// Modified from hex electrode stimHex.hoc
// Implements hexagonal stimulation electrodes, where the centre electrode delivers 
// the stimuli while the six surrounding electrodes sink the return current with 
// one-sixth the load each.
// Also contains a monopolar electrode. It is assumed that either (1) the hex 
// array and the monopolar electrode are far apart - thereby have minimal influence
// on each other - and/or (2) the hex array and monopolar electrode are driven by
// two independent / isolated stimulator with zero conductance between them (i.e.
// two electrically isolated systems).
// Refer to stim.hoc for details on the extracellular mechanism, principle of 
// reciprocity, and principle of superposition. 

//---------------------------PARAMETERS TO CHANGE--------------------------------//

// Electrode Size
hexElecRad = 20                         // electrode radius (um) RADIUS NOT DIAMETER

// Electrode Position
// For reference, BIPs are at +98mm z-axis
hexX       = -1200                      // default centre X (um)
hexY       = 0                          // default center Y (um)
hexZ       = 125                        // default center Z (um)

//Stimulus Waveform
stim_freq = 100                         // Stim frequency (Hz)
hexDel        = 1300                    // Stim delay (ms)
hexDur        = 1000/(2*stim_freq)      // Stim duration (ms)
hexAmp        = 0.00001                 // Stim amplitude (mA)
hexInterphase = 0                       // (ms)
hexInterpulse = 0                       // (ms)


Rstdelec =0.725*15 //0.725*3/11.6 // 0.725: transfer resist. factor for 10um radius disk in Ames

// hex electrode
hexDisp    = 2000 //2.39 //*4   // electrode centre-surround pitch (um)


// monopolar electrode
monElecRad = 1 //40   // electrode radius (um)
monX       = 0 //100  //+20 //60   // default centre X (um)
monY       = 0   // default center Y (um)
monZ       = 0 //-120 -8.2  //-40  // default center Z (um)

// hex rectangular pulse train

hexInterphase = 0  ///0.16        // ms
hexInterpulse = 0 //0.14      // ms

////////interPhaseDelay = 0.16  // ms
////////interPulseDelay = 0.14 // ms

hexRepeats    = (4/10)*stim_freq //int(200/(hexInterpulse+2*hexDur))       // pulse repetitions

// monopolar rectangular pulse train
monDel        = 100  //100       // ms
monDur        = 100      // ms
monAmp        = -0       // mA

monInterphase = 0        // ms
monInterpulse = 0        // ms
monRepeats    = 5      // pulse repetitions

objref hexStimAmp, hexStimTime
hexStimAmp = new Vector()
hexStimTime = new Vector()
objref monStimAmp, monStimTime
monStimAmp = new Vector()
monStimTime = new Vector()

objref sav_hex_stim_amplitudes, sav_hex_stim_times


func arcsin() {
    // non-iterative approximation of arcsine function
    a0 = 1.5707288
    a1 = -0.2121144
    a2 = 0.0742610
    a3 = -0.0187293    
    return PI/2 - sqrt(1 - $1)*(a0 + a1*$1 + a2*$1^2 + a3*$1^3)

proc setrx() {
    // hexagon surround electrodes' displacement
    hexDX = hexDisp*cos(1.0472)
    hexDY = hexDisp*sin(1.0472)
    // resistance scaling by hex electrode area
    Relec = Rstdelec*(100/hexElecRad^2)

    // resistance scaling by monopolar electrode area
    Relec2 = Rstdelec*(100/monElecRad^2)

    forall {
        if (ismembrane("xtra")) {
            // avoid nodes at 0 and 1 ends: not override values at internal nodes
            for (x,0) {
                // hex center
                r = sqrt((x_xtra(x)-hexX)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-hexY)^2)
                geo = 2*hexElecRad / \
                    (sqrt((r-hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2) + \
                     sqrt((r+hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2))
                rxC = 2 * Relec * (1/PI) * arcsin(geo)

                // surround NE
                r = sqrt((x_xtra(x)-hexX-hexDX)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-hexY-hexDY)^2)
                geo = 2*hexElecRad / \
                    (sqrt((r-hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2) + \
                     sqrt((r+hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2))
                rxS1 = -1/6 * 2 * Relec * (1/PI) * arcsin(geo)

