
    Description: File listing auxiliary procedures and functions for loading data, computing firing rates and conduction velocity in axon.

    Edit History: Created by Christina Weaver in May 2020.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in December 2021.
                  Modified by Tony Weaver in February 2022.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in March 2022.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in April 2022 to include demyelination and flag checking at multiple locations.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in May 2022 to incorporate remyelination.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in June 2022 to have common code for myelin dystrophies.

/* Declaring object references - as they cannot be declared within procedures or functions */
objref proximalSpikeTimes, distalSpikeTimes, proximalAPCount, distalAPCount, interSpikeInterval, firingRate, interSpikeIntervalDistal, firingRateDistal, temporaryVector
objref juxtaparanodeAPCountProximal, juxtaparanodeAPCountDistal, internodeAPCountProximal, internodeAPCountDistal, nodeAPCount, outputFile, outputFileDetails

/* Create a ParallelContext here so it exists wherever we need it in this file -- TW*/
objref pc
pc = new ParallelContext()

/* To hold some info(arguments) about an individual parallel run -- TW */
objref mpiJob

/* Holds calculated values from an individual parallel run since a function only returns one value -- TW */
objref mpiJobRes

/* These will eventually hold different individual result values
 * In the order they would be if simulations were run in serial.
 * The first two values come originally from run_Simulation
 * The last three come originally from meanFRandCV
 * popRes -- population number/ID
 * perturbRes -- perturbation number/ID
 * injRes -- injection value
 * mfrRes -- mean firing rate
 * mfrdRes -- mean firing rate distal
 * apcRes -- AP count
 * apcdRes -- AP count distal
 * cvRes -- conduction velocity
 * outflagRes -- outcome flag
 * -- TW
objref popRes, perturbRes, injRes, mfrRes, mfrdRes, apcRes, apcdRes, cvRes, outflagRes
totalJobs = 0
totalRunTime = 0.0

    Name: proc_setAPCounters()
    Type: Procedure

    Input Parameter(s): None
    Return Parameter: None

    Description: Procedure to set up AP counters at proximal and distal locations for calculation of firing rate, conduction velocity.

    Edit History: Created by Christina Weaver in May 2020.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in December 2021.  
proc proc_setAPCounters() {

    /* For proximal location */
    proximalSpikeTimes = new Vector() 
    if (proximalLocationFlag==0) {
        pyramidalAxon.iseg {                
            proximalAPCount = new APCount(0.5)
            proximalAPCount.thresh = 10 //(mV)     
    } else {
        pyramidalAxon.nodes[proximalLocation] {                
            proximalAPCount = new APCount(0.5)
            proximalAPCount.thresh = 10 //(mV)       

    /* For distal location */
    distalSpikeTimes = new Vector() 
    pyramidalAxon.nodes[distalLocation] {		
        distalAPCount = new APCount(0.5)
        distalAPCount.thresh = 10 //(mV)  

    /* For juxtaparanode */
    pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[proximalLocation] {		
        juxtaparanodeAPCountProximal = new APCount(0.5)
        juxtaparanodeAPCountProximal.thresh = 0 //(mV)
    pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[distalLocation] {		
        juxtaparanodeAPCountDistal = new APCount(0.5)
        juxtaparanodeAPCountDistal.thresh = 0 //(mV)

    /* For internode */
    pyramidalAxon.internodes[proximalLocation] {		
        internodeAPCountProximal = new APCount(0.5)
        internodeAPCountProximal.thresh = 0 //(mV)
    pyramidalAxon.internodes[distalLocation] {		
        internodeAPCountDistal = new APCount(0.5)
        internodeAPCountDistal.thresh = 0 //(mV)

    /* For node */
    pyramidalAxon.nodes[1] {		
        nodeAPCount = new APCount(0.5)
        nodeAPCount.thresh = 30 //(mV)

} // End of proc_setAPCounters()

    Name: func_calculateFiringRate()
    Type: Function

    Input Parameter(s): 1. startTime (left end-point of time-window)
                        2. stopTime (right end-point of time-window)
                        3. printingFlag (0: no-action; 1: print info)
    Return Parameter: firingRate

    Description: Function to calculate the mean firing rate (and coefficient of variance) during a specified time window.

