// small_run.hoc derived from authors code main.hoc
load_file("n17_full9_fem_type1RD_Gillies.hoc") // Geometry #1
//load_file("n17_full9_fem_type3RD_Gillies.hoc") // Geometry #3
//load_file("n17_full9_fem_type4RD_Gillies.hoc") // Geometry #4
strdef waveform_filename //stimulus waveform made with capacitive Femlab model and fourier_waveform.m
strdef voltage_filename //voltage file (voltages for each cell and each compartment) made with dbs_pop_coord2.m
strdef output_file1 , output_file2
waveform_filename = "fem_fourier_waveform/ffw_reconstr_bipo2_encap250_136Hz_210us.txt"
voltage_filename = "fem_voltage/STNtype4_bipo2_encap250_elecH1new.txt"
output_file1 = "STNtype4_bipo2_elecH1new_FFT_Encap250_gaba0_1p8V_somaSMALL.dat"
output_file2 = "STNtype4_bipo2_elecH1new_FFT_Encap250_gaba0_1p8V_somaSMALL.log"
//Extracellular stimulation parameters
Vamp = 30 //[V] extracell. stimulation voltage
//Extracellular stimulation parameters
delay=10 // shortened from 100 for demo
num_test_pulses = 2// shorted from 25 for demo
polarity = 1 //-1 for cathodic, +1 for anodic , set to 1 for bipolar stimuli
freq=136 //Hz //LOAD CORRECT FOURIER-DERIVED WAVEFORM ; dont change later because extra_stim depends on it
dur = num_test_pulses*1000/freq //we want num_test_pulses current pulses
ratio = 10 // for Asymmetric and pseudomonophasic : pre-pulse or post-pulse has amplitude amp/ratio, duration pw*ratio (and polarity -1*polarity)
//Simulation parameters
dt=0.01 //ms// //CAN'T CHANGE BECAUSE extra_stim depends on it
tstop = delay+dur+100 //don't change it later because extra_stim size depends on it.
steps_per_ms=20 //100
//create synapse and set parameters
synstim=0 //2 //[nA] amplitude for syntrainGABA and syntrainGLU trainIClamp -> DO NOT DEPEND ON ELECTRODE PARAMS
synpw= 1 //[ms] pulse width for syntrainGABA and syntrainGLU trainIClamp -> DO NOT DEPEND ON ELECTRODE PARAMS
GABAsynAg= 0.011 //[uS]
objref GABAsynA, syntrainGABA
create GABApre
GABApre {
insert pas
max_pop = 60 // max number of cells in population
objref V_raw, Ve, V
V_raw=new Vector(total*max_pop,0) //total is number of compartments (comes from geometry file)
Ve=new Vector(total,0)
V=new Vector(total,0)
//variables for calculating average instantaneous firing freq, average interspike period and average freq (#spikes/recording_time)
//at the end of axon, and in soma
avg_inst_freq = 0
std_inst_freq = 0
avg_period = 0
std_period = 0
avg_freq = 0
avg_inst_freq_soma = 0
std_inst_freq_soma = 0
avg_period_soma = 0
std_period_soma = 0
avg_freq_soma = 0
objref order_freq
order_freq = new Vector (dur, 0) //instantaneous firing rate for each spike
//initcell() //sets up mechanisms in the cell...from morphology file
// set up xyz scale bars
create xScale, yScale, zScale
proc anatscale() {
if ($4>0) { // if length arg is <= 0 then do nothing
xScale {
pt3dadd($1, $2, $3, 1)
pt3dadd($1+$4, $2, $3, 1)
yScale {
pt3dadd($1, $2, $3, 1)
pt3dadd($1, $2+$4, $3, 1)
zScale {
pt3dadd($1, $2, $3, 1)
pt3dadd($1, $2, $3+$4, 1)
anatscale(0,0,0,100) // origin xyz and length
//Set up extracellular stimulus
objref exIClmp
exIClmp = new IClamp() //extracellular stimulus// FOURIER-DERIVED WAVEFORM //this line must not be inside stimul()
proc stimulus(){
Vstim = Vamp * polarity
electrode { //electrode is created in morphology file
exIClmp.del=0 //will use vectorplay
exIClmp.dur = 1000000 //will use vectorplay
exIClmp.amp=0 //will use vectorplay to determine stimulus amplitude at any time point
