/********************** INIT *************************************/
void init() {
INT i,j,k;
dt = 0.1; // Integration time step [ms].
sdt = sqrt(0.1); // Square root of the dt [ms^0.5].
eta = 1.; // Learning rate
// (1) Model neuron parameters (i.e. exponential I&F)
th = 20.; // [mV] - peak value for a spike
C = 281.; // Membrane capacitance [pF]
g_L = 30.; // Membrane conductance [nS] (i.e. taum = 16.6667 ms)
E_L = -70.6; // Resting membrane potential [mV]
V_T = -50.4; // Excitability threshold [mV].
H = -70.6; // Reset potential [mV].
Delta_T = 2.; // Excitability slope [mV]
Tarp = 2.; // Absolute refractory period [ms].
// (2) Model neuron parameters (i.e. spike-freq. adaptation of the exp I&F)
tau_w = 144.; // [ms] - decay time constant for adaptation variable
a = 4.; // [nS] - voltage-dependence of adaptation variable
b = 0.0805; // [nA] - spike-dependence of adaptation variable
// (3) Synaptic coupling (and plasticity) parameters
maxweight = 5.; // was 1.2
tau_Isyn= 5.; // Decay time constant of individual EPSC [ms]
//GA = 200.; // Maximal synaptic weight (for each synapse, same value) - was 200 for facilitating and depressing synapses
fU = 0.1; // Probability of release (for each synapse, same value)
fD = 100.; // was 5 // [ms] recovery from short-term depression (for each synapse, same value)
fF = 900.; // was 5000 // [ms] recovery from short-term facilitation (for each synapse, same value)
dU = 0.8; // Probability of release (for each synapse, same value)
dD = 900.; // was 500 // [ms] recovery from short-term depression (for each synapse, same value)
dF = 100.; // was 5 // [ms] recovery from short-term facilitation (for each synapse, same value)
rate = 0.;
Trate = 5000.; // [ms] temporal window to compute mean firing frequencies over
// -- VISUAL CORTEX, MINIMAL MODEL (Pfister & Gerstner, 2006) ------------------------------
taur2 = 101.; // Decay time constant of presynaptic indicators (tau_x)
tauo2 = 114.; // Decay time constant of postsynaptic indicators (tau_y)
taur1 = 16.8; // Decay time constant of presynaptic indicators (tau^+)
tauo1 = 33.7; // Decay time constant of postsynaptic indicators (tau^-)
A2p = 0; // Amplitude of weight change, in case of a pre-post
A3p = 6.5e-3; // Amplitude of weight change (Triplet-term), in case of a pre-post
A2m = 7.1e-3; // Amplitude of weight change, in case of a post-pre
A3m = 0; // Amplitude of weight change (Triplet-term), in case of a post-pre
tmp_Ge = exp(-dt/tau_Isyn);
tmp_r1 = exp(-dt/taur1);
tmp_r2 = exp(-dt/taur2);
tmp_o1 = exp(-dt/tauo1);
tmp_o2 = exp(-dt/tauo2);
tmp_u1 = (dt / C) * g_L * E_L;
tmp_u2 = (dt / C) * g_L;
tmp_u3 = (dt / C) * g_L * Delta_T;
tmp_u4 = (dt / C);
// mu = 0.;
// sigma = 0.;
taui = 5.;
tmpnoise1 = (1. - dt/taui);
//tmpnoise2 = dt*mu/taui;
tmpnoise3 = sigma * sqrt(2 * dt/taui);
for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
to[i] = -9999.; // Initialization of the last firing times (to -infty)
to_old[i]= -99999.; // Initialization of the last firing times (to -infty)
u[i] = E_L +(V_T - E_L) * 0*drand49(); // Random initialization of the membrane voltages.
w[i] = 0.; // Spike-frequency adaptation variable [pA]
Ge[i] = 0.;
mu[i] = Io * (1 + 1 * gauss());
//mu[i] = Io;
Iext[i] = mu[i];
r1[i] = 0.; // Presynaptic indicator, one for each neuron
r2[i] = 0.; // Presynaptic indicator, one for each neuron
o1[i] = 0.; // Postsynaptic indicator, one for each neuron
o2[i] = 0.; // Postsynaptic indicator, one for each neuron
rates[i] = 0.;
for(i=0; i<N; i++)
for(j=0; j<N; j++) {
if ((i<(N/2)) & (j<(N/2)))
W[i][j] = drand49() * maxweight;
else if ((i>(N/2)) & (j>(N/2)))
W[i][j] = drand49() * maxweight;
W[i][j] = 0.1* drand49() * maxweight;
// W[i][j] = drand49() * maxweight;
if (CC[j][i] != 0) // The current neuron may receive an EPSC..
if (CC[j][i] == 1) // Facilitatory excitatory synapse
Gr[j][i] = 1.;
Gu[j][i] = fU;
if (CC[j][i] == -1) // Depressing excitatory synapse
Gr[j][i] = 1.;
Gu[j][i] = dU;
Nspiked = 0; // ???