    Edit History: Created by Christina Weaver in May 2020.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in December 2021.  
                  Modified by Tony Weaver in February 2022 to remove prints to terminal
func func_calculateFiringRate() { local loopCounter, tmx

    /* Creating necessaryvectors */
    interSpikeInterval = new Vector()
    firingRate = new Vector()

    /* Calculating firing rates considering all inter-spike intervals within specified time-window */
    for( loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < proximalAPCount.n-1; loopCounter = loopCounter+1 ) {
        if( proximalSpikeTimes.x[loopCounter] >= $1 && proximalSpikeTimes.x[loopCounter+1] <= $2) {

    /* If firing rate could not be computed */
    if( firingRate.size == 0 ) {
        return 0.0

    /* Returning firing rate */
    return firingRate.mean

} // End of func_calculateFiringRate()

    Name: func_calculateFiringRateDistal()
    Type: Function

    Input Parameter(s): 1. startTime (left end-point of time-window)
                        2. stopTime (right end-point of time-window)
                        3. printingFlag (0: no-action; 1: print info)
    Return Parameter: firingRateDistal

    Description: Function to calculate the mean firing rate at the distal end (and coefficient of variance) during a specified time window.

    Edit History: Created by Nilapratim Sengupta in May 2022.  
func func_calculateFiringRateDistal() { local loopCounter, tmx

    /* Creating necessaryvectors */
    interSpikeIntervalDistal = new Vector()
    firingRateDistal = new Vector()

    /* Calculating firing rates considering all inter-spike intervals within specified time-window */
    for( loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < distalAPCount.n-1; loopCounter = loopCounter+1 ) {
        if( distalSpikeTimes.x[loopCounter] >= $1 && distalSpikeTimes.x[loopCounter+1] <= tstop) { // Upper limit changed to tstop on 20220725

    /* If firing rate at distal end could not be computed */
    if( firingRateDistal.size == 0 ) {
        return 0.0

    /* Returning firing rate at distal end */
    return firingRateDistal.mean

} // End of func_calculateFiringRateDistal()

    Name: func_evaluateFRandCV()
    Type: Function

    Input Parameter(s): 1. startTime (left end-point of time-window in ms)
                        2. stopTime (right end-point of time-window in ms)
                        3. Vector containing population number, perturbation number and currentAmplitude (amplitude of stimulating current in nA)
                           Stores results of the calculations done here
                        4. printingFlag (0: no-action; 1: print info)
                        5. MPI job ID
    Return Parameter: firingRate, but really a vector with multiple values

    Description: Function to calculate the mean firing rate (and coefficient of variance) during a specified time window.

    Edit History: Created by Christina Weaver in May 2020.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in December 2021.  
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in February 2022 to include outcomeFlag updation.
                  Modified by Tony Weaver in February 2022.
                  1. Removed file writing here.  Once calculation completes return all relevant values
                  2. In order to "return" multiple values storing them in a Vector that's passed in as arg 3
                  3. Reformatted prints to terminal to aid in debugging.  Once running, commented them out
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in April 2022 to include demyelination.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in May 2022 to incorporate remyelination.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in June 2022 to have a common code for myelin dystrophies.
func func_evaluateFRandCV() {  local populationCounter, perturbationCounter, internodeCounter, meanFiringRate, conductionDistance, conductionTime, conductionVelocity, proximalTime, distalTime, id

    id = $5

    /* Updating tstop with input parameter */
    tstop = $2 + 100 // tstop increased to account for conduction delay on 20220725

    /* Set additional parameters
     * In serial version, this was done in run_Simulation
     * Must be done here for parallel processing otherwise
     * The individual run() executed in this function won't have the correct information 
     * -- TW

    /* Retrieving morphology and perturbation details from the input */
    populationCounter = $o3.x[0]
    perturbationCounter = $o3.x[1]

    proc_updateRemyelinatedAxon(populationCounter, perturbationCounter)
    proc_calculateAxonParameters(axonDiameter, nodeLength, myelinSheathLength, numOfLamellae, lamellaThickness, gRatio)

