begintemplate GapJunction
public gj1,gj2,g,loc,reset_loc,reset_g
// An electrical connection placed between two compartments
objref this,sec1,sec2,gj1,gj2
proc init(){
sec1 = $o1 // section pointer to first connected section
sec2 = $o2 // section pointer to second connected section
loc = $3 // location within sections to put gj, same for both for now
g = $4 // conductance of gj
sec1.sec{ gj1 = new Gap(loc) }
sec2.sec{ gj2 = new Gap(loc) }
setpointer gj1.vgap, sec2.sec.v(loc)
setpointer gj2.vgap, sec1.sec.v(loc)
gj1.g = g
gj2.g = g
proc reset_loc(){
// place gap junction between two BranchDistCell's
loc = $1
sec1 = $o2
sec2 = $o3
sec1.sec{ gj1 = new Gap(loc) }
sec2.sec{ gj2 = new Gap(loc) }
setpointer gj1.vgap, sec2.sec.v(loc)
setpointer gj2.vgap, sec1.sec.v(loc)
gj1.g = g
gj2.g = g
proc reset_g(){
g = $1
gj1.g = g
gj2.g = g
endtemplate GapJunction