 *  brunel-sli_connect.sli
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

   Brunel Network

   The SLI code in this file creates a sparsely coupled network of
   excitatory and inhibitory neurons.  Connections within and across
   both populations are created at random.  Both neuron populations
   receive Poissonian background input.  The spike output of 50
   neurons from each population are recorded.  Neurons are modeled
   as leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with current-injecting synapses
   (alpha functions).  The model is based on

      Nicolas Brunel
      Dynamics of sparsely connected networks of excitatory
      and inhibitory spiking neurons
      Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 2000, vol 8, pp 183-208.

   This example is for instruction purposes only. 
   For research, we recommend to use the PyNEST version of this model
   in the pynest example folder, or brunel-2000.sli in this folder. 

   This example demonstrates how to

      - create and use different synapse models
      - construct a random network, using sli and the plain connect
        command alone
      - instrument a network with injection and recording devices
      - record data to files
      - define own functions
      - set parameters in a simple way
      - communicate with the user in a simple way
      - inline constants and functions to increase execution speed

   Connections are drawn by one of the functions

   With increasing number, the functions are more optimised compared to its
   Version 1 uses straight forward SLI commands.
   Version 2 uses a variant of connect that expects the index of the synapse
   model rather than its name.
   Version 3 uses inlining and early binding of names and symbols in the inner 
   The version is selected by the variable /build_network, defined below.
   Its default is 3.

    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, based on brunel-2000.sli by
    Abigail Morrison, Marc-Oliver Gewaltig and Hans Ekkehard Plesser

%%% PARAMETER SECTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% define all relevant parameters: changes should be made here
% all data is place in the userdict dictionary

/order 2500 def     % scales size of network (total 5*order neurons)

% case C : asynchronous irregullar
/g      5.0 def    % rel strength, inhibitory synapses
/eta    2.0 def    % nu_ext / nu_thresh

% case D : slow oscillations
%/g      4.5  def    % rel strength, inhibitory synapses
%/eta    0.95 def    % nu_ext / nu_thresh

/simtime  1000.0 def % simulation time [ms]
/dt          0.1 def % simulation step length [ms]

% Number of POSIX threads per program instance.
% When using MPI, the mpirun call determines the number
% of MPI processes (=program instances). The total number
% of virtual processes is #MPI processes x local_num_threads.
/local_num_threads 8 def

% Which connect routine to use
% 1 simplest and slowest, 3 the fastest and most optimised.
/build_network 3 def


%%% FUNCTION SECTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Take spike detector, find total number of spikes registered,
% return average rate per neuron in Hz.
% NOTE: If you are running with several MPI processes, this
%       function only gives an approximation to the true rate.
% spike_det ComputeRate -> rate
  << >> begin  % anonymous dictionary for local variables

    /sdet Set

    % We need to guess how many neurons we record from.
    % This assumes an even distribution of nodes across
    % processes, as well as homogeneous activity in the
    % network. So this is really a hack. NEST needs better
    % support for rate calculations, such as giving the
    % number of neurons recorded from by each spike detector.

    userdict /Nrec get cvd NumProcesses div /nnrn Set
    sdet /n_events get nnrn userdict /simtime get mul div
    1000 mul         % convert from mHz to Hz, leave on stack

} bind             % optional, improves performance

% Compute the maximum of postsynaptic potential
% for a synaptic input current of unit amplitude
% (1 pA)
  % calculate the normalization factor for the PSP
  a = tauMem / tauSyn;
  b = 1.0 / tauSyn - 1.0 / tauMem;
  % time of maximum
  t_max = 1.0/b * (-LambertWm1(-exp(-1.0/a)/a)-1.0/a);
  % maximum of PSP for current of unit amplitude
  exp(1.0)/(tauSyn*CMem*b) * ((exp(-t_max/tauMem) - exp(-t_max/tauSyn)) / b - t_max*exp(-t_max/tauSyn))
  ) ExecMath

%%% PREPARATION SECTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

/NE 4 order mul cvi def  % number of excitatory neurons
/NI 1 order mul cvi def  % number of inhibitory neurons
/N  NI NE add def        % total number of neurons

/epsilon 0.1 def            % connectivity
/CE epsilon NE mul cvi def  % number of excitatory synapses on neuron
/CI epsilon NI mul cvi def  % number of inhibitory synapses on neuron
/C  CE CI add def           % total number of internal synapses per n.
/Cext CE def                % number of external synapses on neuron

/tauMem 20.0 def    % neuron membrane time constant [ms]
/CMem    1.0 def    % membrane capacity [pF]
/tauSyn  0.5 def    % synaptic time constant [ms]
/tauRef  2.0 def    % refractory time [ms]
/U0      0.0 def    % resting potential [mV]
/theta  20.0 def    % threshold