    /* Implementing the perturbations */  
    for (internodeCounter=0; internodeCounter<noOfInternodes; internodeCounter=internodeCounter+1) {

        numOfLamellaeTemporary = vector_axonPerturbationsLamellae.x[internodeCounter] * numOfLamellae

        if (vector_axonPerturbationsInternodes.x[internodeCounter]==1) {
            proc_applyDemyelination(axonDiameter, nodeLength, myelinSheathLength, numOfLamellaeTemporary, lamellaThickness, internodeCounter)
        if (vector_axonPerturbationsInternodes.x[internodeCounter]==2) {
            proc_applyRemyelination(axonDiameter, nodeLength, myelinSheathLength, numOfLamellaeTemporary, lamellaThickness, internodeCounter)

    /* Updating model parameters finally */

    /* Updating amplitude of current stimulus with input parameter */
    currentStimulus.amp = $o3.x[2]

    /* Setting up AP counters at proximal and distal locations */

    /* For debugging */

    /* Running simulation. init() is automatically invoked */
    /* Updating signal-level flags and outcome flag*/
    signalFlagJuxtaparanode = 0
    if (juxtaparanodeAPCountProximal.n==0 && juxtaparanodeAPCountDistal.n==0) {
        signalFlagJuxtaparanode = 1

    signalFlagInternode = 0
    if (internodeAPCountProximal.n==0 && internodeAPCountDistal.n==0) {
        signalFlagInternode = 1

    /* Invoking function to calculate the firingRates at proximal and distal ends, storing results in vector passed in as argument -- TW */
    meanFiringRate = func_calculateFiringRate($1,$2,0) // (1: startTime, 2: stopTime, 3: printingFlag)
    meanFiringRateDistal = func_calculateFiringRateDistal($1,$2,0) // (1: startTime, 2: stopTime, 3: printingFlag)

    /* Calculating conductionDistance */
    if (proximalLocationFlag==0) {
        pyramidalAxon.iseg { distance() } 	
    } else {
        pyramidalAxon.nodes[proximalLocation] { distance(0, 0.5) }
    pyramidalAxon.nodes[distalLocation] { conductionDistance = distance(0.5) }  
    /* Determining conductionVelocity */
    if( proximalAPCount.n > 0 && distalAPCount.n > 0 ) {
        if( distalAPCount.n == proximalAPCount.n ) {
            conductionTime = distalSpikeTimes.x[distalAPCount.n-1]-proximalSpikeTimes.x[proximalAPCount.n-1]
            conductionVelocity = (1e-3 * (conductionDistance / conductionTime))
            signalFlagNode = 1
        } else { //SpecialCases: Unequal number of spikes at proximal and distal locations.   
			if( proximalAPCount.n > 1 && distalAPCount.n > 1) { // Assumes there are at least two spikes; computes conductionVelocity from second.  Assuming first spike is "not typical" of the neuron's behavior.
				conductionTime = distalSpikeTimes.x[1]-proximalSpikeTimes.x[1]
				conductionVelocity = (1e-3 * (conductionDistance / conductionTime))
                signalFlagNode = 2
			} else { // In this case, there is just one spike at proximal and/or distal location.
				conductionTime = distalSpikeTimes.x[0]-proximalSpikeTimes.x[0]
				conductionVelocity = (1e-3 * (conductionDistance / conductionTime))
                signalFlagNode = 0 // 3
    } else {	// Either or both locations have no spikes
        proximalTime = 0
        distalTime = 0
        if( proximalAPCount.n != 0 ) { 
            proximalTime = proximalSpikeTimes.x[0] 
        if( distalAPCount.n != 0 ) { 
            distalTime = distalSpikeTimes.x[0] 
		conductionVelocity = 0
        signalFlagNode = 0

    /* Updating outcome flag */
    outcomeFlag = 0
    if (signalFlagJuxtaparanode==1 && signalFlagInternode==1 && signalFlagNode>=1 && meanFiringRate>0) {
        outcomeFlag = 1