}// end init()
int read_connectivity() { // UPDATED JULY 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// ..reads 'connectivity.dat' (binary)
// short **CC; <-- global variable
// INT N; <-- global variable
INT i,j,k,out,MM; // Useful temporary variables (e.g. indexes, return values, etc.)
FILE *fopen(), *fp; // Needed for file I/O operations...
char fname[20]; // This will contain the file name for connectivity...
double Ncells, tmp; // This will contain the number of cells defined in the file...
sprintf(fname, "connectivity.dat"); // This is the file generated by the MATLAB GUI [FIXED NAME]
// This file has been generated in MATLAB by the following statements:
//MM = length(find(C(:)~=0)); % Number of non-zero elements of C(i,j)
//Ctemp = C';
//Ctemp = Ctemp(:); % A single vector, encoding 'C' row-wise
//tmp = find(Ctemp ~= 0); // Only the non-zero elements of C are considered to be written on disk
//fname = 'connectivity.dat';
//fp = fopen(fname, 'wb');
//fwrite(fp, Ncell_exc, 'double');
//fwrite(fp, MM, 'double');
//for kk=1:length(tmp)
// fwrite(fp, tmp(kk) * sign(Ctemp(tmp(kk))), 'double');
printf("Opening connectivity file <%s> (generated by MATLAB-GUI)...\n", fname);
fp = fopen(fname, "r"); // Try to open file 'fname' for reading...
if (fp==NULL) { printf("Error: unable to open the file..\n"); return -1; }
out = fread(&Ncells, sizeof(double), 1, fp); // I expect the first element to be 'Ncells'..
if (out!=1) { printf("Error: corrupted or wrong format for the connectivity file - first element is NOT Ncells!\n"); return -1; }
N = (INT) Ncells; // First element stored as the global variable 'N'.
printf("Found connectivity information for %d cells!\n", (int) N);
out = fread(&tmp, sizeof(double), 1, fp); // I expect the second element to be 'MM'..
if (out!=1) { printf("Error: corrupted or wrong format for the connectivity file! - second element is NOT MM\n"); return -1; }
MM = (INT) tmp;
printf("Allocating memory [CC and W] for this simulation..\n");
CC = calloc(N, sizeof(short*)); // Reserving memory for the N x N int connectivity matrix
if (CC==NULL) { printf("Error: unable to allocate memory [CC]..\n"); fflush(NULL); return -1; }
W = calloc(N, sizeof(double*)); // Reserving memory for the N x N double synaptic matrix
if (W==NULL) { printf("Error: unable to allocate memory {W]..\n"); fflush(NULL); return -1; }
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
CC[i] = calloc(N, sizeof(short)); // Reserving memory for the N x N int connectivity matrix
if (CC[i]==NULL) { printf("Error: unable to allocate memory [CCi]..\n"); fflush(NULL); return -1; }
W[i] = calloc(N, sizeof(double)); // Reserving memory for the N x N double synaptic matrix
if (W[i]==NULL) { printf("Error: unable to allocate memory [Wi]..\n"); fflush(NULL); return -1; }
//out = fread(CC[i], sizeof(short), N, fp);
//if (out!=N) { printf("Error: corrupted or wrong format for the connectivity file!\n", out); return -1; }
for (k=0; k<MM; k++) {
out = fread(&tmp, sizeof(double), 1, fp); // I expect the second element to be 'MM'..
if (out!=1) { printf("Error: corrupted or wrong format for the connectivity file!\n"); fflush(NULL); return -1; }
i = (INT) ((fabs(tmp)-1)/N);
j = (INT) fmod(fabs(tmp)-1,N);
CC[i][j] = (short) ((tmp>0) ? 1 : -1);
for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
for (j=0; j<N; j++)
printf("%d ", CC[i][j]);
printf("Connectivity file <%s> acquired successfully!\n\n\n", fname);
fclose(fp); // File is closed here.
return 0;
} // end read_connectivity()
void print_output() {
if (fmod(t, Trate)<dt) {
rate = 1000. * rate / (N * Trate);
printf("Mean firing rate: %.0f Hz\r", rate);
frate = fopen("rates.x", "w");
for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
fprintf(frate, "%f\n", 1000. * rates[i] / Trate);
rates[i] = 0.;
if (fmod(t, 10*Trate)<dt) {
gfile = fopen("G.x","w");
for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
for (j=0;j<N;j++)
fprintf(gfile, "%f ", W[i][j]);
fprintf(gfile, "\n");
// if(fmod(t,20*dt)<=dt) // Every 20 simulation steps, the membrane voltage is wrote on disk.
fprintf(sample,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",t, u[0], Ge[0], u[1], Ge[1], u[2], Ge[2]);
//if(fmod(t,100*dt)<dt) fprintf(gfile,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",t, W[0][1], W[1][0], W[3][5], W[5][3], W[7][4], W[4][7]);
void log_weights() {
INT i,j,k,out,MM; // Useful temporary variables (e.g. indexes, return values, etc.)