% amplitude of PSP given 1pA current
ComputePSPnorm /J_max_unit Set

% synaptic weights, scaled for our alpha functions, such that
% for constant membrane potential, the peak amplitude of the PSP
% equals J

/delay   1.5 def         % synaptic delay, all connections [ms]
/J       0.1 def         % synaptic weight [mV]
/JE J J_max_unit div def % synaptic weight [pA]
/JI g JE mul neg def     % inhibitory

% threshold rate, equivalent rate of events needed to
% have mean input current equal to threshold
/nu_thresh ((theta * CMem) / (JE*CE*exp(1)*tauMem*tauSyn)) ExecMath def
/nu_ext eta nu_thresh mul def     % external rate per synapse
/p_rate nu_ext Cext mul 1000. mul def % external input rate per neuron
                                        % must be given in Hz

% number of neurons per population to record from
/Nrec 50 def

/model /iaf_psc_alpha def

%%% CONSTRUCTION SECTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

ResetKernel      % clear all existing network elements
M_WARNING setverbosity
% set resolution and total/local number of threads
   /resolution  dt
   /local_num_threads local_num_threads
   /print_time true
   /overwrite_files true
 >> SetStatus

% Setting neuron default parameters

      (Configuring neuron parameters.) =
          /tau_m       tauMem
          /tau_syn_ex  tauSyn
          /tau_syn_in  tauSyn
          /t_ref       tauRef
          /E_L     U0
          /V_m     U0
          /V_th    theta
          /V_reset    10.0 % according to Brunel (2000) p 185
          /C_m     1.0     % Yes, capacitance is 1 in the Brunel model
        >> SetDefaults

       (SLI only network building)

      % Setting neuron default parameters

      (Creating the network.) = 

      model NE Create /E_last Set
      model NI Create /I_last Set

      E_last 1 add /I_first Set

      cout (First E neuron: ) <- 1 <- endl
           (Last E neuron: ) <- E_last <- endl ;

      cout (First I neuron: ) <- I_first <- endl
           (Last  I neuron: ) <- I_last <- endl ;

      (Creating Poisson generators.) =
      <<                % set firing rate
        /rate p_rate
      >> SetDefaults

      /expoisson /poisson_generator Create def
      /inpoisson /poisson_generator Create def

      % one detector would in principle be enough,
      % but by recording the populations separately,
      % we save us a lot of sorting work later
      (Creating excitatory spike detector.) =
      /exsd /spike_detector Create def
        /label (brunel-1-ex)
        /withtime true   % record time of spikes
        /withgid  true   % record which neuron spiked
        /to_file true    % write results to a file
        /to_memory false
      >> SetStatus

      (Creating inhibitory spike detector.) =
      /insd /spike_detector Create def
        /label (brunel-1-in)
        /withtime true
        /withgid  true
        /to_file  true
        /to_memory false
      >> SetStatus

      % Create custom synapse types with appropriate values for
      % our excitatory and inhibitory connections
      /static_synapse_hom_wd << /delay delay >> SetDefaults
      /static_synapse_hom_wd /syn_ex << /weight JE >> CopyModel
      /static_synapse_hom_wd /syn_in << /weight JI >> CopyModel

      synapsedict /syn_ex get /syn_ex_id Set
      synapsedict /syn_in get /syn_in_id Set
      synapsedict /static_synapse get /syn_default Set 

      rngdict /MT19937 get 123456789 CreateRNG /rng Set

% This is the straight forward way to connect the Brunel network.
      (Connecting background.) =

      % Connect Poisson generator to neurons
      1 1 E_last
        expoisson exch /syn_ex Connect
      } for

      % Connect Poisson generator to neurons
      I_first 1 I_last
        inpoisson exch /syn_ex Connect
      } for

      % Spike detectors are connected to the first Nrec neurons in each
      % population.  Since neurons are equal and connectivity is homogeneously
      % randomized, this is equivalent to picking Nrec neurons at random
      % from each population
      (Connecting spike detectors.) =

      1 1 Nrec
        exsd /syn_ex Connect
      } for

      I_first dup 1 exch Nrec add
        insd /syn_ex Connect
      } for

      (Drawing excitatory connections.) =

      % random convergent connect to all neurons 
      1 1 E_last
	/target Set
        % We have CE E -> E connections
	  rng NE irand % draw random number in [0,NE)
          1 add        % plus 1 to get number in [1,NE]
	  /syn_ex Connect
        } repeat
      }  for

      I_first 1 I_last
	/target Set
        % E -> I connections
	  rng NE irand 1 add
	  target /syn_ex Connect
        } repeat
      } for

      (Drawing inhibitory connections) =

      1 1 E_last
	/target Set
 	% We have CI I -> E connections
	   rng NI irand I_first add 
	   target /syn_in Connect
	} repeat
      } for

