#define ISAAC
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef ISAAC
#ifndef STANDARD
#include "standard.h"
#ifndef RAND
#include "rand.h"
#define MATRIXDIM 50
#define N_SYNAPSES 4000
#define STEPS 800
#define P_ON 1.25E-6
#define P_OFF 0.5
#define ALPHA (0.0007 / 640000)
#define TOTAL_MOLECULES 640000
#define FRAP_CYCLE 600
#define FRAP_SYNAPSES 200
#define OUTPUTFILENAME "C:\\Users\\noamz\\Documents\\Data\\testkest1.txt"
#define FRAPOUTPUTFILENAME "C:\\Users\\noamz\\Documents\\Data\\simfrap.txt"
#ifndef ISAAC
#define _CRT_RAND_S
typedef struct
int n;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
double R;
double matrix_elements;
double k_bind[9], k_unbind[9];
int Free_molecules, fr_mol;
SYNAPSE *Synapses;
int *SimResult;
int *FrapResult;
int i, j, k, x, y, n, nbrs;
int dt, bleached;
FILE *fout, *ffrap;
time_t timeval, endval, timeinsec;
char *filename = OUTPUTFILENAME;
char *frapfilename = FRAPOUTPUTFILENAME;
unsigned int randnumber;
/* initialize ISAAC random number generator */
#ifndef ISAAC
errno_t err;
#ifdef ISAAC
randctx ctx;
ctx.randa = ctx.randb = ctx.randc = (ub4) 0;
/* default seed of pseudo random number generator */
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
ctx.randrsl[i] = (ub4) 0;
/* unless the seed is changed, the random number streams are identical in all runs.
The code below generates a different seed on each run, resulting in a different simulation
each time it is run.
If the seed is not changed, all simulation runs lead to identical results */
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
time (&timeinsec);
randnumber = (timeinsec * i) & 0xFFFFFFF;
ctx.randrsl[i] = (ub4) randnumber;
/* if 'flag' is set to 'TRUE', ctx.randrsl is used as a seed */
randinit(&ctx, TRUE);
/* allocate memory for matrices and simulation results */
matrix_elements = (double) (MATRIXDIM * MATRIXDIM);
Synapses = (SYNAPSE *) malloc(N_SYNAPSES * sizeof (SYNAPSE));
if (Synapses == NULL)
printf ("Memory allocation error\n");
return 0;
SimResult = (int *) malloc(N_SYNAPSES * (STEPS + 1) * sizeof (int));
if (SimResult == NULL)
free ((void *) Synapses);
printf ("Memory allocation error\n");
return 0;
FrapResult = (int *) malloc((STEPS - FRAP_CYCLE + 1) * FRAP_SYNAPSES * sizeof (int));
if (FrapResult == NULL)
free ((void *) Synapses);
free ((void *) SimResult);
printf ("Memory allocation error\n");
return 0;
/* clear the memory blocks */
memset (Synapses, 0, N_SYNAPSES * sizeof (SYNAPSE));
memset (SimResult, 0, N_SYNAPSES * (STEPS + 1) * sizeof (int));
memset (FrapResult, 0, (STEPS - FRAP_CYCLE + 1) * FRAP_SYNAPSES * sizeof (int));
/* open the output file */
if (0 != fopen_s (&fout, filename, "w"))
printf ("Could not open file %s\n", filename);
return 0;
/* open the FRAP output file */
if (0 != fopen_s (&ffrap, frapfilename, "w"))
printf ("Could not open FRAP file %s\n", frapfilename);
return 0;
/* calculate the cooperativity functions */
for (i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++i)
k_bind[i] = (double) i * ((double) P_ON / 8.0) + (double) ALPHA;
k_unbind[8 - i] = (double) i * ((double) P_OFF / 8.0);
/* initialize the total molecules counter */
Free_molecules = TOTAL_MOLECULES;
/* start output to console */
printf ("Time step:\n");
time (&timeval);
/* loop on simulation steps */
for (dt = 1 ; dt < STEPS ; ++dt)
/* update the temporary free molecule counter */
fr_mol = Free_molecules;
/* loop on synapses */
for (i = 0 ; i < N_SYNAPSES ; ++i)
/* get the number of bound molecules for this synapse from the previous iteration */
n = Synapses[i].n;
/* get the number of neighbours for each position in the current matrix */
