// This experiment shows the degree of modification of the Mg-block formula compared to the Spruston95
func Mgblock() {
Vm = $1
K0 = $2
delta = $3
T = 273.16
F = 9.648e4
R = 8.315
z = 2
Mg = 1
return 1 / (1 + (Mg/K0)*exp((0.001)*(-z)*delta*F*Vm/R/(T+celsius)))
objref g[2]
g[0] = new Graph()
g[0].size(-100, 40, 0, 1) // specify coordinate system for the canvas drawing area
g[0].beginline() //The next g.line command will move the drawing pen to the indicated point without drawing anything
for(V=-100; V<=40; V=V+0.1){
g[0].line(V, Mgblock(V,4.1,0.8)) // Spruston95
g[0].line(V, Mgblock(V,6.92,0.99)) // Our model