#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

Main script for generating Motion Clouds

(c) Laurent Perrinet - INT/CNRS

Motion Clouds (keyword) parameters:
size    -- power of two to define the frame size (N_X, N_Y)
size_T  -- power of two to define the number of frames (N_frame)
N_X     -- frame size horizontal dimension [px]
N_Y     -- frame size vertical dimension [px]
N_frame -- number of frames [frames] (a full period in time frames)
alpha   -- exponent for the color envelope.
sf_0    -- mean spatial frequency relative to the sampling frequency.
ft_0    -- spatiotemporal scaling factor. 
B_sf    -- spatial frequency bandwidth
V_X     -- horizontal speed component
V_Y     -- vertical speed component
B_V     -- speed bandwidth
theta   -- mean orientation of the Gabor kernel
B_theta -- orientation bandwidth
loggabor-- (boolean) if True it uses a log-Gabor kernel (instead of the traditional gabor) 

Display parameters:

vext       -- movie format. Stimulus can be saved as a 3D (x-y-t) multimedia file: .mpg movie, .mat array, .zip folder with a frame sequence.     
ext        -- frame image format.
T_movie -- movie duration [s].
fps      -- frame per seconds


import os
DEBUG = False
    size = 5
    size_T = 5
    figsize = (400, 400)  # faster
    size = 7
    size_T = 7
    figsize = (800, 800) # nice size, but requires more memory

import numpy as np
N_X = 2**size
N_Y = N_X
N_frame = 2**size_T
ft_0 = N_X/float(N_frame)
alpha = 1.0
sf_0 = 0.15
B_sf = 0.1
V_X = 1.
V_Y = 0.
B_V = .2
theta = 0.
B_theta = np.pi/32.
loggabor = True
vext = '.mpg'
ext = '.png'
T_movie = 8. # this value defines the duration of a temporal period
fps = int(N_frame / T_movie)

# display parameters
    import progressbar
    PROGRESS = True
    PROGRESS = False

# os.environ['ETS_TOOLKIT'] = 'qt4' # Works in Mac
# os.environ['ETS_TOOLKIT'] = 'wx' # Works in Debian
MAYAVI = 'Import'
#MAYAVI = 'Avoid' # uncomment to avoid generating mayavi visualizations (and save some memory...)
def import_mayavi():
    global MAYAVI, mlab
    if (MAYAVI == 'Import'):
            from mayavi import mlab
            MAYAVI = 'Ok : New and shiny'
            print('Imported Mayavi')
                from enthought.mayavi import mlab
                print('Seems you have an old implementation of MayaVi, but things should work')
                MAYAVI = 'Ok but old'
                print('Imported Mayavi')
                print('Could not import Mayavi')
                MAYAVI = False
    elif (MAYAVI == 'Ok : New and shiny') or (MAYAVI == 'Ok but old'):
        pass # no need to import that again
        print('We have chosen not to import Mayavi')
# Trick from http://github.enthought.com/mayavi/mayavi/tips.html : to use offscreen rendering, try xvfb :1 -screen 0 1280x1024x24 in one terminal, export DISPLAY=:1 before you run your script

figpath = 'results/'
if not(os.path.isdir(figpath)):os.mkdir(figpath)

def get_grids(N_X, N_Y, N_frame, sparse=True):
        Use that function to define a reference outline for envelopes in Fourier space.
        In general, it is more efficient to define dimensions as powers of 2.

    if sparse:
        fx, fy, ft = np.ogrid[(-N_X//2):((N_X-1)//2 + 1), (-N_Y//2):((N_Y-1)//2 + 1), (-N_frame//2):((N_frame-1)//2 + 1)]     # output is always even.
        fx, fy, ft = np.mgrid[(-N_X//2):((N_X-1)//2 + 1), (-N_Y//2):((N_Y-1)//2 + 1), (-N_frame//2):((N_frame-1)//2 + 1)]     # output is always even.
    fx, fy, ft = fx*1./N_X, fy*1./N_Y, ft*1./N_frame
    return fx, fy, ft

def frequency_radius(fx, fy, ft, ft_0=ft_0):
     Returns the frequency radius. To see the effect of the scaling factor run