for (j = 0 ; j < MATRIXDIM ; ++j)
for (k = 0 ; k < MATRIXDIM; ++k)
nbrs = 0;
/* loop on matrix dimensions, accounting for edges */
for (x = max(0, j - 1) ; x <= min(MATRIXDIM - 1, j + 1) ; ++x)
for (y = max(0, k - 1) ; y <= min(MATRIXDIM - 1, k + 1) ; ++y)
if (x == j && y == k)
nbrs += (Synapses[i].S[x][y] > 0);
N[j][k] = nbrs;
/* photobleach */
if (dt == FRAP_CYCLE && i < FRAP_SYNAPSES)
for (j = 0 ; j < MATRIXDIM ; ++j)
for (k = 0 ; k < MATRIXDIM; ++k)
if (Synapses[i].S[j][k])
Synapses[i].S[j][k] = 2;
/* store # of bleached molecules */
if (dt >= FRAP_CYCLE && i < FRAP_SYNAPSES)
bleached = 0;
for (j = 0 ; j < MATRIXDIM ; ++j)
for (k = 0 ; k < MATRIXDIM; ++k)
if (Synapses[i].S[j][k] == 1) //!! reporting non-bleached molecules
*(FrapResult + i * (STEPS - FRAP_CYCLE) + (dt - FRAP_CYCLE)) = bleached;
/* loop on the matrix of the current synapse */
for (j = 0 ; j < MATRIXDIM ; ++j)
for (k = 0 ; k < MATRIXDIM; ++k)
/* get a random number between 0 and 1 */
#ifndef ISAAC
err = rand_s (&randnumber);
if (err != 0)
printf ("The rand_s function failed!\n");
fclose (fout);
free ((void *) SimResult);
return 0;
#ifdef ISAAC
randnumber = rand_ISAAC (&ctx);
R = (double) randnumber / (double) UINT_MAX;
/* add / remove molecules from the current slot */
if (Synapses[i].S[j][k] == 0) /* empty slot? */
/* bind a molecule with a probability based on the cooperativity function
and the number of free molecules and the random number */
if (R < (k_bind[N[j][k]] * (double) Free_molecules))
Synapses[i].S[j][k] = 1;
n++; /* increase the number of bound molecules for the current synapse */
fr_mol--; /* decrease the number of free molecules */
else /* occupied slot */
/* remove a molecule with a probability based on the cooperativity function */
if (R < k_unbind[N[j][k]])
Synapses[i].S[j][k] = 0;
n--; /* decrease the number of bound molecules for the current synapse */
fr_mol++; /* increase the number of free molecules */
/* store the number of bound molecules for the current synapse */
Synapses[i].n = n;
/* store the simulation results for the current synapse and time step */
*(SimResult + i * STEPS + dt) = n;
} /* end of loop on synapses */
/* update the free molecule counter after the completion of a time step */
Free_molecules = fr_mol;
/* print out a result at the end of the current time step iteration */
printf ("Step %d, effective P_ON %f\n", dt, P_ON * Free_molecules);
} /* end of loop on time steps */
/* store the data to file */
for (i = 0 ; i < N_SYNAPSES ; ++i)
for (j = 0 ; j < STEPS ; ++j)
fprintf (fout, "%d\t", *(SimResult + i * STEPS + j));
fprintf (fout, "\n");
/* store the frap data to file */
for (i = 0 ; i < FRAP_SYNAPSES ; ++i)
/* print the number of molecules one step before the FRAP procedure */
fprintf (ffrap, "%d\t", *(SimResult + i * STEPS + FRAP_CYCLE - 1));
for (j = 0 ; j < (STEPS - FRAP_CYCLE) ; ++j)
fprintf (ffrap, "%d\t", *(FrapResult + i * (STEPS - FRAP_CYCLE) + j));
fprintf (ffrap, "\n");
/* print the average effective P_ON over the last 10 steps */
k = n = 0;
for (i = STEPS - 10 ; i < STEPS; ++i)
for (j = 0 ; j < N_SYNAPSES ; ++j)
k += *(SimResult + j * STEPS + i);
k = k / n;
printf ("\nAverage P_ON in last 10 steps was %f\n", P_ON * (double)(TOTAL_MOLECULES - k));
/* close the output file and free the memory */
fclose (fout);
fclose (ffrap);
free ((void *) FrapResult);
free ((void *) SimResult);
free ((void *) Synapses);
/* print the completion message and wait for a keystroke before closing */
time (&endval);
printf ("\n Done in %d seconds\nPress any key to continue...\n", (int)(endval - timeval));
return 0;