%This script can be used to test the parameters and dynamics for a
%recurrent network, there is no read-out
% Simulation time parameters
tStart = 0;
tEnd = 5000; %Simulation in milli-seconds
tStep = 0.1; %0.1 millisecond time step
time = [tStart:tStep:tEnd];
hardcoded = false;
if hardcoded
synfire = true; %do not forget to reduce the external input to exc rec netw neurons
if synfire
mult = 0.15;
numClusters = 120;
EneuronNum = 120;
IneuronNum = 30;
neuronNum = 150;
weightsEE = diag(800*ones(EneuronNum-1,1),1);
weightsEE(end,1) = 800;
mult = 3;
EneuronNum = mult*800; %Number of excitatory neurons in the network
numClusters = mult*10; %Number of clusters
IneuronNum = round(0.25*EneuronNum); %Number of inhibitory neurons in the network
neuronNum = EneuronNum + IneuronNum; %Total number of neurons
createWeightMatrixEIF %manually set the connectivities
A = load('balanced_network.mat'); %import FF weight matrix
%A = load('SSA20b_2400.mat'); %import SSA weight matrix
A = A.A;
neuronNum = size(A,1);
EneuronNum = 0.80*size(A,1);
IneuronNum = 0.20*size(A,1);
numClusters = EneuronNum/80; %80 neurons/cluster
weightsEE = A(1:EneuronNum,1:EneuronNum);
weightsEI = A(1:EneuronNum,EneuronNum+1:neuronNum);
weightsIE = A(EneuronNum+1:neuronNum,1:EneuronNum);
weightsII = A(EneuronNum+1:neuronNum,EneuronNum+1:neuronNum);
%% Parameters for both E and I Neurons
Vreset = -60; %Reset for both exc and inh neurons
C = 300; %capacitance
tau_abs = 5; %refractory period
%% Parameters for the E-Neurons
Vthres = 20; %Spiking threshold for exc neurons
tau_E = 20; %Membrane Time Constant
V_E = -70; %resting potential
DET = 2; %slope of exponential
E_E = 0; %reversal potential
V_T = -52; %threshold potential (the spiking threshold for inh neurons)
A_T = 10; %post spike threshold potential increase
tau_T = 30; %adaptive threshold time scale
EVthreshold = V_T*ones(1,EneuronNum); %neuronal threshold vector for all exc neurons
%% Parameters for the I-Neurons
tau_I = 20; %Membrane Time Constant
V_I = -62; %resting potential
E_I = -75; %reversal potential
%% Parameters for the short term plasticity/adaptation (E only)
tau_w = 100; %adaptation time constant
a = 0; %adaptation slope
b = 1000; %adaptation amplitude
w = a*(Vreset-V_E)*ones(1,EneuronNum); %adaptation vector for all excitatory neurons
%% Parameters for the synapses and neuronal conductances
tauedecay = 6; %decay time for e-synapses
tauerise = 1; %rise time of e-synapses
tauidecay = 2; %decay time for i-synapses
tauirise = 0.5; %rise time of i-synapses
xedecay = zeros(1,neuronNum);
xerise = zeros(1,neuronNum);
xidecay = zeros(1,neuronNum);
xirise = zeros(1,neuronNum);
%% External input to both E and I neurons
rex = 4.500; %external rate to E-neurons
rix = 2.250; %external rate to I-neurons
Jeex = 1.6; %weights for ee external input
Jiex = 1.52; %weights for ie external input
nextx = zeros(1,neuronNum); %vector containing the next external input spike times
