Patch size of 0.0800 mm x 0.0800 mm.
X Eccentricity of -1.20 mm.
Ecc. (X, Y) of -1.20, 0.00 mm.
Number of cells is 135 ... (67 ON, 68 OFF).
Soma diameter of 12.000 um, BUFFER of 0.33 (*SOMA_D).
Max no. of GCLs is 6, no. of GCLs is 6.
Jitter is True.
Standard deviation is 5.00%.
Percent of midget to total RGCs is 0.95.
Coverage factor is 1.
Eccentricity conversions...1 deg = 0.268 mm.
Eccentricity conversions...1 mm = 3.731 deg.

Axon resolutions: Segment 1) 0.75 um, Segment 2) 1.5 um.
Soma-dendrite branch uses 30 points per segment.
Short axons (SHORT_AX) is True. Axons are cut after 1250 um.