This is NEST version 2.2.2, patched with the neuron models we need for the SC
model. The patch itself is "SC_model.patch" in the "patches" directory, and you
can get the unpatched version from:

The model as published in [1] used a much earlier version of NEST (a developer
version of 1.9), a different version of Python and an earlier version of the
model file and supporting libraries. It was also written to run on a specific
cluster system.

This version should give results that are very close if not identical to those
in the paper. Differences can arise from the above reasons, but also from the
number of processes and the manner (OpenMPI or OpenMP) used to run them. All
these factors have subtle effects on things such as random number generation,
so spike trains will differ somewhet. The overall model behaviour should be
the same, however.

Also, as the model has been ported from earlier, incompatible software
versions, it is quite possible errors have crept in. Cursory examination seems
to indicate results are very close, but it is still possible there are
undiscovered issues in the code waiting to trap the unwary. 

[1] Morén J, Shibata T, Doya K (2013) The Mechanism of Saccade Motor Pattern
Generation Investigated by a Large-Scale Spiking Neuron Model of the Superior
Colliculus. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57134. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057134 


We require GSL (Gnu Scientific Library) for the neuron models. It is also a
good idea to have OpenMP and/or OpenMPI installed to speed up the simulations.

An easy way to build and install without changing anything system-wide: 

* edit "" in this directory if needed. assumes you will want to install and run from your local ~/bin
  directory, and that your version of Python is 2.7. This release of NEST needs
  a python version between 2.6 and 2.7.

* Source the file:


* go to nest-2.2.2/build, then configure and make:

  cd nest-2.2.2/build
  ../configure --prefix="$NEST_INSTDIR" --with-mpi --with-python --with-openmp=yes
  make -j
  make install

The model itself is in supcol and consists of the main model file
along with a small library You can run the model simply with, for

  python ./ --stime=500 --retx=9.0 --rety=-5.0 testsim

This will run the model for 500ms, with a stimulus appearing at 9 degrees
horizontal, -5 degrees vertical from the focus point. The results will be
saved in a directory SCmodel/. 

The model will run in one process only (so it takes quite a while to run). To
parallelize, you can use either or both of OpenMPI or OpenMP:

  mpirun -np 2 python ./ --stime=500 --retx=9.0 --rety=-5.0 --omp 8 --loadpar testsim

This would run two OpenMPI processes, each one using eight OpenMP thread, for a
total of 16 processes. For parallel simulation, SCmodel needs a parameter file
SCmodel.par. If it does not exist you can regenerate it:

  python ./ --savepar

There are other options available with the model; run python ./
--help to see them.

Accessory applications.

To collate the results you can use the "" utility:

  cd SCmodel
  ../ testsim

This will assemble the data files into one file per surface with a file ending
".spk", consisting of neuron ID-spike time pairs, sorted by spike time. This
format is simple to read by external analysis tools.

When you do long-running or numerous simulations the results files get rather
large and cumbersome. For that purpose we also have a "" utility
that converts the data to a space-efficient compressed format that takes up
only 1/9 of the original data.

  cd SCmodel
  ../ testsim

It will assemble the data into one file per surface in a compact format,
stored in a subdirectory. Add the "-d" flag is you want it to delete the
uncompressed files when done.