/* In our experiments we understand that voltage dependent change in
the condunctance of NMDAR alone cannot explain the voltage-dependnent change
in the time constant: we understand that in a triple-exponential model
tau1 is voltage independent but tau2 and tau3 are voltage-dependent
Both tau2 and tau3 rise exponentially to a maximum in responce to voltage
In this experiment we want to find an estimate of these parameters in CA1 pyramidal cells
note: net_send(590, 1) command in the SynExp4NMDA2.mod file help us reset the model
after 590 ms from the start of the simulation so that we can fit our model
to both recordings at the same time
//fully activates cache efficiency
tstop = 1200
dt = .025
celsius = 18 //room temperature in spruston95 experiment
v_init = 40
Tau1 = 1.0232
Tau2_0 = 33.755
A2 = 0.42299
Tau3_0 = 225.5
A3 = 10.007
SynWeight = 0.16464
// ------------------
create soma
access soma
objref sNMDA, stim, nc
stim = new NetStim(.5)
stim.interval = 600 //ms (mean) time between spikes
stim.number = 3 //(average) number of spikes
stim.start = 0 //ms (most likely) start time of first spike
stim.noise = 0 //---- range 0 to 1. Fractional randomness.
//0 deterministic, 1 intervals have negexp distribution.
// this is an especial version of our model in which model would reset itself
// after 590 ms from the start of simulation
sNMDA = new Exp4NMDA2(.5)
nc = new NetCon(stim, sNMDA)
proc init_NMDA() {
sNMDA.tau1 = Tau1
sNMDA.a2 = A2
sNMDA.tau2_0 = Tau2_0
sNMDA.a3 = A3
sNMDA.tau3_0 = Tau3_0
nc.weight = SynWeight
nc.delay = .001
objref FinNMDA
FinNMDA = new FInitializeHandler(3,"init_NMDA()")
objref vc, vscr, tvec
vscr = new Vector(12)
tvec = new Vector(12)
vscr.x[0] = 40
tvec.x[0] = 0
vscr.x[1] = -80
tvec.x[1] = 510
vscr.x[2] = 40
tvec.x[2] = 647.175
vscr.x[3] = -80
tvec.x[3] = 652.743
vscr.x[4] = 40
tvec.x[4] = 745.74
vscr.x[5] = -80
tvec.x[5] = 751.352
vscr.x[6] = 40
tvec.x[6] = 845.027
vscr.x[7] = -80
tvec.x[7] = 850.629
vscr.x[8] = 40
tvec.x[8] = 944.315
vscr.x[9] = -80
tvec.x[9] = 950.179
vscr.x[10] = 40
tvec.x[10] = 1044.6659
vscr.x[11] = -80
tvec.x[11] = 1049.6795
vc = new VClamp(.5)
vc.dur[0] = tstop
objref iNMDA, vSoma
iNMDA = new Graph()
vSoma = new Graph()
// objref iNMDA, iFile, time, tFile
// iNMDA = new Vector()
// iNMDA.record(&sNMDA.i)
// iFile = new File("iFile.dat")
// iFile.wopen("iFile.dat")
// time = new Vector()
// time.record(&t)
// tFile = new File("tFile.dat")
// tFile.wopen("tFile.dat")
// init()
// run()
// iNMDA.printf(iFile)
// iFile.close()
// time.printf(tFile)
// tFile.close()