 *  nest-init.sli
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

%% NEST Kernel 2 initialisation
%% (C) 2000-2006 The NEST Initiative
%%  Authors Marc-Oliver Gewaltig <marc-oliver.gewaltig@honda-ri.de>
%%          Markus Diesmann <diesmann@fz-juelich.de>
%%          Jochen Martin Eppler <eppler@fz-juelich.de>

M_DEBUG (nest-init.sli) (Initializing SLI support for NEST Kernel.) message
% see nestmodule.cpp

/nest-init /SLI ($Revision: 10474 $) provide-component
/nest-init /C++ (1.157) require-component

statusdict begin
  ($Revision: 10474 $) % SVN/CVS revision number (unique)

% Add NEST example directory to search-path
statusdict /prgdocdir get (/examples)                  join addpath
statusdict /prgdocdir get (/examples/FacetsBenchmarks) join addpath

/test {
  statusdict/prgdatadir :: (/extras/do_tests.sh ) join
  statusdict/prefix :: (/bin/nest) join
  join system ; ;
} def


% add new functions to trie if it exists, else create new
/SetStatus dup lookup not
} if
[/integertype /dictionarytype] /SetStatus_id load addtotrie
[/connectiontype /dictionarytype] /SetStatus_CD load addtotrie

% add new functions to trie if it exists, else create new
/GetStatus dup lookup not
} if
[/integertype] /GetStatus_i load addtotrie
[/connectiontype] /GetStatus_C load addtotrie


% These variants of get access network elements represented by
% a gid like dictionaries. In particular, if a gid returns a dictionary,
% get can be used to acces the contents of the nested objects.
% 071108, Diesmann
/get [/integertype /literaltype] {exch GetStatus exch get} def
/get [/integertype /arraytype] {exch GetStatus exch get_d_a} def

% Same as above for connections
% 100922, Diesmann
/get [/connectiontype /literaltype] {exch GetStatus exch get} def
/get [/connectiontype /arraytype] {exch GetStatus exch get_d_a} def


/Simulate trie
[/integertype] {cvd Simulate} addtotrie
[/doubletype]  /Simulate_d load addtotrie


/cvdict trie
[/connectiontype] /cvdict_C load addtotrie


/GetResolution {
    0 GetStatus /resolution get
} def

%     Create and variants

  1 Create_l_i
} def

  1 exch Create_l_i_D
} def

  << >> begin

    /params Set
    /n Set
    /model Set

    % Only store the old parameters that are present in params.
    model GetDefaults /oldparams Set
    /tmp << >> def
    % get implicitly checks if params contains 'illegal' keys
    params keys { /key Set tmp key oldparams key get put } forall
    tmp /oldparams Set

    model params SetDefaults
    model n Create_l_i
    model oldparams SetDefaults

  end % local namespace
} def

/Create trie
  [/literaltype                             ] /Create_l     load addtotrie
  [/literaltype /integertype                ] /Create_l_i   load addtotrie
  [/literaltype              /dictionarytype] /Create_l_D   load addtotrie
  [/literaltype /integertype /dictionarytype] /Create_l_i_D load addtotrie

%     Model handling

  << >> CopyModel_l_l_D
} bind def

/CopyModel trie
  [/literaltype /literaltype                ] /CopyModel_l_l   load addtotrie
  [/literaltype /literaltype /dictionarytype] /CopyModel_l_l_D load addtotrie

  [/literaltype /dictionarytype] /SetDefaults_l_D load

  [/literaltype] /GetDefaults_l load


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: ShowDefaults - Show the default parameters of a model.

   /modelname ShowDefaults -> -

   ShowDefaults retrieves the dictionary of default values from the
   specified model and displays it, using info. ShowDefaults is
   equivalent to the sequence "GetDefaults info"

   SeeAlso: GetDefaults, info

  GetDefaults info
} def

%     Connect and its variants

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: Connect - Establish a connection between two nodes.

   sgid   tgid                          Connect -> -
   sgid   tgid                /synmodel Connect -> -
   sgid   tgid   weight delay           Connect -> -
   sgid   tgid   weight delay /synmodel Connect -> -
   sgid   tgid   params                 Connect -> -
   sgid   tgid   params       /synmodel Connect -> -

   sgid         - Global id of the source node.
   tgid         - Global id of the target node.
   weight       - The weight of the connection
   delay        - The transmission delay of the connection (in ms)
   params       - A complete parameter dictionary for the connection
   /synmodel    - The synapse model for the connection (see Options below)

   /synapse_model - the default synapse model to be used for all connections.