                // surround E
                r = sqrt((x_xtra(x)-hexX-hexDisp)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-hexY)^2)
                geo = 2*hexElecRad / \
                    (sqrt((r-hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2) + \
                     sqrt((r+hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2))
                rxS2 = -1/6 * 2 * Relec * (1/PI) * arcsin(geo)

                // surround SE
                r = sqrt((x_xtra(x)-hexX-hexDX)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-hexY+hexDY)^2)
                geo = 2*hexElecRad / \
                    (sqrt((r-hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2) + \
                     sqrt((r+hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2))
                rxS3 = -1/6 * 2 * Relec * (1/PI) * arcsin(geo)

                // surround SW
                r = sqrt((x_xtra(x)-hexX+hexDX)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-hexY+hexDY)^2)
                geo = 2*hexElecRad / \
                    (sqrt((r-hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2) + \
                     sqrt((r+hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2))
                rxS4 = -1/6 * 2 * Relec * (1/PI) * arcsin(geo)

                // surround W
                r = sqrt((x_xtra(x)-hexX+hexDisp)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-hexY)^2)
                geo = 2*hexElecRad / \
                    (sqrt((r-hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2) + \
                     sqrt((r+hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2))
                rxS5 = -1/6 * 2 * Relec * (1/PI) * arcsin(geo)

                // surround NW
                r = sqrt((x_xtra(x)-hexX+hexDX)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-hexY-hexDY)^2)
                geo = 2*hexElecRad / \
                    (sqrt((r-hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2) + \
                     sqrt((r+hexElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-hexZ)^2))
                rxS6 = -1/6 * 2 * Relec * (1/PI) * arcsin(geo)

                // superposition of hex elements
                rx_xtra(x) = rxC //
// + rxS1 + rxS2 + rxS3 + rxS4 + rxS5 + rxS6

                // monopolar disk electrode
                /* r   = sqrt( (x_xtra(x)-monX)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-monY)^2 )
                geo = 2*monElecRad / \
                    ( sqrt( (r-monElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-monZ)^2 ) + \
                      sqrt( (r+monElecRad)^2 + (z_xtra(x)-monZ)^2 ) )
                rx2_xtra(x) = 2 * Relec2 * (1/PI) * arcsin(geo) */

// bogus section to show stim electrode location
create sHexElec
create sMonElec

// bogus PointProcess to show stim location
objref pHexElec
objref pMonElec

// will be a Shape that shows extracellular electrode location
objref gElecs
gElecs = new Shape(0)
               230, 450, 200, 200)

proc drawElec() {
    sHexElec {
        pt3dadd(hexX-0.5, hexY, hexZ, 1)
        pt3dadd(hexX+0.5, hexY, hexZ, 1)
        pHexElec = new IClamp(0.5)
    gElecs.point_mark(pHexElec, 4)  // green

    sMonElec {
        pt3dadd(monX-0.5, monY, monZ, 1)
        pt3dadd(monX+0.5, monY, monZ, 1)
        pMonElec = new IClamp(0.5)
    gElecs.point_mark(pMonElec, 2)  // red

proc setElec() {

proc hexStimWaveform() {
    // Input parameters:
    //     $1    hexDel  
    //     $2    hexDur
    //     $3    hexAmp
    //     $4    hexInterphase
    //     $5    hexInterpulse
    //     $6    hexRepeats
    // Biphasic pulse: This uses interpolated play, stim vector and time vector 
    //                    6--------7
    //                    |        |
    // 0------1        4--5        8--9
    //        |        |
    //        2--------3
    //                repetitions
    //        |<--------------------->|
    // stim vector
    for (i = 2; i < 2+8*$6; i = i+8) {
        hexStimAmp.x[i] = 1
        hexStimAmp.x[i+1] = 1
        hexStimAmp.x[i+4] = -1
        hexStimAmp.x[i+5] = -1
    // time vector
    hexStimTime.x[1] = $1
    progTime = $1
    for (i = 2; i < 2+8*$6; i = i+8) {
        hexStimTime.x[i]   = progTime
        hexStimTime.x[i+1] = progTime + $2
        hexStimTime.x[i+2] = progTime + $2
        hexStimTime.x[i+3] = progTime + $2 + $4
        hexStimTime.x[i+4] = progTime + $2 + $4
        hexStimTime.x[i+5] = progTime + $2 + $4 + $2
        hexStimTime.x[i+6] = progTime + $2 + $4 + $2
        hexStimTime.x[i+7] = progTime + $2 + $4 + $2 + $5
        progTime = hexStimTime.x[i+7]

