NeuronGroup(N_i, eqs_i, threshold=Vth_i, reset=reset_i, refractory=tr_i, order=1, compile=True, freeze=True)
if useAdaptiveThr:
Pi = NeuronGroup(N_i, eqs_i, threshold="(v>theta_1+theta_2+Vth_i)*(timer>tr_i)>0", reset=reset_i, order=1, compile=True, freeze=True)
Pi.theta_1 = 0
Pi.theta_2 = 0
scr_i = SimpleCustomRefractoriness(reset_i,period=tr_i,state='v')
Pi = NeuronGroup(N_i, eqs_i, threshold=Vth_i, reset=scr_i, order=1, compile=True, freeze=True)
#Pi.v = El_i + 1.0*rand(N_i)*(Vth_i-El_i)#El_i
Pi.v = El_i # Vr_i
#Pi.s_ampa = 0
Pi.s_gaba = 0
if useAdaptation:
Pe.Ca = 0.0
if N_i>0:
Pi.Ca = 0.0
if useSTP:
if tau_f>0:
Pe.u_f = U
if tau_d>0:
Pe.x_d = 1
# Pe.logx_d = 0
## 'Starter' (external stimulation)
#PG=PoissonGroup(N_e+N_i, shortStimulus)
#PGe = PG.subgroup(N_e)
#PGi = PG.subgroup(N_i)
##PGe = PoissonGroup(N_e,shortStimulus)
##PGi = PoissonGroup(N_i,stimulus)
# Creating connections
print 'Creating static connections ...'
self_nmda=IdentityConnection(Pe, Pe, 'x', weight=1.0, delay=condDelay)
self_ampa=IdentityConnection(Pe, Pe, 's_ampa', weight=1.0, delay=condDelay)
#self_logx=IdentityConnection(Pe, Pe, 'logx_d', weight=log(1-U), delay=condDelay)
if useSTP:
self_ux=SelfUXConnection(Pe, tau_f>0, tau_d >0, delay=condDelay, U=U)
#Cpe = IdentityConnection(PGe, Pe, 's_ampa', weight=wext_e)
#Cpi = IdentityConnection(PGi, Pi, 's_ampa', weight=wext_i)
#from scipy import sparse
#Cei = Connection(Pe, Pi, 's_ampa',delay=condDelay,structure=matrixStructure)
#tmp = 2*sparse.rand(N_e, N_i, density=sparseness_ei, format='csr', dtype=None)
#if binaryWeight:
# tmp = csr_matrix(tmp.todense()>0)
# Returns random nR x nC connection matrix. Average non-zero weights is 1
def getRandomConnectionMatrix(sparseness,binaryWeight,nR,nC):
mat = 1.0*(rand(nR,nC)<=sparseness)
if not binaryWeight:
mat *= 2.0*rand(nR,nC)
return csr_matrix(mat) # switching to sparse matrix does not change anything Connection is dense, but is more efficient if Connection is sparse
Cee = Connection(Pe, Pe, 'tmp',delay=condDelay,structure=matrixStructure) # in fact this connection is fake; AMPA and NMDA contributions are computed manually at each time step. This is useful essentially for STDP.
if N_i>0:
Cie = Connection(Pi, Pe, 's_gaba',delay=condDelay,structure=matrixStructure)
Cei = Connection(Pe, Pi, 'tmp',delay=condDelay,structure=matrixStructure)
Cii = Connection(Pi, Pi, 's_gaba',delay=condDelay,structure=matrixStructure)
if weightFile!=None: #loadWeightMatrix and os.path.exists(os.path.join('..','data','Cee.STDP.mat')):
print 'Loading weight matrix ' + weightFile
# tmp=loadmat(os.path.join('..','data','Cee.STDP.mat'))
if N_i>0:
tmp = getRandomConnectionMatrix(min(1,sparseness_ee+removeSelfConnection*1.0/N_e),binaryWeight,N_e,N_e)
if useLogNormalWeightDist: # set to True to get log normal weight distribution
from random import lognormvariate
for i in arange(N_e):
for j in arange(N_e):
if tmp[i,j]>0:
tmp[i,j] = lognormvariate(0,.6)
if N_i>0:
##Cii = Connection(Pi, Pi, 's_gaba', weight=N_i/(N_i-1), delay=condDelay, structure='dense') # note: a full i-i connectivity seems to prevent network spikes...