for i=0,total-1 {
Ve.x[i]=Vstim*V.x[i]*1e3 //mV
//synapse setup
GABApre { //pre-synaptic terminal (created in morphology file)
syntrainGABA = new trainIClamp()
soma[1] { //soma is stimulated (inhibited) by GABAa synaptic current
GABAsynA=new GABAa()
setpointer GABAsynA.pre, GABApre.v(0.5)
//describes custom wavefrom for extracellular stimulus (fourier-derived waveform in this case)
objref extra_stim
time_step = int(tstop/dt) + 1
extra_stim = new Vector(time_step,-1) //RESIZE IF CHANGING TSTOP LATER
//load one cycle of fourier-derived waveform shape (normalized to 1V; dt=0.01); loads vector fdw
objref fdw
cycle_size = int(1000/(freq*dt)) + 1
fdw = new Vector(cycle_size,0)
//calculate extra_stim values for each time-step. These values will then be fed to exIClmp.amp
proc calc_extra_stim(){local tmp_del, tmp_dur, my_time, i, j
my_time = 0
if (freq == 0 || dur == 0 || Vamp == 0) { //no stimulation
for i = 0, time_step-1 {
extra_stim.x[i] = 0
} else {
i = 0
while(my_time < delay && i < extra_stim.size()) { //before stimulus train
extra_stim.x[i] = 0
i = i+1
my_time = my_time + dt
while (my_time < delay+dur && i < extra_stim.size()) { //during stimulus train
for j = 0, cycle_size-1 {
extra_stim.x[i] = fdw.x[j] //extra_stim has no units
i = i+1
my_time = my_time + dt
while (i < extra_stim.size()) { //after stimulus train
extra_stim.x[i] = 0
i = i+1
my_time = my_time + dt
//action potential counter
objref apc, apc_times, apc_soma, apc_times_soma
proc setup_AP_count(){
AP_ct_node = -1
node[axonnodes-2] apc = new APCount(0.2)
AP_ct_node = axonnodes-2
apc_times = new Vector()
apc.thresh = -20 //mV
soma[1] apc_soma = new APCount(0.2)
apc_times_soma = new Vector()
apc_soma.thresh = -20 //mV
//set up AP counters in every node and soma
objectvar AP_counters[axonnodes+1] //AP counter at every node and soma
objectvar AP_timerec[axonnodes+1] //records AP time at every node and soma
for i =0, axonnodes{
AP_timerec[i] = new Vector()
proc setup_APc_all(){
num_ap_counters = axonnodes + 1
for i = 0,num_ap_counters-2 {
node[i] AP_counters[i] = new APCount(.5) //put AP counter in every node
AP_counters[i].record(AP_timerec[i]) //records times of APs
soma[1] AP_counters[num_ap_counters-1] = new APCount(.5) //put AP counter in soma //MULTICOMPARTMENT SOMA
//threshold seeking functions
objref extra_APs, required_APs
required_APs = new Vector(200,0) //times of current stimulus pulses
num_req_APs = 0 //number of APs expected in response to stimulus pulses (ie size of required_APs vector)
extra_APs = new Vector(200,0) //times of APs during stimulation that are not caused by stimulus pulses
num_extra = 0 //size of extra_APs vector
cyc = 0 //number of stimulation pulses
epsilon = 0.1 //was 0.01 //was 0.001 //allowed error when looking for threshold
AP_delay = 4 //ms// //time allowed between stimulus pulse initiation and AP at the AP_counter so that
//AP is considered to be caused by stimulus itself
num_req = 0 //number of required APs that happened
soma_orig_ap = 0 //number of APs that originated in soma but counted as stimulus related NOT ACCURATE
soma_orig_ap2 = 0 //number of APs that originated in soma but counted as extra APs NOT ACCURATE
num_soma_ap = 0 //number of APs in soma during stim
//calculate times of current stimulus pulses (starting time), and store them in Vector required_APs
//APs should follow after a certain time whose maximum is AP_delay
proc calculate_required_APs() { local i
