This is the readme for the models associated with the paper: Munro E, Borgers C (2010) Mechanisms of very fast oscillations in networks of axons coupled by gap junctions. J Comput Neurosci These model files were contributed by Erin Munro ecmun at Example build and run: Under linux an executable can be built in the 5_compartment_model folder with the following command: gcc -lm Traub1999_5comp.c CA3pyramidal_axon.c cell.c gap_junction.c \ my_math.c connections.c poisson_stim.c -o run.exe For code runnability a test can be started with a command like ./run.exe -V -65 -60 -gj 10 10.1 -seed 1 10 -run_time 1 -stim_stop 0.5 (this is only for demonstration of the format of the command) Details about the model files and parameters are provided below. 5_compartment_model: This folder contains all the code for the 5-compartment axon model. The model is written in C, but uses an object-oriented style. The axon model is contained in CA3pyramidal_axon.c, which is the 5 axonal compartments from Traub et al. (1999) with a fixed somatic voltage. The axon uses the framework from cell.c, where you can make compartment connections and add currents. The two currents that can be added are gap junctional currents (gap_junction.c) and external Poisson stimulation (poisson_stim.c). Traub1999_5comp.c simulates the large network model of an axonal plexus using the axon from CA3pyramidal_axon.c and the same network as Traub et al. (1999) (implemented in connections.c). It takes the following arguments: -V V_Sl V_Su: run simulation for somatic voltages V_Sl to V_Su (0.2 mV between each voltage) -gj g_gjl g_gju: run simulation for gap junction conductances g_gjl to g_gju (0.1 nS between each conductance) -seed seedl seedu: run simulation for seeds seedl to seedu (seeds 1-10 used in Munro & Borgers (2010) -run_time: length of simulation in ms -stim_stop: time to stop Poisson stimulation in ms For each (V_s, g_gj) pair, it prints out a data file that is readable into MATLAB as a matrix. The first column gives the time and each subsequent column gives the voltage (in mV) of an axon. Note, not all calculated times are listed in this matrix for efficiency. graph_refractory_test.c simulates the small network model and outputs the time in between the two stimulations (delta) along with the firing times of axons 0, 1, and 2 (1-3 in Munro & Borgers (2010)). It takes the following arguments: -V V_Sl V_Su: run simulation for somatic voltages V_Sl to V_Su (0.2 mV between each voltage) -gj g_gjl g_gju: run simulation for gap junction conductances g_gjl to g_gju (0.1 nS between each conductance) -delta deltal deltau: run simulation for delta values deltal to deltau (dt=0.0025 ms between each delta) Traub1999_reproduction: This folder contains our implementation in C of the model for figure 12 in Traub et al. (1999). The CA3 pyramidal cell model is in traub69.c. The network is implemented in connections.c. run_traub.c puts these together to run the full simulation. The output is printed in data files readable by MATLAB as matrices. Each data file contains 500 ms of data. The first column stands for time. Columns 2 and 3 stand for the voltages of the soma and second-to-last axonal compartment of the cell 1. Likewise, all subsequent columns list the voltages of the soma and then second-to-last axonal compartment of each cell in order. Note, not all calculated times are printed in these files for efficiency reasons. cellular_automata: This folder contains the MATLAB codes for the two modified cellular automata to model noise and re-entrant activity from the axonal plexus. The file conn.out contains the network generated for the models in C (all axonal plexus simulations and the Traub 1999 reproduction use this network). CA_sol_double.m contains the general cellular automaton to model noise, and run_CA_double_exp.m runs the experiment to mimick noise. CA_sol_ref.m contains the general cellular automaton to model re-entrant activity, and run_CA_ref_exp.m runs the experiment to mimick re-entrant activity with various refractory periods for 4-connected cells. MATLAB_files: Here are some MATLAB files that were used to analyze the data, including analysis on large random networks as well as processing of data from the 5-compartment model. cconn2mconn.m - converts connections network generated in C to cell array readable by other MATLAB files cluster_placement.m - arranges cells according to cluster size conn_analysis.m - prints out brief synopsis of properties of network, and returns the clusters within the network count_4_conn_neighbors.m - counts down stream neighbors of 4-connected cells to determine "typical" gap junctional load find_cycles.m - gives an underestimate of the number of cycles going through a cell freq.m - generates the power spectrum and plots the results remove_cells.m - returns a modified network where all connections to 4-connected cells are removed spike_failures.m - lists propagations failures (and successes) in a given data set spike_timing.m - lists the spike times from a given data set and plots a rastergram