 *  mathematica.sli
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

    SLI Interpeter initalization


% ****************************************************************
% * SLI's Mathematica Style functions                            *
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/mathematica /SLI ($Revision: 10098 $) provide-component
/mathematica /C++ (1.55) require-component

%% Mathematica style global Options

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: OptionsDictionary - Dictionary for global options
Synopsis: none

This dictionary contains the global option for
certain functions. Within the dictionary each
function name is associated with a dictionary
which contains the options for that function.

Note that the accessibility, i.e. the dicitonary
in which a function is defined is not accounted for.

It is suggested that you use a C++-like notation to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Diagnostics: None.
Author: M. O. Gewaltig

SeeAlso: GetOption, GetOptions, ShowOptions, SetOptions, Options, ResetOptions, SaveOptions, RestoreOptions

/OptionsDictionary << >> def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: Options - Define a new set of options for a given name.
Synopsis: /f  optiondict Options -> --

Options defines a set of options for a name.
The options are supplied in a dictionary. Old
option values are overwritten by this operation.
Options should be used to initially define a
set of options for a given name. Use SetOptions
to modify one or more options from this set.

In addition to the supplied options, Options adds
the options /DefaultOptions with the original option

It is suggested that you use a C++-like notation to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Diagnostics: None
Author: M. O. Gewaltig

SeeAlso: GetOption, GetOptions, ShowOptions, SetOptions, ResetOptions, SaveOptions, RestoreOptions, OptionsDictionary

trie [/literaltype /dictionarytype]
    2 copy
   begin % Open Options
    /DefaultOptions currentdict clonedict exch pop def
} bind addtotrie def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: SetOptions - Set options for a given name
Synopsis: /f  optiondict SetOptions -> --

SetOptions set all option values given in
the supplied dictionary. Options which are not listed
in this dicitonary are not modified.
Note that only those options can be modified which were
initially defined by the Options command.

Use the option /DefaultOptions to retrieve the default
values for all options.

Usually, a C++-like notation is used to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Diagnostics: SetOptions gives a warning message for each unknown
             options it encounters.

Author: M. O. Gewaltig

SeeAlso: GetOption, GetOptions, ShowOptions, Options, ResetOptions, SaveOptions, RestoreOptions, OptionsDictionary

trie [/literaltype /dictionarytype]
  1 index GetOptions
    cva 2 2 Partition
      arrayload pop
      exch cvlit
      dup DefaultOptions exch known
        exch def
        M_WARNING exch (SetOptions) exch cvs (Unknown option for command ') 5 index cvs join (': ) join exch join message
      } ifelse
    } forall
} bind addtotrie def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: GetOptions - Get all options for a given name
Synopsis: /f  GetOptions -> optiondict

Usually, a C++-like notation is used to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Raises /NoOptionsAvailable if there are no
options associated with the name.

Author: M. O. Gewaltig

SeeAlso: GetOption, ShowOptions, SetOptions, Options, ResetOptions, SaveOptions, RestoreOptions, OptionsDictionary

    OptionsDictionary 1 index known
      OptionsDictionary exch get
    end	/GetOptions /NoOptionsAvailable raiseerror
    } ifelse
} bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: ShowOptions - Display all options for a given name
Synopsis: /f  ShowOptions -> --

Usually, a C++-like notation is used to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Diagnostics: None
Author: M. O. Gewaltig
SeeAlso: GetOption, GetOptions, SetOptions, Options, ResetOptions, SaveOptions, RestoreOptions, OptionsDictionary

  GetOptions info
} bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: GetOption - get the value of a procedure option
Synopsis: /f /opt GetOption -> val

Retrieves the value for a specific option
of a function.

Usually, a C++-like notation is used to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Diagnostics: Raises UnknownOption if the supplied option
             is unknown.

SeeAlso: GetOptions, ShowOptions, SetOptions, Options, ResetOptions, SaveOptions, RestoreOptions, OptionsDictionary

  1 index GetOptions % /f /opt << >>
  dup 2 index known
    1 index get
    3 1 roll 2 npop
    2 npop
    /GetOption /UnknownOption raiseerror
  } ifelse
} bind def

/* BeginDocumentation

Name: SaveOptions - temporarily save options of a command

  /f SaveOptions -> -


Usually, a C++-like notation is used to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 7.3.2003

SeeAlso: GetOption, GetOptions, ShowOptions, SetOptions, Options, ResetOptions, RestoreOptions, OptionsDictionary

/SaveOptions [/literaltype]
  %stack: /f
  GetOptions clonedict
  %stack: <<options>> <<copy-of-options>>
  dup /DefaultOptions undef
  /SavedOptions exch put
} def

/* BeginDocumentation

Name: RestoreOptions - Restore the temporaryly saved options of a command

  /f RestoreOptions -> -


Usually, a C++-like notation is used to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 7.3.2003

SeeAlso: GetOption, GetOptions, ShowOptions, SetOptions, Options, ResetOptions, SaveOptions, OptionsDictionary

/RestoreOptions [/literaltype]
  %stack: /f
  dup dup /SavedOptions GetOption
  %stack: /f /f <<saved-options>>
  %stack: /f
  GetOptions /SavedOptions undef
} def

/* BeginDocumentation

Name: ResetOptions - Reset all options of a command to their default values.

  /f ResetOptions -> -


Usually, a C++-like notation is used to indicate the
availability of the function, if the function is defined in some
"namespace" dictionary.
For example: "arr::Mean".

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 28.3.2003, by copy-paste-and-modify from RestoreOptions

SeeAlso: GetOption, GetOptions, ShowOptions, SetOptions, Options, SaveOptions, RestoreOptions, OptionsDictionary

/ResetOptions [/literaltype]
  %stack: /f
  dup /DefaultOptions GetOption
  %stack: /f <<default-options>>
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: JoinTo - Join an object to a container

array literal JoinTo -> --
dict  literal JoinTo -> --
 Assignment like AddTo. Compared to Mathematica the order of
 arguments is reversed here, because its more readable to
 have the l-value close to the assignment operator,
 like in ... // Set[x,#]& .
 Allows for optimization of code.
/j [4 5] def [6 7 8] /j JoinTo j --> [4 5 6 7 8]
/j << /C_m 250.0 /Tau_m 10.0 >> def
<< /Tau_m 25.0 /I_e 130.0 >> /j JoinTo j --> << /C_m 250.0 /Tau_m 25.0 /I_e 130.0 >>

SeeAlso: Set, AppendTo, MergeDictionary
 dup load
 3 -1 roll
} bind def

 2 copy    % v l d l d
 5 2 roll  % l d v l d
 exch      % l d v d l
 get_d     % l d v a
 exch      % l d a v
 join      % l d av
 exch      % l av d
 rollu     % d l av
} def

  load     % d2 d1
  exch     % d1 d2
} def

/JoinTo trie
[/arraytype /literaltype /dictionarytype] /JoinTo_ald load addtotrie
[/stringtype /literaltype /dictionarytype] /JoinTo_ald load addtotrie
[/arraytype /literaltype] /JoinTo_cont load addtotrie
[/stringtype /literaltype] /JoinTo_cont load addtotrie
[/dictionarytype /literaltype] /JoinTo_d load addtotrie

%  /j << /C_m 250.0 /Tau_m 10.0 >> def
%   j << /Tau_m 25.0 /I_e 130.0 >> join_d
%  --> << /C_m 250.0 /Tau_m 25.0 /I_e 130.0 >>
 % d1 d2
  cva 2 2 Partition
    1 index exch
    arrayload pop
  } forall
} def

 /join load
 [/dictionarytype /dictionarytype] /join_d load addtotrie

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: AppendTo - Append an object to a container

Synopsis: any literal AppendTo -> --

 Assignment like AddTo. Compared to Mathematica the order of
 arguments is reversed here, because its more readable to
 have the l-value close to the assignment operator,
 like in ... // Set[x,#]& .
 Allows for optimization of code.
Examples: /j [4 5] def  7 /j AppendTo j --> [4 5 7]
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 8.5.01
SeeAlso: Set, JoinTo
[/anytype /literaltype]
 dup load
 3 -1 roll

[/anytype /literaltype /dictionarytype]
 2 copy    % v l d l d
 5 2 roll  % l d v l d
 exch      % l d v d l
 get_d     % l d v a
 exch      % l d a v
 append    % l d av
 exch      % l av d
 rollu     % d l av
} def

% documentation in sli/slicontrol.cc
/Set_ /Set load def

/Set trie
  [/anytype /literaltype] /Set_ load addtotrie

[/arraytype /arraytype]
2 arraystore Transpose
 arrayload ;


/* BeginDocumentation
Name: ReplacePart - replaces particular elements of an array
Synopsis: array1 any integer ReplacePart -> array3
          array1 any array2  ReplacePart
 Replaces the elements of array1 specified by the integer or
 by array2 with the 2nd argument any and returns the resulting
 The integer specifies a position in array1. array2 specifies a
 multi-dimensional position [i, j,...] in array1 or a list of
 positions [ [i1,j1,...], [i2,j2,...], ...].
 [3, {-11, 5}, {9}, 7] 4 2 ReplacePart
  -> [3 4 [9] 7]
 [3 [-11 5] [9] 7] 4 [2 1] ReplacePart
  -> [3 [4 5] [9] 7]
 [3 [-11 5] [9] 7] 4 [[2] [4]] ReplacePart
  -> [3 4 [9] 4]
 [3 [-11 5] [9] 7] 4 [[2 1] [3 1]] ReplacePart
  -> [3 [4 5] [4] 7]

Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2007.11.28
 The variant of this function with four arguments is not implemented
SeeAlso: MapAt, ReplaceOccurrences, Part
   [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Part"

/ReplacePart [/arraytype /anytype /integertype]
 % a v i
} def

 % a v i
 % a i v
 % v a i
 2 copy
 % v a i a i
 [1] exch 1 sub append
 % v a i a [1 i-1]
 % v a i al
 % v al a i
 [-1] exch 1 add prepend
 % v al a [i+1 -1]
 % v al ar
 % al ar v
 % al var
} def

/ReplacePart [/arraytype /anytype /arraytype]
 % a v i
 dup First
 % a v i First(i)
  % a v i First(i)
  % a v i, First(i) is an array: i is list of indices
   % a v k, with k iterating over First(i)
   1 index
   % a v k v
   4 1 roll
   % v a v k
   % v a
   % a v
  % a v
  % a
  % a v i First(i)
  % a v i, First(i) is not an array: i is mult-dim index
} def

 % a v i, i is multi-dim index
 dup length
 1 eq
  % a v i, i has length 1
  % a v ii
  % a v i, i has more than 1 element
  % a i v
  % v a i
  dup Rest
  % v a i ir
  % v ir a i
  % v ir a First(i)
  2 copy 2 copy
  % v ir a i a i a i
  [1] exch 1 sub append
  % v ir a i a i a [1 i-1]
  % v ir a i a i al
  5 1 roll
  % v ir al a i a i
  [-1] exch 1 add prepend
  % v ir al a i a [i+1 -1]
  % v ir al a i ar
  % v ir al ar a i
  MathematicaToSliIndex_i get
  % v ir al ar ai
  5 -2 roll
  % al ar  ai v ir
  % al ar vi
  % al viar
  % a
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: ReplaceOccurrences - replace the occurences of a key in a container
Synopsis:  l1 l2 l3 ReplaceOccurrences l4
 Replaces all occurences of l2 in l1 by l3 and
 returns the result. Works for strings and arrays.

  (L: 'Where?') (') ('') ReplaceOccurrences (L: ''Where?'')
  [4 5 6 7 5 8 9] [5] [-1 -2]  ReplaceOccurrences
Author: -unknown- Diesmann? Hehl?

<< >>
 container /r Set_            % create empty object
 /v Set_                      % save replacement
  exch_                        % get pre save boolean
  /r JoinTo                   % append pre to r
  {r v join /r Set_     }      % append '' if ' leave post and match
  {exit}                      % ready
 } loop
} bind def

% Map:   string procedure Map array
% ----
% Example:
%    (1 2 3) {1 add} Map_s --> (2!3!4)

 3 1 roll
 () exch
   exch append
 } repeat
 reverse exch pop

} bind def

 % i p
 exch size
 % p i s
 [] exch reserve
 % p i a
 rollu exch
 % a i p
 {append} join
 % a i p
 % a
} def

/Map_ /Map load def
/Map trie
[/arraytype /proceduretype] /Map_ load addtotrie
[/iteratortype /proceduretype] /Map_iter load addtotrie
[/stringtype /proceduretype] /Map_s load addtotrie

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: MapAt - applies a function to some of the elements of its argument
Synopsis: array1 proc array2 MapAt -> array3
 MapAt successively applies proc to the elements of array1
 specified by array2 and replaces the original values by the
 return value of proc. The return value array3 has exactly the
 same shape as the first argument array1.

 Compared to languages like Matlab MapAt constitutes an lhs
 assignment operator for constructs like a(i)=f(a(i)), where
 i may be an array of indices. However, unlike in Matlab no
 temporary object a(i) for the rhs expression is created.
 Consequently, if the index ii occurs in array i n times the
 final value of a(ii) returned by MapAt is the cumulative effect
 of f operating n times on the original value of a(ii):
   a(ii) <- f(f(...f(a(ii))...))
             n times
 In Matlab the result is f(a(ii)), independent of n.
 The behavior of MapAt is, for example, useful in counting
 processes like the construction of a histogram as shown in the
 last example of the examples section.

  array1 is an arbitrarily shaped array. In particular
  it does not need to be rectangular.
  array2 specifies a multi-dimensional position [i, j,...]
  in array1 or a list of positions [ [i1,j1,...], [i2,j2,...], ...].
  The same element may be specified multiple times in array2 at
  arbitrary positions.