    N_X, N_Y, N_frame = fx.shape[0], fy.shape[1], ft.shape[2]
    R2 = fx**2 + fy**2 + (ft/ft_0)**2 # cf . Paul Schrater 00
    R2[N_X//2 , N_Y//2 , N_frame//2 ] = np.inf
    return np.sqrt(R2)

def envelope_color(fx, fy, ft, alpha=alpha, ft_0=ft_0):
    Returns the color envelope. 
    Run 'test_color.py' to see the effect of alpha
    alpha = 0 white
    alpha = 1 pink
    alpha = 2 red/brownian
    (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1/f_noise )
    f_radius = frequency_radius(fx, fy, ft, ft_0=ft_0)**alpha
    return 1. / f_radius

def envelope_radial(fx, fy, ft, sf_0=sf_0, B_sf=B_sf, ft_0=ft_0, loggabor=loggabor):
    Radial frequency envelope:
    selects a sphere around a preferred frequency with a shell width B_sf.
    Run 'test_radial.py' to see the explore the effect of sf_0 and B_sf
    if sf_0 == 0.: return 1.
    if loggabor:
        # see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution
        fr = frequency_radius(fx, fy, ft, ft_0=1.)
        env = 1./fr*np.exp(-.5*(np.log(fr/sf_0)**2)/(np.log((sf_0+B_sf)/sf_0)**2))
        return env
        return np.exp(-.5*(frequency_radius(fx, fy, ft, ft_0=1.) - sf_0)**2/B_sf**2)

def envelope_speed(fx, fy, ft, V_X=V_X, V_Y=V_Y, B_V=B_V):
     Speed envelope:
     selects the plane corresponding to the speed (V_X, V_Y) with some thickness B_V

    (V_X, V_Y) = (0,1) is downward and  (V_X, V_Y) = (1,0) is rightward in the movie.
     A speed of V_X=1 corresponds to an average displacement of 1/N_X per frame.
     To achieve one spatial period in one temporal period, you should scale by
     V_scale = N_X/float(N_frame)
     If N_X=N_Y=N_frame and V=1, then it is one spatial period in one temporal
     period. it can be seen in the MC cube. Define ft_0 = N_X/N_frame

    Run 'test_speed.py' to explore the speed parameters

    env = np.exp(-.5*((ft+fx*V_X+fy*V_Y))**2/(B_V*frequency_radius(fx, fy, ft, ft_0=1.))**2)
    return env

def envelope_orientation(fx, fy, ft, theta=theta, B_theta=B_theta):
    Orientation envelope:
    selects one central orientation theta, B_theta the spread
    We use a von-Mises distribution on the orientation.

    Run 'test_orientation.py' to see the effect of changing theta and B_theta.
    if not(B_theta is np.inf):
        angle = np.arctan2(fy, fx)
        envelope_dir = np.exp(np.cos(2*(angle-theta))/B_theta)
        return envelope_dir
    else: # for large bandwidth, returns a strictly flat envelope
        return 1.

def envelope_gabor(fx, fy, ft, V_X=V_X, V_Y=V_Y,
                    B_V=B_V, sf_0=sf_0, B_sf=B_sf, loggabor=loggabor,
                    theta=theta, B_theta=B_theta, alpha=alpha):
    Returns the Motion Cloud kernel

    envelope = envelope_color(fx, fy, ft, alpha=alpha)
    envelope *= envelope_orientation(fx, fy, ft, theta=theta, B_theta=B_theta)
    envelope *= envelope_radial(fx, fy, ft, sf_0=sf_0, B_sf=B_sf, loggabor=loggabor)
    envelope *= envelope_speed(fx, fy, ft, V_X=V_X, V_Y=V_Y, B_V=B_V)
    return envelope

def random_cloud(envelope, seed=None, impulse=False, do_amp=False):
    Returns a Motion Cloud movie as a 3D matrix.
    It first creates a random phase spectrum and then it computes the inverse FFT to obtain
    the spatiotemporal stimulus.

    - use a specific seed to specify the RNG's seed,
    - test the impulse response of the kernel by setting impulse to True
    - test the effect of randomizing amplitudes too by setting do_amp to True
    (N_X, N_Y, N_frame) = envelope.shape
    amps = 1.
    if impulse:
        phase = 0.
        phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(N_X, N_Y, N_frame)
        if do_amp:
            amps = np.random.randn(N_X, N_Y, N_frame)
            # see Galerne, B., Gousseau, Y. & Morel, J.-M. Random phase textures: Theory and synthesis. IEEE Transactions in Image Processing (2010). URL http://www.biomedsearch.com/nih/Random-Phase-Textures-Theory-Synthesis/20550995.html. (basically, they conclude "Even though the two processes ADSN and RPN have different Fourier modulus distributions (see Section 4), they produce visually similar results when applied to natural images as shown by Fig. 11.")

