function [conn ma_conn] = ...
% Establishes connections between cells
% 1) on main axons within cortical columns, and
% 2) on collaterals
% "weights" is an array of cell weights
% - length of unmyelinated axon in um
% "p_intra" - probability that 2 main axons are connected within a cortical
% column on the IS
% "p_inter" - proabability that 2 1-um collateral sections are connected
% on an unmyelinated section of axon
% "r_c" - maximum distance between connected cell somata on the grid
% "n_x", "n_y" - number of rows and columns in hexagonal grid
% "n_colcells" - number of cells in a single cortical column
% ma_conn gives connection on main axon
% set the seed for the random number generator for repeatability
%stream = RandStream.getDefaultStream;
%stream.reset; % reset stream to initial internal state
% how many cells do we need?
n_cols = n_x*n_y + floor(n_y/2);
n_cells = n_cols*n_colcells;
conn = cell(n_cells,1);
ma_conn = cell(n_cells,1);
% set weights for whole network so that their chosen randomly from 'weights'
weights_ad = set_weights(weights,n_cells);
% for each cortical column, randomly set connections between cells
for i=1:n_cols
rand_matrix = rand(n_colcells);
connections = (rand_matrix<=p_intra);
% take out self and double connections
connections = triu(connections,1);
conn_ind = find(connections);
for j=1:length(conn_ind)
% translate index in conn_ind into row and column
c1 = floor((conn_ind(j)-1)/n_colcells) + 1; % column
c2 = mod(conn_ind(j)-1,n_colcells) + 1; % row
% get cell ID based on which columns we're in
cell1 = c1 + n_colcells*(i-1);
cell2 = c2 + n_colcells*(i-1);
% connect cells
conn{cell1} = [conn{cell1} cell2];
conn{cell2} = [conn{cell2} cell1];
ma_conn{cell1} = [ma_conn{cell1} cell2];
ma_conn{cell2} = [ma_conn{cell2} cell1];
% set connections on unmyelinated axon collaterals between (and within)
% cortical columns
% give every cell coordinates in the Cartesian plane
% first cell is at (0,0)
% x-coord counts off by 2 units in positive direction
% x-coord is even for all cells in even rows, odd for odd rows
% y-coord counts up by 1, but understood to be multiple of sqrrt(3)
% in Cartesian plane.
coord_list = zeros(n_cols,2);
x_coord = 0;
y_coord = 0;
max_x_coord = n_x*2-1;
for i=1:n_cols
coord_list(i,:) = [x_coord y_coord];
x_coord = x_coord + 2;
if x_coord>max_x_coord
y_coord = y_coord + 1;
if mod(y_coord,2)==0 % even row
x_coord = 0;
x_coord = -1;
cl = coord_list;
% relative indexes of cells r_c from (0,0) for all columns past this one
d = 2*r_c;
xmax = ceil(d);
ymax = ceil(d/(sqrt(3)));
for x=0:2:xmax
if x<=d
rc_list(i,:)= [x 0];
i = i+1;
for y=2:2:ymax % even rows
for x=[0:2:d -(2:2:d)]
if sqrt(x^2+3*y^2)<=d
rc_list(i,:)= [x y];
i = i+1;
for y=1:2:ymax
for x=[1:2:d -(1:2:d)]
if sqrt(x^2 + 3*y^2)<=d
rc_list(i,:) = [x y];
i = i+1;
src = size(rc_list);
rc = rc_list;
% set connections between unmyelinated sections
for i=1:n_cols
col1 = i;
col1_coords = coord_list(i,:);
for j=1:src(1)
col2_coords = col1_coords+rc_list(j,:);
if coord_in_bounds(col2_coords,n_x,n_y)
col2 = coord_to_col(col2_coords,n_x);
cells1 = (col1-1)*n_colcells + (1:n_colcells);
cells2 = (col2-1)*n_colcells + (1:n_colcells);
rand_matrix = rand(n_colcells);
p = 1 - exp(-p_inter*diag(weights_ad(cells2))*...
% cells1(1) mult. along 1st col, cells2(1) mult along 1st row
connections = (rand_matrix<=p);
if col1==col2 % same columns
% remove self and double connections
connections = triu(connections,1);
else % only remove double connections
connections = triu(connections,0);
conn_ind = find(connections);
for k=1:length(conn_ind)
% translate index in conn_ind into row and column
c1 = floor((conn_ind(k)-1)/n_colcells) + 1; % column
c2 = mod(conn_ind(k)-1,n_colcells) + 1; % row
% get cell ID based on which columns we're in
cell1 = cells1(c1);
cell2 = cells2(c2);
if ~any(conn{cell1}==cell2)
% connect cells
conn{cell1} = [conn{cell1} cell2];
conn{cell2} = [conn{cell2} cell1];
else % cells are already connected on the IS
% remove them from ma_conn to show that connection stays
ma_conn{cell1} = setdiff(ma_conn{cell1},cell2);
ma_conn{cell2} = setdiff(ma_conn{cell2},cell1);
end %k=1:length(conn_ind)
end %coord_in_bounds(col2_coords,n_x,n_y)
end %j=1:length(rc_list)
end %i=1:n_cols
% subfunctions -----------------------------------------
function in_bounds = coord_in_bounds(coord,n_x,n_y)
% Are the given coordinates in the network?
% This assumes that the coordinates are on a hexagonal grid.
x = coord(1);
y = coord(2);
max_x_coord = 2*n_x-1;
in_bounds = 1;
if y>n_y-1
in_bounds = 0;
elseif y<0;
in_bounds = 0;
elseif x>max_x_coord
in_bounds = 0;
elseif x<-1
in_bounds = 0;