# === Define parameters ========================================================
set_global_preferences(useweave=True) # to compile C code
def iround(value):
return int(value+0.5)
# simulation-related parameters
#randomSeed = 3
simTime = 60*second # 5*60*60*second # total simulation time [ms]
defaultclock.dt = 0.025*ms # simulation step length [ms]
monitorTime = simTime#4*second
splitTime = 10*second # periodic log / dump
onlyRecord60 = True
dump_a = False # dump adaptation variable
condDelay = 3*ms# experimental estimation 1.5-1.9md (Nakanishi 1998).
# synaptic weights
factor = 1.0 # mean activity increases with factor
w_ee = 8.75*factor # 1.6 - 1.7
w_ei = w_ee
w_ii = 1.0
w_ie = 1.0
# sparseness
factorS = 1.0
sparseness_ee = factorS*1.0
sparseness_ei = factorS*1.0
sparseness_ii = factorS*1.0
sparseness_ie = factorS*1.0
matrixStructure = 'dense'# 'dense' or 'sparse'
binaryWeight = True
removeSelfConnection = False
useLogNormalWeightDist = False
sigma = 6.5*mV # gaussian white noise (Langevin equation). Note external 2.4kHz Poisson AMPA imput with Brunel and Wang's parameters corresponds to ~ 1.4 mV
delta = 0.08 # increase to get oscillations (eg 0.12), see Buehlmann & Deco 2008
# Albantakis and Deco 2011 used 0.08
compensation = 10.0 # Buehlmann, Albantakis etc use 10
# Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity
useSTDP = False
if useSTDP:
dA_pre = 1e-3 # with 1e-3, about 2000s needed for convergence
dA_post = - 0.55*dA_pre
tau_post=34.0*ms #(source: Bi & Poo 2001)
tau_pre=17.0*ms #(source: Bi & Poo 2001)
wmax = 2*w_ee
# Adaptation
useAdaptation = True
if useAdaptation:
alpha_Ca = 0.0145
tau_Ca = 4000*ms
g_AHP = 10*nS
E_K = -80*mV
# Adaptive threshold (Kobayashi et al 2009)
useAdaptiveThr = False
if useAdaptiveThr:
alpha_1 = 0*mvolt
alpha_2 = 5*mvolt # Tim Feb 2012: ~3mV seems to lead to 0.5s long NS
tau_1 = 200.0*ms
tau_2 = 4000.0*ms
# Short Term Plasticity (seems necessary to get network spikes)
useSTP = True
if useSTP: # use tau = 0*ms to unplug facilitation / depression
tau_f = 1600*ms # Marina uses 2000ms
tau_d = 800*ms # shoud be > 200ms (Tim, Sept 2011)
U = 0.025 # Tim Feb 2012: ~0.8. If too big, no trough between NS peak and residual activity
# Tim Feb 2012: ~0.8. If too small, huge NS peak
# Kick (to trigger a NS)
useKick = False
if useKick:
kickTime = 10*second
kickStrength = .1
# === Parameters determining model dynamics =====
# pyramidal cells
Cm_e = 0.5*nF # [nF] total capacitance
gl_e = 25.0*nS # [ns] total leak conductance
El_e = -70.0*mV # [mV] leak reversal potential
Vth_e = -50.0*mV # [mV] threshold potential
Vr_e = -55.0*mV # [mV] reset potential
tr_e = 2.0*ms # [ms] refractory time
# interneuron cells
Cm_i = 0.2*nF # [nF] total capacitance
gl_i = 20.0*nS # [ns] total leak conductance
El_i = -70.0*mV # [mV] leak reversal potential
Vth_i = -50.0*mV # [mV] threshold potential
Vr_i = -55.0*mV # [mV] reset potential
tr_i = 1.0*ms # [ms] refractory time
# network structure
N = 1000
#scale = 0.5 # w.r.t Wang 2002
N_e = iround(.8*N)
N_i = 0*iround(.2*N) # use 0 if there is no inhibitory neurons
# AMPA receptor (AMPAR)
E_ampa = 0.0*mV # [mV] synaptic reversial potential
t_ampa = 2.0*ms # [ms] exponential decay time constant
g_ampa_e = 104.0*nS*(1+compensation*delta) / N # ~ x3.5 to compensate NMDA blocker
g_ampa_i = 81.0*nS*(1+compensation*delta) / N # ~ x3.5 to compensate NMDA blocker
g_ext_e = 2.08*nS # [nS] maximum conductance from external to pyramidal cells
g_ext_i = 1.62*nS # [nS] maximum conductance from external to interneuron cells
# GABA receptor (GABAR)
E_gaba = -70.0*mV # [mV] synaptic reversial potential
t_gaba = 10.0*ms # [ms] exponential decay time constant
g_gaba_e = 1250*nS / N
g_gaba_i = 973*nS / N
# NMDA receptor (NMDAR)
E_nmda = 0.0*mV # [mV] synaptic reversial potential
ts_nmda = 100.0*ms # [ms] decay time of NMDA currents
tx_nmda = 2.0*ms # [ms] controls the rise time of NMDAR channels
alfa_nmda = 0.5*kHz # [kHz] controls the saturation properties of NMDAR channels
g_nmda_e = 327*nS*(1-delta) / N # ~ x0.1 if adding APV
g_nmda_i = 258*nS*(1-delta) / N # ~ x0.1 if adding APV
def stimulus(t):
return 2400*Hz
def weakStimulus(t):
return stim
def shortStimulus(t):
return stim
def timedLog(txt):
print '%02d' % t[3] + ':%02d' % t[4] + ':%02d' % t[5] + ' - ' + txt