def makeSomatodendritic(h):
from sorcery import dict_of, print_args
if __name__=='__main__':
soma = h.soma
dend = h.dend11[0] #<--- dend11: primary apical dendrite
def tuneup_somatodend():
###build a sectionlist for soma and dendrites
somatodendritic = h.SectionList()
for sec in h.allsec():
###make sure no segments exceed 10 uM length. Note, soma.nseg remains 10.
if sec.L/sec.nseg>10:
sec.nseg = int(sec.L/10.0) + 1
###Keep the number of segments odd in every section
if sec.nseg % 2 == 0:
###build a sectionlist for dendrites only
dendritic = h.SectionList()
for sec in somatodendritic:
dendritic.remove(soma) #<---remove soma for pure dendritic sectionlist
h.distance(0, soma(0)) #<--- set the point where axon seated on soma as the origin
return somatodendritic, dendritic
somatodendritic, dendritic = tuneup_somatodend()
def add_spines():
###Translated from P_Spines.hoc
spine_dens = 1 #<--- just using a simple spine density model due to lack of data on some neuron types.
spine_area = 0.83 #<--- um^2 -- K Harris
for sec in dendritic:
a = 0
for seg in sec:
a+= seg.area()
F = (sec.L*spine_area*spine_dens + a)/a
sec.L = sec.L*(F**(2.0/3.0))
for seg in sec:
seg.diam = seg.diam*(F**(1.0/3.0))
sd_list = list(somatodendritic)
d_list = list(dendritic)
for sec in somatodendritic:
sec.Ra = 150 = 1.0
from mech_settings import mech_name_soma as mech_name
from mech_settings import rescale_soma, rescale_dend
from mech_settings import insertCLS
insertCLS(soma, mech_name, rescale_soma)
for sec in dendritic:
insertCLS(sec, mech_name, rescale_dend)
return dend, soma, sd_list