##Cie = Connection(Pi, Pe, 's_gaba', weight=.8*w_inh, delay=condDelay, structure='dense') # note: NS still possible with full i-e connectivity
##Cei = Connection(Pe, Pi, 's_ampa', weight=correctionSTP, delay=condDelay,structure='dense') # note: NS still possible with full i-e connectivity
##Cee = Connection(Pe, Pe, 's_ampa', weight=correctionSTP, delay=condDelay,structure='dense') # note: NS still possible with full i-e connectivity
if removeSelfConnection: #Remove self-connections
if N_i>0:
for i in xrange(len(Pi)):
for i in xrange(len(Pe)):
if N_i>0:
if useSTDP:
stdp = ExponentialSTDP(Cee, tau_pre, tau_post, dA_pre, dA_post, wmin=0, wmax=wmax, update='additive',interactions='all')
### Short term plasticity
if useSTP:
# stp_ee = STP(Cee, taud=tau_d, tauf=tau_f, U=U)
# stp_ei = STP(Cei, taud=tau_d, tauf=tau_f, U=U)
# _ux = asarray(stp_ee._contained_objects[0].ux)
# _ux = asarray(stp_ee.vars._var_array['ux'])
if tau_f>0:
_u = asarray(Pe.u_f)
if tau_d>0:
_x = asarray(Pe.x_d)
# _logx = asarray(Pe.logx_d)
_Pe_s_nmda_in = asarray(Pe.s_nmda_in)
_Pe_s_nmda = asarray(Pe.s_nmda)
_Pe_s_ampa_in = asarray(Pe.s_ampa_in)
_Pe_s_ampa = asarray(Pe.s_ampa)
if N_i>0:
_Pi_s_nmda_in = asarray(Pi.s_nmda_in)
_Pi_s_ampa_in = asarray(Pi.s_ampa_in)
_Pe_v = asarray(Pe.v)
if matrixStructure=='sparse':
#_Wee = csr.csr_matrix(Cee.W.todense().transpose())
# _Cee_W_rowj = asarray(Cee.W.rowj)
# _Cei_W_rowj = asarray(Cei.W.rowj)
# _Cee_W_rowdata = asarray(Cee.W.rowdata)
# _Cei_W_rowdata = asarray(Cei.W.rowdata)
# _Wei = asarray(Cei.W)
_sparseWee = csr_matrix((Cee.W.alldata, Cee.W.allj, Cee.W.rowind), (N_e, N_e)).transpose()
if N_i>0:
_sparseWei = csr_matrix((Cei.W.alldata, Cei.W.allj, Cei.W.rowind), (N_e, N_i)).transpose()
_Wee = asarray(Cee.W.transpose())
if N_i>0:
_Wei = asarray(Cei.W.transpose())
#tmp = loadmat(os.path.join('..','data','Cee.mat'))
#tmp = tmp['Cee']
#u = arange(0,simtime,defaultclock.dt)
#x = arange(0,simtime,defaultclock.dt)
str_f =''
# special case: no need to compute dot product
if binaryWeight and (not useSTDP) and sparseness_ee==1.0 and (N_i==0 or sparseness_ei==1.0):
# str_f += 'x = exp(_logx)\n'
for receptor in ['nmda','ampa']:
str_f += 'tmp = sum(_Pe_s_'+receptor
if useSTP:
if tau_f>0:
str_f += '*_u'
if tau_d>0:
str_f += '*_x'
str_f += ')\n'
for pop in populations:
str_f += '_P'+pop+'_s_'+receptor+'_in[:] = w_e'+pop+' * tmp\n'
# str_f += 'x = exp(_logx)\n'
for receptor in ['nmda','ampa']:
str_f += 'tmp = _Pe_s_'+receptor
if useSTP:
if tau_f>0:
str_f += '*_u'
if tau_d>0:
str_f += '*_x'
str_f += '\n'
for pop in populations:
if matrixStructure=='sparse':
str_f += '_P'+pop+'_s_'+receptor+'_in[:] = _sparseWe'+pop+' * tmp\n'
str_f += '_P'+pop+'_s_'+receptor+'_in[:] = dot(_We'+pop+',tmp)\n'
# kick
if useKick:
str_f += 'if defaultclock.t==kickTime:\n'
str_f += ' _Pe_v[rand(N_e)<kickStrength] = Vth_e + 1.0*mV'
print str_f
def f():
timedLog('Running ...')