  The first element on each level has index 1. Indices can also
  be specified counting from the end of the array, in this case the
  last element has index -1. Positive and negative indices can
  arbitrarily be intermixed.


  [3 4 5 6 7] {dup mul} -2 MapAt
   -> [3 4 5 36 7]
  [3 [-9 -12] 5 6 7] {dup mul} [2 2] MapAt
   -> [3 [-9 144] 5 6 7]
  [3 4 5 6 7] {dup mul} [[1] [3]] MapAt
   -> [9 4 25 6 7]
  [[3 9] 4 [5 -11] 6 7] {dup mul} [[1 2] [3 1]] MapAt
   -> [[3 81] 4 [25 -11] 6 7]

  [0 0 0 0 0] {1 add} [2 4 5 2 3 2 2 5] 1 1 Partition MapAt
   -> [0 4 1 1 2]

Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2007.08.12
 This function is an implementation of Mathematica's MapAt function.
 Mathematica-style functions in SLI use Mathematica index notation.
SeeAlso: ReplacePart, Part, Map, Partition
 [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Part"

/MapAt [/arraytype /proceduretype /integertype]
 % a f i
} def

 % a f i
 % a i f
 % f a i
 2 copy
 % f a i a i
 5 2 roll
 % a i f a i
 MathematicaToSliIndex_i get
 % a i f ai
 % a i ai f
 % a i v
 % a v i
} def

/MapAt [/arraytype /proceduretype /arraytype]
 % a f i
 dup First
 % a f i First(i)
  % a f i First(i)
  % a f i, First(i) is an array: i is list of indices
   % a f k, with k iterating over First(i)
   1 index
   % a f k f
   4 1 roll
   % f a f k
   % f a
   % a f
  % a f
  % a
  % a f i First(i)
  % a f i, First(i) is not an array: i is mult-dim index
  % a i f
  2 index
  % a i f a
  2 index
  % a i f a i
  % a i f ai
  % a i ai f
  % a i aif
  % a aif i
} def

 % a f i, i is multi-dim index
 dup length
 1 eq
  % a f i, i has length 1
  % a f ii
  % a f i, i has more than 1 element
  % a i f
  2 index
  % a i f a
  2 index
  % a i f a i
  % a i f a ii
  MathematicaToSliIndex_i get
  % a i f ai
  % a i ai f
  2 index
  % a i ai f i
  % a i ai f ir
  % a i aif
  % a aif i
  % a aif ii
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
 Name: Range - Generate array with range of numbers
 Synopsis:  [N] Range  -> [1 ... N]
            [N1 N2] Range -> [N1 ... N2]
            [N1 N2 d] Range -> [N1 N1+d N1+2d ...]
    Range accepts an array which contains either
    1) a single integer
    2) an interval specified by two integers or two doubles
    3) an interval and a stepsize, specified by three integers or
       three doubles.

    Range generates an array with numbers which are in the specified
    range. The type of the result corresponds to the type used for
    specifying the interval.

    Range returns an empty array if the set specified by N1, N2 and d
    does not contain any element. This behavior is essential if
    Range is used in combination with functional operators like
    FoldList and NestList.

          [5] Range    -> [1 2 3 4 5]
        [2 5] Range    -> [2 3 4 5]
        [5 2] Range    -> []
        [5 2 -1] Range -> [5 4 3 2]
        [1.0 10.0 2.5] Range -> [1 3.5 6 8.5]
 Author: Gewaltig, Diesmann
 Remarks: Resembles the function Range of Mathematica
 SeeAlso:  Map, Table

/Range_ /Range load def
/Range trie
[/arraytype] /Range_ load addtotrie

 size 1 eq
  1 prepend 1 append RangeIterator_a
  size 2 eq
   1 append RangeIterator_a
  } ifelse
 } ifelse

/* BeginDocumentation
 Name: Table - Generate an array according to a given function
 Synopsis:  [N]       {f} Table  -> [f(1) ... f(N)]
            [N1 N2]   {f} Table  -> [f(N1) ...f(N2)]
            [N1 N2 d] {f} Table -> [ f(N1) f(N1+d) f(N1+2d) ...]
    Table accepts an array which contains either
    1) a single integer
    2) in interval specified by two integers or two doubles
    3) an interval and a stepsize, specified by three integers or
       three doubles.
    and a procedure object which is to be applied. From the
    interval specification an array of numbers is generated, using Range.
    The supplied procedure is the applied to each number in the array.

          [5] {2 mul} Table  -> [2 4 6 8 10]
        [2 5] {2 mul} Table  -> [4 6 8 10]
        [1.0 10.0 2.5] {2 mul} Table  -> [2.0 7.0 12.0 17.0]
 Author: Gewaltig
 Remarks: Resembles the function Table of Mathematica
 SeeAlso: Map, MapIndexed, Range, forall, forallindexed

 3 1 roll
 exch_ Range exch_
 exch_ pop_
} bind def

/Table trie
[/arraytype /proceduretype] /Table_ load addtotrie def


   Name: MapIndexed - Apply a function  to each element of a list/string

     [v0 ... vn] {f} Map -> [ f(0,v0) ... f(n,vn) ]

     [v0 ... vn] - list of n+1 arbitrary objects or string.

     {f}         - function of two arguments and one return value.

     For each element of the input array, MapIndexed calls f with
     two arguments, the current index and the element. It replaces
     the element with the result of f.
     MapIndexed works similar to Map, however, in adition to the
     element its index within the array is also passed to the function.
     Note that the index starts with 0, according to PostScript convention.
     The result of MapIndexed is a list with the same number of values as the
     argument list.
     If f does not return a value, MapIndexed fails.
     If f returns more than one value, the result of MapIndexed is

     Alternatives: Function MapIndexed_a for lists and  MapIndexed_s
     for strings (both undocumented) -> behaviour and synopsis are
     the same.


   [1 2 3 4 5]  {add} MapIndexed -> [1 3 5 7 9]
   (abcd) {add} MapIndexed -> (aceg)

   Diagnostics: None


    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig

   References: The Mathematica Book

   SeeAlso: Map, Table, forall, forallindexed


  3 1 roll
  exch_ pop_
} bind def

 3 1 roll
 () exch_
   exch_ append_s
 } repeat_
 reverse exch_ pop_
} bind def

/MapIndexed trie
[/arraytype /proceduretype] /MapIndexed_a load addtotrie
[/stringtype /proceduretype] /MapIndexed_s load addtotrie

/MapThread trie
 [/arraytype /proceduretype] /MapThread_a load addtotrie

% * List Operations
Name: First - Return the first element of an array or string.

Synopsis: string First -> char
array First -> arrayelement

Examples: (train) First -> 104
[1 2 3] First -> 1
[(this) (is) (an) (example)] First -> (this)

Author: docu edited by Sirko Straube

SeeAlso: Last, Rest, Most

/First { 0 get }    bind def

Name: Last - Return the last element of an array or string

Synopsis: string Last -> char
array Last -> arrayelement

Examples: (train) Last -> 110
[1 2 3] Last -> 3
[(this) (is) (an) (example)] Last -> (example)

Author: docu edited by Sirko Straube

SeeAlso: First, Rest, Most
/Last  { size 1 sub_ii get } bind def

Name: Rest - Remove the first element of an array or string and return
the rest.

Synopsis: string Rest -> string
array Rest -> array

Examples: (train) Rest -> (rain)
[1 2 3] Rest -> [2 3]
[(this) (is) (an) (example)] Rest -> [(is) (an) (example)]

Author: docu edited by Sirko Straube

SeeAlso: First, Last, Most
/Rest  { 0 1 erase} bind def

Name: Most - Remove the last element of an array or string and return the rest.
Synopsis: string Most -> string
array Most -> array

Examples: (computer) Most -> (compute)
[1 2 3] Most -> [1 2]
[(this) (is) (an) (example)] Rest -> [(this) (is) (an)]

In 2003 this function did not exist in Mathematica and was
introduced as LRest by Kupper. Mathematica 5 introduced the
function and its SLI Name was changed for compatibility
(Apr 2008, Diesmann).

Author: Ruediger Kupper, docu edited by Sirko Straube

FirstVersion: 10.3.2003
SeeAlso: First, Last, Rest
/Most [/arraytype]  { size 1 sub 1 erase } bind def
/Most [/stringtype] { size 1 sub 1 erase } bind def

 M_WARNING (LRest) (LRest deprecated, use Most for Mathematica compatibility) message

/Flatten_ /Flatten load def

% a
 /Flatten_ load  % a p
} def

% a i
 /Flatten_ load  % a n p
 exch            % a p n
} def

Name: Flatten - flatten out a nested list
         array         Flatten -> array
         array integer Flatten -> array
Flatten called with one argument flattens out all levels of
the argument. Flatten called with two arguments flattens out
the first n levels.
        [3 [4 [5 [6]]] 7] Flatten   -->  [3 4 5 6 7]
        [3 [4 [5 [6]]] 7] 1 Flatten -->  [3 4 [5 [6]] 7]
        [3 [4 [5 [6]]] 7] 2 Flatten -->  [3 4 5 [6] 7]
Author: Gewaltig, Diesmann
FirstVersion: Gewaltig
  [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Flatten"
SeeAlso: Partition, FixedPoint

/Flatten trie
[/arraytype /integertype]
 /Flatten_a_i load  addtotrie
[/arraytype ]
 /Flatten_a load  addtotrie

% x f
 exch    % f x
  dup    % f x x
  2 pick % f x x f
  exec   % f x f(x)
  dup    % f x f(x) f(x)
  rolld  % f f(x) f(x) x
  eq     % f f(x) bool
  if     % f f(x)
 } loop
 exch pop % f(x)
} def

% x f n
 rolld   % f x n
  dup    % f x x
  2 pick % f x x f
  exec   % f x f(x)
  dup    % f x f(x) f(x)
  rolld  % f f(x) f(x) x
  eq     % f f(x) bool
  if     % f f(x)
 } repeat
 exch pop   % f(x)
} def

Name: FixedPoint - applies a procedure repeatedly until the result is an invariant
         any proc         FixedPoint -> any
         any proc integer FixedPoint -> any
FixedPoint called with three arguments applies the procedure not more
than n times. The first argument is the initial value.
 (kaeschperle) {Rest (_) join} FixedPoint   --> (___________)
 (kaeschperle) {Rest (_) join} 1 FixedPoint --> (aeschperle_)
 (kaeschperle) {Rest (_) join} 3 FixedPoint --> (schperle___)
Compared to Mathematica the first two arguments are reversed
for better conformance with RPN.
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: May 21 2001
  [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Flatten"
SeeAlso: Flatten

/FixedPoint trie
[/anytype /proceduretype /integertype]
 /FixedPoint__p_i load  addtotrie
[/anytype /proceduretype ]
 /FixedPoint__p load  addtotrie


   Name: Partition - Partition list into n element pieces

     array n Partition
     array n d Partition

     Partition works like the corresponding Mathematica function. Partition
     creates subarrays with n elements, and offset d.

     n - length of subarray.
     d - offset of subarray, defaults to n.

   [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]  2 2 Partition -> [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8] [9 10]]
   [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]  1 2 Partition -> [[1] [3] [5] [7] [9] [10]]
   [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]  2 1 Partition ->
              [[1 2] [2 3] [3 4] [4 5] [5 6] [6 7] [7 8] [8 9] [9 10]]

   [4 5 6 7 8] 2     Partition  ->  [[4 5] [6 7]]
   [4 5 6]     2 5   Partition  ->  [[4 5]]
   [4 5 6]     5 1   Partition  ->  []
   [4 5 6]     5 7   Partition  ->  []

     Raises error if n<0 or d<1

   Remarks: Still implements only part of Mathematica's functionality.

   Author: Gewaltig, Diesmann

   FirstVersion:  Jun 29 1999, Marc-Oliver Gewaltig

   References: "The Mathematica Book"
   SeeAlso: Flatten
/Partition trie
[/arraytype /integertype /integertype] /Partition_a_i_i load addtotrie
[/arraytype /integertype ] {dup} /Partition_a_i_i load append addtotrie

%% array TensorRank -> n
    exch_ 0 get_a
    dup_ type
    /arraytype neq
      pop_ exit
    } if
    exch_ 1 add_ii
  } loop
} bind def

Name: TensorRank - Determine the level to which an array is a full vector
Synopsis: [array] TensorRank -> n
           [1 2 3] TensorRank -> 1
           [[1 2] [3 4]] TensorRank -> 2
SeeAlso: Dimensions
/TensorRank trie
 [/arraytype] /TensorRank_ load addtotrie

/TensorRank [/intvectortype] {; 1} def
/TensorRank [/doublevectortype] {; 1} def

Name: Dimensions - determine dimenstions of a (hyper-rectangular) SLI array
Synopsis: [array] Dimensions -> [d1 d2 ... dn]
Dimensions corresponds to the Mathematica function of
the same name. It takes a sli array and returns a list with
dimensions [d1 d2 ... dn] where di gives the dimension of the
array at level i.
The length of the dimensions-list corresponds to the TensorRank of
the array.
Note: Dimensions assumes that the array is hyper-rectangular
      (rectangle,cuboid, ...), i.e., all subarrays at a given level
      have the same number of elements.
      Dimensions does not check, if the array really is hyper-rectangular. It
      will not fail if this is not the case. Instead, the dimensions
      that are returned correspond to the number of elements of the
      first subarray in each level.