num_req_APs = 0
if (freq == 1) {
cyc = 1
} else {
if (dur > tstop) {
cyc = int((tstop-delay)*freq/1000)
} else {
cyc = int(dur*freq/1000)
for i = 0, cyc-1 {
required_APs.x[num_req_APs] = delay+i*1000/freq
num_req_APs = num_req_APs +1
if (num_req_APs != num_test_pulses) {
print "Freq = ", freq, "...Number of required APs is not", num_test_pulses, "!!, but ", num_req_APs
//function checks if cell responds to all stimulus pulses (but it may overestimate # spike responses )
//and records any extra APs to a vector extra_APs
func response_to_stimulus(){ local i, j, flag, flag2
num_req = 0
num_extra = 0
flag = 0
flag2 = 0
soma_orig_ap= 0
soma_orig_ap2= 0
for i = 0, apc.n-1 {
if ((apc_times.x[i] > delay) && (apc_times.x[i] <= delay+dur+AP_delay)) { //AP_delay added if there are any APs that are responding to stimulus pulse at the very end of pulse duration
flag = 0
for j = flag2, num_req_APs-1 {
if ((apc_times.x[i] > required_APs.x[j]) && (apc_times.x[i] <= required_APs.x[j]+AP_delay)) {
if (soma_ap(i)==1){
soma_orig_ap= soma_orig_ap+1
num_req = num_req+1
flag = 1
flag2= j+1
if (flag == 0) {
if (soma_ap(i)==1){
soma_orig_ap2= soma_orig_ap2+1
extra_APs.x[num_extra] = apc_times.x[i]
num_extra = num_extra+1
print " Num required current pulses = ", num_req_APs, " Num required that happened = ", num_req
print " Num_extra = ", num_extra
if (num_req >= 0.8*num_req_APs) { //there is AP following 80% of stimulus pulses
return 1
return 0
//returns 1 is AP originated in soma, 0 otherwise
//ap_number is ordinal number of AP
func soma_ap(){local soma_ap, node0_ap
if ((AP_counters[num_ap_counters-1].n) <= ap_number || (AP_counters[0].n) <= ap_number) {
return 0 //couldn't determine if AP originated in soma
soma_ap = AP_timerec[num_ap_counters-1].x[ap_number]
node0_ap = AP_timerec[0].x[ap_number]
if (soma_ap < node0_ap) {
return 1
return 0
func trial() {
Vamp = $1 //in volts
print " Trial voltage = ", Vamp*polarity, " V"
if (response_to_stimulus() == 1) {
return 1
return 0
//return voltage threshold in V
func threshold() {
strength = 1.0 //in Volts
low_limit = 1e-3
lbound = low_limit
up_limit = 10
ubound = up_limit
while (lbound == low_limit || ubound == up_limit) {
excited = trial(strength)
if (excited > 0) {
ubound = strength
strength = ubound/2
}else {
lbound = strength
strength = 2*lbound
if(lbound>ubound) return up_limit
if (strength>ubound) return up_limit
strength = (ubound+lbound)/2
while((abs(ubound-lbound))>(abs(epsilon*ubound))) {
excited = trial(strength)
if (excited > 0) {
ubound = strength
strength = (ubound+lbound)/2
}else {
lbound = strength
strength = (3*ubound+lbound)/4
return strength // threshold in Volts
//strength is between ubound and lbound; ubound is returned because that is the
//closest value to strength for which we know causes an AP (strength might not be enough)
//finding AP initiation site
objref temp_vec
temp_vec = new Vector(num_ap_counters,0)
proc AP_init_site(){
AP_site1 = -1 //node where AP appears first
AP_site2 = -1 //node where AP appears second
time1 = -1 //time of AP appearance at site1
time2 = -1 //time of AP appearance at site2
for qw = 0, num_ap_counters-1{
temp_vec.x[qw] = 100000 //set it to a big number so it doesn't interfere with finding shortest time
for wh=0, AP_counters[qw].n-1 {
if (AP_timerec[qw].x[wh] > delay) { //first AP when stim starts
temp_vec.x[qw] = AP_timerec[qw].x[wh]
if (temp_vec.min() == 100000) {
print "NO AP during stimulation...."
