IF_NET.. (project with Eleni on STDP + freq-dependent synapses)
//int allocate_mem()
//int deallocate_mem()
int allocate_mem() {
INT i, j, k;
int error = 0;
printf("Allocating memory...\n"); fflush(NULL);
raster = fopen("raster.x","w"); // Open output file.
sample = fopen("sample.x","w"); // Open output file.
to = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (to == NULL) error = 1;
to_old = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (to_old == NULL) error = 1;
u = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (u == NULL) error = 1;
w = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (w == NULL) error = 1;
Ge = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (Ge == NULL) error = 1;
Iext = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (Iext == NULL) error = 1;
r1 = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (r1 == NULL) error = 1;
r2 = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (r2 == NULL) error = 1;
o1 = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (o1 == NULL) error = 1;
o2 = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (o2 == NULL) error = 1;
spiked = calloc(N, sizeof(INT));
if (spiked == NULL) error = 1;
rates = calloc(N, sizeof(double));
if (rates == NULL) error = 1;
mu = calloc(N, sizeof(double));
if (mu == NULL) error = 1;
Gr = calloc(N, sizeof(double*)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (Gr == NULL) error = 1;
Gu = calloc(N, sizeof(double*)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (Gu == NULL) error = 1;
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
Gr[i] = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (Gr[i] == NULL) error = 1;
Gu[i] = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Dynamic allocation of data structures..
if (Gu[i] == NULL) error = 1;
if (error) printf("Unable to allocate memory!\n\n");
else printf("Done!\n\n");
return error;
} // end allocate_mem()
void deallocate_mem() {
INT i, j, k;
printf("Deallocating the memory...\n");
for(i=0;i<N;i++) { // The allocated memory is set free.
free(Gr); free(Gu); // The allocated memory is set free.
free(CC); free(W); // The allocated memory is set free.
free(Ge); free(Iext); // The allocated memory is set free.
free(to); free(to_old); // The allocated memory is set free.
free(w); free(u); // The allocated memory is set free.
free(r1); free(r2); free(o1); free(o2);
free(spiked); free(mu); free(rates);
// The files that were previously opened are now closed.
fclose(raster); fclose(sample);
} // end deallocate_mem()