SLI ] [1 2 3]                    Dimensions -> [3]
SLI ] [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]]          Dimensions -> [2 3]
SLI ] [[[1 2][3 4]][[5 6][7 8]]] Dimensions -> [2 2 2]

SeeAlso: TensorRank, MatrixQ

trie [/arraytype]
  [] exch_
  %% [] obj
    %% [] obj
    dup_ type
    %% [] obj type
    /arraytype neq
    { pop_ exit } if
    0 gt
     %% [] array s
     exch_ 0 get_a
     %% [] s obj
     3 1 roll
     %% obj [] s
     append_a exch_
     %% [] array s
     exch_ pop
    } ifelse
  } loop
} bind addtotrie def

/Dimensions [/intvectortype] { length 1 arraystore } def
/Dimensions [/doublevectortype] { length 1 arraystore } def

Name: MatrixQ - Test whether a nested array i a matrix
Synopsis: [array] MatrixQ -> true | false
Examples: [1 2 3] MatrixQ -> true
          [[1 2] [3 4]] MatrixQ -> true
          [[1] [2 3]] MatrixQ ->False
Bugs: This version fails on the third example
Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
trie [/arraytype]
  dup type
  /arraytype eq
    %% array
    dup Dimensions
    %% array [dims]
    length 1 eq
      true exch
	MatrixQ not and
      } forall
      %% array
      true exch
        MatrixQ and
 %       dup =
      } forall
    } ifelse
    pop false
  } ifelse
} bind addtotrie
[/anytype] {pop false} addtotrie

/MatrixQ [/intvectortype] false def
/MatrixQ [/doublevectortype] false def

/* BeginDocumentation
  Name: FindRoot - numerically find a root in an interval
  Synopsis: proc double1 double2 double3 FindRoot -> double
     Numerically searches for a root of a function
     specified by proc in the interval [double1, double2].
     The search stops when the absolute value of proc
     is less or equal double3.
    cout 15 setprecision                   % for display only
    {dup mul 2 sub} -3.0 7.0 0.00000000001 FindRoot
   - should raise error when there is no sign reversal
   - tracing should be optional
   - specification of precision should be optional
  Author: Diesmann, Hehl
  FirstVersion: 29.7.1999
   FindRoot currenly supports only a single method for
   root finding: the "bisection method" (see [2]). The
   Mathematica implementation uses different methods (see [1]).
   [1] The Mathematica Book "FindRoot"
   [2] Numerical Recipes in C. 2nd ed. sec. 9.1
       "Bracketing and Bisection"

 << >> begin
 /prec Set
 /xmax Set
 /xmin Set
 /f    Set

 xmin f xmax f gt {xmin xmax /xmin Set /xmax Set} if

  /x xmax xmin add 2 div def
  x ==
  x f /y Set
  y prec gt
  {/xmax x def}
   y prec neg lt
   {/xmin x def}
   {x exit }
 } loop
} def

%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- end of line (C84) is maximum width for LaTeX-include1

Name: MathematicaToSliIndex - Convert Mathematica-like indices to SLI indices

Synopsis: [array] mathematicaIndex MathematicaToSliIndex -> [array] sliIndex

   "MathematicaToSliIndex" converts Mathematica-like indices
   to SLI indices.
   For an array of size N, valid SLI indices are in the range 0..N-1
   while valid Matematica indices are in the range -N..-1, 1..N
   (negative indices indicating backward indexing from the end of the

   The given array is left untouched, solely its length is taken to
   correctly map negative Mathematica indices to the correct SLI

   Alternatives: Function MathematicaToSliIndex_i if index is a
   number (example 1) and  MathematicaToSliIndex_a if index is an
   array (example 2) (both undocumented) -> behaviour and synopsis are
   the same.

   [3 5 6 9 11] -2       MathematicaToSliIndex -> [3 5 6 9 11] 3
   [3 5 6 9 11] [ -2 2 ] MathematicaToSliIndex -> [3 5 6 9 11] [3 1]

Author: Markus Diesmann (?)

Remarks: Commented Ruediger Kupper

SeeAlso: SliToMathematicaIndex


% array integer MathematicaToSliIndex
 0 lt
 {exch size 3 -1 roll add}
 {1 sub}
} bind def

 { MathematicaToSliIndex_i } Map
bind def

/MathematicaToSliIndex trie
 [/arraytype /integertype ] /MathematicaToSliIndex_i load addtotrie
 [/arraytype /arraytype ]   /MathematicaToSliIndex_a load addtotrie

%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- end of line (C84) is maximum width for LaTeX-include1

Name: SliToMathematicaIndex - Convert SLI indices to Mathematica-like indices

Synopsis: sliIndex MathematicaToSliIndex -> mathematicaIndex

   "SliToMathematicaIndex" converts SLI indices to Mathematica-like
   For an array of size N, valid SLI indices are in the range 0..N-1 while
   valid Matematica indices are in the range -N..-1, 1..N (negative
   indices indicating backward indexing from the end of the array).

   Note that this routine will always return positive indices.

     3     SliToMathematicaIndex -> 4
   [ 3 1 ] SliToMathematicaIndex -> [ 4 2 ]

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 11.3.2003

   Note the difference in the argument list compared to
   "MathematicaToSliIndex". Only one argument, the index(array)
   itself, is needed.

   The implementation is _most_ simple (add 1 to the index), but the
   Routine is supplied for symmetry reasons.

   Note that this routine will always return positive indices. Hence,
   the sequence
   [array] MathematicaToSliIndex SliToMathematicaIndex
   is NOT identity.

SeeAlso: MathematicaToSliIndex


/SliToMathematicaIndex [/integertype]
  1 add
} bind def

/SliToMathematicaIndex [/arraytype]
  {SliToMathematicaIndex} Map
} bind def

  3 -1 roll exch
  % indexarray array First[indexarray]
  dup /All eq
   pop size [1] exch append Range
  dup type /arraytype eq
    1 index exch
    MathematicaToSliIndex_i get
    % indexarray array subarray
   2 index Rest
   empty {pop} {Part} ifelse

   } Map
   % indexarray array subarray
   3 1 roll pop pop
    MathematicaToSliIndex_i get
    exch Rest
    empty {pop} {Part} ifelse

} def

/* BeginDocumentation
  Name: Part - returns a sub-array of an array
  Synopsis: array1 array2 Part -> array3
   Part returns a sub-array of array1 specified by
   array2. This function is an implementation of
   Mathematica's Part function. It can also be used
   to rearrange or copy parts of array1. Note,
   Mathematica-style functions in SLI use Mathematica
   index notation.
   array1 is an arbitrarily shaped array. In particular
   it does not need to be rectangular.

   array2 is an array [i,j, ...] where the i,j specify the
   selected elements on each level. Any i,j can itself be
   an array [i1,i2,....] specifying a list of elements on
   that level. When i is the literal /All, all elements on
   the corresponding level are returned. The first element
   on each level has index 1. Indices can also be specified
   counting from the end of the array, in this case the last
   element has index -1. Positive and neative indices can
   arbitrarily be intermixed.

   Alternatives: Function Part_a (undocumented) -> behaviour and
   synopsis are the same.


    5 /mul 3 /eq 15

   [ [3 5 6 9] [11 4 7 2] [-9 1 8 10] ]  [ [1 3] [2 3] ] Part
    [[5 6] [1 8]]  eq

   [ [3 [-12 -19] 6 9] [11 4 7 2] [-9 1 8 10] ]  [ 1 2 2] Part
     -19  eq

   [3 4 5 6 7] [-2] Part
     6 eq

   [3 [-9 -12] 5 6 7] [2] Part   -->     [-9 -12]

   [3 [-9 -12] 5 6 7] [2 2] Part -->     -12

   [3 [-9 -12] 5 6 7] [[2 3]] Part    [[-9 -12] 5]   eq

   [3 [-9 -12] 5 6 7] [[2 3 2]] Part  [[-9 -12] 5 [-9 -12]] eq

   [ [3 5 6 9] [11 4 7 2] [-9 1 8 10] ]  [ 1 []  ] Part [] eq

   [ [3 5 6 9] [11 4 7 2] [-9 1 8 10] ]  [ [] 1 ] Part  [] eq

   [3 [5 -12] 6 9]  [ [ 2 ] ] Part [[5 -12]] eq

   [3 [5 -12] 6 9]  [ [ 2 ] 2] Part  [-12] eq

   [ [3 5 6 9] [11 4 7 2] [-9 1 8 10] ]  [ /All [3 2]  ] Part
     [[6 5] [7 4] [8 1]] eq

  Author: Diesmann
  FirstVersion: 29.9.1999

   Literal /All plays the role of the index specifier ':'
   in Matlab when used without arguments. Note, that
   Matlab in addition provides specifier 'end'.
   This is not necessary in the formalism of Mathematica
   because indices counting from the end of the array can be
   expressed by negative values.
  SeeAlso: MathematicaToSliIndex
   [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Part"
/Part trie
 [/arraytype /arraytype ]
  /Part_a load

/Transpose_ /Transpose load def
/Transpose trie
[/arraytype ] /Transpose_ load addtotrie

%% array n  Take - take first n elements of array
%% array -n Take - take last n elements of array
  dup 0 gt
    0 exch_  getinterval_a
    dup neg
  } ifelse

} bind def

/switchbegin mark def

  dup TensorRank
  1 eq
   1 index 1 eq
     pop arrayload pop
   } case

   1 index 2 eq
     pop arrayload pop

%    a i j
     rollu                         % j a i
     MathematicaToSliIndex         % j a im
     rollu                         % im j a
     exch                          % im a j
     MathematicaToSliIndex         % im a jm

     rolld                         % a jm im
     dup                           % a jm im im
     rollu                         % a im jm im
     sub 1 add                     % a im (jm - im +1)

   } case

   1 index 3 eq
     dup rollu Most MathematicaToSliIndex rolld Last append
       1 index
     } Map
     exch pop
   } case

      /Take /IllegalSequenceSpecification raiseerror
   %% array sarr
   {Range} Map
 } ifelse
} bind def

Name: Take - extract element sequences from an array
 array  n Take                  return the first n elements
 array -n Take                  return the last n elements
 array [n1 n2] Take             return elements n1 through n2
 array [n1 n2 s] Take           return elements n1 through n2 in steps of s
 array [[seq1]...[seqn]] Take   return a nested list in which elements
                                specified by seqi are taken at level i in list.
 [4 9 -7 3 2 11] 2 Take
  -> [4 9]
 [4 9 -7 3 2 11] -2 Take
  -> [2 11]
 [1 2 3 4 5] [-2] Take
  -> 4
 [1 2 3 4 5] [1 -2] Take
  -> [1 2 3 4]
 [1 2 3 4 5] [1 -2 2] Take
  -> [1 3]
 [1 2 3 4 5] [1 -1 2] Take
  -> [1 3 5]

Author: Diesmann
 The scheme for a list of sequences is not fully consistent with Mathematica.
 See Drop for a more advanced implementation.
   [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Take"
SeeAlso: Drop, Part, MathematicaToSliIndex, getinterval, get

/Take trie
[/arraytype /integertype] /Take_a_i load addtotrie
[/arraytype /arraytype]   /Take_a_a load addtotrie

Name: Drop - remove element sequences from an array
 array  n Drop                  remove the first n elements
 array -n Drop                  remove the last n elements
 array [n] Drop                 remove the nth element
 array [n1 n2] Drop             remove elements n1 through n2
 array [n1 n2 s] Drop           remove elements n1 through n2 in steps of s
 array {[seq1]...[seqn]} Drop   return a nested list in which elements
                                specified by seqi are removed at level i in list.
 [4 9 -7 3 2 11] 2 Drop
  -> [-7 3 2 11]
 [4 9 -7 3 2 11] -2 Drop
  -> [4 9 -7 3]
 [1 2 3 4 5] [-2] Drop
  -> [1 2 3 5]
 [1 2 3 4 5] [1 -2] Drop
  -> [5]
 [1 2 3 4 5] [1 -2 2] Drop
  -> [2 4 5]
 [1 2 3 4 5] [1 -1 2] Drop
  -> [2 4]

 [[-9 -12] [6 7]] {[2] [1]} Drop
  -> [[-12]]

Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2007.11.28
 The list of sequences is represented by a procedure. This has delayed
 evaluation which may cause undesired effects. Should be replaced in a
 future versionby a new container type for parameter lists of undefined
 length. Candidate delimiters are <...> with cva as the only access method.
 Just using [...] as the container is ambiguous.
   [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Take"
SeeAlso: Take, Part, MathematicaToSliIndex, erase

/Drop [/arraytype /integertype]

/Drop [/arraytype /arraytype]
 % a [i]

 % a [i]  -> pre_a post_a ai

 2 copy            % a [i] a [i]

 Take              % a [i] ai
 rollu             % ai a [i]
 First             % ai a i

 dup               % a i i
 1 sub
 [1] exch append   % a i [1 i-1]
 2 index           % a i [1 i-1] a
 exch Take         % a i pre_a
 rollu             % pre_a a i
 1 add             % pre_a a i+1
 1 index length    % pre_a a i+1 l
 2 arraystore      % pre_a a [i+1 l]
 Take              % pre_a post_a

 rolld             % pre_a post_a ai

/Drop [/arraytype /proceduretype]
 /mark exch  exec counttomark arraystore exch pop