} else{
//find index of AP counter that recorded shortest time (ie where AP first appeared)
AP_site1 = temp_vec.min_ind()
time1 = temp_vec.x[AP_site1]
//find second site for AP initialization
temp_vec.x[AP_site1]= 100000
AP_site2 = temp_vec.min_ind() //2nd most depolarized node at time1
time2 = temp_vec.x[AP_site2]
//calculate firing freq (#spikes/recording_time), average instantaneous firing freq, firing period (and standard deviations)
//consider time between time_beg and time_end (given as arguments)
//AP counter is distal node
proc calculate_freq(){ local time_beg, time_end, sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, dd, kk, gg
time_beg = $1
time_end = $2
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
sum3 = 0
sum4 = 0
dd = 0 //number of interspike intervals
gg = 0 //number of spikes
for kk = 0, apc.n-2 {
if ((apc_times.x[kk] > time_beg) && (apc_times.x[kk+1] <= time_end)) {
tmp5 = apc_times.x[kk+1]-apc_times.x[kk]
sum1 = sum1 + tmp5
sum2 = sum2 + tmp5^2
sum3 = sum3 + (1000/tmp5) //convert from ms to seconds, then to Hz
sum4 = sum4 + (1000/tmp5)^2
order_freq.x[dd] = (1000/tmp5) //convert from ms to seconds, then to Hz
avg_period = 0
avg_inst_freq = 0
if (dd != 0) {
avg_period = sum1/dd
avg_inst_freq = sum3/dd
for kk = 0, apc.n-1 {
if ((apc_times.x[kk] > time_beg) && (apc_times.x[kk] <= time_end)) gg = gg+1
avg_freq = 1000*gg/(time_end-time_beg) //convert time from ms to sec
std_period = 0
std_inst_freq = 0
if (dd-1 > 0) {
var_period = (sum2 - sum1^2/dd)/(dd-1)
var_freq = (sum4 - sum3^2/dd)/(dd-1)
if (var_period > 0) {
std_period = sqrt(var_period)
if (var_freq > 0) {
std_inst_freq = sqrt(var_freq)
//calculate firing freq (#spikes/recording_time), average instantaneous firing freq, firing period (and standard deviations)
//consider time between time_beg and time_end (given as arguments)
//use AP counter at the soma
proc calculate_freq_soma(){ local time_beg, time_end, sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, dd, kk, gg
time_beg = $1
time_end = $2
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
sum3 = 0
sum4 = 0
dd = 0 //number of interspike intervals
gg = 0 //number of spikes
for kk = 0, apc_soma.n-2 {
if ((apc_times_soma.x[kk] > time_beg) && (apc_times_soma.x[kk+1] <= time_end)) {
tmp5 = apc_times_soma.x[kk+1]-apc_times_soma.x[kk]
sum1 = sum1 + tmp5
sum2 = sum2 + tmp5^2
sum3 = sum3 + (1000/tmp5) //convert from ms to seconds, then to Hz
sum4 = sum4 + (1000/tmp5)^2
order_freq.x[dd] = (1000/tmp5) //convert from ms to seconds, then to Hz
avg_period_soma = 0
avg_inst_freq_soma = 0
if (dd != 0) {
avg_period_soma = sum1/dd
avg_inst_freq_soma = sum3/dd
for kk = 0, apc_soma.n-1 {
if ((apc_times_soma.x[kk] > time_beg) && (apc_times_soma.x[kk] <= time_end)) gg = gg+1
avg_freq_soma = 1000*gg/(time_end-time_beg) //convert time from ms to sec
std_period_soma = 0
std_inst_freq_soma = 0
if (dd-1 > 0) {
var_period = (sum2 - sum1^2/dd)/(dd-1)
var_freq = (sum4 - sum3^2/dd)/(dd-1)
if (var_period > 0) {
std_period_soma = sqrt(var_period)
if (var_freq > 0) {
std_inst_freq_soma = sqrt(var_freq)
//return number of APs in soma
//consider time between time_beg and time_end (given as arguments)
//AP counter is in soma
func calculate_soma_ap(){ local time_beg, time_end, gg, kk
time_beg = $1
time_end = $2
gg = 0 //number of spikes
for kk = 0, AP_counters[num_ap_counters-1].n-2 {
if ((AP_timerec[num_ap_counters-1].x[kk] > time_beg) && (AP_timerec[num_ap_counters-1].x[kk+1] <= time_end)) {
return gg
//calculate time between end of stimulus pulse and first spontaneous spike
//return -1 if there are no spikes after stimulus ended
//wait wait_time milliseconds after stimulus ends before looking for an after stimulus spike
func calculate_delay(){ local wait_time
wait_time = 2 //ms //WAS 2
for kk = 0, apc.n-1 {
if (apc_times.x[kk] > delay+dur+wait_time) {
return apc_times.x[kk]-(delay+dur)
return -1
//calculate instantaneous firing frequency of first interspike interval during stimulus
//return -1 if there are no spikes (or only one) during stimulus
func calculate_first_int(){
for kk = 0, apc.n-2 {
if ((apc_times.x[kk] > delay) && (apc_times.x[kk+1] <= delay+dur)) {
return 1000/(apc_times.x[kk+1]-apc_times.x[kk]) //convert to seconds, then to Hz
return -1
//procedure that returns number of APs between time time_beg and time_end
func num_APs() { local count
time_beg = $1
time_end = $2
count = 0
for kk = 0, apc.n-1 {
if ((apc_times.x[kk] > time_beg) && (apc_times.x[kk] <= time_end)) {
count = count + 1
return count
proc advance(){
for i=0,total-1 {
s[i].sec.e_extracellular(0.5)=(exIClmp.i)*Ve.x[i] //mV//
//feed values of extra_stim to IClamp amplitude. Values change at each time step (dt).