    /* More results to be stored in the Vector -- TW */

    /* Return results 
     * using pc.post to essentially return the vector with additional values added to it
     * so that we can process it properly
     * -- TW  
    pc.post(id, $o3) // Need to post the modified Vector or else when job is retrieved we won't see added values
    return meanFiringRate

} // End of func_evaluateFRandCV()

    Name: proc_runSimulation()
    Type: Procedure

    Input Parameter(s): 1. startTime (left end-point of time-window in ms)
                        2. stopTime (right end-point of time-window in ms)
                        3. Filename (String) : Simulation output
                        4. Filename (String) : Simulation details
    Return Parameter: None

    Description: Procedure to run multiple simulations.
                 Outer loop - for different sets of axon morphologies.
                 Inner loop - for different levels of current injection.

    Edit History: Created by Nilapratim Sengupta in December 2021.  
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in February 2022 to include updation of simulation details.
                  Modified by Tony Weaver in February 2022.
                  1. Converted the call to funcEvaluateFRandCV to be executed in parallel
                  2. Moved printing of the results to after all parallel jobs have completed the FR and CV calculation
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in March 2022 to include updation of outputFile (tabular).
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in March 2022 to include additional information in detailedOutput File. 
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in April 2022 to include demyelination. 
proc proc_runSimulation() {  local populationCounter, morphologyCounter, perturbationCounter, currentCounter, id, population, perturbation, injection, meanFR, meanFRDistal, apCount, apCountDistal, condVel, outFlag

    /* Creating file to write output */
	outputFile = new File()
    outputFileDetails = new File()

    /* Opening the desired file in write-mode */
    /* Setup each MPI run 
     * VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: Any code executed after this until pc.done()
     * is only being run on the master node.  Any worker nodes will not "see"
     * any of this stuff including anything that might setup important values for the simulation(s)
     * So things like that either have to be passed as arguments into the function calling run() 
     * or that function has to call other function(s) to set the necessary simulation parameters
     * -- TW

    /* job ID starts at 1 not 0 because 0 is master job -- TW */
    id = 1
	for (populationCounter=0; populationCounter<axonPopulationSize; populationCounter=populationCounter+1) {

        for (perturbationCounter=0; perturbationCounter<noOfAxonPerturbationVariations; perturbationCounter=perturbationCounter+2) { // Increment by 2 since perturbation matrix has two columns per scheme

            /* Inner loop - for different levels of current injection
            * Setup some basic parameters for this run and submit it to the ParallelCOntext bulletin board for eventual processing
            * -- TW
            for (currentCounter=firstCurrentLevel; currentCounter<=finalCurrentLevel; currentCounter=currentCounter+stepCurrentLevel) {

                totalJobs = totalJobs + 1
                // printf("\nPrepping job for Population: %d\tPerturbation: %d\t\tInjection: %g\t\tJob ID: %d\n", populationCounter, perturbationCounter/2, currentCounter, id) // Since dystrophy file has 2 columns per perturbation scheme
                mpiJob = new Vector()
                mpiJob.append(populationCounter, perturbationCounter, currentCounter) 
                /* Invoking function to calculate firingRate and conductionVelocity */
                pc.submit("func_evaluateFRandCV", $1, $2, mpiJob, 1, id)
                id = id + 1

    /* Initialize some Vectors to hold individual component results
     * These allow us to hold the resulting values from each run in the order they would be if run serially
     * becuase otherwise the jobs finish out of order because of parallel processing
     * -- TW
    popRes = new Vector(totalJobs)
    perturbRes = new Vector(totalJobs)
    injRes = new Vector(totalJobs)
    mfrRes = new Vector(totalJobs)
    mfrdRes = new Vector(totalJobs)
    apcRes = new Vector(totalJobs)
    apcdRes = new Vector(totalJobs)
    cvRes = new Vector(totalJobs)
    outflagRes = new Vector(totalJobs)

    /* Get results from MPI jobs -- TW */
    while(pc.working) {

        /* Parse arguments of this particular job submission so we can get the manually assigned  job ID */
        pc.upkscalar() // Start time
        pc.upkscalar() // stopTime
        pc.upkvec() // Vector to hold run info
        pc.upkscalar() // Print or not
        id = pc.upkscalar() // MPI job ID

        printf("\nRetrieved a job, id: %d\n\n", id)
        /* Get the Vector holding the results, it was set at the end of func_evaluateFRandCV via pc.post  -- TW */
        mpiJobRes = pc.upkvec()

