function plot_geometric_ratios(gr_group,ma_group,col_group,ma)
% Plot the antidromic geometric ratios.
% "gr_group", "ma_group", "col_group" are output from the function
% geometric_ratios_group.
% "layer" indicates the layer the cells are from
% "ma" indicates whether antidromic ratios into the main axon are
% to be plotted versus antidromic ratios within collaterals
%[bpdiam_group ma_group cor_group col_group ...
% gr_group n_cells] = geometric_ratios_group(cell_file_list);
if ma
gr = gr_group(ma_group,3);
gr = [gr_group(col_group,2); gr_group(col_group,3)];
total = length(gr);
alpha = 1:10;
dist = 2*alpha.^1.5;
n = hist(gr,dist);