/Drop_sequence_ [/arraytype /integertype]

/Drop_sequence_ [/arraytype /arraytype]

 % 1 2 | 3 4 5:  2 Drop == -length +  2 = -3 Take
 %              -3 Drop ==  length + -3 =  2 Take
 dup Sign neg   % a n -s
 2 index length % a n -s l
 mul            % a n l
 add            % a n

% array seq -> array explicit_range
 size  % a s
 dup 1 eq
  pop MathematicaToSliIndex
  dup 2 eq
   pop MathematicaToSliIndex Range
   pop dup rollu Most MathematicaToSliIndex rolld Last append Range

{                       % a s
 MathematicaSequenceToExplicitRange_a_a_  % a s(explicit and <-sorted)
 {                      % a si i
  sub                   % a si(corrected for previous erasions)
  1 erase
 } forallindexed

           % a p
 {                  % a p
  exch              % p a
  1 index           % p a p
  First             % p a s
  Drop_sequence_    % p as
  exch              % as p
  Rest              % as pr
  exch              % pr ar
  {                 % pr ai
   1 index          % pr ai pr
   Drop_sequences_  % ar
  } Map             % pr aar
  exch              % aar pr
  pop               % aar

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: NestList - gives a list of the results of applying f to x 0 through n times.
Synopsis: x f n NestList ->  [x, x f,  x f f,..., x f1 ... fn]
Parameters: x - any object to which f can be applied
            f - an executable object.
Description: NestList repeatedly applies f to the supplied argument and returns
             the result als well as all intermediate results in a list.
             Note that f must expect and return exactly one argument.
Examples:   1 {2 mul} 3 NestList -> [1 2 4 8]
SeeAlso: Map, forall
%% x proc n NetList -> [x proc, x proc proc, x proc1 ... procn]
/NestList trie
[/anytype /anytype /integertype]
  [] 1 index 1 add reserve % reserve array-space for n+1 elements
  4 -1 roll append         % add initial value to the array
  %% proc [x] n            % iterate over n
    dup Last               % extract the last lement from the array
    2 index exec           % apply function and
    append                 % append the result to the array
  } repeat
  exch pop                 % remove spare function object
} bind addtotrie def

Name: Nest - apply a function n times
Synopsis: x f n Nest -> f( ...n times... f(f(x)) ...)
Examples:0.2 {dup 1 exch sub mul 3.3 mul} 10 Nest
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 9.2.01
Remarks:Nest is a restricted variant of repeat.
It is implemented to demonstrate the use of repeat as a
functional operator and for compatibility with Mathematica.
SeeAlso: repeat, forall, NestList, Fold
%% x f n Nest
/Nest trie
[/anytype /proceduretype /integertype]
 exch repeat
} bind addtotrie def

Name: Fold - result of repeatedly applying a function with two arguments
Synopsis: x [a b c ...] f Select -> f( ...n times... f(f(f(x,a),b),c) ...)
Examples: 1 [2 x] Range {mul} Fold
         computes faculty of integer x
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 9.2.01
Remarks:Fold is a restricted variant of forall.
It is implemented to demonstrate the use of forall as a
functional operator and for compatibility with Mathematica.
SeeAlso: forall, repeat, FoldList, Nest
%% x a p
/Fold [/anytype /arraytype /proceduretype] /forall load def
/Fold [/anytype /intvectortype /proceduretype] /forall load def
/Fold [/anytype /doublevectortype /proceduretype] /forall load def

Name: FoldList - repeatedly apply a function with two parameters
Synopsis: x [a b c ...] f FoldList -> [f(x,a) f(f(x,a),b) ...]
Examples: 0 [1 2 3 4] {add} FoldList gives the cumulative sums of the list.
         0 [1 2 3 4] {add} FoldList -> [0 1 3 6 10]
Remarks: This function is Mathematica compatible.
SeeAlso: NestList, Fold, Map, forall
%% x array f FoldList
/FoldList trie
[/anytype /arraytype /anytype]
  % x f array
  % x f array []
  4 -1 roll append
  % f array [x]
  % f [x] array
    1 index Last
    % f [x] ai x
    % x ai
    3 index exec
    % f [x] f(x,ai)
  } forall
  exch pop
} bind addtotrie def

Name: Select - reduces an array to elements which fulfill a criterion
Synopsis: array proc Select -> array
Examples:[4 -2 0.3 -1.7 -3 0 7] {0 lt} Select -> [-2 -1.7 -3]
         [4 -2 0.3 -1.7 -3 0 7] {0 gt} Select -> [ 4  0.3  7]
Remarks: Mathematica compatible
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 9.2.01
SeeAlso: Take, Split
%% a f Select
/Select trie
[/arraytype /proceduretype]
 rollu exch
 {dup} exch join { {append } {pop} ifelse } join
}  bind addtotrie def

Name: Split - splits array into subarrays of sequences of identical elements
Synopsis: array  Split     -> [array1 ... arrayn]
          array proc Split -> [array1 ... arrayn]
         [1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4] Split -> [[1 1 1] [2 2] [3 3 3 3] [4 4 4]]
         [1.1 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.3 2.7] {floor exch floor eq} Split ->
             [[1.1 1.3 1.7] [2.1 2.3 2.7]]
         [1] Split -> [[1]]
         [] Split  -> []
Remarks: Mathematica compatible
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 13.2.01
SeeAlso: Take, Select
  rollu pop pop
  dup [[1]] Part exch
  2 1 Partition

  {                    % 1. part of forall's argument
   dup arrayload pop

  5 -1 roll            % 2. part, the criterion

  {                    % 3. part
   {1 get append}
   {rollu append exch [[2]] Part }


 } ifelse

} bind def

/Split trie
 [/arraytype /proceduretype] /Split_ load addtotrie
 [/arraytype ] { {eq} } /Split_ load  join  addtotrie

Name: MergeLists - merges sorted lists
Synopsis: array array      MergeLists  -> array
          array array proc MergeLists  -> array
  [1 3 5] [2 7] MergeLists -> [1 2 3 5 7]
  [[-9 1] [1 3] [4 5]]  [[3 2] [0 7]] {exch 1 get exch 1 get lt} MergeLists ->
         [[-9 1] [3 2] [1 3] [4 5] [0 7]]
 MergeLists is unlike Union which removes repeated elements and does
 not require the arguments to be sorted. However, the result of
 Union is also sorted. MergeLists does not appear in Mathematica V4.0,
 Union does.
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 8.5.01
   [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Union"
SeeAlso: Select, Split
 % l1 l2 crit

 {% part 1 of loop procedure

  % loop invariant is:
  %  [result] [remainder l1] [remainder l2]

  empty      {pop join exit} if
  exch empty {pop join exit} { exch } ifelse

  % get first element of l1 and l2
  1 pick First
  1 pick First

  % [] l1 l2 e1 e2

 exch % l1 l2 p1 crit

 {% part 2 of loop procedure
  { % e1 < e2
    % [] l1 l2

   dup First
   exch rollu


  { % e1 >= e2
    % [] l1 l2

   rolld exch
   dup First
   rolld exch


            % l1 l2 p1 crit p2
 join join  % l1 l2 p

 exch container rolld
 4 2 roll

%  container rollu  % [] l1 l2 p


} def

/MergeLists trie
 [/arraytype /arraytype /proceduretype] /MergeLists_ load addtotrie
 [/arraytype /arraytype ] { {lt} } /MergeLists_ load join  addtotrie

/* BeginDocumentation
  Name: Times - represents/computes product of terms
  Synopsis: array Times -> double
                        -> integer
   Times represents or computes the product of its
   arguments v1,-,vn. The arguments are supplied
   by an array [v1, -,vn]. The product of an empty
   argument list is defined to be unity.
   Times is an implementation of Mathematica's Times [1].
         [4 3 2 5 6] Times --> 720
         [] Times          --> 1

   not yet protected by trie
  Author: Diesmann
  FirstVersion: 31.5.2000
  SeeAlso: Plus
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Times"
/Times { 1 exch { mul } forall } bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
  Name: Plus - represents/computes sum of terms
  Synopsis: array Plus -> double
                       -> integer
   Plus represents or computes the sum of its
   arguments v1,-,vn. The arguments are supplied
   by an array [v1, -,vn]. The sum of an empty
   argument list is defined to be zero.
   Plus is an implementation of Mathematica's Plus [1].

         [4 3 2 5 6] Plus -->  20
         [ ] Plus         -->   0

   not yet protected by trie
  Author: Diesmann
  FirstVersion: 31.5.2000
  SeeAlso: Times
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Plus"
/Plus { 0 exch { add } forall } bind def

% v1 vn n astore
 length arraystore
 (astore is obsolete:\n)
 (In contrast to PostScript SLI arrays are dynamic\n)
 (use arraystore instead.) join join M_INFO message
} def

 arrayload array
 (aload is obsolete:\n)
 (In contrast to PostScript SLI arrays are dynamic\n)
 (use arrayload instead.) join join M_INFO message
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
  Name: Dot - product of vectors, matrices, and tensors
  Synopsis: array array Dot -> array
                              -> double
                              -> integer

    A B Dot contracts the last index in A with the first
    index in B. Indices in mathematical notation, leftmost
    index describes first level objects. For peole used to
    strict (row,column) notation as in Matlab [2] effects
    of this generalized product may be surprising (see
    examples (1) to (3).
    Dot is an implementation of Mathematica's Dot [1].

   [ 4 3 7 ] [ 2 5 8] Dot ==79

   [ 4 3 7 ] [ [ 2] [ 5 ] [ 8 ] ] Dot ==  [79]

   [ [ 4 ] [ 3 ] [ 7 ] ] [  2  5   8  ] Dot ==  [8 6 14]
      Error: /DimensionMismatch in Dup
   [ [ 5 3 2 ] [ 5 4 1 ] ] [ [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 9 ] ] Dot == [[37] [31]]

   [ [ 5 3 2 ] [ 5 4 1 ] ] [ 2  3 9  ] Dot ==   [37 31]

   [ 7 8 ] [ [ 5 3 2 ] [ 5 4 1 ] ]  Dot == [75 53 22]

   [  [ 5 3 ]  [ 1 2 ] [ 5 4 ] ]
   [ [ [ 2 1 ]  [ 5 3 ] [ 3  4 ] [ 7 5 ]] [ [ 3 1 ]  [ 7 4] [8 9] [1 8] ] ]
    Dot ==
   [ [ [19 8] [46 27] [39 47] [38 49] ]
     [ [8 3]  [19 11] [19 22] [9 21]  ]
     [ [22 9] [53 31] [47 56] [39 57] ]

  Bugs: Bad performace: TensorRank should be rewritten in C++
   not yet protected by trie
  Author: Diesmann
  FirstVersion: 31.5.2000
  SeeAlso: Times, Plus, OuterProduct
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Dot"
   [2] The MathWorks, Matlab User's Guide
/Dot  % A B Dot
 dup Dimensions First  2 index Dimensions  Last neq
 {/Dot /DimensionMismatch raiseerror } if
 dup TensorRank 1 eq  % of A
  exch_ dup_ TensorRank 1 eq  % of B
   Transpose_   % of B
   {1 index exch_ Dot } Map_ exch_ pop_
 { % B A
  { 1 index Dot } Map_ exch_ pop_
} bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: Dot1D - Compute the inner product of two vectors.
   Synopsis: array array Dot1D -> num
   Dot1D expects two one dimensional arrays or vectors and computes the
   inner product of the two arguments.
   Dot1D works equally well for arrays, doublevectors and intvectors.

    <. 1 2 3 .> <. 1 2 3 .> Dot1D -> 14
   SeeAlso: Dot, OuterProduct
   Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
   FirstVersion: Dec 18 2012
  0 exch
  { add } forall
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
  Name: OuterProduct - outer product
  Synopsis: array array OuterProduct -> array

   A B OuterProduct computes the outer product of A
   and B by forming all possible combinations of the
   lowest level elements (rightmost indices) in both
   OuterProduct is compatible to Mathematica's
   Outer[Times,A,B] [1]

    [3 4 5] [6 7 8 9] OuterProduct ->
        [18 21 24 27]
        [24 28 32 36]
        [30 35 40 45]

   not yet protected by trie
  Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, Diesmann
  FirstVersion: 31.5.2000, rewritten Dec 18 2012
  SeeAlso: Times, Dot
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Outer"
 { 1 index mul } Map 
 exch pop
} bind def

Name: LayoutArray - build a multidimensional array
Synopsis: [d1 d2 ...] val LayoutArray -> [...]
Parameters: [d1 d2 ...] - Array with dimensions.
            val         - initialisation value for array entries
  LayoutArray generates a multi-dimensional array which is
  initialised to val.

   [5] 1 LayoutArray -> [1 1 1 1 1]
   [2 3] 1.0 LayoutArray -> [ [1.0 1.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0 1.0]]

Author: Marc-oliver Gewaltig
FirstVersion: 20.6.02
SeeAlso: ArrayShape, Range, Table, Dimensions
  << >> begin
  /val exch def
  size /n_dim Set
 /dim  Set
  n_dim 1 eq
    [ dim 0 get {val} repeat ]
    dim 0 get array
    { ;
      dim Rest val LayoutArray
    } Map
  } ifelse
} bind def

Name: ArrayShape - reduce a multidimensional array to a desired shape
Synopsis: array1 [d1 d2 ...] LayoutArray -> array2
 array1      - array to operate on
 [d1 d2 ...] - array with specification of dimensions, where
               di is an integer or /All
 array2      - reduced array1
 The function is useful if an operation needs to be performed on an
 array of data which contains rows with insufficient data and rows
 with trailing superfluous entries.

