
    Description: Main File!
				 Begins the simulation.

    Edit History: Created by Nilapratim Sengupta in December 2021.
				  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in June 2022.
				  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in June 2023 for user-friendly ModelDB entry.


/* Loading necessary files */

/* Declaring object reference */
objref object_modelParameters

/* Declaring string definitions */
strdef modelLabel, modelCommand, perturbationLabel, perturbationCommand, protocolLabel, protocolCommand

/* Loading date panel */
	xpanel("Date Panel", 0)
	xvalue("Year","year", 1)
	xvalue("Month","month", 1)
	xvalue("Day","date", 1)
	xvalue("Simulation ID","simulationID", 1)

/* Loading axon-selection panel */
	xpanel("Model", 0)
    for modelChoice = 1, 2 {
		if (modelChoice == 1) {
			sprint(modelLabel, "Model with Less Susceptible Axon (#18)   ")
        	sprint(modelCommand, "proc_userSetMorphologyFile(%d)", modelChoice)
		} else {
			sprint(modelLabel, "Model with More Susceptible Axon (#38)   ")
        	sprint(modelCommand, "proc_userSetMorphologyFile(%d)", modelChoice)
        xradiobutton(modelLabel, modelCommand)

/* Loading perturbation-selection panel */
	xpanel("Perturbation", 0)
    for perturbationChoice = 1, 3 {
		if (perturbationChoice == 1) {
			sprint(perturbationLabel, "No Perturbation   ")
        	sprint(perturbationCommand, "proc_userSetPerturbationFile(%d)", perturbationChoice)
		} else {
			if (perturbationChoice == 2) {
				sprint(perturbationLabel, "50%% Demyelination - 100%% lamellae lost   ")
        		sprint(perturbationCommand, "proc_userSetPerturbationFile(%d)", perturbationChoice)
			} else {
				sprint(perturbationLabel, "100%% Remyelination - 75%% lamellae added   ")
        		sprint(perturbationCommand, "proc_userSetPerturbationFile(%d)", perturbationChoice)
        xradiobutton(perturbationLabel, perturbationCommand)

/* Loading run-control panel */
	xpanel("Control Panel", 0)
	for protocolChoice = 1, 2 {
		if (protocolChoice == 1) {
			sprint(protocolLabel, "200 ms Test Run   ")
        	sprint(protocolCommand, "proc_userSetSimTime(%d)", protocolChoice)
		} else {
			sprint(protocolLabel, "2000 ms Protocol   ")
        	sprint(protocolCommand, "proc_userSetSimTime(%d)", protocolChoice)
        xradiobutton(protocolLabel, protocolCommand)
	xvalue("Progress","t", 2 )
	xvalue("Real Time","realtime", 2 )

    Name: proc_beginSimulation()
    Type: Procedure

    Input Parameter(s): None
    Return Parameter: None

    Description: Procedure to begin simulation time based on user-input through GUI.
    Edit History: Created by Nilapratim Sengupta in June 2023 for user-friendly ModelDB entry.
proc proc_beginSimulation() { 

	/* Updating simulation ID */
	if (simulationCount != 0) {
		simulationID = simulationID + 1
	/* Clearing job queue */
	totalJobs = 0

	/* Clearing previous plots (if any) */
	if (graphList[0].count() != 0) {

	/* Output filenames */
	strdef outputFileName
	sprint(outputFileName, "%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%s", year, "_", month, "_", date, "_", simulationID, "_", "simulationOutput.txt")
	strdef outputFileNameDetails
	sprint(outputFileNameDetails, "%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%s", year, "_", month, "_", date, "_", simulationID, "_", "detailedOutput.txt")

	/* Loading axon morphologies from the LHS file */

	/* Loading axon perturbations from the perturbation file */

	/* Defining geometry and biophysical properties of the pyramidal cell */
	proc_calculateAxonParameters(axonDiameter, nodeLength, myelinSheathLength, numOfLamellae, lamellaThickness, gRatio) // In the file setupProcedures.hoc
	proc_setPyramidalCellGeometry() // In the file setupProcedures.hoc
	proc_setPyramidalCellBiophysics() // In the file setupProcedures.hoc
	proc_spineCorrection() // In the file setupProcedures.hoc

	/* Adjusting ion channel conductances section-wise */
	proc_setConductances() // In the file setupProcedures.hoc

	/* Adjusting ion channel kinetics */
	proc_setKinetics() // In the file setupProcedures.hoc

	/* Updating model parameters */
	//objref object_modelParameters
	object_modelParameters = obfunc_setModelParameters()
	proc_setOneParameterSet(object_modelParameters.getrow(parameterIndex)) // In the file setupProcedures.hoc

	/* Setting up IClamp for the holding and stimulation phases */
	proc_setupIClamp() // In the file setupProcedures.hoc

	/* Running simulation(s) */
	proc_runSimulation(startTime, stopTime, outputFileName, outputFileNameDetails)

	/* Ensuring visualization of complete plots (if any) */
	if (graphList[0].count() != 0) {
	graph_membranePotentials.exec_menu("View = plot")
	graph_membranePotentialsExtra.exec_menu("View = plot")

	/* Printing simulation identifier */
	a = printf("\n\n\nDate: %d_%d_%d", year, month, date)
	a = printf("\nSimulation ID: %d", simulationID)

	/* Printing on the console to denote the end */
	a = printf("\n\n\nCompleted!\n\n")
	simulationCount = simulationCount + 1

} // End of proc_beginSimulation()