        /* Subtracting 1 from id because vector indexing starts at 0 but MPI job IDs started at 1 
         * And storing individual values in appropriate Vectors at appropriate location  -- TW
        popRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[0]
        perturbRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[1]
        injRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[2]
        mfrRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[3]
        mfrdRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[4]
        apcRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[5]
        apcdRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[6]
        cvRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[7]
        outflagRes.x[id-1] = mpiJobRes.x[8]

    /* Printing simulation details */
    /* Printing header */
    outputFileDetails.printf("\nPrinting simulation details for record keeping.")

    outputFileDetails.printf("\nMorphology File for Axon: %s", inputFileNameMorphologies)
    outputFileDetails.printf("\nPerturbation File for Axon: %s\n", inputFileNamePerturbations)

    /* Printing parameters regarding axon morphologies from the LHS file */
     outputFileDetails.printf("\n\nAxon Population Size = %d", axonPopulationSize)
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nNo. of Axon Morphology Parameters = %d", noOfAxonMorphologyParameters)

    /* Printing parameters regarding axon perturbations from the Perturbation file */
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nNo. of Axon Perturbation Variations = %d", noOfAxonPerturbationVariations/2) // Since dystrophy file has 2 columns per perturbation scheme

    /* Printing parameters for the soma, dendrites and myelinated axon implementation */
     outputFileDetails.printf("\n\nNo. of Compartments for Soma and Dendrites = %d", noOfComp)
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nNo. of Nodes = %d", noOfNodes)
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nNo. of ParanodeSets = %d", noOfParanodeSets) 
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nNo. of Juxtaparanode Sets = %d", noOfJuxtaparanodeSets)
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nNo of Internodes = %d", noOfInternodes)

    /* Printing parameters for recording */
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nProximal Location = %d", proximalLocation)
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nDistal Location = %d", distalLocation)
     outputFileDetails.printf("\nStop Time = %d ms", stopTime)


     /* Printing header */

    /* We have all results, now write them to file  -- TW */
    for (id=0; id<popRes.size(); id=id+1) {
        population = popRes.x[id]
        perturbation = perturbRes.x[id]
        injection = injRes.x[id]
        meanFR = mfrRes.x[id]
        meanFRDistal = mfrdRes.x[id]
        apCount = apcRes.x[id]
        apCountDistal = apcdRes.x[id]
        condVel = cvRes.x[id]
        outFlag = outflagRes.x[id]

        outputFile.printf("\n%d\t", population) // For tabular outputFile - Nil

        outputFileDetails.printf("-- Axon Morphologies --\n")
        /* Printing the axon morphology parameters to output file */
        for( morphologyCounter=0; morphologyCounter<noOfAxonMorphologyParameters; morphologyCounter=morphologyCounter+1) {
            outputFileDetails.printf("\t%g\n", matrix_axonMorphologies.x[population][morphologyCounter])
            outputFile.printf("%g\t", matrix_axonMorphologies.x[population][morphologyCounter]) // For tabular outputFile - Nil

        /* Print results from func_evaluateFRandCV */
        outputFileDetails.printf("\nPerturbation: %d \n", perturbation/2) // Since dystrophy file has 2 columns per perturbation scheme
        outputFileDetails.printf("\nCurrent injection: %g nA\n", injection)
        outputFileDetails.printf("Mean firing rate at proximal end: %g Hz\n", meanFR)
        outputFileDetails.printf("Mean firing rate at distal end: %g Hz\n", meanFRDistal)
        outputFileDetails.printf("AP count at proximal end: %d\n", apCount)
        outputFileDetails.printf("AP count at distal end: %d\n", apCountDistal)
        outputFileDetails.printf("Conduction velocity: %g m/s\n", condVel)
        outputFile.printf("%d\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%d\t%d\t%g\t%d", perturbation/2, injection, meanFR, meanFRDistal, apCount, apCountDistal, condVel, outFlag) // For tabular outputFile - Nil
        outputFile.printf("\n") // For tabular outputFile - Nil


    /* Closing the files */

} // End of proc_runSimulation()

    Name: proc_printDetailsOnConsole()
    Type: Procedure

    Input Parameter(s): 1. Population Counter
    Return Parameter: None

    Description: Function to print details of a simulation/iteration on the console.