 The algorithm is as follows:
  - if dim empty return []
  - take first d1 elements of a if available
    return [] otherwise
  - forall these elements
     - do nothing if [d2 ...dn] empty
     - otherwise apply [d2 ...dn] and remove
       if result is []

 [ [ 3 6 9] 100 [ 8 2 3 7 1] ] [2] ArrayShape
  -> [[3 6 9] 100]
 [ [ 3 6 9] [ 8 2 3 7 1] ] [/All 2] ArrayShape
  -> [[3 6] [8 2]]
 [ [ 3 6 9] [ 8 2 3 7 1] ] [/All 3] ArrayShape
  -> [[3 6 9] [8 2 3]]
 [ [ 3 6 9] [ 8 2 3 7 1] ] [/All 4] ArrayShape
  -> [[8 2 3 7]]

 [[[ 6 2 3] [-7 4 5] ] [[8 3 2] [2 -9 -5] 3 7 1]] [/All 2 3] ArrayShape
  -> [[[6 2 3] [-7 4 5]] [[8 3 2] [2 -9 -5]]]

 The Mathematica function ArrayDepth (not implemented) tests whether its
 argument has the required dimensions. This is unlike the function Dimensions
 which assumes that all elements of the array at a given level have identical
 shape and, therefore, inspects only the first element at each level.
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2007.11.28
SeeAlso: LayoutArray, Part, Table, Dimensions

 empty  % array dims
  exch pop  % return empty array
  dup Rest rollu  % array dims
  First           % dims_remain array dims
                  % dims_remain array dim

  dup /All eq {pop dup length} if  % dims_remain array dim
  dup 2 index length  % dims_remain array dim dim length

  { % array has sufficient length
   Take                      % dims_remain array dim
   1 index                   % dims_remain array
   length                    % dims_remain array dims_remain
   0 eq                      % dims_remain array length
   {                         % dims_remain array
    exch pop                 % remove dims_remain
    container        % dims_remain array
    exch             % dims_remain array []
     2 index         % dims_remain result_array array_element
     ArrayShape      % dims_remain result_array array_element dims_remain
     empty           % dims_remain result_array array_element
    exch pop         % dims_remain result_array
   pop       % dims_remain array dim
   container % dims_remain array
   rollu     % dims_remain array []
   pop       % [] dims_remain array
   pop       % [] dims_remain
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: add - add two numbers or vectors
Synopsis: n1 n2  add -> n3
          a1 a2  add -> a3
Description: add can be used to add numbers and arrays.

  If applied to numbers, add returns the sum of the numbers. If one
  of the arguments is a double, the result is also a double.

  Applied to arrays, add perfoms a per-component addition of the two
  arrays. The components must be numbers, however, integer and double
  values may be mixed.

  Note that the two arrays must be of the same size.

           1 2   add -> 3
           1.0 2 add -> 3.0
           [1 2] [3 4] add -> [4 6]
           1 [3 4] add -> [4 5]
Author: M-O Gewaltig
SeeAlso: Dot, Plus, Times

  2 arraystore
  { add } MapThread
}  bind def

    1 index add
  } Map
  exch pop
} bind def

  exch_ add_i_a
} bind def

/add [/arraytype /arraytype] /add_a_a load def
/add [/doubletype /arraytype] /add_i_a load def
/add [/arraytype /doubletype] /add_a_i load def
/add [/integertype /arraytype] /add_i_a load def
/add [/arraytype /integertype] /add_a_i load def

Name: sub - subtract two numbers or vectors

Synopsis: n1 n2  sub -> n3
          a1 a2  sub -> a3

Description: sub can be used to subtract numbers and arrays.

  If applied to numbers, sub returns the difference of the numbers. If one
  of the arguments is a double, the result is also a double.

  Applied to arrays, sub perfoms a per-component subtraction of the two
  arrays. The components must be numbers, however, integer and double
  values may be mixed.

  Note that the two arrays must be of the same size.

           5 2   sub -> 3
           5.0 2 sub -> 3.0
           [5 7] [3 4] sub -> [2 3]
           [3 4] 1 sub -> [2 3]

Author: docu by Sirko Straube (adopted from add)

SeeAlso: add, mul, div

  2 arraystore
  { sub } MapThread
}  bind def

    1 index exch_ sub
  } Map
  exch pop
} bind def

    1 index sub
  } Map
  exch_ pop
} bind def

/sub [/arraytype /arraytype] /sub_a_a load def
/sub [/doubletype /arraytype] /sub_i_a load def
/sub [/arraytype /doubletype] /sub_a_i load def
/sub [/integertype /arraytype] /sub_i_a load def
/sub [/arraytype /integertype] /sub_a_i load def

Name: mul - multiply two numbers or vectors (point-wise)

Synopsis: int int mul -> int
int double mul -> double
array int/double mul -> array

Examples: 3 4 mul -> 12
3.33 3 mul -> 9.99
[1 2.2 3] 4 mul -> [4 8.8 12]

Author: docu by Sirko Straube

SeeAlso: add, sub, div, Dot
  2 arraystore
  { mul } MapThread
}  bind def

    1 index mul
  } Map
  exch pop
} bind def

  exch_ mul_i_a
} bind def

/mul [/arraytype /arraytype] /mul_a_a load def
/mul [/doubletype /arraytype] /mul_i_a load def
/mul [/arraytype /doubletype] /mul_a_i load def
/mul [/integertype /arraytype] /mul_i_a load def
/mul [/arraytype /integertype] /mul_a_i load def

Name: div - divide two numbers or vectors (point-wise)

Synopsis: int int div -> int
int double div -> double
array int/double div -> array

Examples: 9 2 div -> 4
9 3.3 div -> 2.727273
[10 11.5 12] 4 div -> [2 2.875 3]

Author: docu by Sirko Straube

SeeAlso: add, sub, mul, Dot
  2 arraystore
  { div } MapThread
}  bind def

    1 index div
  } Map
  exch pop
} bind def

  exch_ div_i_a
} bind def

/div [/arraytype /arraytype] /div_a_a load def
/div [/doubletype /arraytype] /div_i_a load def
/div [/arraytype /doubletype] /div_a_i load def
/div [/integertype /arraytype] /div_i_a load def
/div [/arraytype /integertype] /div_a_i load def

Name: ArrayQ - returns true if top object is an array
SeeAlso: NumberQ, LiteralQ

/ArrayQ trie [/arraytype] true  addtotrie
             [/anytype]   false addtotrie
Name: LiteralQ - returns true if top object is a literal
SeeAlso: NumberQ, ArrayQ, StringQ
/LiteralQ trie [/literaltype] true  addtotrie
               [/anytype]   false   addtotrie

Name: NumberQ - returns true if top object is a number (int or double)
Synopsis: int    NumberQ -> true
          double NumberQ -> true
          any    NumberQ -> false
SeeAlso: IntegerQ, DoubleQ, LiteralQ, ArrayQ, StringQ

/NumberQ trie
 [/integertype] true  addtotrie
 [/doubletype]  true  addtotrie
 [/anytype]     false addtotrie

Name: IntegerQ - returns true if top object is an integer (int)
Synopsis: int    IntegerQ -> true
          any    IntegerQ -> false
SeeAlso: NumberQ, DoubleQ, LiteralQ, ArrayQ, StringQ
/IntegerQ trie
 [/integertype] true  addtotrie
 [/anytype]     false addtotrie

Name: DoubleQ - returns true if top object is a double
Synopsis: double DoubleQ -> true
          any    DoubleQ -> false
SeeAlso: IntegerQ, DoubleQ, FiniteQ, LiteralQ, ArrayQ, StringQ
/DoubleQ trie
 [/doubletype] true  addtotrie
 [/anytype]    false addtotrie

Name: FiniteQ - returns true if top object is finite number
Synopsis: double FiniteQ -> true/false
          int    FiniteQ -> true
For numeric arguments, returns true if the value is finite
(neither +inf, -inf, or nan). Integers are always finite.
It is an error to call this function on anything except numbers.
SeeAlso: IntegerQ, DoubleQ, LiteralQ, ArrayQ, StringQ
/FiniteQ trie
 [/doubletype]  /finite_q_d load addtotrie
 [/integertype] true       addtotrie
 [/anytype]     { /FiniteQ /IllegalArgument raiseerror } addtotrie

Name: StringQ - returns true if top object is a string
Synposis: string StringQ -> true
          any    StringQ -> false
SeeAlso: NumberQ, LiteralQ, ArrayQ
/StringQ trie [/stringtype] true  addtotrie
       	      [/anytype]    false addtotrie

Name: DictQ - returns true if top object is a dictionary
Synposis: dictionary DictQ -> true
          any        DictQ -> false
SeeAlso: NumberQ, LiteralQ, ArrayQ
/DictQ trie 
  [/dictionarytype] true addtotrie
  [/anytype]        false addtotrie

Name: MemberQ - checks if array contains a specific element
array any MemberQ -> true
                  -> false
[3 8 2 9 -1] 2 MemberQ --> true
[3 8 9 -1]   2 MemberQ --> false
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 10.5.2001
Remarks: The Mathematica implementation is much more general
   [1] The Mathematica Book "MemberQ"
SeeAlso: LiteralQ, NumberQ, ArrayQ, MatrixQ, HasDifferentMemberQ
 << >> begin
  /member Set
  /array Set

 array {/member load eq {pop true exit} if} forall
} def

Name: HasDifferentMemberQ - checks if array contains different element(s)
array any HasDifferentMemberQ -> true
                          -> false
[3 8 2 9 -1] 2 HasDifferentMemberQ --> true
[2 2 2]      2 HasDifferentMemberQ --> false
Author: Plesser, based on MemberQ
FirstVersion: 20 Sept 2010
SeeAlso: LiteralQ, NumberQ, ArrayQ, MatrixQ, MemberQ
 << >> begin
  /member Set
  /array Set

 array {/member load neq {pop true exit} if} forall
} def


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: SubsetQ - Test if one dictinary is a subset of another

   dict1 dict2 SubsetQ -> bool

   dict1 - dictionary
   dict2 - dictionary

   The functions returns true, if all entries of dict2 are present in dict1
   with the same values.

   << /a 1 /b 2 /c 2 >> << /c 2 >> SubsetQ -> true

[/dictionarytype /dictionarytype]
  << >> begin
  cva 2 Partition
  /properties Set
  /object Set

    arrayload ;
    /val Set
    cvlit /key Set
    object dup key known
      key get
      val eq and
     pop pop false exit
    } ifelse
  } forall
} bind def

Name: ToMathematicaExpression - converts SLI data to Mathematica input
any ToMathematicaExpression -> string

An error is raised for unsupported SLI data types. In particular,
the function also converts heterogeneous arrays and dictionaries.


[3.4 (hello) [2 3] ] ToMathematicaExpression -->
     ({ImportString["3.4","List"][[1]], "hello", {2, 3}})
<< /i 6 /s (hello) >> ToMathematicaExpression -->
     ({i -> 6, s -> "hello"})

Author: Diesmann
The conversion of doubles does not yet guarantee the existence
of the decimal point and an appropriate number of digits.
   [1] The Mathematica Book
 dup                           % we need type and value
      ({) exch empty not
       {                        % we at least one element to operate on
        dup Rest exch           % save the reminder of the array
        First                   % get the next element to operate on
        ToMathematicaExpression % convert to Mathematica input format
        rolld exch join exch    % append to converted part
        {exit} if               % last element does not need a separator
        (, )                    % separator
        rolld exch join exch    % append to converted part
       } loop
      } if
      pop                       % the empty array is still on the stack
      (}) join
      cva 2 Partition           % create a list of tuples
      ({) exch empty not
       {                        % we at least one element to operate on
        dup Rest exch           % save the reminder of the array
        First                   % get the next element to operate on

        dup 0 get cvs           % convert the name of the key
        ( -> ) join exch        % append the rule symbol
        1 get
        ToMathematicaExpression % convert to Mathematica input format
        join                    % append value in Mathematica input format

        rolld exch join exch    % append to converted part
        {exit} if               % last element does not need a separator
        (, )                    % separator
        rolld exch join exch    % append to converted part
       } loop
      } if
      pop                       % the empty array is still on the stack
      (}) join
     { (") exch join (") join }
     { {(True)} {(False)} ifelse }
     { cvs }
     { cvs (ImportString[") exch join (","List"][[1]]) join }
     { cvs }
 dup rolld type known not       % argument not in the list of convertible types?
  /ToMathematicaExpression      % supply the error handler with appropriate
  /NoMathematicaRepresentation  % information about the problem
 } if
 exch dup rollu type get exec   % apply conversion rule
} def

/* BeginDocumentation

Name: UnitStep - The unit step function (aka Heavyside function)

              x  UnitStep -> 0   ;if  x <  0
                          -> 1   ;if  x >= 0
     [x1 x2 ...] UnitStep -> 0   ;if xi <  0 for any xi in [x]
                          -> 1   ;if xi >= 0 for all xi in [x]

     "x UnitStep" represents the unit step function,
     equal to 0 for x<0 and 1 for x>=0.

