IF_NET.. (project with Eleni on STDP + freq-dependent synapses)
typedef unsigned long int INT; // Definition of a new LONG type, just for convenience.
FILE *fopen(); // File pointers to be used for logging results on disk.
FILE *sample; // Output file, contains sample membrane voltage..
FILE *raster; // Output file, contains firing times...
FILE *gfile; // Output file, contains weight or conductance time series...
FILE *weightmatrix; // Output file, contains the actual weight matrix...
FILE *frate; // Output file, contains the mean firing rates for each neuron...
INT N; // Overall number of excitatory neurons (set by the MATLAB-GUI)..
INT i, j, k; // Temporary useful indexes..
double tau_rec, tau_fac; // Temporary variables.
double U, tmp_rec, tmp_fac, delta;// Temporary variables.
double udot, wdot; // Temporary variables.
double tmp_r1, tmp_r2; // Numerical efficiency temporary variables (i.e. calculated once for all)
double tmp_Ge, tmp_o1, tmp_o2; // Numerical efficiency temporary variables (i.e. calculated once for all)
double tmp_u1, tmp_u2, tmp_u3; // Numerical efficiency temporary variables (i.e. calculated once for all)
double tmp_u4;// Numerical efficiency temporary variables (i.e. calculated once for all)
double tmpnoise1, tmpnoise2, tmpnoise3; // Numerical efficiency temporary variables (i.e. calculated once for all)
double seed, fixseed; // Imposed random seed and flag {0,1} on whether to fix the seed to it.
double t; // Actual simulation time [ms]
double dt, sdt; // Integration time step and its square root [ms, ms^-1] (Forward Euler)
double Tsim; // Overall simulation time.. [ms]
double Io; // variables for the single-cell current injection(s)..
double Itot; // (i.e. maximal amplitude, delays, actual waveform)
double off, del, period, number; //
double *mu; // Mean of the input current - accounting for heterogeneity
double sigma; // Std.dev. of the input current
double taui; // Autocorrelation length of the input current fluctuations
short **CC; // Dynamic/Static connectivity matrix: 0, iff no connection, 1, iff facilitating, -1 iff depressing
double **W; // Synaptic weight matrix, modified by the STDP triplet rule...
double maxweight; // Upper bound for the elements of the synaptic matrix W (ie. lower is 0)
double fU, fD, fF; // Synaptic parameters (U, tau_D, tau_F) for facilitating synapses
double dU, dD, dF; // Synaptic parameters (U, tau_D, tau_F) for depressing synapses
double **Gr, **Gu; // Synaptic dynamics variables, one per synapse (since the same neuron can establish different synapses with distinct targets)
double *r1, *r2, *o1, *o2; // Long-term, triplet-based STDP rule, pre- and postsynaptic indicators
double taur2, tauo2, taur1, tauo1; // Decay time constant for pre and postsynaptic indicators..
double A2p, A3p, A2m, A3m; // Amplitude of weight change in the various conditions..
double eta; // Learning rate for STDP weight changes...
INT *spiked; // Vector containing at runtime the indexes of those neurons who fired.
INT Nspiked; // Counter for counting how many neurons fired.
double rate; // Variable containing the mean firing rate of the entire network.
double *rates; // Vars containing, for each neurons, its mean firing rate.
double Trate; // Variable containing the time window 'rate' and 'rates[]' are computed over.
double *u; // Membrane voltage [mV]
double *w; // Spike-frequency adaptation variable [pA]
double *to; // Last firing time for the i-th neuron [ms] (needed for the Tarp)
double *to_old; // Last firing time for the i-th neuron [ms] (needed for the synaptic dynamics) // maybe useless
double *Ge; // Incoming current to each neuron
double *Iext; // External current to each neuron
double Getot; // maybe useless
double th; // Peak value for a spike [mV]
double C; // Membrane capacitance [pF]
double g_L; // Membrane conductance [nS]
double E_L; // Resting voltage [mV]
double V_T; // Excitability threshold [mV]
double H; // Reset voltage [mV]
double Tarp; // Absolute refractory period [ms]
double Delta_T; // Excitability slope [mV]
double tau_w, a, b; // spike-frequency adaptation
double latency, tau_Isyn, GA; // Synaptic parameters..