      % We must undef target to prevent the old value from
      % being inlined
      userdict /target undef
      I_first 1 I_last
	/target Set
	   rng NI irand I_first add 
	   target /syn_in Connect
	} repeat
      } for
} bind def

      (Connecting background.) =

      % Connect Poisson generator to neurons
      1 1 E_last
        expoisson exch syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i	
      } for

      % Connect Poisson generator to neurons
      I_first 1 I_last
        inpoisson exch syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i	
      } for

      % Spike detectors are connected to the first Nrec neurons in each
      % population.  Since neurons are equal and connectivity is homogeneously
      % randomized, this is equivalent to picking Nrec neurons at random
      % from each population
      (Connecting spike detectors.) =

      1 1 Nrec
        exsd syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i
      } for

      I_first dup 1 exch Nrec add
        insd syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i
      } for

      (Drawing excitatory connections.) =

      % random convergent connect to all neurons 
      1 1 E_last
	/target Set
        % We have CE E -> E connections
	  rng NE irand % draw random number in [0,NE)
          1 add        % plus 1 to get number in [1,NE]
	  syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i  
        } repeat
      }  for

      I_first 1 I_last
	/target Set
        % E -> I connections
	  rng NE irand 1 add
	  target syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i  
        } repeat
      } for

      (Drawing inhibitory connections) =

      1 1 E_last
	/target Set
 	% We have CI I -> E connections
	   rng NI irand I_first add 
	   target syn_in_id Connect_i_i_i
	} repeat
      } for

      % We must undef target to prevent the old value from
      % being inlined
      userdict /target undef
      I_first 1 I_last
	/target Set
	   rng NI irand I_first add 
	   target syn_in_id Connect_i_i_i
	} repeat
      } for
} bind def

% This version squeezes the last bit of performance out of SLI
% - we inline all constants
% - we bind all command names
% The performance gain of this optimizations is around 20 %

      (Connecting background.) =

      % Connect Poisson generator to neurons
      1 1 E_last
        expoisson exch syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i	
      } for

      % Connect Poisson generator to neurons
      I_first 1 I_last
        inpoisson exch syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i	
      } for

      % Spike detectors are connected to the first Nrec neurons in each
      % population.  Since neurons are equal and connectivity is homogeneously
      % randomized, this is equivalent to picking Nrec neurons at random
      % from each population
      (Connecting spike detectors.) =

      1 1 Nrec
        exsd syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i
      } for

      I_first dup 1 exch Nrec add
        insd syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i
      } for

      (Drawing excitatory connections.) =

      % random convergent connect to all neurons 
      1 1 E_last
	/target Set_
        % We have CE E -> E connections
	  rng NE irand_g_i % draw random number in [0,NE)
          1 add_ii         % plus 1 to get number in [1,NE]
	  syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i  
        } repeat_
      }  for

      % We must undef target to prevent the old value from
      % being inlined
      userdict /target undef

      I_first 1 I_last
	/target Set_
        % E -> I connections
	  rng NE irand_g_i 1 add_ii
	  target syn_ex_id Connect_i_i_i  
        } repeat_
      }  for

      (Drawing inhibitory connections) =

      % We must undef target to prevent the old value from
      % being inlined
      userdict /target undef

      1 1 E_last
	/target Set_
 	% We have CI I -> E connections
	   rng NI irand_g_i I_first add_ii 
	   target syn_in_id Connect_i_i_i
	} repeat_
      } for

      % We must undef target to prevent the old value from
      % being inlined
      userdict /target undef
      I_first 1 I_last
	/target Set_
	   rng NI irand_g_i I_first add_ii 
	   target syn_in_id Connect_i_i_i
	} repeat_
      }  for
} bind userdict Inline def

%%% SIMULATION SECTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

build_network 1 sub get
(\n Builting with: ) =only ==
load exec

toc /BuildCPUTime Set
(Building time     : ) =only BuildCPUTime =only ( s) =

/syn_ex GetDefaults /num_connections get /n_ex_syn Set
/syn_in GetDefaults /num_connections get /n_in_syn Set
  % run, measure computer time with tic-toc

simtime Simulate
toc /SimCPUTime Set

  % write a little report
  (\nBrunel Network Simulation) =
  (Number of Neurons : ) =only N =
  (Number of Synapses: ) =only 0 GetStatus /num_connections get =
  (       Excitatory : ) =only n_ex_syn =
  (       Inhibitory : ) =only n_in_syn =
  (Excitatory rate   : ) =only exsd ComputeRate =only ( Hz) =
  (Inhibitory rate   : ) =only insd ComputeRate =only ( Hz) =
  (Building time     : ) =only BuildCPUTime =only ( s) =
  (Simulation time   : ) =only SimCPUTime   =only ( s\n) =