function C = generate_connectivity(N, P1, P2)
% This function returns a binary connectivity matrix [C], whose generic
% elements C(i,j) are non-zero according to the following scheme
% the probability of having both connections C(i,j) and C(j,i) is P2;
% the probability of having only one connections C(i,j) OR C(j,i) is P1;
% the probability of having no connection is 1-(P1+P2);
% If one wants to generate a usual random connectivity with p = 10% prob.
% and independent probability of (i.e. 10% * 10% = p^2 = 1%) joint
% connectivity, then please choose
% P1 = 2*p*(1-p)
% P2 = p*p
% 3 events are possible and must be generated...
% P_bidirectional = P2
% P_unidirectional = P1
% P_noconnection = Po
% Let's then take these values, Po, P1, and P2 and place them on the x-axis
% so that they cover entirely the range [0 ; 1] of a uniform R.V.
if ((P1 + P2) > 1) disp('Error! P1 + P2 > 1!'); C = []; return; end;
Po = 1 - (P1 + P2);
r1 = Po;
r2 = r1 + P1 * 0.5;
r3 = r2 + P1 * 0.5;
r4 = r3 + P2;
for i=1:N,
for j=(i+1):N,
r = rand;
if (r < r1)
C(i,j) = 0; C(j,i) = 0;
elseif (r < r2)
C(i,j) = 1; C(j,i) = 0;
elseif (r < r3)
C(i,j) = 0; C(j,i) = 1;
else % r > r3 and r < r4
C(i,j) = 1; C(j,i) = 1;