"""This script is included because it is used by too many of the scripts involved in the Hu-based model.
It contains a lot of unnecessary pieces that have been left in to avoid breaking the model unexpectedly.
Aside from the settings outlined below, everything else should be left alone.
Many of the other settings are overwritten at other points in the simulator, but some are necessary during initialization.
This code was written before I had much familiarity with object-oriented programming.
The code for the Hay-based model is more recent and much more developer friendly.
One can still use this program to control the following settings:
For generating "backward AIS" results:
The following flags should be set to "False", unless running simulations related to Fig 6:
The following variable can be set to "ais" or "soma".
It sets the location of the stimulating electrode:
from neuron.units import ms, mV, mM
import numpy as np
from settings_checker import LS_AC__value_checker
from sorcery import print_args
use_CVODE = True
cell_connected__FLAG = True
taper_hillock__FLAG = True
taper_dendrite__FLAG = True
FlipNavs_LeftRight = False #<---'backward' AIS Nav distributions (preserves crossover location)
disableRightShift_minf2__inAIS = True
disableRightShift_mtau2__inAIS = True
disableRightShift_hinf2__inAIS = True
disableRightShift_htau2__inAIS = True
Hu_somaDend = True
N_ranvier = 15
temperature = 37.0
vThreshold = 0.0*mV
gamma = 30.0 #50.0 #<---Kole, Hu, gamma~30,40,50
gl = 0.0001 #0.000036
###Left-Shift (Nav1.2 and Nav1.6)
vLeftShift = 0.0*mV #20.0 #15.0 #10.0 #6.0 #8.0 #1.0 #5.5
AC = 1.0
vRS0 = 13.0*mV #<---Right-Shift (Nav1.2)
vRS03 = 0.0*mV
deviation = 1.0
CrossOverPosition = 0.5
fraction = 1.0
L_ais = 25.0 #50.0 #100.0
L_hill_extend = int(0) #int(10.0) #<---Increases ais distance
diam_ais = 1.22 #1.22 #1.6
stimLoc = 'ais' #'soma'
stimDur = 1.0*ms
amplitude = 1.0
Ra = 150.0
Ra_axon = Ra
cm = 0.75
cm_myelin = 0.02
Vrest = -70.0*mV
vShiftNa = 0.0
vShift_h = 0.0
vShiftK = 0.0
Ecl = Vrest
Ena = 60.0*mV
Ek = -90.0*mV
gk_leak = 0.0001
def conc_io(zx, Ex, xi, temperature=temperature):
from neuron.units import mV
elementary_charge = 1.60217662e-19
qx = zx*elementary_charge
Tkelvin = temperature+273.15
Kboltzmann = 1.38064852e-23
KT = Kboltzmann*Tkelvin
KT_over_q = (KT/qx)*1000.0*mV #<---multiply by 1000 for conversion to millivolts
# print_args(KT_over_q)
xo = xi*np.exp(Ex/KT_over_q)
return xo
conc_nai = 15.0*mM #(5-15 mM)
conc_nao = conc_io(+1.0, Ena, conc_nai)
conc_ki = 140.0*mM #140.0
conc_ko = conc_io(+1.0, Ek, conc_ki)
if chloride==True:
conc_cli = 11.0*mM #11.65*mM #11.5*mM #9.9*mM
conc_clo = conc_io(-1.0, Ecl, conc_cli)
Kmko = 3.5
Kmnai = 10.0
ImaxPump = 0.7*9.09e-2
gk_leak = ImaxPump/( ((Vrest-Ek)/2.0)*((1.0 + Kmko/conc_ko)**2.0)*((1.0 + Kmnai/conc_nai)**3.0) )
gna_leak = (3.0/2.0)*gk_leak*((Vrest - Ek)/(Ena - Vrest))
def classic_settings():
global gamma
global chloride
global Vrest
global vShiftNa
global Ena
global Ek
global ImaxPump
global gna_leak
global gk_leak
global conc_nai
global conc_nao
global conc_ki
global conc_ko
global conc_cli
global conc_clo
gamma = 100.0
Vrest = -59.9
vShiftNa = 0.0*mV
vShiftK = 0.0*mV
vShift_h = 0.0*mV
Ena = 51.5
Ek = -81.3
ImaxPump = 9.09e-2
gk_leak = 0.0001
gna_leak = 0.00025
conc_nai = 20.0*mM
conc_nao = 154.0*mM
conc_ki = 150.0*mM
conc_ko = 6.0*mM
if chloride==True:
conc_cli = 11.65*mM
conc_clo = 125.0*mM
# classic_settings()
LS_AC__value_checker(vLeftShift, AC)
equilm_dur = 7.0*ms #1500000.0*ms
resume_dur = 10.0*ms #5.0*ms
equilibration_timestep = 0.01*ms
stimulation_timestep = 0.001*ms
CVODE_pre_equilm_dur = 3.0*ms
if vLeftShift!=0.0*mV:
timeLS = 50.0*ms #200.0*ms
timeLS = 0.0*ms
stimON = equilm_dur+1.0*ms
total_dur = equilm_dur+int(stimDur)+resume_dur
fixed_step_dur = stimON+11.0*ms
# fixed_step_dur = stimON+int(stimDur)+10.0*ms
###Grid building (copy_then_import_then_run.py)
N_charges = 3
N_equilibrations = 50 #<---Number of values for the interesting (and expensive) parameter. Eg. deviation, AISNav12inhibition(fractions), gamma. It's what we're SWEEPING.
