Calcium Calculator Simulation Script Files
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The scripts following below reproduce the simulation results presented in the manuscript (see Figs. 1-3):
V. Matveev, A. Sherman, R.S. Zucker, (2002)
New and Corrected Simulations of Synaptic Facilitation
Biophysical Journal 83:1368-1373. [ Full Text ] [ PDF (134 KB) ]
The comments in these script files provide a detailed step-by-step descrption of the corresponding simulations.
All of the files below should be placed in the same subdirectory before running the simulations:

STF.growth.par - simulation script calculating the [Ca2+] profiles and facilitation growth curves for a five-pulse stimulus train (at 100 Hz), shown in Figs. 1 and 2, B-D.

The facilitation decay time courses shown in Fig. 3(B-D) are computed in two stages:

1. STF.decay.stage1.par - generates the [Ca2+] files corresponding to the different interspike interval values.
2. STF.decay.stage2.par - uses the [Ca2+] files created at 1st stage to compute the STF decay time course.

The above scripts rely on (i.e., import) the following scripts describing the model systems of PDEs and ODEs:

A. quoted.pde.par - the quoted parameter set
B. actual.pde.par - the actual parameter set
C. modified.pde.par - the modified parameter set
D. tortuosity.pde.par - the parameter set with tortuosity

XY.ode.par - the script describing the [Ca2+] binding scheme ODEs.

To reproduce, for example, the Fura-2 curve of Fig. 2 C, execute the following command: To reproduce the control curve (without Fura) of Fig. 3 D, execute the following two commands
(see comments at the beginning of the script for details):

Note for Windows users: Under Windows, file operations do not default to current directory
(a nuisance!), so make sure that the parameter path defined in scripts STF.growth.par,
STF.decay.stage1.par and STF.decay.stage2.par points to the directory where all the script files are residing.
Victor Matveev
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Last modified: Wed Jun 9, 2004