     "[x1 x2 ...] UnitStep" represents the multidimensional unit step
     function which is 1 only if none of the xi are negative.

     Alternatives: Function UnitStep_i for integers, UnitStep_d for
     doubles, UnitStep_ia for integer arrays, UnitStep_da for double
     arrays (all undocumented) -> behavior and synopsis are the same,
     except that no warnings or error messages are thrown.

     When called on an empty array, /ArgumentType is raised.

     When first element of the array is not of type integer or double,
     /ArgumentType is raised.

     Will break if called on an array containing non-numerical values.

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 13.3.2003

     This is the SLI version of the Mathematica function "UnitStep".
     Documentation taken from the Mathematica Book.

     Implementation of the type variants can be found in file
SeeAlso: Sign, abs
     The Mathematica Book


/UnitStep [/integertype] /UnitStep_i load def
/UnitStep [/doubletype]  /UnitStep_d load def
/UnitStep [/arraytype]
  size 0 eq
    M_ERROR (UnitStep) (Array must not be empty.) message
    /UnitStep /ArgumentType raiseerror
  } if

  dup 0 get type
  1 pick /integertype eq {pop UnitStep_ia exit} case
  1 pick /doubletype  eq {pop UnitStep_da exit} case
    M_ERROR (UnitStep) (Array must be a homogeneous integer or double array.) message
    /UnitStep /ArgumentType raiseerror
} bind def

Name: Sign - returns the sign of its argument
 integer Sign -1,0, or 1
 double  Sign -1,0, or 1
 The return value is always an integer
 The C++ standard library does not define a sign function because
 there is no general agreement on the return value for 0. The function
 Sign implements the decision made for Mathematica: if the argument is
 0, Sign returns 0.
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2007.11.28
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Sign"
SeeAlso: UnitStep, abs

 0 eq
 {pop 0 }
 {0 gt {1}{-1} ifelse }

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: IntegerPart - Return integer part of the argument.
Synopsis: double IntegerPart -> integerpart
     In effect sets all digits to the right of the decimal point to
     zero. The sign is preserved. The output value is of type integer.
     The input value must be of type double,
     the output value is of type double.
     -2.3 IntegerPart -> -2.0
SeeAlso: FractionalPart

/IntegerPart trie
 [/doubletype] { int_d double_i } addtotrie

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: FractionalPart - Return fractional part of the argument.
Synopsis: double FractionalPart -> fractionalpartpart
     In effect sets all digits to the left of the decimal point to
     zero. The sign is preserved. The output value is of type double.
     The input value must be of type double,
     the output value is of type double.
     -2.3 FractionalPart -> -0.3
SeeAlso: IntegerPart

/FractionalPart trie
 [/doubletype] {dup_ int_d double_i sub_dd} addtotrie

Name: Max - returns the largest element of an array
 array Max -> max element
  This function finds the largest element in a list, DoubleVector or IntVector. To process
  heterogeneous arrays, the operator gt must be supported between any pair of objects in
  the list.

 [8 4 3 6 9 5] Max --> 9
 Replacess arr::Max in future versions.
Author: Gewaltig
FirstVersion: 2008.2.12 (Diesmann)
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Max"
SeeAlso: Min, Sort
   size 0 eq
     /Max /RangeCheck raiseerror
   } if
   dup 0 get  % start value as sentinel
      dup 2 index gt % compare current element with sentinel
       exch pop % if element is greater than sentinel, make it new sentinel
        pop  %else discard
     } ifelse 
   } forall 
} def

Name: Min - returns the smallest element of an array
 array Min -> min element
 This function finds the smallest element in a list, DoubleVector or intVector.
 To process heterogeneous arrays, the operator lt must be supported between
 any pair of objects in the list.

 [8 4 3 6 9 5] Min --> 3
 Replacess arr::Min in future versions.

Author: Gewaltig
FirstVersion: 2008.2.12 (Diesmann)
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Min"
SeeAlso: Max, Sort, Mean, Variance
   size 0 eq
     /Max /RangeCheck raiseerror
   } if
   dup 0 get  % start value as sentinel
      dup 2 index lt % compare current element with sentinel
       exch pop % if element is less than sentinel, make it new sentinel
        pop  %else discard
     } ifelse 
   } forall 

Name: Total - returns the sum of the elements of an array
 array Total -> sum of elements
 The function is implemented in SLI and based on the
 overloaded operator add.
 [8 4 3 6 9 5] Total --> 35
 The Mathematica version is more general.
 Replacess arr::Sum in future versions.
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2009.2.22
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Total"
SeeAlso: Max, Sort, Mean, Variance
 0 exch {add} Fold
} def

Name: Mean - returns the mean of the elements of an array
 array Mean -> double, mean of elements
 The function is implemented in SLI and based on the
 operator Total.
 [8 4 3 6 9 5] Mean --> 5.833
 The Mathematica version is more general
 Replaces arr:Mean in future versions.
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2009.2.22
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Mean"
SeeAlso: Max, Sort, Total, Variance
 size cvd exch Total exch div
} def

Name: Variance - returns the variance of the elements of an array
 array Variance -> double, unbiased estimate of variance of elements
 The function is implemented in SLI using Mean and Total
 [8 4 3 6 9 5] Variance --> 5.366
 The Mathematica version is more general.
 Replaces arr::Var in future versions.
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2009.2.22
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Variance"
SeeAlso: Max, Sort, Total, Mean, StandardDeviation
 dup size 1 sub cvd rollu
 {sqr} Map
} def

Name: StandardDeviation - returns the standard deviation of the elements of an array
 array StandardDeviation -> double, standard deviation
 The function is implemented in SLI using Variance
 [8 4 3 6 9 5] StandardDeviation --> 2.3166
 The Mathematica version is more general.
 Replaces arr::SDev in future versions.
Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: 2009.2.22
   [1] The Mathematica Book "StandardDeviation"
SeeAlso: Max, Sort, Total, Variance
 Variance sqrt
} def

% the following two definitions are used to make escaping of
% SLI strings in Mathematica easier
% e.g, see extras/mathematica/LinkMathematica.m
% Diesmann, 1.4.2003
/NewLine (\n) def
/DoublyEscapedNewLine (\\\\n) def

/* BeginDocumentation
  Name: CompileMath - converts traditional math to postfix notation
  Synopsis: string CompileMath -> proc
   CompileMath converts a string containing a mathematical expression
   in traditional infix notation to a procedure using the
   standard postfix notation of SLI. The algorithm is:
    1. replace traditonal operators like "-" and "+" with
       SLI literals like /sub and /add
    2. decompose the string into tokens using the standard
       SLI scanner
    3. compile the sequence of tokens to a SLI postfix expression
       using the predictive recursive-descent parser described in
       chapter 2 of the Dragon Book.
   The result is the unevaluated expression. This enables the user
   to store the expression for later reevaluation.
   string, is the mathematical expression
   proc, is the unevaluated expression in SLI postfix notation
    ( 5 + 3 * 7 )      CompileMath  exec  --> 26
    ( 5 * (3 + 7) )    CompileMath  exec  --> 50
    ( 5 + x * 7 )      CompileMath        --> {5 x 7 mul add}
    ( 3 + exp 5 )      CompileMath        --> {3 5 exp add}
    ( 3 + exp (  x ) ) CompileMath        --> {3 x exp add}
    ( 3 + exp ( -x ) ) CompileMath        --> {3 x neg exp add}
    ( 3 * exp (sin 2)) CompileMath        --> {3 2 sin exp mul}
    ( 3 * exp sin 2 )  CompileMath        --> {3 2 sin exp mul}
    (4 * - 7)          CompileMath exec   --> -28
    (2^3)              CompileMath        --> {2 3 pow}
    (5+3*2^3)          CompileMath        --> {5 3 2 3 pow mul add}
    (5+3*2^3-4)        CompileMath        --> {5 3 2 3 pow mul add 4 sub}
    (5+3*2^3/4)        CompileMath        --> {5 3 2 3 pow mul 4 div add}
    (5+3*2^-3)         CompileMath        --> {5 3 2 3 neg pow mul add}
    (4)                CompileMath        --> {4}
    ()                 CompileMath        --> {}
    (a=7+3)            CompileMath        --> {/a 7 3 add dup rolld Set}
    (a=7+3;)           CompileMath        --> {/a 7 3 add dup rolld Set pop}
    (a=7+3;6)          CompileMath        --> {/a 7 3 add dup rolld Set pop 6}
    (a=7+4;b=2*exp(-2.0/10)) CompileMath  --> {/a 7 4 add dup rolld Set pop /b 2 2.0 neg 10 div exp mul dup rolld Set}
    (Function({x+2},'x)) CompileMath      --> {{x 2 add} /x Function}
    (f=Function({x+2},'x)) CompileMath    --> {/f {x 2 add} /x Function dup rolld Set}
    (f={#+2})              CompileMath    --> {/f {<< >> begin /# Set # 2 add end} dup rolld Set}
    ([4,3,2])              CompileMath    --> {[4 3 2]}
    (x=7+[4,3,2]*2)        CompileMath    --> {/x 7 [ 4 3 2 ] 2 mul add dup rolld Set}
    ([])                   CompileMath    --> {[]}
    (<< 'x : [-3, 9]*2, 'y : 7 >>) CompileMath --> {<< /x [ 3 neg 9 ] 2 mul /y 7 >>}
    (<< >>)                CompileMath    --> {<< >>}
    (5+3 // Function( {2*x+1},'x)  ) CompileMath exec  --> 17
    (1+(5+3 // Function( {2*x+1},'x))  ) CompileMath exec  --> 18
    ( [ 3, [ 2, 1], -9] // Flatten) CompileMath exec --> [3 2 1 -9]
    ( [ 3, [ 2, 1], -9] // Flatten // {Select(#,{#<3})}  ) CompileMath exec --> [2 1 -9]
    (5+3 // {#+1}  ) CompileMath exec --> 9

   The present version fails for doubles with negative exponents
   because the lexer just replaces all "-" with /sub. A slightly
   smarter lexer using a regular expression can solve this problem.
   The function can be improved by using a more powerful parsing
   scheme. The predictive recursive parsing scheme is used here
   as an educational example.
  Author: Diesmann
  FirstVersion: 090117

  SeeAlso: Inline, ExecMath, cst, cvx, exec
   [1] The Dragon Book, 1988, chapter 2

({)  symbol pop /BeginProcedureSymbol Set pop
(})  symbol pop /EndProcedureSymbol Set pop
([)  symbol pop /BeginArraySymbol Set pop
(])  symbol pop /EndArraySymbol Set pop
([)  token pop  /BeginArrayToken Set pop
(])  token pop  /EndArrayToken Set pop
(<<)  symbol pop /BeginDictionarySymbol Set pop
(>>)  symbol pop /EndDictionarySymbol Set pop

% for debugging, displays call sequence
% % l p
% 1 index {==} exch prepend exch join

<</out [] >> begin currentdict /cdict Set

  (/)  ( /div )       % this first because "/" leads literals
  (/div  /div) (/pipe)   % for //
  (')  ( /lit /)      % operator /literal followed by SLI notation literal value
  (^)  ( /pow )
  (**) ( /pow )   % as in python
  (*)  ( /mul )
  (-)  ( /sub )
  (+)  ( /add )
  (x) 0 40 put ( /openparenthesis )
  (x) 0 41 put ( /closeparenthesis )
  (<<) ( /BeginDictionary )
  (>>) ( /EndDictionary )
  (==) ( /eq )
  (!=) ( /neq )
  (<=) ( /leq )
  (<)  ( /lt )
  (>=) ( /geq )
  (>)  ( /gt )
  (=)  ( /def )
  (;)  ( /sepexpr )
  (,)  ( /comma )
  (:)  ( /colon )
  (" /openparenthesis )  (x) 0 40 put
  ( /closeparenthesis ") (x) 0 41 put

  (#)  ( /argument )
 ] 2 Partition

 {arrayload pop ReplaceOccurrences} Fold

 css   % alternative: do this stepwise with symbol

/gettoken {
 in empty not
  cdict /in in Rest put_d
 } if
} def

 /lookahead load eq         % avoid immediate lookup of identifier
 {cdict /lookahead gettoken put_d}
 { /match /SyntaxError raiseerror }
} def

  lookahead /comma eq
   /comma match seq  % no output for comma
 } loop
} pdef

% algorithm to compile a pure function:
% -------------------------------------
% (1) match the BeginProcedureSymbol
% (2) determine the current length of the compiled code
% (3) compile the body of the function
% (4) extract the previously compiled code from out
% (5) determine length of compiled body
% (6) extract code of compiled body from out
% (7) make it a literal procedure object
% (8) append procedure object to previously compiled code
% (9) store result in out variable

 BeginProcedureSymbol match
   out length                          % length

   << /n_args 0 >> begin

% expr
    expr_sequence                        % length

%n_args ==

     dup out exch Take                   % length first
     exch                                % first length
     out length sub  out exch Take       % first last

     n_args 0 gt                         % the procedure has arguments
      {<< >> begin /# Set} exch join {end} join

     cvlp_p                             % first proc  (7)

     append /out cdict                   % v l d  (8)
     exch                                % v d l
     rolld                               % d l v


 EndProcedureSymbol match
} pdef

  /lookahead load EndProcedureSymbol eq {exit} if

  /lookahead load /sepexpr eq
   /sepexpr  match /pop cvn /out cdict AppendTo

 } loop
} pdef

 /lookahead load BeginProcedureSymbol eq
} pdef

 /lookahead load /lit eq
  /lit match
  lookahead /out cdict AppendTo  % the current symbol is the literal
  lookahead match
} pdef

