This is a rough description of the data formats in the project

Simulation file

* A simulation result description file contains all parameters for one simulation run. 

* The file ends in either ".sim" or ".zim"

    - .sim files are written by the simulation. 
        It is in Json format.
    - .zim files are converted from .sim files by the "" utility.
        It is also in Json format but compressed with bzip2
    - Both variants can be read using the 'load_simfile' helper function in
* The format is:

    'simdir' (string)           Simulation directory. Not useful, nor used. May be removed.
    'datadir' (string)          Spike data directory relative to this simulation file
    'simtime' (int)             Simulation length in milliseconds

    'params' (Dict)             Simulation parameters. Perhaps 'simtime' should be here too
        'rand' (int)            Random seed value used. '' if multiple runs are collated.
        'inhib' (float)         inhibitory feedback->burst strength parameter
        'build' (float)         build->burst connection strength parameter
        'nmda' (float)          nmda connection strength parameter
        'runs' (int)            Number of runs to average. Always 1 until you use "" to
                                assemble several runs.
    'surfaces' (List)           surface-specific parameters. Could perhaps better been a
                                dictionary I suppose.
        surface (Dict)          One surface.
            'name' (string)     surface name as set in the simulation, like 'burst_neuron'
            'filebasename' (string) same as name. redundant, unused.
            'GID' (int          May be the GID of the topological surface. Not sure. Unused.
            'rows' (int)        number of rows and cols of neurons
            'cols' (int)        
            'xcenter' (float)   Position (in mm) of the center neuron. We place (0,0) at left
            'ycenter' (float)   center of the surfaces.
            'pitch' (float)     Distance in mm between adjacent neurons
            'coords' (Dict)     hash of neuron ID to column, row mappings
                neuron (string) neuron ID as specified by NEST
                    [col, row]  tuple with the column and row of the neuron.

    'blobs' (List)              blob-specific parameters. should be a dictionary, really.
                                Blobs are groups of neurons not in a topological surface. 
        blob (Dict)             One blob.
            'name' (string)     blob name as set in the simulation, like 'integrator'
            'filebasename' (string) same as name. redundant, unused.
            'units' (int)       Number of neurons in the blob.

Spike recording files

* Spike recording files contain the actual spike events.

* We have three separate formats. Multiple files ending in ".spikes"; one file ending in ".spk"; or one file 
  ending in ".zpikes". All three come in two variants depending on whether they contain 
  topological data (surfaces) or not (blobs).

  .spikes files

    - written by the Nest simulator.     
    - one file per surface (or blob) and process, so multiple files per surface
    - the filenames have the format 

      where [simname] is the simulation name; [surface] is the surface or blob
      name; [nr] is a NEST-dependent ID; [process] is the process number for
      that particular output file. 

    - Can be read using the 'load_spikefile' or 'load_blobfile' helper
      functions in 

  .spk files
    - generated from ".spikes" files by the "" utility.
    - one file per surface or blob
    - the filename is 

      with [surface] and [simname] as above.

  .zpikes files 
    - converted from .spikes files by the "" utility.    
    - one file per surface or blob
    - It is in python Dump format, compressed with bzip2
    - The files are stored in a subdirectory [simname]/ with name

      with [surface] and [simname] as above.

    - Can be read using the 'load_spikefile' or 'load_blobfile' helper
      functions in 
* Surface formats:
        'GID ms' (int float)    one line per event, with neuron GID and time in
        'GID ms' (int float)    one line per event, with neuron GID and time in
                                milliseconds. Sorted by event time.
    .zpikes (Dict)
         neuron (int)           Neuron ID as specified by nest
            spikes (list)       
                spikes (float)  list of floats specifying the spike time in 
* Blob formats:
        'ms' (float)            one line per event, with spike time in milliseconds.
        'ms' (float)            one line per event, with spike time in milliseconds. Sorted.
    .zpikes (list)
        spikes (float)          list of floats specifying the spike time in milliseconds