charges = np.linspace(0.001, 5.0, N_charges)
def create_runs_dict():
indexes = np.arange(N_equilibrations)
runs_dict = {} #<---Parameters that are being swept (system is equilibrated each time these are changed)
runs_dict['indexes'] = indexes
static = np.ones(len(indexes))
gammas = np.linspace(0.001, 60.0, len(indexes)) #np.linspace(0.001, 60.0, len(indexes)) #gamma*static
deviations = 1.0*static #np.linspace(0.001, 1.0, len(indexes)) #1.0*static
fractions = 1.0*static #np.linspace(1.0, 0.001, len(indexes)) #1.0*static
vRS0s = vRS0*static #vRS0*static #np.linspace(0.0, 30.0, len(indexes))*mV
vLeftShifts = vLeftShift*static #np.linspace(0.0, 20.0, len(indexes))*mV #vLeftShift*static
ACs = AC*static #1.0*static
for index in indexes:
temporary_dict = {}
temporary_dict['gamma'] = gammas[index]
temporary_dict['deviation'] = deviations[index]
temporary_dict['fraction'] = fractions[index]
temporary_dict['vRS0'] = vRS0s[index]
temporary_dict['vLeftShift'] = vLeftShifts[index]
temporary_dict['AC'] = ACs[index]
# temporary_dict[''] =
runs_dict[str(index)] = temporary_dict
return runs_dict, indexes
Naked_axon_postAIS = True #<---Deprecated: Leave as "True" since the simulator expects all Sections to be present. Sections can be shortened.
def create3D_runs_dict():
global charges
charges = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0])
# charges = np.array([2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0, 20.0]) #<---stimLoc = h.dend11[1](0.9)
# charges = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]) #<---stimLoc = naked(0.5)
N_gammas = 20
N_vRS0s = 20
N_deviations = 5
indexes = np.arange(N_gammas*N_vRS0s*N_deviations)
gamma_array = np.linspace(0.001, 200, N_gammas)
deviations_array = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, N_deviations)
vRS0s_array = np.linspace(0.0, 20.0, N_vRS0s)
gammas = []
deviations = []
vRS0s = []
for vRS0 in vRS0s_array:
for gamma in gamma_array:
for deviation in deviations_array:
runs_dict = {} #<---Parameters that are being swept (system is equilibrated each time these are changed)
runs_dict['indexes'] = indexes
static = np.ones(len(indexes))
vLeftShifts = vLeftShift*static #np.linspace(0.0, 20.0, len(indexes))*mV #vLeftShift*static
ACs = AC*static #1.0*static
fractions = 1.0*static #np.linspace(1.0, 0.001, len(indexes)) #1.0*static
for index in indexes:
temporary_dict = {}
temporary_dict['gamma'] = gammas[index]
temporary_dict['deviation'] = deviations[index]
temporary_dict['fraction'] = fractions[index]
temporary_dict['vRS0'] = vRS0s[index]
temporary_dict['vLeftShift'] = vLeftShifts[index]
temporary_dict['AC'] = ACs[index]
# temporary_dict[''] =
runs_dict[str(index)] = temporary_dict
return runs_dict, indexes
# runs_dict, indexes = create_runs_dict()
runs_dict, indexes = create3D_runs_dict()
def timed_run(h, duration):
from time import time
start = time()
# h.run(duration)
end = time()
RunTime = end - start
print('RunTime = ', RunTime, ' seconds')
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os, sys
from mech_settings import mech_name
mech_filename = mech_name+'.mod'
os.system('nrnivmodl '+mech_filename)
print("--------NMODL mechanism compiled----------------------------------------"+'\n\n')
# from plot_mhn import plot_mhn ; plot_mhn()
from overhead_GridBuilder import single_run, single_blender, blender_run, show_equilibration, find_thresh