FILE *fopen();
char fname[20]; // This will contain the file name for connectivity...
sprintf(fname, "W_%.0f.x", t);
weightmatrix = fopen(fname, "w"); // Open output file for writing...
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
for (j=0; j<N; j++)
fprintf(weightmatrix, "%f ", W[i][j]);
fprintf(weightmatrix, "\n");
} // end log_weights()
int read_pars() { // UPDATED JULY 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// ..reads 'pars.dat' (binary)
//[Ncell_exc, Prob_ee, Prob_loop, Prob_ff, Prob_dd, Prob_fd, Prob_f, Prob_d, fixseed, seed];
// INT N; <-- global
FILE *fopen(), *fp; // Needed for file I/O operations...
char fname[20]; // This will contain the file name for parameters...
INT i, out; // Useful temporary variables (e.g. indexes, return values, etc.)
double par;
sprintf(fname, "pars.dat"); // This is the file generated by the MATLAB GUI [FIXED NAME]
// NOTE:
//This file has been created by the following MATLAB-statements
//fname = 'pars.dat';
//fp = fopen(fname, 'wb');
//all_pars = [Ncell_exc, Prob_ee, Prob_loop, Prob_ff, Prob_dd, Prob_fd, Prob_f, Prob_d, fixseed, seed];
//fwrite(fp, pars, 'double');
//We aim at extracting only two elements: the 9th "fixseed" and the 10th "seed".
printf("Opening parameter file <%s>..\n", fname);
fp = fopen(fname, "r"); // Try to open file 'fname' for reading...
if (fp==NULL) { printf("Error: unable to open the file..\n"); return -1; }
// The first 8 elementE_Ls are inessential at run-time for the simulation...
for (i=0; i<8; i++) { // Let's go through each of them...
out = fread(&par, sizeof(double), 1, fp); // and simply ignore it, while the file-access pointer moves forward...
if (out!=1) { printf("Error: unable to read connectivity file headers..\n"); return -1; }
out = fread(&par, sizeof(double), 1, fp); fixseed = par;
if (out!=1) { printf("Error: unable to read connectivity file headers..\n"); return -1; }
out = fread(&par, sizeof(double), 1, fp); seed = par;
if (out!=1) { printf("Error: unable to read connectivity file headers..\n"); return -1; }
printf("Parameter file <%s> acquired successfully!\n\n\n", fname);
fclose(fp); // File is closed here.
return 0;
} // end read_pars()
void manage_synapses(INT i) { // UPDATED JULY 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Neuron i-th is examined, ready to receive inputs from its presynaptic peers (j=1..N), if any...
double delta;
for(j=0;j<N;j++) // Now, all the connected presynaptic neurons are checked for (recent) spiking activity.
if (CC[i][j] != 0) // A connection exists from neuron j-th (pre) to neuron i-th (post)!
if ((t-(to[j]+latency))<dt && (t-(to[j]+latency))>=0) // Indeed, presynaptic neuron j-th fired - after latency of EPSPs...
delta = (to[j]-to_old[j]);
if (CC[i][j] == 1) // Facilitatory exciting synapse
Gr[i][j] = (Gr[i][j] * (1 - Gu[i][j]) - 1) * exp(-delta/fD) + 1;
Gu[i][j] = Gu[i][j] * (1 - fU) * exp(-delta/fF) + fU;
else // (CC[i][j] == -1) // Depressing exciting synapse
Gr[i][j] = (Gr[i][j] * (1 - Gu[i][j]) - 1) * exp(-delta/dD) + 1;
Gu[i][j] = Gu[i][j] * (1 - dU) * exp(-delta/dF) + dU;
Ge[i] += GA *Gr[j][i] * Gu[j][i];
} // end manage_synapses()
void manage_stdp(INT j) { // UPDATED JULY 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Neuron j-th just fired...
INT i;
for(i=0;i<N;i++) // Now, all the connected neurons, postsynaptic to the j-th must be updated..
W[i][j] -= eta * o1[i] * abs(CC[i][j]) * (A2m + A3m * r2[j]); // the j-th neuron is presynaptic to all (connected) generic neurons i-th
W[j][i] += eta * r1[i] * abs(CC[j][i]) * (A2p + A3p * o2[j]); // the j-th neuron is postsynaptic to all (connected) generic neurons i-th
r1[j]++; // update the pre/post-synaptic detectors of the neuron j-th, which just fired
r2[j]++; // update the pre/post-synaptic detectors of the neuron j-th, which just fired
o1[j]++; // update the pre/post-synaptic detectors of the neuron j-th, which just fired
o2[j]++; // update the pre/post-synaptic detectors of the neuron j-th, which just fired
} // end manage_stdp()