/* %%========================================== %% SLI documentation header. %% %% For an annotated version of this header, %% see file synod2/doc/quickref.html %% %% If you want to add, remove, or modify %% any of the documentation keywords, %% change the code of the "HTML" command %% in file lib/sli/helpinit.sli %% %% IF YOU ADD, REMOVE, OR MODIFY ANY OF %% THE DOCUMENTATION KEYWORDS, YOU MUST %% ALSO UPDATE FILES %% doc/doc_header.txt AND doc/quickref.html! %% %% 26.08.2005 Jochen Eppler %%========================================== */ /* BeginDocumentation Name: [namespace::]Command - Short description. Synopsis: arg1 ... argn Command -> res1 ... resn Description: (start here.) Parameters: (start here.) Options: (start here.) Examples: (start here.) Variants: (start here.) Bugs: (start here.) Diagnostics: (start here.) Author: (start here.) FirstVersion: (start here.) Remarks: (start here.) Availability: (start here.) References: (start here.) Sends: (start here.) Receives: (start here.) Transmits: (start here.) SeeAlso: (start here, all on one line!!) */ /* %% NOTE: There must be a carriage return after the last line in each file, i.e., here: */