time_start = time.time()
NScount = 0
#g_nmda_e = 0*nS
if onlyRecord60:
recordedGroup_e = Pe.subgroup(min(60,N_e))
if N_i>0:
recordedGroup_i = Pi.subgroup(min(60,N_i))
recordedGroup_e = Pe
if N_i>0:
recordedGroup_i = Pi
for i in arange(0,ceil(simTime/splitTime)):
# reset spike monitors for dumping
dump_e = SpikeMonitor(recordedGroup_e)
if N_i>0:
dump_i = SpikeMonitor(recordedGroup_i)
if dump_a:
dump_a_monitor = StateMonitor(Pe,'Ca',record=True,timestep=iround(10*ms/defaultclock.dt))
# if i==5:
# print 'Changing dt'
# get_default_clock().set_dt(0.1*ms/2/2/2/2/2)
if useSTDP:
tmp = Cee.W.todense()
print 'Convergence index = %.3f' % mean(abs( tmp/wmax - (tmp>.5*wmax) ))
del tmp
savemat(os.path.join('..','data','Cee.seed.%09d' % randomSeed + '.t=%06.1f' % (splitTime*i) +'s.mat'),outputdata,oned_as='row')
del outputdata
defaultclock.reinit(splitTime*i) # avoids drifting
endTime = min(simTime,splitTime*(i+1))
if endTime > simTime-monitorTime and (i==0 or splitTime*i <= simTime-monitorTime) :
print 'Start monitoring'
# initiating monitors
Me = SpikeMonitor(Pe)
if N_i>0:
Mi = SpikeMonitor(Pi)
pot_i = StateMonitor(Pi,'v',record=[0],timestep=iround(.5*ms/defaultclock.dt))
s_gaba = StateMonitor(Pe,'s_gaba',record=[0,1],timestep=iround(1*ms/defaultclock.dt))
pot_e = StateMonitor(Pe,'v',record=True,timestep=iround(10*ms/defaultclock.dt))
s_nmda_in = StateMonitor(Pe,'s_nmda_in',record=[0,1],timestep=iround(1*ms/defaultclock.dt))
s_ampa = StateMonitor(Pe,'s_ampa_in',record=[0,1],timestep=iround(1*ms/defaultclock.dt))
if useAdaptation:
sm = StateMonitor(Pe,'Ca',record=range(N_e),timestep=iround(50*ms/defaultclock.dt))
if useSTP:
if tau_f>0:
u = StateMonitor(Pe,'u_f',record=range(N_e),timestep=iround(5*ms/defaultclock.dt))
if tau_d>0:
x = StateMonitor(Pe,'x_d',record=range(N_e),timestep=iround(5*ms/defaultclock.dt))
if useAdaptiveThr:
th1 = StateMonitor(Pe,'theta_1',record=True,timestep=iround(1*ms/defaultclock.dt))
th2 = StateMonitor(Pe,'theta_2',record=True,timestep=iround(1*ms/defaultclock.dt))
# run(endTime-splitTime*i,report='text')
timedLog('simulated time = %.1f' % (endTime) + ' s')
print 'Avg E firing rate = %.2f' % (dump_e.nspikes/(endTime-splitTime*i)*(onlyRecord60*1.0/min(N_e,60)+(1-onlyRecord60)*1.0/N_e))
if N_i>0:
print 'Avg I firing rate = %.2f' % (dump_i.nspikes/(endTime-splitTime*i)*(onlyRecord60*1.0/min(N_i,60)+(1-onlyRecord60)*1.0/N_i))
filepath = os.path.join('..','data','spike.%09d.' % randomSeed + '%05d.mat' % i )
print 'Saving spikes in ' + filepath
if N_i>0:
if dump_a:
outputdata['adaptation']= mean(dump_a_monitor.values[:,:],0)
