
    Description: File to set up custom initialization.
                 Holding current is injected to ensure stable membrane potential before actual stimulus is provided.
                 Current stimulus delay is 15s (in accordance with Luebke protocol).

    Edit History: Modified by Christina Weaver in May 2020.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in December 2021.
                  Modified by Nilapratim Sengupta in June 2023 to remove commented print statements and append display statement for user.


/* Loading file that defines the point process */
load_file("vSource.ses") // creates Vsource[0]

/* Defining proc init() that gets invoked before run() */
proc init() { local dtSave, tstopSave, temp

  currentStimulus.del = 1e9
  holdingCurrent = 0
  holdingStimulus.amp = holdingCurrent

  /* Invoking finitialize() */

  /* Saving dt and tstop for actual simulation duration */
  dtSave = dt
  tstopSave = tstop

  /* Setting 't' for holding phase and enabling variable time-step computation for this phase */
  t = -5000
  tstop = t+initialDuration
  temp = cvode.active()
  if (temp!=0) { cvode.active(0) }

  /* Configuring the point process */
  Vsource[0].rs = 0.01
  Vsource[0].toff = 0   // Should prevent it from delivering nonzero current when t>0.
  Vsource[0].amp = initialPotential

  /* First while-loop */
  a = printf("\nInitialization Stage I in progress...\n")
  while (t<tstop) {

  /* Re-configuring the point process */
  holdingCurrent = Vsource[0].i
  holdingStimulus.amp = holdingCurrent
  Vsource[0].rs = 1e9 // To ensure the current it delivers during a run is miniscule. This is a "suspenders & belt" approach because Vsource[0].toff = 0

  /* Restoring dt and enabling holding phase for some more time using fixed time-step protocol */
  dt = dtSave
  tstop = 0
  t = -500

  /* Second while-loop */
  a = printf("\nInitialization Stage II in progress...This may take a while!\n")
  while (t<tstop) {

  /* Restoring t, tstop for actual simulation */
  t = 0
  tstop = tstopSave 

  /* In accordance with Jennifer Luebke's electrophysiology protocol */
  currentStimulus.del = 15

  /* Restore and re-init cvode if necessary */
  if (temp!=0) {
  } else {

  a = printf("\nSimulation begins...\n")
} // End of init()