This folder contains all of the code necessary to generate the data for the network model shown in figure 12. generate_sep_networks.m was used to generate networks for values of p that were expected to yield an average of 0-1 connections per cell. generate_extra_networks.m was used to generate networks for values of p that were expected to yield an average of 1-4 connections per cell. The code for generating a network with given parameters is in connections_cortcolsimple2.m All networks are automatically saved to a matlab ".mat" file, so they can subsequentially be loaded to analyze. For each network, we analyzed the connected clusters with analyze_network_clusters_only.m. We then analyzed the number of cycles in the network with analyze_network_cycles_only.m. The code for analyzing the clusters in a single network is in conn_clusters.m. The code for analyzing cycles in a single network in is find_cycles.m. plot_geometric_ratios.m was used to generate bar graphs of the antidromic geometric ratios. See comments in individual files for more information.