    Fz = amps * envelope * np.exp(1j * phase)

    # centering the spectrum
    Fz = np.fft.ifftshift(Fz)
    Fz[0, 0, 0] = 0.
    z = np.fft.ifftn((Fz)).real
    return z

########################## Display Tools #######################################

def get_size(mat):
    Get stimulus dimensions 

    return [np.size(mat, axis=k) for k in range(np.ndim(mat))]

#NOTE: Python uses the first dimension (rows) as vertical axis and this is the Y in the spatiotemporal domain. Be careful with the convention of X and Y.

def visualize(z, azimuth=290., elevation=45.,
    thresholds=[0.94, .89, .75, .5, .25, .1], opacities=[.9, .8, .7, .5, .2, .2],
    name=None, ext=ext, do_axis=True, do_grids=False, draw_projections=True,
    colorbar=False, f_N=2., f_tN=2., figsize=figsize):

    """ Visualize the  Fourier spectrum """

    N_X, N_Y, N_frame = z.shape
    fx, fy, ft = get_grids(N_X, N_Y, N_frame, sparse=False)

    mlab.figure(1, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=figsize)

    # Normalize the amplitude.
    z /= z.max()
    # Create scalar field
    src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(fx, fy, ft, z)
    if draw_projections:
        src_x = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(fx, fy, ft, np.tile(np.sum(z, axis=0), (N_X, 1, 1)))
        src_y = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(fx, fy, ft, np.tile(np.reshape(np.sum(z, axis=1), (N_X, 1, N_frame)), (1, N_Y, 1)))
        src_z = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(fx, fy, ft, np.tile(np.reshape(np.sum(z, axis=2), (N_X, N_Y, 1)), (1, 1, N_frame)))

        # Create projections
        border = 0.47
        scpx = mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(src_x, plane_orientation='x_axes', view_controls=False)
        scpx.implicit_plane.plane.origin = [-border, 1/N_Y, 1/N_frame]
        scpx.enable_contours = True
        scpy = mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(src_y, plane_orientation='y_axes', view_controls=False)
        scpy.implicit_plane.plane.origin = [1/N_X, border, 1/N_frame]
        scpy.enable_contours = True
        scpz = mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(src_z, plane_orientation='z_axes', view_controls=False)
        scpz.implicit_plane.plane.origin = [1/N_X, 1/N_Y, -border]
        scpz.enable_contours = True

    # Generate iso-surfaces at differnet energy levels
    for threshold, opacity in zip(thresholds, opacities):
        mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=[z.max()-threshold*z.ptp(), ],
        mlab.outline(extent=[-1./2, 1./2, -1./2, 1./2, -1./2, 1./2],)

    # Draw a sphere at the origin
    x = np.array([0])
    y = np.array([0])
    z = np.array([0])
    s = 0.01
    mlab.points3d(x, y, z, extent=[-s, s, -s, s, -s, s], scale_factor=0.15)

    if colorbar: mlab.colorbar(title='density', orientation='horizontal')
    if do_axis:
        ax = mlab.axes(xlabel='fx', ylabel='fy', zlabel='ft',
                       extent=[-1./2, 1./2, -1./2, 1./2, -1./2, 1./2],

        mlab.view(azimuth=azimuth, elevation=elevation, distance='auto', focalpoint='auto')
        print(" You should upgrade your mayavi version")

    if not(name is None):
        mlab.savefig(name + ext, magnification=1, size=figsize)


def cube(im, azimuth=-45., elevation=130., roll=-180., name=None,
         ext=ext, do_axis=True, show_label=True, colormap='gray',
         vmin=0., vmax=1., figsize=figsize):

