function [P Q ] = facilitating_fixed_point(JJ, II)
% One population of excitatory neurons, with recurrent facilitating synapses
% Threshold-linear response function.
% tau dh/dt = - h + J * U * x * E(h) (eq. 1)
% du / dt = (U-u)/F + U * (1-u) * E(h) (eq. 2)
% E(h) = alpha * (h - theta) .* (h > theta)
global theta alpha U F J I h0;
% Parameters initialization
U = 0.1;
F = 0.5;
J = JJ;
I = II;
theta = 3.;
alpha = 1.;
% Fixed point search as intersections between two functions:
h = -5:0.1:25;
g2 = I + (J * U * (1 + F * (alpha * (h - theta) .* (h > theta)))) .* (alpha * (h - theta) .* (h > theta)) ./ (1 + U * F * (alpha * (h - theta) .* (h > theta)));
% Numerical evaluation of the fixed point of the system
h0 = [];
a = alpha * F * U * (-1 + alpha * J);
b = -1 - 2 * alpha^2 * F * J * theta * U + alpha * U * (J + F * (I + theta));
c = I - alpha * F * I * theta * U + alpha * J * U * theta * (-1 + alpha * F * theta);
if ((b^2-4*a*c)>0)
sol1 = (-b + sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a);
sol2 = (-b - sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a);
h0 = [sol1 , sol2];
h0 = [];
h0 = h0(find(h0 > theta)); % Consistency check, since E(h) could not be implemented
if (I <= theta)
h0 = [h0(:)', I];
if (isempty(h0)), u0 = [];
u0 = U * (1 + F * (alpha * (h0 - theta) .* (h0 > theta))) ./ (1 + U * F * (alpha * (h0 - theta) .* (h0 > theta)));
if (sum(isinf(h0))>0)
h0 = h0(find(~isinf(h0)));
disp(sprintf('The system has %d equilibrium point(s)', length((h0))));
figure(1); hold on;
% Fixed point search as intersections between two functions
P = plot(h, g2, h, h, '--');
set(P, 'Color', [0 0 0], 'LineWidth', 2);
% [ho, xo] contains all the equilibrium points of the system to beplotted.
Q = [];
for i=1:length(h0),
out = stability(h0(i), u0(i));
if (out==1),
Q(i) = plot(h0(i), h0(i), 'o');
set(Q(i), 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 0 0], 'MarkerEdgeColor', [0 0 0], 'MarkerSize', 15);
elseif (out ==-1)
Q(i) = plot(h0(i), h0(i), 's');
set(Q(i), 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 0 0], 'MarkerEdgeColor', [0 0 0], 'MarkerSize', 15);
xlabel('h', 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 15);
set(gca, 'Box', 'on', 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 15);
xLim([-1 21]);
yLim([-1 21]);
hold off;
function out = stability(h0, u0)
% Computed the Jacobian matrix of the nonlinear system and then it
% calculates its value for each equilibrium point. The eigenvalues of
% the resulting matrix will tell whether the point is stable or not.
global theta alpha U F J I;
Jacob = zeros(2,2);
if (h0 > theta)
Jacob(1,1) = -1 + alpha * J * u0;
Jacob(1,2) = J * alpha * (h0 - theta);
Jacob(2,1) = U * alpha * (1 - u0);
Jacob(2,2) = -(1./F + alpha * U * (h0 - theta));
Jacob(1,1) = -1;
Jacob(1,2) = 0;
Jacob(2,1) = 0;
Jacob(2,2) = - 1./F;
end % if
EE = eig(Jacob);
if (real(EE(1)) < 0) & (real(EE(2)) < 0)
disp(sprintf('h0 = %f, u0 = %f: stable.', h0, u0));
out = 1;
elseif sign(real(EE(1)) * real(EE(2))) < 0
disp(sprintf('h0 = %f, u0 = %f: unstable.', h0, u0));
out = -1;
elseif ((real(EE(1)) * real(EE(2))) == 0)
disp(sprintf('h0 = %f, u0 = %f: ???', h0, u0));
out = -2;
end % if
end % stability