//It is important that 'play' be set up before finitialize, but actual values can be calculated later
extra_stim.play(&exIClmp.amp, dt)
tstop = delay+dur+100
objref cell_pos
cell_pos=new Vector(max_pop*3,0)
xopen(voltage_filename) //load extracell. voltages from FEMLAB
//locations of neurons
//num_cells is number of cells in population (loaded with voltage data)
objectvar cell_coords[num_cells] //coordinates of cells in population (their center coords)
for i =0, num_cells-1{
cell_coords[i] = new Vector(3,0)
cell_coords[i].x[0] = cell_pos.x[i*3] //cell_pos is also loaded with voltage data
cell_coords[i].x[1] = cell_pos.x[i*3+1]
cell_coords[i].x[2] = cell_pos.x[i*3+2]
//Extracellular stimulus pulse frequency (Hz)
objref freq_vec
freq_vec = new Vector (5,0)
print "Simulation running...\n"
objref f1, f2
f1 = new File()
f2 = new File()
f1.printf("DBS voltage pulse train stimulation of active STN neuron POPULATION\n\n")
f2.printf("DBS voltage pulse train stimulation of active STN neuron POPULATION\n\n")
f1.printf("Stimulus waveform used: %s\n", waveform_filename)
f1.printf("Voltage stimulus params: freq=variable Hz, pw=%f, delay=%f ms, dur=variable, amp=%f, polarity=%d, # test pulses = %d \n", pw, delay, Vamp, polarity, num_test_pulses)
f1.printf("Other params: tstop=%f ms, dt=%f ms, steps_per_ms=%f ms, AP_delay=%f, number of nodes=%d, epsilon=%f, AP_counter at node %d, ratio=%f\n", tstop, dt, steps_per_ms, AP_delay, axonnodes, epsilon, AP_ct_node, ratio)
f1.printf("GABA synapse in soma[1]: synstim = %f, synpw = %f, GABAsynAg = %f\n\n", synstim, synpw, GABAsynAg)
f2.printf("Voltage stimulus params: freq=variable Hz, pw=%f, delay=%f ms, dur=variable, amp=%f, polarity=%d, # test pulses = %d \n", pw, delay, Vamp, polarity, num_test_pulses)
f2.printf("Other params: tstop=%f ms, dt=%f ms, steps_per_ms=%f ms, AP_delay=%f, number of nodes=%d, epsilon=%f, AP_counter at node %d \n\n", tstop, dt, steps_per_ms, AP_delay, axonnodes, epsilon, AP_ct_node)
f2.printf("Cell locations (x,y,z)\n")
for i = 0, num_cells-1 {
f2.printf("%f\t%f\t%f\n", cell_coords[i].x[0], cell_coords[i].x[1], cell_coords[i].x[2])
if (dt != 0.01) {
print "dt is not 0.01!!!!!!!"
//main loop of the program...cycles thru frequencies, electrode locations
for ff = 0,0{ //0 to 4
print "Stim_freq = ", freq
f1.printf("\nStimulus voltage pulse frequency: %f\n", freq)
f2.printf("\n\nStimulus voltage pulse frequency: %f\n", freq)
f2.printf("Times of stimulus pulses\n")
f2.printf("Voltage Pulse \t Time \n")
for i = 0, num_req_APs-1 {
f2.printf("%d \t %f\n", i+1, required_APs.x[i]) //print times of voltage stimulus pulses
f1.printf("Cell # \t X \t Y \t Z \t Thresh voltage(V) \t ubound \t # required APs \t #extra APs during stim \t")
f1.printf("Avg spikes/sec B(Hz) \t Avg Inst firing B (Hz) \t Inst rate STD B (Hz) \t Avg spikes/sec SOMA B(Hz) \t Avg Inst firing SOMA B (Hz) \t ")
f1.printf("Avg spikes/sec D (Hz) \t Avg Inst firing D \t Inst rate STD D (Hz) \t Avg spikes/sec SOMA D(Hz) \t Avg Inst firing SOMA D (Hz) \t ")
f1.printf("Avg spikes/sec A (Hz) \t Avg Inst firing A \t Inst rate STD A (Hz) \t Avg spikes/sec SOMA A(Hz) \t Avg Inst firing SOMA A (Hz) \t ")
f1.printf("Avg freq D aft 100ms(Hz) \t Delay after stim (ms) \t")
f1.printf("AP site#1 \t AP site#2 \t AP time1 \t AP time2\t soma_orig \t soma_orig2\t #soma AP during stim\n")
// ModelDB admin: demo run code instead of long loop (see main.hoc for authors code at this location)
excited =trial(strength)
print "ModelDB Administrator: please main.hoc to see author supplied loop which this short demo has ommitted"
//go thru different cells
for jj=0, -1 { // orig code: num_cells-1{ //0, num_cells-1
print " Cell# ", jj, ", Cell location ", cell_coords[jj].x[0], cell_coords[jj].x[1], cell_coords[jj].x[2]
f2.printf("\n\nCell position: %d %d %d\n", cell_coords[jj].x[0], cell_coords[jj].x[1], cell_coords[jj].x[2])
for kk = 0,total-1{
V.x[kk] = V_raw.x[jj*total+kk]
thresh_curr = threshold()
// thresh_curr = -10
ubound = Vamp //in Volts
trial(ubound) //do it again to get AP times for determined threshold
calculate_freq(delay, delay+dur) //during stimulation
f1.printf("%d \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %d\t %d\t", jj,cell_coords[jj].x[0], cell_coords[jj].x[1], cell_coords[jj].x[2],thresh_curr, ubound, num_req, num_extra)
//before stimulation
calculate_freq(0, delay)
calculate_freq_soma(0, delay)
print "Before stimulation"
print " avg_fr =" , avg_freq, "Avg Inst fr = ", avg_inst_freq, "Hz, std_fr = ", std_inst_freq
f1.printf("%f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t ", avg_freq, avg_inst_freq, std_inst_freq,avg_freq_soma, avg_inst_freq_soma)
//during stimulation
calculate_freq(delay, delay+dur)
calculate_freq_soma(delay, delay+dur)
print "During stimulation"
print " avg_fr =" , avg_freq, "Avg Inst fr = ", avg_inst_freq, "Hz, std_fr = ", std_inst_freq
f1.printf("%f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t ", avg_freq, avg_inst_freq, std_inst_freq,avg_freq_soma, avg_inst_freq_soma)
//after stimulation
calculate_freq(delay+dur, tstop)
calculate_freq_soma(delay+dur, tstop)
print "After stimulation"
print " avg_fr =" , avg_freq, "Avg Inst fr = ", avg_inst_freq, "Hz, std_fr = ", std_inst_freq
f1.printf("%f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t ", avg_freq, avg_inst_freq, std_inst_freq,avg_freq_soma, avg_inst_freq_soma)
spike_del = calculate_delay()
print " spike delay =" , spike_del, " ms"
calculate_freq(delay+100, delay+dur) //100ms after stim begins
f1.printf("%f \t %f \t ", avg_freq, spike_del)
f1.printf("%d \t %d \t %f \t %f \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", AP_site1, AP_site2, time1, time2, soma_orig_ap,soma_orig_ap2,calculate_soma_ap(delay,delay+dur))
f2.printf("\n\nAll AP times for cell# %d(ms)\n", jj)
for kk=0, apc.n-1 {
f2.printf("\t %f\n", apc_times.x[kk])
f2.printf("Extra AP times during stimulation (ms) of cell# %d\n", jj)
for kk=0, num_extra-1 {
f2.printf("\t %f\n", extra_APs.x[kk])
f2.printf("Soma AP times all (ms) of cell# %d\n", jj)
for kk=0, AP_counters[num_ap_counters-1].n-1 {
f2.printf("\t %f\n", AP_timerec[num_ap_counters-1].x[kk])