    Visualize the stimulus as a cube

    N_X, N_Y, N_frame = im.shape
    fx, fy, ft = get_grids(N_X, N_Y, N_frame, sparse=False)

    mlab.figure(1, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=figsize)
    src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(fx*2., fy*2., ft*2., im)

    mlab.pipeline.image_plane_widget(src, plane_orientation='z_axes',
                                     slice_index=0, colormap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    mlab.pipeline.image_plane_widget(src, plane_orientation='z_axes',
                                     slice_index=N_frame, colormap=colormap,
                                     vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    mlab.pipeline.image_plane_widget(src, plane_orientation='x_axes', slice_index=0,
                                     colormap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    mlab.pipeline.image_plane_widget(src, plane_orientation='x_axes', slice_index=N_X,
                                     colormap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

    mlab.pipeline.image_plane_widget(src, plane_orientation='y_axes', slice_index=0,
                                     colormap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    mlab.pipeline.image_plane_widget(src, plane_orientation='y_axes', slice_index=N_Y,
                                     colormap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

    if do_axis:
        ax = mlab.axes(xlabel='x', ylabel='y', zlabel='t',
                       extent=[-1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1.],
                       ranges=[0., N_X, 0., N_Y, 0., N_frame],
                       x_axis_visibility=True, y_axis_visibility=True,

        if not(show_label): ax.axes.set(label_format='')

        mlab.view(azimuth=azimuth, elevation=elevation, distance='auto', focalpoint='auto')
        print(" You should upgrade your mayavi version")

    if not(name is None):
        mlab.savefig(name + ext, magnification=1, size=figsize)


def anim_exist(filename, vext='.mpg'):
    Check if the movie already exists

    return not(os.path.isfile(filename+vext))

def anim_save(z, filename, display=True, flip=False, vext='.mpg',
              centered=False, fps=fps):
    Saves a numpy 3D matrix (x-y-t) to a multimedia file.

    The input pixel values are supposed to lie in the [0, 1.] range.

    import os                         # For issuing commands to the OS.
    import tempfile
    from scipy.misc.pilutil import toimage
    def make_frames(z):
        N_X, N_Y, N_frame = z.shape
        files = []
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        if PROGRESS:
            widgets = ["calculating", " ", progressbar.Percentage(), ' ',
               progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA()]
            pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=N_frame).start()
        print('Saving sequence ' + filename + vext)
        for frame in range(N_frame):
            if PROGRESS: pbar.update(frame)
            fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'frame%03d.png' % frame)
            image = np.rot90(z[:, :, frame])
            if flip: image = np.flipud(image)
            toimage(image, high=255, low=0, cmin=0., cmax=1., pal=None,
                    mode=None, channel_axis=None).save(fname)
            if PROGRESS: pbar.update(frame)

        if PROGRESS: pbar.finish()
        return tmpdir, files

    def remove_frames(tmpdir, files):
        Remove frames from the temp folder
        for fname in files: os.remove(fname)
        if not(tmpdir == None): os.rmdir(tmpdir)

    if vext == '.mpg':
        # 1) create temporary frames
        tmpdir, files = make_frames(z)
        # 2) convert frames to movie
#        cmd = 'ffmpeg -v 0 -y -sameq -loop_output 0 -r ' + str(fps) + ' -i ' + tmpdir + '/frame%03d.png  ' + filename + vext # + ' 2>/dev/null')
        cmd = 'ffmpeg -v 0 -y -sameq  -loop_output 0 -i ' + tmpdir + '/frame%03d.png  ' + filename + vext # + ' 2>/dev/null')
        # print('Doing : ', cmd)
        os.system(cmd) # + ' 2>/dev/null')
        # To force the frame rate of the output file to 24 fps:
        # ffmpeg -i input.avi -r 24 output.avi
        # 3) clean up
        remove_frames(tmpdir, files)
    if vext == '.gif': # http://www.uoregon.edu/~noeckel/MakeMovie.html
        # 1) create temporary frames
        tmpdir, files = make_frames(z)
        # 2) convert frames to movie
#        options = ' -pix_fmt rgb24 -r ' + str(fps) + ' -loop_output 0 '
#        os.system('ffmpeg -i '  + tmpdir + '/frame%03d.png  ' + options + filename + vext + ' 2>/dev/null')
        options = ' -set delay 8 -colorspace GRAY -colors 256 -dispose 1 -loop 0 '
        os.system('convert '  + tmpdir + '/frame*.png  ' + options + filename + vext )# + ' 2>/dev/null')