% An expression is an inequality followed by a piped sequence
% of operations on the result of the inequality:
%    ie // a // b // c ...
% The operations are either specified by an individual function name or direct
% generators of pure functions:
%    ie // Flatten
%    ie // Function({x+1},'x)
%    ie // {#+1}

  /lookahead load /pipe eq
   /pipe match
   /lookahead load type /nametype eq
    /lookahead load /Function cvn eq
     inequality /exec cvn /out cdict AppendTo
     /lookahead load /out cdict AppendTo
     /lookahead load match
    ifelse % pure function starting with 'Function'
    purefunction /exec cvn /out cdict AppendTo
   ifelse  % nametype

 } loop     % /pipe
} pdef

  /lookahead load /lt eq
   /lt match equality /lt cvn /out cdict AppendTo
   /lookahead load /leq eq
    /leq match equality /leq cvn /out cdict AppendTo
    /lookahead load /gt eq
     /gt match equality /gt cvn /out cdict AppendTo
     /lookahead load /geq eq
      /geq match equality /geq cvn /out cdict AppendTo

 } loop     % /lt, /leq, /gt, /geq
} pdef

  /lookahead load /eq eq
   /eq match sum /eq cvn /out cdict AppendTo
   /lookahead load /neq eq
    /neq match sum /neq cvn /out cdict AppendTo
 } loop     % /eq, /neq
} pdef

  /lookahead load /add eq
   /add match term /add cvn /out cdict AppendTo
   /lookahead load /sub eq
    /sub match term /sub cvn /out cdict AppendTo
 } loop     % /add, /sub
} pdef

 signedfactor power
} pdef

  /lookahead load /pow eq
   /pow match signedfactor /pow cvn /out cdict AppendTo
 } loop
} pdef

 /lookahead load /sub eq
  /sub match unsignedfactor /neg cvn /out cdict AppendTo
 } ifelse
} pdef

 /BeginArrayToken load /out cdict AppendTo
 lookahead match

 lookahead /EndArraySymbol load eq
  /EndArrayToken load /out cdict AppendTo
  lookahead match

   delayedexpr     % expr
   lookahead /comma eq
    /comma  match

  lookahead /EndArraySymbol load eq
   /EndArrayToken load /out cdict AppendTo
   lookahead match
   /array /EndArrayExpectedError raiseerror


} pdef


 lookahead /colon eq
  lookahead match
  /dictionaryentry /ColonExpectedError raiseerror


} pdef

 /BeginDictionarySymbol load /out cdict AppendTo
 lookahead match

 lookahead /EndDictionary eq
  /EndDictionarySymbol load /out cdict AppendTo
  lookahead match

   lookahead /comma eq
    /comma  match

  lookahead /EndDictionary eq
   /EndDictionarySymbol load /out cdict AppendTo
   lookahead match
   /array /EndDictionaryExpectedError raiseerror


} pdef

/unsignedfactor    %  x =
 /lookahead load type /nametype eq % avoid immediate lookup of identifiers
  /lookahead load                   % leave id on stack
  /lookahead load match  assign  % factorarg /out AppendTo % assign  % /out AppendTo
  lookahead /argument eq
   (#) cvn /out cdict AppendTo
   /argument match
   1 /n_args Set
   lookahead /openparenthesis eq
    /openparenthesis match expr /closeparenthesis match
    lookahead type /integertype eq
    lookahead type /doubletype  eq or
    lookahead type /stringtype  eq or
     lookahead /out cdict AppendTo
     lookahead match
     lookahead /BeginArraySymbol load eq
      lookahead /BeginDictionary eq
       /unsignedfactor /SyntaxError raiseerror
      } ifelse
     } ifelse
    } ifelse
   } ifelse
  } ifelse
 } ifelse
} pdef

 /lookahead load /def eq
  % the id is still on the stack, make literal for assignment
  cvlit /out cdict AppendTo /def match delayedexpr {dup rolld Set} cvlit /out cdict JoinTo
              % version without return value:
              %                       /def cvn /out AppendTo
 { % the id is still on the stack
  factorarg /out cdict AppendTo
} pdef

 /lookahead load type /nametype eq % avoid immediate lookup of identifiers
  /lookahead load
  /lookahead load match factorarg /out cdict AppendTo
  lookahead /openparenthesis eq
   /openparenthesis match
   /lookahead load /closeparenthesis eq
    /closeparenthesis match
    seq /closeparenthesis match
   lookahead type /integertype eq
   lookahead type /doubletype  eq or
   lookahead type /stringtype  eq or
    lookahead /out cdict AppendTo
    lookahead match
    lookahead /BeginArraySymbol load eq
     lookahead /BeginDictionary eq
     if                      % epsilon
    } ifelse
   } ifelse
  } ifelse
 } ifelse

} pdef

  /lookahead load /mul eq
   /mul match factor /mul cvn /out cdict AppendTo
   /lookahead load /div eq
    /div match factor /div cvn /out cdict AppendTo

 } loop
} pdef

  /lookahead load [] eq {exit} if

  /lookahead load /sepexpr eq
   /sepexpr  match /pop cvn /out cdict AppendTo

 } loop
} pdef

% main of CompileMath

lexan /in Set

gettoken /lookahead Set

statement  % expr

out cvx


 Name: ExecMath - execute a math expression.
 Synopsis: (expr) ExecMath -> val
  ExecMath is equivalent to the sequence
  CompileMath exec
 SeeAlso: CompileMath, Inline
  CompileMath exec
} def

  (fSLI )
  count 1 gt_ii      % counter has to be corrected for operative
  {                  % objects on the stack
    ([) join_s
    count 1 sub_ii cvs join_s
  } if
  (] ) join_s
} bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: mathexecutive - start interactive math session
Starts an interactive shell similar to the standard shell of SLI
provided by the command executive. You can leave the shell by
typing exit.

In contrast to executive, mathexecutive accepts an infix mathematical
notation. The input is compiled with command CompileMath prior to
execution.  See the documentation of CompileMath for the details of
the syntax.

The syntax accepted by this command is experimental, be prepared for
substantial changes.

Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: March 2010
SeeAlso: executive, exit, CompileMath

%% check whether GNU readline is installed. If so,
%% use it for the executive command.

systemdict /GNUreadline known

  (The syntax accepted by this command is experimental,\nsee the documentation of CompileMath for details.)
   M_WARNING  message
  {  %% loop with stopped context to catch signals
    fsprompt GNUreadline
      dup GNUaddhistory
      CompileMath stopped  {handleerror} if
    } if
   } stopped {handleerror} if % to catch signals
  } loop
% exithook
 } bind def


  (The syntax accepted by this command is experimental,\nsee the documentation of CompileMath for details.)
  M_WARNING  message
     fsprompt readline
      CompileMath stopped {handleerror} if
     } if
   } stopped {handleerror} if % to catch signals
  } loop
%  exithook
 } bind def

} ifelse

Name: Inline - Replace names in a procedure with their definitions.

   {proc} <<dict>> Inline -> {proc'}

   {proc}    - procedure to be transformed
   <<dict>>  - dictionary with names and definitions for the names to be inlined.
   {proc'}   - the transformed procedure with all names replaced.


Transform the input procedure {proc} such that all names that are
defined in <<dict>> are placed by their definitions.

Inline can be used to inline the code of procedures or to replace
names of constants with their literal values. All names that are not
defined in <<dict>> are unchanged.

Inline is particularly useful in combination with CompileMath.

Inline is similar to bind, but there are two big differences:
1. bind uses the current dictstack to determine which names are placed.
2. bind only replaces names that refer to C++-functions or tries.

SLI ] {a b add} <</a 1 /b 2 >> Inline ==
{1 2 add}

SLI ] {1 2 3 stack} << /stack dup load  >> Inline ==
{1 2 3 0 1 -count- 3 -sub_ii- /{-index- =} -for-}

Version: January 19 2008
Author: marc-Oliver Gewaltig
SeeAlso: bind, CompileMath
     exch  % swap position of mark and array
     cvlit % convert procedure to array
       type /nametype eq
         dup cvlit
         currentdict exch known
           cvlit currentdict exch get
           dup type /proceduretype eq
             cvlit arrayload pop
           } if
         } if
         dup type /literalproceduretype eq
           Inline cvlp
         } if
       } ifelse

     } forall
   ] cvx
} def

[/proceduretype /dictionarytype]
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: Apply - calls a function with the elements of an array as arguments
Synopsis: array proc Apply -> any
 Apply interprets the elements of the input array a as the list
 of arguments of the supplied function f,
   f(a(1),a(2), ...,a(n))

 This is to be distinguished from Map which individually applies
 the function to the elements of the array,
   [f(a(1),f(a(2), ...,f(a(n))] 

  array is an arbitrarily shaped heterogeneous array. 
  proc is any procedure object (pure function).


  [1 2] {add} Apply --> 3
  [1 2] {dup mul} Map --> [1 4]
  [(hell world) 4 (o)] {insert} Apply --> (hello world)

Author: Diesmann
FirstVersion: unknown, documented 121124
 This function is an implementation of Mathematica's Apply function.
SeeAlso: Map, MapAt, MapThread
 [1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Apply"
% a f
 exch       % f a
 arrayload  % f a1 ... an n
 1 add      % f a1 ... an n+1
 -1 roll    % a1 ... an f

Name: Function - creates pure function with named arguments

   {proc} literal_1 ... literal_n    Function -> proc'
   string literal_1 ... literal_n    Function -> proc'
   [literal_1 ... literal_n] {proc}  Function -> proc'
   [literal_1 ... literal_n] string  Function -> proc'

   proc       - code body using variables
   string     - code body using variables in infix notation
   literal_i  - the name of the ith argument
   proc'      - pure function with named arguments

 Pure functions are one of the most powerful features of SLI. They are
 first class objects and can be assembled at run time like arrays. Some
 times pure functions are constructed for one time execution, however more
 often they are used as arguments of functional operators like Map and Fold
 executing the pure function many times.
 If a pure function has several arguments or a particular argument is used many
 times in the code managing the location of the arguments on the stack can be
 cumbersome. In these situations operator Function is helpful, it assigns each
 argument of the pure function to a formal name which can be used in the body
 of function. If the pure function is specified as a string, Compile Math is
 called for conversion to rpn. Note that the example combining Function and Map
 is efficient. The pure function is constructed from the string only once but
 executed 4 times with different arguments. In the alternative syntax the variables
 are declared by an array prior to the body of the function. This notation increases
 the readability of definitions of  named functions because in most programming
 languages the declaration of variables preceeds the function body. In combination
 with operator def also the type of the arguments can be specified. The definition
 of a function without arguments is useful if the body of the function introduces
 local variables and therefore profits from the automatic restriction of scope by
 operator Function. This is shown in the last example. Without the empty array the
 arguments of Function would not be unique.
 The availability of the alternative version ExecFunction with immediate execution
 highlights the fact that a pure function with named arguments maybe used
 for clarity even in situations where it needs to be evaluated only once.

 2   {x 1 x add mul} /x    Function exec --> 6
 2 3 {x 1 x add mul} /x /y Function exec --> 6
 2 3 {x y x add mul} /x /y Function exec --> 10
 2 3   ( x*(y+x) )   /x /y Function exec --> 10

 ( x*(y+x) ) /x /y Function --> {<< >> begin /y Set /x Set x y x add mul end}

 [2. 3. 4. 5.]  (x + (1+x)^3) /x Function Map --> [29. 67. 129. 221.]

 /f ( x*(y+x) )  /x /y  Function def
 /f [/x /y] ( x*(y+x) ) Function def

 /f [/doubletype /doubletype] [/x /y] (y+x^2) Function def
 /f [/doubletype /doubletype] [/x /y] {y x dup mul add} Function def

 /f [] (x=sin(0.7);x^2-3*x) Function def

Version: 090302
Author: Diesmann
   [1] The Mathematica Book "Function"
SeeAlso: CompileMath, Inline, ExecFunction
 {<< >> begin}

  dup type
  /literaltype neq
   dup type
   /stringtype eq
   } if
  } if
  append {Set} join
 } loop

 {end} join

} def

[/arraytype /anytype]
 exch arrayload pop Function_

Name: ExecFunction - immediately execute a pure function with named arguments
   {proc} literal_1 ... literal_n ExecFunction -> val
   string literal_1 ... literal_n ExecFunction -> val

  ExecFunction is equivalent to the sequence
  Function exec
 2   {x 1 x add mul} /x    ExecFunction --> 6
 2 3 {x 1 x add mul} /x /y ExecFunction --> 6
 2 3 {x y x add mul} /x /y ExecFunction --> 10
 2 3   ( x*(y+x) )   /x /y ExecFunction --> 10

Version: 090304
Author: Diesmann
 SeeAlso: Function, CompileMath, Inline
 Function exec
} def

Name: LambertW - simple iteration implementing the Lambert-W function
   double double LambertW -> double
The first parameter is the argument of the Lambert-W function, the
second argument is the start value of the iteration. 0.0 is a good initial
value for the principal branch of the Lambert-W function. -2.0 is a good
choice to select the non-principal branch.

The Lambert-W function is the inverse function of x=W*exp(W). For real values of
x and W, the function W(x) is defined on [-1/e,\infty). On the interval [-1/e,0)
it is double valued. The two branches coincide at W(-1/e)=-1. The so called
principal branch LambertW0 continuously grows (W>=-1) and crosses the origin (0,0).
The non-principal branch LambertWm1 is defined on [-1/e,0) and declines to -\infty for
growing x.