    Edit History: Created by Nilapratim Sengupta in February 2022.  
proc proc_printDetailsOnConsole() {

    /* Printing header */
    a = printf("\n\n\nPrinting few simulation details for record keeping.")
    a = printf("\n===================================================\n")
    a = printf("\nPopulation Counter: %d", $1)

    /* Printing parameters regarding axon morphologies from the LHS file */
    a = printf("\n\nAxon Population Size = %d", axonPopulationSize)
    a = printf("\nNo. of Axon Morphology Parameters = %d", noOfAxonMorphologyParameters)
    a = printf("\nAxon Diameter = %f (in um)", axonDiameter)
    a = printf("\nNode Length = %f (in um)", nodeLength)
    a = printf("\nMyelin Sheath Length = %f (in um)", myelinSheathLength)
    a = printf("\nNo. of Lamellae = %f", numOfLamellae)
    a = printf("\nThickness of Lamellae = %f (in um)", lamellaThickness)

    /* Printing parameters for the soma, dendrites and myelinated axon implementation */
    a = printf("\n\nNo. of Compartments for Soma and Dendrites = %d", noOfComp)
    a = printf("\nNo. of Nodes = %d", noOfNodes)
    a = printf("\nNo. of ParanodeSets = %d", noOfParanodeSets) 
    a = printf("\nNo. of Juxtaparanode Sets = %d", noOfJuxtaparanodeSets)
    a = printf("\nNo of Internodes = %d", noOfInternodes)

    /* Printing scale factors for biophysical parameters */
    a = printf("\n\nScale factor for g_pas = %f", g_pas_scaleFactor)
    a = printf("\nScale factor for gbar_naf = %f", gbar_naf_scaleFactor)
    a = printf("\nScale factor for gbar_kdr = %f", gbar_kdr_scaleFactor)

    /* Printing biophysical parameters */
    a = printf("\n\nSoma:\t\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalCell.comp[1].Ra, pyramidalCell.comp[1].cm, pyramidalCell.comp[1].g_pas, pyramidalCell.comp[1].gbar_naf, pyramidalCell.comp[1].gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nHill:\t\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.hill.Ra, pyramidalAxon.hill.cm, pyramidalAxon.hill.g_pas, pyramidalAxon.hill.gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.hill.gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nISeg:\t\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.iseg.Ra, pyramidalAxon.iseg.cm, pyramidalAxon.iseg.g_pas, pyramidalAxon.iseg.gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.iseg.gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nNodes:\t\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nParanodeOnes:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nParanodeTwos:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nParanodeThrees:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nParanodeFours:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nJuxtaparanodes:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].gbar_kdr)
    a = printf("\nInternodes:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].gbar_kdr)

    /* Printing parameters for extracellular implementation */
    a = printf("\n\nNodes:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xc[1])
    a = printf("\nParanodeOnes:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xc[1])
    a = printf("\nParanodeTwos:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xc[1])
    a = printf("\nParanodeThrees:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xc[1])
    a = printf("\nParanodeFours:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xc[1])
    a = printf("\nJuxtaparanodes:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xc[1])
    a = printf("\nInternodes:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xc[1])

    /* Printing parameters for recording */
    a = printf("\n\nProximal Location Flag = %d (0: iseg; 1: otherwise)", proximalLocationFlag)
    a = printf("\nProximal Location = %d", proximalLocation)
    a = printf("\nDistal Location = %d", distalLocation)

    a = printf("\n\n")

} // End of proc_printDetailsOnConsole()

    Name: proc_printDetailsToFile()
    Type: Procedure

    Input Parameter(s): 1. Population Counter
                        2. File Object
    Return Parameter: None

    Description: Function to print details of a simulation/iteration to a file.