        # 3) clean up
        remove_frames(tmpdir, files)

    elif vext == '.png':
        toimage(np.flipud(z[:, :, 0]).T, high=255, low=0, cmin=0., cmax=1., pal=None, mode=None, channel_axis=None).save(filename + vext)

    elif vext == '.zip':
        tmpdir, files = make_frames(z)
        import zipfile
        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename + vext, "w")
        # convert to BMP for optical imaging
        files_bmp = []
        for fname in files:
            fname_bmp = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '.bmp'
            # print fname_bmp
            os.system('convert ' + fname + ' ppm:- | convert -size 256x256+0 -colors 256 -colorspace Gray - BMP2:' + fname_bmp) # to generate 8-bit bmp (old format)
        remove_frames(tmpdir=None, files=files_bmp)
        remove_frames(tmpdir, files)

    elif vext == '.mat':
        from scipy.io import savemat
        savemat(filename + vext, {'z':z})

    elif vext == '.h5':
        from tables import openFile, Float32Atom
        hf = openFile(filename + vext, 'w')
        o = hf.createCArray(hf.root, 'stimulus', Float32Atom(), z.shape)
        o = z
        #   print o.shape

def rectif(z, contrast=.9, method='Michelson', verbose=False):
    Transforms an image (can be 1,2 or 3D) with normal histogram into
    a 0.5 centered image of determined contrast
    method is either 'Michelson' or 'Energy'

    # Phase randomization takes any image and turns it into Gaussian-distributed noise of the same power (or, equivalently, variance).
    # See: Peter J. Bex J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 19, No. 6/June 2002 Spatial frequency, phase, and the contrast of natural images

    # Final rectification
    if verbose:
        print('Before Rectification of the frames')
        print( 'Mean=', np.mean(z[:]), ', std=', np.std(z[:]), ', Min=', np.min(z[:]), ', Max=', np.max(z[:]), ' Abs(Max)=', np.max(np.abs(z[:])))

    z -= np.mean(z[:]) # this should be true *on average* in MotionClouds

    if (method == 'Michelson'):
        z = (.5* z/np.max(np.abs(z[:]))* contrast + .5)
        z = (.5* z/np.std(z[:])  * contrast + .5)

    if verbose:
        import pylab

        print('After Rectification of the frames')
        print('Mean=', np.mean(z[:]), ', std=', np.std(z[:]), ', Min=', np.min(z[:]), ', Max=', np.max(z[:]))
        print('percentage pixels clipped=', np.sum(np.abs(z[:])>1.)*100/z.size)
    return z

def figures_MC(fx, fy, ft, name, V_X=V_X, V_Y=V_Y, do_figs=True, do_movie=True,
                    B_V=B_V, sf_0=sf_0, B_sf=B_sf, loggabor=loggabor,
                    theta=theta, B_theta=B_theta, alpha=alpha, vext=vext,
                    seed=None, impulse=False, verbose=False):
    Generates the figures corresponding to the Fourier spectra and the stimulus cubes and
    The figures names are automatically generated.
    if anim_exist(name, vext=vext):
        z = envelope_gabor(fx, fy, ft, V_X=V_X, V_Y=V_Y,
                    B_V=B_V, sf_0=sf_0, B_sf=B_sf, loggabor=loggabor,
                    theta=theta, B_theta=B_theta, alpha=alpha)
        figures(z, name, vext=vext, do_figs=do_figs, do_movie=do_movie,
                    seed=seed, impulse=impulse, verbose=verbose)

def figures(z, name, vext=vext, do_figs=True, do_movie=True,
                    seed=None, impulse=False, verbose=False, masking=False):
    if ((MAYAVI == 'Import') or MAYAVI[:2]=='Ok') and do_figs and anim_exist(name, vext=ext): visualize(z, name=name)           # Visualize the Fourier Spectrum
    if (do_movie and anim_exist(name, vext=vext)) or (MAYAVI and do_figs and anim_exist(name + '_cube', vext=ext)):
        movie = rectif(random_cloud(z, seed=seed, impulse=impulse), verbose=verbose)
    if (((MAYAVI == 'Import') or MAYAVI[:2]=='Ok') and do_figs and anim_exist(name + '_cube', vext=ext)): cube(movie, name=name + '_cube')   # Visualize the Stimulus cube
    if (do_movie and anim_exist(name, vext=vext)): anim_save(movie, name, display=False, vext=vext)