These model files were for the paper:

Yu Y.G., Shu Y., Duque A., Haider B., and McCormick D.A.  
Cortical Action Potential Back-propagation Explains Spike Threshold
Variability and Rapid-Onset Kinetics.
Journal of Neuroscience, 28: 7260-7272, (2008).

and also

McCormick D.A., Shu Y., and Yu Y.G.     
Neurophysiology: Hodgkin and Huxley model - still standing?
Nature. 445: E1-E2, (2007).  

This simple axon-soma model explained how the rapid rising phase in
somatic spike is derived from propagated axon initiated spike.

Creates a single cell containing a dendrite, soma, an axon with 60
micrometer and a axon bleb to investigate generation of spike kink at
soma. As observed in experiment, spikes are usually initiated at the
axon site 40~70 micrometer away from soma.  There is a rapid rising
phase in somatic spike, due to the initial segment traveling spike.

After running the code, there is an output data file called
'neuron_soma.dat' Use the matlab code for_plot_spike.m to plot the
somatic spike and axon spike.

These files were contributed by
Yuguo Yu
Yale University

20111026 updated release.mod to derivimplicit method.  See file for
more info.
20120409 updated cad.mod capump.mod to derivimplicit method which
should have been changed with above 20111026 update. See
20120515 Ted Carnevale supplied these updates which are THREADSAFE,
slightly cleaner code, and handle singularities correctly (ca.mod,
km.mod, and kv.mod didn't).