LambertW uses Halley's method described in [1] (see also [2]) to
implement the functions for the two branches LambertW0 and LambertWm1
if NEST has no access to the GSL [3].

Version: 090818
Author: Diesmann
[1] Corless, R. M., Gonnet, G. H., Hare, D. E. G., Jeffrey, D. J., & Knuth, D. E.
    (1996). On the lambert w function. Advances in Computational Mathematics 5,
[2] Wikipedia (2009). Lambert W function ---wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
[3] Galassi, M., Davies, J., Theiler, J., Gough, B., Jungman, G., Booth, M.,
    & Rossi, F. (2006). GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual (2nd Ed.).
    Network Theory Limited.

SeeAlso: LambertWm1, LambertW0, testsuite::test_lambertw, CompileMath
[/doubletype /doubletype] [/x /start]
 1e-12 /prec Set
 start /w    Set
 100   % maxiters
 (we=w*E**w; w1e=(w+1)*E**w; abs((x-we)/w1e)) CompileMath
 {prec leq {w exit} if }
 (w=w-(we - x) / (w1e - (w + 2) * (we - x) / (2*w + 2));) CompileMath

 join join
Function def

Name: LambertW0 - principal branch of the Lambert-W function
   double LambertW0 -> double
The Lambert-W function [1] is the inverse function of x=W*exp(W). For real values of
x and W, the function W(x) is defined on [-1/e,\infty). On the interval [-1/e,0)
it is double valued. The two branches coincide at W(-1/e)=-1. The so called
principal branch LambertW0 continuously grows (W>=-1) and crosses the origin (0,0).
The non-principal branch LambertWm1 is defined on [-1/e,0) and declines to -\infty for
growing x.

NEST uses the GSL [2] implementations of LambertW0 and LambertWm1 if available and
falls back to to the iterative scheme LambertW suggested in [1] if not.
The GSL interfaces for LambertW0 and LambertWm1 are in the SpecialFunctionsModule
of SLI.


The Lambert-W function has applications in many areas as described in [1] and [3].
For example, the solution of
     exp(s) = 1 + a*s
with respect to s can be written in closed form as
  s=1/a * (-aW(-exp(-1/a)/a) -1 )

Version: 090818
Author: Diesmann
[1] Corless, R. M., Gonnet, G. H., Hare, D. E. G., Jeffrey, D. J., & Knuth, D. E.
    (1996). On the lambert w function. Advances in Computational Mathematics 5,
[2] Galassi, M., Davies, J., Theiler, J., Gough, B., Jungman, G., Booth, M.,
    & Rossi, F. (2006). GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual (2nd Ed.).
    Network Theory Limited.
[3] Wikipedia (2009). Lambert W function ---wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

SeeAlso: LambertWm1, LambertW, testsuite::test_lambertw
statusdict/have_gsl :: not
 /LambertW0  [/doubletype] {0.  LambertW} def

Name: LambertWm1 - non-principal branch of the Lambert-W function
   double LambertWm1 -> double
The Lambert-W function [1] is the inverse function of x=W*exp(W). For real values of
x and W, the function W(x) is defined on [-1/e,\infty). On the interval [-1/e,0)
it is double valued. The two branches coincide at W(-1/e)=-1. The so called
principal branch LambertW0 continuously grows (W>=-1) and crosses the origin (0,0).
The non-principal branch LambertWm1 is defined on [-1/e,0) and declines to -\infty for
growing x.

NEST uses the GSL [2] implementations of LambertW0 and LambertWm1 if available and
falls back to to the iterative scheme LambertW suggested in [1] if not.
The GSL interfaces for LambertW0 and LambertWm1 are in the SpecialFunctionsModule
of SLI.


The Lambert-W function has applications in many areas as described in [1] and [3].
For example, the problem of finding the location of the maximum of the postsynaptic
potential generated by an alpha-function shaped current can be reduced to the
     exp(s) = 1 + a*s .
Here, s is the location of the maximum in scaled time s=b*t, where
b= 1/tau_alpha - 1/tau_m and a is the ratio of the time constants tau_m/tau_alpha.
In terms of the Lambda_W function the solution is
  s=1/a * (-aW(-exp(-1/a)/a) -1 ) .
The solution is guaranteed to live on the non-principal branch because the scaled time
needs to be positive. This requires W < -1/a which is trivially fulfilled for the
non-principal branch and there is no solution on the principal branch.

Version: 090818
Author: Diesmann
[1] Corless, R. M., Gonnet, G. H., Hare, D. E. G., Jeffrey, D. J., & Knuth, D. E.
    (1996). On the lambert w function. Advances in Computational Mathematics 5,
[2] Galassi, M., Davies, J., Theiler, J., Gough, B., Jungman, G., Booth, M.,
    & Rossi, F. (2006). GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual (2nd Ed.).
    Network Theory Limited.
[3] Wikipedia (2009). Lambert W function ---wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
SeeAlso: LambertW0, LambertW, testsuite::test_lambertw
statusdict/have_gsl :: not
 /LambertWm1 [/doubletype] {-2. LambertW} def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: ScanThread - execute a function to corresponding elements of n arrays
Synopsis: [[a11 ... a1n]...[am1 ... amn]] {f} ScanThread -> -
Description: ScanThread applies the given function to corresponding elements
             of m argument arrays. This is similar to MapThread, but no results
	     are returned.

Parameters: the first parameter is a list of m arrays of equal size n.
            The second parameter is a procedure which takes m arguments and
	    returns nothing.

Examples:   [[(a) (b) (c)] [1 2 3]] { exch (: ) join exch cvs join == } ScanThread

	    generates the following output and leaves nothing on the stack.

References: This function implements the simple version of Mathematica's ScanThread
SeeAlso: MapThread, forall, Map, MapIndexed, NestList, FoldList

[/arraytype /proceduretype]
  << >> begin
    /proc Set
    /args Set

    args length 0 gt
      % ensure all arrays have equal length
      args { length } Map
      dup First /l0 Set
      Rest true exch { l0 eq and } Fold
        /ScanThread /ArraysMustHaveEqualLength raiseerror
      } if

      args Transpose
      { arrayload ; proc } forall
} def

%% Functions on Integer and double vectors

/cva [/intvectortype] /intvector2array load def
/cva [/doublevectortype] /doublevector2array load def

* BeginDocumentation:
* Name: cv_iv - convert array of integers to an IntVector.
/cv_iv[/arraytype]  { {cvi} Map array2intvector } def

* BeginDocumentation:
* Name: cv_dv - convert array of integers to a DoubleVector.

/cv_dv[/arraytype] { {cvd} Map array2doublevector } def

/neg [/intvectortype] /neg_iv load def
/neg [/doublevectortype] /neg_dv load def
/inv_ /inv load def

/inv [/doublevectortype] /inv_dv load def
/inv [/doubletype] /inv_ load def

/add [/intvectortype /intvectortype] /add_iv_iv load def
/add [/integertype /intvectortype] /add_i_iv load def
/add [/intvectortype /integertype] {exch_ add_i_iv} def
/add [/doublevectortype /doublevectortype] /add_dv_dv load def
/add [/doubletype /doublevectortype] /add_d_dv load def
/add [/doublevectortype /doubletype] {exch_ add_d_dv} def
/sub [/intvectortype /intvectortype] /sub_iv_iv load def
/sub [/integertype /intvectortype] { neg_iv add_i_iv} def
/sub [/intvectortype /integertype] { neg_i exch_ add_i_iv} def
/sub [/doublevectortype /doublevectortype] /sub_dv_dv load def
/mul [/intvectortype /intvectortype] /mul_iv_iv load def
/mul [/integertype /intvectortype] /mul_i_iv load def
/mul [/intvectortype /integertype] {exch_ mul_i_iv} def
/mul [/doubletype /intvectortype]  /mul_d_iv load def
/mul [/intvectortype /doubletype ]  {exch_ mul_d_iv} def
/mul [/doubletype /doublevectortype] /mul_d_dv load def
/mul [/doublevectortype /doubletype] {exch_ mul_d_dv} def
/mul [/doublevectortype /doublevectortype] /mul_dv_dv load def
/div [/intvectortype /integertype] { exch_ { 1 index div_ii } Map exch_ ; } def
/div [/intvectortype /intvectortype] /div_iv_iv load def
/div [/doublevectortype /doublevectortype] /div_dv_dv load def
/div [/doubletype /doublevectortype] { inv_dv mul_d_dv } def
/div [/doublevectortype /doubletype] { inv_d exch_ mul_d_dv}  def

/add [/intvectortype /arraytype] {cv_iv add_iv_iv} def
/mul [/intvectortype /arraytype] {cv_iv mul_iv_iv} def
/sub [/intvectortype /arraytype] {cv_iv sub_iv_iv} def
/div [/intvectortype /arraytype] {cv_iv div_iv_iv} def

/add [/arraytype /intvectortype] {exch cv_iv add_iv_iv} def
/mul [/arraytype /intvectortype] {exch cv_iv mul_iv_iv} def
/dub [/arraytype /intvectortype] {exch cv_iv exch sub_iv_iv} def
/div [/arraytype /intvectortype] {exch cv_iv exch div_iv_iv} def

/add [/doublevectortype /arraytype] {cv_dv add_dv_dv} def
/mul [/doublevectortype /arraytype] {cv_dv mul_dv_dv} def
/sub [/doublevectortype /arraytype] {cv_dv sub_dv_dv} def
/div [/doublevectortype /arraytype] {cv_dv div_dv_dv} def

/add [/arraytype /doublevectortype] {exch cv_dv add_dv_dv} def
/mul [/arraytype /doublevectortype] {exch cv_dv mul_dv_dv} def
/dub [/arraytype /doublevectortype] {exch cv_dv exch sub_dv_dv} def
/div [/arraytype /doublevectortype] {exch cv_dv exch div_dv_dv} def

/length [/doublevectortype] /length_dv load def
/length [/intvectortype] /length_iv load def
/size [/intvectortype] {dup length_iv} def
/size [/doublevectortype] {dup length_dv} def

/eq [/intvectortype /intvectortype]
  intvector2array exch intvector2array eq
} def

/eq [/doublevectortype /doublevectortype]
  doublevector2array exch doublevector2array eq
} def

/forall [/doublevectortype /proceduretype] /forall_dv load def
/forall [/intvectortype /proceduretype] /forall_iv load def

/Map [/doublevectortype /proceduretype] /Map_ load def
/Map [/intvectortype /proceduretype] /Map_ load def
/arrayload_ /arrayload load def

/arrayload [/arraytype] /arrayload_ load def
/arrayload [/intvectortype] {intvector2array arrayload_} def
/arrayload [/doublevectortype] {doublevector2array arrayload_} def

/get [/doublevectortype /integertype] /get_dv_i load def
/get [/doublevectortype /intvectortype] /get_dv_iv load def
/get [/intvectortype /integertype] /get_iv_i load def
/get [/intvectortype /intvectortype] /get_iv_iv load def
/get [/intvectortype /arraytype] {cv_iv get_iv_iv} def
/get [/doublevectortype /arraytype] {cv_iv get_dv_iv} def

/put  [/doublevectortype /integertype /doubletype] /put_dv_i_d load def
/put  [/intvectortype /integertype /integertype] /put_iv_i_i load def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: zeros - Return a DoubleVector filled with zeros.
Synapsis: n zeros -> [. 0. 0. ... .]
Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
FirstVersion: Dec. 4 2012
SeeAlso: ones, arange
/zeros [/integertype] /zeros_dv load def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: ones - Return a DoubleVector filled with ones.
Synapsis: n ones -> [. 1. 1. ... .]
Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
FirstVersion: Dec. 4 2012
SeeAlso: zeros, arange

/ones [/integertype] /ones_dv load def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: arange - Return a Int/DoubleVector filled with a range of numbers.
Synapsis: [n] arange -> [ 1  ... 10 ]
          [a b] arange -> [a ... b]
          [a b s] arange -> [a a+s ...]
arange is identical to Range, except that the returned object is a DoubleVector or IntVector, depending on the type of the
range specification.

Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
FirstVersion: Dec. 4 2012
SeeAlso: zeros, ones, Range
/arange_ /arange load def
/arange [/arraytype] /arange_ load def

/getinterval [/intvectortype /integertype /integertype]
   2 arraystore arange 
} def 

/getinterval [/doublevectortype /integertype /integertype]
   2 arraystore arange 
} def 

/<. mark def
/<# mark def

/.> { ] cv_dv } bind def
/#> { ] cv_iv } bind def

/< mark def
/* BeginDocumentation
Name: <> - Construct an array or vector, depending on the element type.
Synopsis: < obj1 ... obj n > -> [obj1, ... , objn]
          < int1 ... intn >  -> <# int1 ... intn #>
          < double1 ... doublen > -> <. d1 ... dn .>
Create an array, intvector, or doublevector, depending on the type of the entered elements.
This constructor uses the type of the first element in the sequence to determine the target type. All other
elements will be converted.
FirstVersion: Dec 18 2012
Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
  counttomark arraystore exch ;
  dup 0 get type 
  1 index /doubletype eq { pop cv_dv exit} case
  1 index /integertype eq { pop cv_iv exit} case
  { pop } switchdefault

} bind def

/* Begin(LOESCHMISCH!)Documentation




Parameters: In :











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