nextx(1,1:EneuronNum) = exprnd(1,1,EneuronNum)/rex;
nextx(1,1+EneuronNum:end) = exprnd(1,1,IneuronNum)/rix;
rx = zeros(1,neuronNum);
rx(1,1:EneuronNum) = rex;
rx(1,EneuronNum+1:end) = rix;
forwardInputsEPrev = zeros(1,neuronNum);
forwardInputsIPrev = zeros(1,neuronNum);
%% Simulating Network with EIF neurons
rast = zeros(neuronNum,(tEnd - tStart)/tStep + 1); %Matrix storing spike times for raster plots
rast_binary = zeros(neuronNum,(tEnd - tStart)/tStep + 1); %same but with binary numbers
lastAP = -50 * ones(1,neuronNum); %last action potential for refractor period calculation (just big number negative put)
memVol = Vreset+(V_T-Vreset)*rand(neuronNum,(tEnd - tStart)/tStep + 1);
for i =2:(tEnd - tStart)/tStep
forwardInputsE = zeros(1,neuronNum);
forwardInputsI = zeros(1,neuronNum);
for j = 1:neuronNum
while i*tStep > nextx(j)
nextx(j) = nextx(j) + exprnd(1)/rx(j);
if j <= EneuronNum
forwardInputsEPrev(j) = forwardInputsEPrev(j) + Jeex;
forwardInputsEPrev(j) = forwardInputsEPrev(j) + Jiex;
xerise(j) = xerise(j) -tStep*xerise(j)/tauerise + forwardInputsEPrev(j);
xedecay(j) = xedecay(j) -tStep*xedecay(j)/tauedecay + forwardInputsEPrev(j);
xirise(j) = xirise(j) -tStep*xirise(j)/tauirise + forwardInputsIPrev(j);
xidecay(j) = xidecay(j) -tStep*xidecay(j)/tauidecay + forwardInputsIPrev(j);
gE = (xedecay(j) - xerise(j))/(tauedecay - tauerise);
gI = (xidecay(j) - xirise(j))/(tauidecay - tauirise);
if(j <= EneuronNum)
w(j) = w(j) + (tStep/tau_w)*(a*(memVol(j,i-1) - V_E) - w(j)); %adaptation current
EVthreshold(j) = EVthreshold(j) + (tStep/tau_T)*(V_T - EVthreshold(j)); %adapting threshold
%cell dynamics
v = memVol(j,i-1) + (tStep/tau_E)*(-memVol(j,i-1) + V_E + DET*exp((memVol(j,i-1)-EVthreshold(j))/DET)) ...
+ (tStep/C)*(gE*(E_E - memVol(j,i-1)) + gI*(E_I - memVol(j,i-1)) - w(j));
if ((lastAP(j) + tau_abs/tStep)>=i) %Refractory Period
v = Vreset;
if (v > Vthres) %Fire if exceed threshold
v = Vreset;
lastAP(j) = i;
rast(j,i) = j;
rast_binary(j,i) = 1;
forwardInputsE = forwardInputsE + [weightsEE(:,j);weightsIE(:,j)]';
EVthreshold(j) = EVthreshold(j) + A_T;
w(j) = w(j) + b;
memVol(j,i) = v;
if (j > EneuronNum)
%cell dynamics
v = memVol(j,i-1) + (tStep/tau_I)*(-memVol(j,i-1) + V_I) + ...
(tStep/C)*(gE*(E_E - memVol(j,i-1)) + gI*(E_I - memVol(j,i-1)));
if ((lastAP(j) + tau_abs/tStep)>=i) %Refractory Period
v = Vreset;
if (v > V_T) %Fire if exceed threshold
v = Vreset;
lastAP(j) = i;
rast(j,i) = j;
rast_binary(j,i) = 1;
forwardInputsI = forwardInputsI + [weightsEI(:,j-EneuronNum);weightsII(:,j-EneuronNum)]';
memVol(j,i) = v;
forwardInputsEPrev = forwardInputsE;
forwardInputsIPrev = forwardInputsI;
%these plotting scripts are taken from Schaub et al. Emergence of slow-switching assemblies in structured neuronal networks (2015)
[lambdas, W]= get_eigenvalues_LIF(weightsEE,weightsIE,weightsEI,weightsII);
figure; plot(real(lambdas),imag(lambdas),'.','color',[0 0.3 0], 'MarkerSize',24)
set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1])