using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Core
//Generates and applies Gabor filters
public class Gabor
public float Scale { get; set; }
public float[] Orientations { get; set; }
public int RFSize { get; set; }
public float Div { get; set; }
public List<float[,]> gaborFilters;
public List<float[,]> gaborFeatures;
public Gabor(float scale, float[] orientations, int rfSize, float div)
Scale = scale;
Orientations = orientations;
RFSize = rfSize;
Div = div;
//Generates a cleaner view for Gabor filters for the sake of visualization
private void GenerateGaborFeatures()
gaborFeatures = new List<float[,]>(gaborFilters.Count);
for(int i = 0; i < gaborFilters.Count; i++)
float maxi = gaborFilters[i].Cast<float>().Max();
gaborFeatures.Add(new float[gaborFilters[i].GetLength(0), gaborFilters[i].GetLength(1)]);
for(int r = 0; r < gaborFeatures[i].GetLength(0); r++)
for(int c = 0; c < gaborFeatures[i].GetLength(1); c++)
if(Math.Abs(gaborFilters[i][r,c] - maxi) <= 0.1)
gaborFeatures[i][r, c] = gaborFilters[i][r, c];
gaborFeatures[i][r, c] = 0;
//Generates Gabor filters for all of the orientations
private void GenerateGaborFilters()
gaborFilters = new List<float[,]>(Orientations.Length);
float lambda = RFSize * 2 / Div;
float sigma = lambda * 0.8f;
float sigmaSq = sigma * sigma;
float g = 0.3f;
int offset = RFSize / 2;
for (int ori = 0; ori < Orientations.Length; ori++)
gaborFilters.Add(new float[RFSize, RFSize]);
float sumSq = 0;
float sum = 0;
float theta = (Orientations[ori] * (float)Math.PI) / 180;
for (int i = -offset; i <= offset; i++)
for (int j = -offset; j <= offset; j++)
float value = 0;
if (Math.Sqrt(i * i + j * j) <= RFSize / 2f)
float x = (float)(i * Math.Cos(theta) - j * Math.Sin(theta));
float y = (float)(i * Math.Sin(theta) + j * Math.Cos(theta));
value = (float)(Math.Exp(-(x * x + g * g * y * y) / (2 * sigmaSq))) *
(float)Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * x / lambda);
sum += value;
sumSq += value * value;
gaborFilters[ori][i + offset, offset - j] = value;
float mean = sum / (RFSize * RFSize);
sumSq = (float)Math.Sqrt(sumSq);
for (int i = -offset; i <= offset; i++)
for (int j = -offset; j <= offset; j++)
gaborFilters[ori][i + offset, j + offset] -= mean;
gaborFilters[ori][i + offset, j + offset] /= sumSq;
//Computes spike times according to Gabor values for an image
public List<SpikeData[,]> GetGaboredTimes(string imageAddress)
List<SpikeData[,]> spike2D = new List<SpikeData[,]>(Orientations.Length);
float[,] scaledImage;
float[,] normedImage;
List<float[,]> gaboredImages = new List<float[,]>(Orientations.Length);
int offset = RFSize / 2;
//computing normal images
scaledImage = Utility.ReadImageGrayScale(imageAddress, Scale);
normedImage = new float[scaledImage.GetLength(0), scaledImage.GetLength(1)];
//computing normals
for (int i = 0; i < scaledImage.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < scaledImage.GetLength(1); j++)
for (int row = -offset; row <= offset; row++)
if (i + row >= 0 && i + row < scaledImage.GetLength(0))
for (int col = -offset; col <= offset; col++)
if (j + col >= 0 && j + col < scaledImage.GetLength(1))
normedImage[i, j] +=
scaledImage[i + row, j + col] * scaledImage[i + row, j + col];
normedImage[i, j] = (float)Math.Sqrt(normedImage[i, j]);
if (normedImage[i, j] == 0)
normedImage[i, j] = 1;
//computing Gabor values for each orientation and its spike latencies
for (int ori = 0; ori < Orientations.Length; ori++)
gaboredImages.Add(new float[scaledImage.GetLength(0), scaledImage.GetLength(1)]);
spike2D.Add(new SpikeData[scaledImage.GetLength(0), scaledImage.GetLength(1)]);
for (int i = offset; i < scaledImage.GetLength(0) - offset; i++)
for (int j = offset; j < scaledImage.GetLength(1) - offset; j++)
for (int row = i - offset, fr = 0; row <= i + offset; row++, fr++)
for (int col = j - offset, fc = 0; col <= j + offset; col++, fc++)
gaboredImages[ori][i, j] +=
gaborFilters[ori][fr, fc] * scaledImage[row, col];
gaboredImages[ori][i, j] = Math.Abs(gaboredImages[ori][i, j]);
gaboredImages[ori][i, j] /= normedImage[i, j];
if (gaboredImages[ori][i, j] > 0)
spike2D[ori][i, j] = new SpikeData(1 / gaboredImages[ori][i, j],
i, j, ori);
return spike2D;