proc monStimWaveform() {
    // Input parameters:
    //     $1    monDel  
    //     $2    monDur
    //     $3    monAmp
    //     $4    monInterphase
    //     $5    monInterpulse
    //     $6    monRepeats
    // Biphasic pulse: This uses interpolated play, stim vector and time vector 
    //                    6--------7
    //                    |        |
    // 0------1        4--5        8--9
    //        |        |
    //        2--------3
    //                repetitions
    //        |<--------------------->|
    // stim vector
    for (i = 2; i < 2+8*$6; i = i+8) {
        monStimAmp.x[i] = -1
        monStimAmp.x[i+1] = -1
        monStimAmp.x[i+4] = 1
        monStimAmp.x[i+5] = 1
    // time vector
    monStimTime.x[1] = $1
    progTime = $1
    for (i = 2; i < 2+8*$6; i = i+8) {
        monStimTime.x[i]   = progTime
        monStimTime.x[i+1] = progTime + $2
        monStimTime.x[i+2] = progTime + $2
        monStimTime.x[i+3] = progTime + $2 + $4
        monStimTime.x[i+4] = progTime + $2 + $4
        monStimTime.x[i+5] = progTime + $2 + $4 + $2
        monStimTime.x[i+6] = progTime + $2 + $4 + $2
        monStimTime.x[i+7] = progTime + $2 + $4 + $2 + $5
        progTime = monStimTime.x[i+7]

proc attachStim() {
    // since is_xtra is GLOBAL, we only need to specify Vector.play()
    // for one instance of xtra, i.e. at just one internal node
    // of only one section that contains xtra
    forall {
        if (ATTACHED__ == 0) {
            if (ismembrane("xtra")) {
                hexStimAmp.play(&is_xtra, hexStimTime, 1)   // "interpolated" play
                //monStimAmp.play(&is2_xtra, monStimTime, 1)  // "interpolated" play
                ATTACHED__ = 1

proc setStim() {
    hexStimWaveform(hexDel, hexDur, hexAmp, hexInterphase, hexInterpulse, hexRepeats)
    // monStimWaveform(monDel, monDur, monAmp, monInterphase, monInterpulse, monRepeats)


// initialize default electrode placement

    xpanel("Extracellular Electrode", 0)
        xlabel("Hex array")
        xvalue("radius (um)", "hexElecRad", 1, "", 0, 1) 
        xvalue("pitch (um) ", "hexDisp", 1, "", 0, 1) 
        xvalue("x (um)", "hexX", 1, "setElec()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("y (um)", "hexY", 1, "setElec()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("z (um)", "hexZ", 1, "setElec()", 0, 1)
        xlabel("Monopolar electrode")
        xvalue("radius (um)", "monElecRad", 1, "", 0, 1) 
        xvalue("x (um)", "monX", 1, "setElec()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("y (um)", "monY", 1, "setElec()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("z (um)", "monZ", 1, "setElec()", 0, 1)

// initialize default stimulus pulse settings

    xpanel("Extracellular Stimulus Current", 0)
        xlabel("Hex array")
        xvalue("del (ms)", "hexDel", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("dur (ms)", "hexDur", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("amp (mA)", "hexAmp", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("interPhase (ms)", "hexInterphase", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("interPulse (ms)", "hexInterpulse", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("repeats", "hexRepeats", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xlabel("Monopolar electrode")
        xvalue("del (ms)", "monDel", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("dur (ms)", "monDur", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("amp (mA)", "monAmp", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("interPhase (ms)", "monInterphase", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("interPulse (ms)", "monInterpulse", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)
        xvalue("repeats", "monRepeats", 1, "setStim()", 0, 1)

proc save_matrices() {
	sav_hex_stim_amplitudes = new File()

    sav_hex_stim_times = new File()