function C = generate_dynamics(C, Pff, Pdd, Pfd, Pf, Pd)
% This function modifies the elements of the input binary connectivity
% matrix [C], whose generic as it follows.
% Convention: C(i,j) == 1, iff facilitaiting connection
% C(i,j) == -1, iff depressing connection
% if they are '1' they can be turned into '1' or '-1' with the specified set
% of probabilities...
% For those cases in which C(i,j) == 1 and C(j,i) == 1:
% Pff --> probability that C(i,j) will be set to '1' and that C(j,i).. '1'
% Pdd --> probability that C(i,j) will be set to '-1' and that C(j,i).. '-1'
% Pfd --> probability that C(i,j) will be set to '1' and that C(j,i).. '-1'
% Pdf --> probability that C(i,j) will be set to '-1' and that C(j,i).. '1'
% For the other cases
% Pf --> probability that C(i,j) will be set to '1' while that C(j,i) was '0'
% Pd --> probability that C(i,j) will be set to '-1' while that C(j,i) was '0'
eventlist_loop = [1 2 3 4];
probabilities_loop = [Pff Pdd Pfd Pfd];
eventlist = [5 6];
probabilities = [Pf Pd];
N = size(C,1);
for i=1:N,
for j=(i+1):N,
event = 0;
if (C(i,j) && C(j,i)), event = return_event(eventlist_loop, probabilities_loop); end
if (~C(i,j) && C(j,i)), event = return_event(eventlist, probabilities); end
if (C(i,j) && ~C(j,i)), event = return_event(eventlist, probabilities); end
switch event
case 1,
C(i,j) = 1;
C(j,i) = 1;
case 2,
C(i,j) = -1;
C(j,i) = -1;
case 3,
C(i,j) = 1;
C(j,i) = -1;
case 4,
C(i,j) = -1;
C(j,i) = 1;
case 5,
C(i,j) = C(i,j) * 1;
C(j,i) = C(j,i) * 1;
case 6,
C(i,j) = C(i,j) * -1;
C(j,i) = C(j,i) * -1;
function event = return_event(eventlist, probabilities)
% e.g. eventlist = [1 2 3 4]
% note: probabilities must 'sum to 1'
event = [];
n = length(eventlist);
m = length(probabilities);
if (n~=m), disp('Error! Size mismatch!'); return; end
intervals = zeros(n,1);
intervals(1) = probabilities(1);
for i=2:n,
intervals(i) = intervals(i-1) + probabilities(i);
r = rand;
i = 1;
found = 0;
while (~found)
if (r < intervals(i)), event = eventlist(i); found = 1; end;
i = i + 1;
if (~found), disp('This violates axioms...!!!'); end;