%Jessica Parker, March 14, 2021
%Function performs episode analysis and burst analysis, but this function
%is specifically for alternating bursting in HCOs. episodeanalysislth.m is for
%bursting in general regardless of whether it is a single cell or in an
%alternating network. This is the analysis I am using for the Whelan paper.
function [ec bc tpks] = episodeanalysisSC(V,tint,spth,ibith)
lnt = length(V);
tt = 0:tint:tint*(lnt-1);
sps = find(V>spth); %find indexes of voltages greater than spike threshold
if length(sps)>1
[Vpks pks] = findpeaks(V(sps)); %find indexes os sps corresponding to peaks of spikes
tpks = [];
tpks = tt(sps(pks)); %find times of the peaks of spikes
ipks = sps(pks); %find indexes of times of the peaks of spikes
isi = tpks(2:end)-tpks(1:end-1); %interspike intervals (ISI)
if std(isi)/mean(isi) > 0.05 %if CoV of ISI is bigger than 0.05, look
bb = 1; %for bursting
for aa=1:length(ipks)-1 %running through all ISIs
%if ISI is bigger than IBI threshold, and minV during ISI < -50
if tpks(aa+1)-tpks(aa) > ibith && min(V(ipks(aa):ipks(aa+1)))<-50.0
tbb(bb) = tpks(aa+1); %then time of burst beggining is the time
%of the spike at the end of ISI
if bb>1 %end of previous burst duration is the
teb(bb-1) = tpks(aa); %the time of the spike at the
end %beginning of the ISI
bb = bb+1; %counts number of bursts
bp = tbb(2:end)-tbb(1:end-1); %burst period
tbb(end) = []; %take out last time of burst beginning due to no IBI
bd = teb-tbb; %burst duration
ibi = bp-bd; %interburst interval
bc = [tbb; bp; bd; ibi]; %will become bc1 or bc2
nieis = find(ibi>1.2*mean(ibi)); %Find IBIs that may be IEIs
if std(ibi)/mean(ibi) > 0.05 && length(nieis) > 2 %if CoV of IBI > 0.05
%and more than 2 possible IEIs
cc = 1; %then case may be episodic.
for aa=1:length(tbb)-1 %run through every IBI
if ibi(aa) > 1.2*mean(ibi) %if IBI is greater than 120% of mean IBI
tbe(cc) = tbb(aa+1); %time of episode beginning is end of IBI
if cc>1
tee(cc-1) = teb(aa); %end of previous burst duration
%is beginning of IBI
bpe(cc-1) = aa-nblast; %bursts per episode
nblast = aa; %used to measure bursts per episode
cc = cc+1; %counts number of episodes
ep = tbe(2:end)-tbe(1:end-1); %episode period
tbe(end) = []; %remove last time of episode beginning
ed = tee-tbe; %episode duration
iei = ep-ed; %interepisode interval
ec = [tbe; ep; ed; iei; bpe]; %becomes ec1 or ec2
else %if CoV of IBI <= 0.05 or not at least 2 possible episodes
ec = [];
else %if CoV of ISI <= 0.05 but length of sps is at least 2, then spiking occurs
bc = [];
ec = [];
else %silence
bc = [];
ec = [];
tpks = [];