del outputdata
# # Exit conditions
# if local_Me.nspikes==0:
# print 'It seems that activity stopped. Exiting.'
# break
if endTime >= 0*second:
meanRate = dump_e.nspikes*1.0/(endTime-splitTime*i)*(onlyRecord60*1.0/60+(1-onlyRecord60)*1.0/N_e)
if meanRate > 5*Hz: # some activity
tmp = array(dump_e.spikes);
h = histogram(tmp[:,1], bins=arange(0,tmp[-1,1],10e-3))
maxRate = h[0].max()/60.0/(10e-3*second)
if maxRate<5*meanRate: # no "real" NS
print 'Mean rate = %f Hz' % meanRate
print 'Max rate = %f Hz' % maxRate
print 'It seems that we have reached a stationary regime with high activity but no NS. Exiting.'
# count NS
thr = 10*Hz
timeBin = 50e-3*second
tmp = array(dump_e.spikes);
h = histogram(tmp[:,1], bins=arange(tmp[1,1],tmp[-1,1],timeBin))
rate = h[0]/60.0/timeBin
i_start = find( (rate[1:] >= thr) * (rate[0:-1] < thr) )
#i_end = find( (rate[1:] <= thr) * (rate[0:-1] > thr) )
if len(i_start>0): # at least one NS
if len(i_start)==1:
else: # len > 1
isi = ( i_start[1:] - i_start[0:-1] )*timeBin
NScount+= 1 + sum(isi>6*second)
print 'NScount = %d ' % NScount
if NScount>=300: # enough data
print 'We have enough NS data. Exiting.'
#g_nmda_e = 0.165*nS
#g_nmda_e = 0*nS
time_end = time.time()
running_time = time_end-time_start
print 'Simulation finished in %d seconds' % running_time
#print 'Saving weight matrices...'
#if N_i>0:
# outputdata={'Cee':Cee.W.todense(),'Cii':Cii.W.todense(),'Cei':Cei.W.todense(),'Cie':Cie.W.todense()}
# outputdata={'Cee':Cee.W.todense()}
#del outputdata
print 'For excitatory neurons:'
print 'Mean NMDA current = %.3f nA' % (-mean(Pe.s_nmda_in*g_nmda_e*(Pe.v-E_nmda)/(1+exp(-0.062*Pe.v/(1*mV))/3.57))/nA)
print 'Mean AMPA current = %.3f nA' % (-mean(Pe.s_ampa_in*g_ampa_e*(Pe.v-E_ampa))/nA)
if N_i>0:
print 'Mean GABA current = %.3f nA' % (-mean(Pe.s_gaba*g_gaba_e*(Pe.v-E_gaba))/nA)
if useAdaptation:
print 'Mean Ca current = %.3f nA' % (-mean(g_AHP*Pe.Ca*(Pe.v-E_K))/nA)
print 'Mean leak current = %.3f nA' % (-mean(gl_e*(Pe.v-El_e))/nA)
print 'Mean Contrib NMDA / Contrib AMPA %.2f ' % (mean(Pe.s_nmda_in*g_nmda_e*(Pe.v-E_nmda)/(1+exp(-0.062*Pe.v/(1*mV))/3.57))/mean(Pe.s_ampa_in*g_ampa_e*(Pe.v-E_ampa)))
if N_i>0:
print 'For inhibitory neurons:'
print 'Mean NMDA current = %.1f nA' % (-mean(Pi.s_nmda_in*g_nmda_i*(Pi.v-E_nmda)/(1+exp(-0.062*Pi.v/(1*mV))/3.57))/nA)
print 'Mean AMPA current = %.1f nA' % (-mean(Pi.s_ampa_in*g_ampa_i*(Pi.v-E_ampa))/nA)
print 'Mean GABA current = %.1f nA' % (-mean(Pi.s_gaba*g_gaba_i*(Pi.v-E_gaba))/nA)
if useAdaptation:
print 'Mean Ca current = %.3f nA' % (-mean(g_AHP*Pi.Ca*(Pi.v-E_K))/nA)
print 'Mean leak current = %.1f nA' % (-mean(gl_i*(Pi.v-El_e))/nA)
if monitorTime>0*second: