% Sample simulation and plotting script...
% June 8th 2011 - Alex Loebel & Michele Giugliano
clear all;
close all;
a(1) = 784812681;
a(2) = 2993201485;
randn('state', a');
J = 10.5; % Recurrent synaptic coupling efficacy
U = 0.35; % Probability of synaptic release
tau_rec = 0.7; % Depression recovery time constant [sec]
%tau_fac = 0.25; % Facilitation recovery time constant [sec]
T = 200.; % Simulation life-time [sec]
dt = 0.0005; % Integration time-step [sec]
N = fix(T/dt); % Number of iterations
M = fix(N/4); % Number of points to discard transients
tau_V = 0.05; % Membrane time-constant [sec]
threshold = 2.; % Neuronal response function threshold
alpha = 1.; % Neuronal response function gain
sigma = 0.4; % Intensity of background noise
I = 0.; % External input
V = 0.; % Voltage [a.u.]
u = U; % Instantaneous probability of release
x = 1.; % Amount of recovered resources [a.u.]
out = zeros(N, 1);% Preallocation of output data structure [a.u.]
t = dt*(1:N); % Time axis for plotting purpouses only [sec]
for k=1:N,
out(k) = V;
noise = sigma * sqrt(dt) / tau_V * randn;
V = V + (dt/tau_V) * (-V + J * u * x * PHI(V, threshold, alpha) + I) + noise;
x = x + dt * ( (1.-x)/tau_rec - u * x * PHI(V, threshold, alpha) );
%u = u + dt * ( (U-u)/tau_fac + U * (1-u) * PHI(V, threshold, alpha) );
out = out(M:end);
t = t(M:end);
figure; set(gcf, 'Color', [1 1 1]);
h1 = subplot(1,2,1);
h2 = subplot(1,2,2);
set(h1, 'Position', [0.03 0.1100 0.65 0.4150])
set(h2, 'Position', [0.7 0.1100 0.2347 0.4150])
P = plot(t, out, 'k');
set(P, 'LineWidth', 1);
set(h1, 'XLim', [50 100], 'YLim', [-10 100], 'Visible', 'on');
set(h1, 'XTick', [55:5:95], 'YTick', [10:20:90]);
xlabel('time (s)', 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 30);
ylabel('Net activity (a.u.)', 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 30);
YLIM = get(h1, 'Ylim');
[nn xx] = hist(out, 400);
B = bar(xx, nn/length(nn),1);
set(B, 'FaceColor', [0 0 0], 'EdgeColor', [0 0 0]);
set(h2, 'XLim', [-20 70], 'XLim', YLIM);
set(h2, 'View', [90 -90], 'XAxisLocation', 'top')
set(h2, 'XTick', [10:20:90], 'YTickLabel', '');
set([h1 h2], 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 15)
print(gcf, '-depsc2', 'Figure4_panel_c.eps')
print(gcf, '-dpng', 'Figure4_panel_c.png')