    Edit History: Created by Nilapratim Sengupta in February 2022.  
proc proc_printDetailsToFile() {

    /* Printing header */
    $o2.printf("\n\n\nPrinting few simulation details for record keeping.")
    $o2.printf("\nPopulation Counter: %d", $1)

    /* Printing parameters regarding axon morphologies from the LHS file */
    $o2.printf("\n\nAxon Population Size = %d", axonPopulationSize)
    $o2.printf("\nNo. of Axon Morphology Parameters = %d", noOfAxonMorphologyParameters)
    $o2.printf("\nAxon Diameter = %f (in um)", axonDiameter)
    $o2.printf("\nNode Length = %f (in um)", nodeLength)
    $o2.printf("\nMyelin Sheath Length = %f (in um)", myelinSheathLength)
    $o2.printf("\nNo. of Lamellae = %f", numOfLamellae)
    $o2.printf("\nThickness of Lamellae = %f (in um)", lamellaThickness)

    /* Printing parameters for the soma, dendrites and myelinated axon implementation */
    $o2.printf("\n\nNo. of Compartments for Soma and Dendrites = %d", noOfComp)
    $o2.printf("\nNo. of Nodes = %d", noOfNodes)
    $o2.printf("\nNo. of ParanodeSets = %d", noOfParanodeSets) 
    $o2.printf("\nNo. of Juxtaparanode Sets = %d", noOfJuxtaparanodeSets)
    $o2.printf("\nNo of Internodes = %d", noOfInternodes)

    /* Printing scale factors for biophysical parameters */
    $o2.printf("\n\nScale factor for g_pas = %f", g_pas_scaleFactor)
    $o2.printf("\nScale factor for gbar_naf = %f", gbar_naf_scaleFactor)
    $o2.printf("\nScale factor for gbar_kdr = %f", gbar_kdr_scaleFactor)

    /* Printing biophysical parameters */
    $o2.printf("\n\nSoma:\t\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalCell.comp[1].Ra, pyramidalCell.comp[1].cm, pyramidalCell.comp[1].g_pas, pyramidalCell.comp[1].gbar_naf, pyramidalCell.comp[1].gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nHill:\t\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.hill.Ra, pyramidalAxon.hill.cm, pyramidalAxon.hill.g_pas, pyramidalAxon.hill.gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.hill.gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nISeg:\t\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.iseg.Ra, pyramidalAxon.iseg.cm, pyramidalAxon.iseg.g_pas, pyramidalAxon.iseg.gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.iseg.gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nNodes:\t\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nParanodeOnes:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nParanodeTwos:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nParanodeThrees:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nParanodeFours:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nJuxtaparanodes:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].gbar_kdr)
    $o2.printf("\nInternodes:\tRa = %2f\t\tcm = %2f\tg_pas = %4f\tgbar_naf = %4f\tgbar_kdr = %4f", pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].Ra, pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].cm, pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].g_pas, pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].gbar_naf, pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].gbar_kdr)

    /* Printing parameters for extracellular implementation */
    $o2.printf("\n\nNodes:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.nodes[0].xc[1])
    $o2.printf("\nParanodeOnes:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeOnes[0].xc[1])
    $o2.printf("\nParanodeTwos:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeTwos[0].xc[1])
    $o2.printf("\nParanodeThrees:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeThrees[0].xc[1])
    $o2.printf("\nParanodeFours:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.paranodeFours[0].xc[1])
    $o2.printf("\nJuxtaparanodes:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.juxtaparanodes[0].xc[1])
    $o2.printf("\nInternodes:\txraxial[0] = %4f\txraxial[1] = %4f\txg[0] = %4f\txg[1] = %4f\txc[0] = %4f\txc[1] = %4f", pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xraxial[0], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xraxial[1], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xg[0], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xg[1], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xc[0], pyramidalAxon.internodes[0].xc[1])

    /* Printing parameters for recording */
    $o2.printf("\n\nProximal Location Flag = %d (0: iseg; 1: otherwise)", proximalLocationFlag)
    $o2.printf("\nProximal Location = %d", proximalLocation)
    $o2.printf("\nDistal Location = %d", distalLocation)


} // End of proc_printDetailsToFile()