IF_NET.. (project with Eleni on STDP + freq-dependent synapses)
void simulate(double Tsim) {
INT i,j,k,center=0;
double tstop;
printf("Simulation started - %.0f msec to go.\n", Tsim);
tstop = t + Tsim;
while (t < tstop) { // Main simulation cycle.. (i.e t=0,dt,2dt,...)
center = center + (fmod(t, 5.)<dt);
center = center % N;
Nspiked = 0;
for (i=0; i<N; i++) { //------------- LET's EVOLVE ALL THE STATE VARIABLES --------------------------------
Iext[i] = Iext[i] * (1. - dt/taui) + dt*mu[i]/taui + sigma * sqrt(2 * dt/taui) * gauss();
//Iext[i] = Iext[i] * tmpnoise1 + tmpnoise2 + tmpnoise3 * gauss();
// Evolution of neuronal variables (unless refractory) - one for each cell
//udot = (t - to[i]) < Tarp ? 0 : (dt / C) * ( g_L * (E_L - u[i]) + g_L * Delta_T * exp((u[i] - V_T)/Delta_T) - w[i] + Ge[i] + Iext[i] );
udot = (t - to[i]) < Tarp ? 0 : tmp_u1 - tmp_u2 * u[i] + tmp_u3 * exp((u[i] - V_T)/Delta_T) + tmp_u4 * (-w[i] + Ge[i] + Iext[i]);
//if ((i==center) & (fmod(t, 5.)<dt)) u[i] = th;
if ((abs(i-center)<=0) & (fmod(t, 5.)<dt)) u[i] = th;
if ((u[i] + udot) > th) {
udot = th - u[i];
spiked[Nspiked++] = i;
//printf("spike in unit %d\n", (int) i);
wdot = (dt/tau_w) * (a * (u[i] - E_L) - w[i]);
w[i] += wdot;
u[i] += udot;
// Evolution of synaptic currents and STDP-associated variables (one for each cell)
Ge[i] *= tmp_Ge;
r1[i] *= tmp_r1;
r2[i] *= tmp_r2;
o1[i] *= tmp_o1;
o2[i] *= tmp_o2;
} // end for i --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (Nspiked > 0) { //------------- WHO DID JUST FIRED ?!?? ------------------------------------------------
for (k=0; k<Nspiked; k++) { // I examine only those neurons that actually just fired
i = spiked[k]; // For each of them: i.e. neuron i-th just fired!!!
u[i] = H; // Its membrane potential is reset to an hyperpolarized value.
w[i] += b; // Its adaptation mechanisms are updated accordingly.
delta = t - to[i]; // or = t-dt - to[i] ??? Interspike interval is computed.
to_old[i] = to[i]; // perhaps useless
to[i] = t; // or = t - dt; ???? Its firing time is recorded.
r1[i]++; // Its STDP presynaptic activity sensor is updated.
r2[i]++; // Its STDP presynaptic activity sensor is updated.
o1[i]++; // Its STDP postsynaptic activity sensor is updated.
o2[i]++; // Its STDP postsynaptic activity sensor is updated.
fprintf(raster,"%f %ld\n", t, i);// The firing event is stored on disk.
for (j=0; j<N; j++) {//------------- MANAGE SYNAPTIC INTERACTIONS AND SHORT/LONG-TERM PLASTICITY -----------
if (CC[j][i]!=0) { // Cycle over all POSTynaptic neurons that the neuron i-th targets...
Ge[j] += W[j][i] * GA * Gu[j][i] * Gr[j][i]; // I manage the consequence of a presynaptic spike (i.e. EPSC).
U = (CC[j][i] > 0) ? fU : dU;
tau_rec = (CC[j][i] > 0 ) ? fD : dD;
tau_fac = (CC[j][i] > 0) ? fF : dF;
tmp_rec = exp(-delta/tau_rec);
tmp_fac = exp(-delta/tau_fac);
//printf("C[%d, %d] = %d\n", (int)j,(int)i,CC[j][i]);
Gr[j][i] = Gr[j][i] * (1. - Gu[j][i]) * tmp_rec + 1 - tmp_rec; // Short-term synaptic depression.
Gu[j][i] = Gu[j][i] * (1. - U) * tmp_fac + U; // Short-term synaptic facilitation.
W[j][i] -= eta * o1[j] * (A2m + A3m * (r2[i]-1.)); // Long-term depression event.
W[j][i] = (W[j][i] < 0) ? 0. : W[j][i]; // Clipping to the lower bound 0.
} // if CC[j,i] != 0
if (CC[i][j]!=0) { // Cycle over all (presynaptic) neurons that target neuron i-th...
W[i][j] += eta * r1[j] * (A2p + A3p * (o2[i]-1.)); // Long-term potentiation event.
W[i][j] = (W[i][j] > maxweight) ? maxweight : W[i][j]; // Clipping to the upper bound maxw..
} // if CC[j][i] != 0
} // end for j
} // end for k
} // end if Nspiked > 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (fmod(t,Tsim * 0.25)<=dt) {
printf("25%% of %f - has been simulated\r", Tsim); fflush(NULL); }
else if (fmod(t,Tsim * 0.5)<=dt) {
printf("50%% of %f - has been simulated\r", Tsim); fflush(NULL); }
else if (fmod(t,Tsim * 0.75)<=dt) {
printf("75%% of %f - has been simulated\r", Tsim); fflush(NULL); }
t += dt; // Finally, the current simulation time is increased by dt.
} // end while() // End of the main simulation loop.
printf("Simulation done!\n\n");
}// end simulate()