// Check for zero diameter segment in 3D specifications
proc uCheckZero3DDiam() { local i
    forall for i = 0, n3d()-1 {
        if (diam3d(i) == 0) { print secname(), " " , i }

// Display properties of each segment: name, nseg and length per segment
proc uSegProperties() { local count
    count = 0
    print "Name     nseg     L/nseg"
    print "------------------------"
    forall {
        print secname(), "  ", nseg, "  ", L/nseg
        count += nseg
    print "------------------------\n", "total nseg = ", count

// Record data for the specified variable
objref uDv
proc uRecord() {
    uDv = new Vector()

objref uDv1
proc uRecord1() {
    uDv1 = new Vector()

objref uDv2
proc uRecord2() {
    uDv2 = new Vector()

// Checks for spike in recorded data during stim delay ~ 45 ms range
func uHasSpike() { local i, hyp
    //index of 1st threshold crossing
    for i = (del+dur*2+0.5)/dt,(del+35)/dt {
        if (uDv.x[i] >= 0) {
            return i
    //excessive stim causes transient hyp after stimulus
    hyp = 1
    for i = (del+dur*2+1.0)/dt,(del+dur*2+4.0)/dt {
        if (uDv.x[i] >= uDv.x[0]) {
            hyp = 0
    if (hyp) { return -1 }
    return 0