// File for generating Parasol RGC at the correct position
/* load_file("nrngui.hoc") */
num_gang = 1
RGC_cell_type = 2 // 1 for ON, 2 for OFF
dendritic_radius = 91
max_num_dendrites = 10000 // Maximum number of dendtrites in each RGC
objref Dend_x, Dend_y, Dend_z, ONOFF_type, RGC_dend_radius, num_dends
objref Ganglion[num_gang]
// object for storing dendrite centres
objref Dend_centres_x[num_gang], Dend_centres_y[num_gang], Dend_centres_z[num_gang]
proc generate_RGC_cells() {
ONOFF_type = new Matrix(num_gang, 1)
RGC_dend_radius = new Matrix(num_gang, 1)
Dend_x = new Matrix(num_gang, 1)
Dend_y = new Matrix(num_gang, 1)
Dend_z = new Matrix(num_gang, 1)
Ganglion[0] = new Human_Parasol_RGC(-3000, 0, 0)
ONOFF_type.x[0][0] = RGC_cell_type
RGC_dend_radius.x[0][0] = dendritic_radius
Dend_x.x[0][0] = Eccentricity_x*1000
Dend_y.x[0][0] = 0
Dend_z.x[0][0] = 0
// Function for calculating the centre points of each dendrite for synapse use
proc calc_dendrite_centre() {
num_dends = new Vector(num_gang)
for i = 0, num_gang - 1 {
Dend_centres_x[i] = new Vector(max_num_dendrites)
Dend_centres_y[i] = new Vector(max_num_dendrites)
Dend_centres_z[i] = new Vector(max_num_dendrites)
k = 0
forsec Ganglion[i].basal {
Dend_centres_x[i].x[k] = x3d(1) + Eccentricity_x*1000 //- (x3d(1) - x3d(0))/2
Dend_centres_y[i].x[k] = y3d(1) //- (y3d(1) - y3d(0))/2
Dend_centres_z[i].x[k] = z3d(1) //- (z3d(1) - z3d(0))/2
k = k + 1
num_dends.x[i] = k
//print num_dends.x[0]