     This is a convenience option for the creation of many connections of the
     same type. Alternatively, the synapse model can be given in each call to

   1. Connect establishes a connection between two nodes.
   2. The parameters and dynamics of the connection are determined by the
      synapse model. The model can be given in the call to Connect. The
      default model can be set as an Option.

   SeeAlso: ConvergentConnect, DivergentConnect, synapsedict

/Connect <<
  /synapse_model /static_synapse
>> Options

/Connect_main trie
[/integertype /integertype /literaltype]
    /Connect_i_i_l load addtotrie
[/integertype /integertype /doubletype /doubletype /literaltype]
    /Connect_i_i_d_d_l load addtotrie
[/integertype /integertype /dictionarytype /literaltype]
    /Connect_i_i_D_l load addtotrie

/Connect [/literaltype] {
} def

/Connect [/anytype] {
  /Connect /synapse_model GetOption
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetConnections - Retrieve connections between nodes

   << /source [sgid1 sgid2 ...] 
      /target [tgid1 tgid2 ...]
      /synapse_model /smodel    >> GetConnections -> [ conn1 conn2 ... ]

   A dictionary that may contain the following fields (all are optional):
   /source  - array with GIDs of presynaptic nodes whose connections are sought. 
              If not given, all neurons are searched as sources.
   /target  - array with GIDs of post-synaptic nodes whose connections are sought.
              If not given, all neurons are searched as targets.
   /synapse_model - literal specifying synapse model
                    If not given, connections of all synapse models are returned. 

   1. If called with an empty dictionary, GetConnections returns all connections of the 
      network, as a list of arrays (IntVectorDatum), one array per connection.
   2. Each array (connection object) has the following elements:
      [source-gid target-gid target-thread synapse-model-id port]
   3. The optional dictionary elements /source and /target can be used to filter 
      for specific pre- and post-synaptic neurons, respectively.
   4. The optional parameter /synapse_model can be used to filter for a specific synapse model.
   5. In a parallel simulation, GetConnections only returns connections with *targets*
      on the MPI process executing the function. 

   1. See synapsedict for the synapse-model-id's for all synapse models.
   2. The "port" enumerates connections per source, thread and synapse model. It is
      mainly important for NEST internally.
   3. In OpenMP mode, GetConnections works thread-parallel for better performance.
   4. Connection objects can be converted to SLI lists with cva.
   5. Connection objects can be passed to SetSynapseStatus, GetSynapseStatus, and DataConnect

   SeeAlso: DataConnect, SetSynapseStatus, GetSynapseStatus, synapsedict
/GetConnections [/dictionarytype] 
  dup /pdict Set
  [ /source /target ]
    /key Set
    pdict key known 
      pdict key get 
      ArrayQ exch ; not  
	key cvs ( argument must be list of GIDs) join M_ERROR message
	/GetConnections /ArgumentError raiseerror
    } if    
  } forall
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetSynapseStatus - Return synapse status information

   [ conn1 conn2 ... ] GetSynapseStatus -> [ sdict1 sdict2 ... ]

   An list of connection objects as returned by GetConnections.

   Returns a list of synapse status dictionaries, one for each connection
   in the parameter list.

   Status information is only available for connections with targets on
   the MPI process executing the command.

   See also: GetConnections, SetSynapseStatus, DataConnect
/GetSynapseStatus [/arraytype] /GetStatus_a load def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: SetSynapseStatus - Return synapse status information

   [ conn1 conn2 ... ] [ sdict1 sdict2 ... ] SetSynapseStatus -> -

   An list of connection objects as returned by GetConnections and a list
   of synapse properties dictionaries.

   Sets the given properties on the given connections. If the list of
   dictionaries contains more than one dictionary, there must be one
   dictionary per connection. Otherwise, the single dictionary is used
   for all connections.

   Only some connection properties can be changed. Properties can only
   be changed for connections with targets on the MPI process executing

   See also: GetConnections, GetSynapseStatus, DataConnect
/SetSynapseStatus [/arraytype /arraytype] /SetStatus_aa load def

/* BeginDocumentation
     Name: DataConnect - Connect many neurons from data.

     1.   source dict model  DataConnect_i_D_a -> -

     source - GID of the source neuron
     dict   - dictionary with connection parameters
     model  - the synapse model as string or literal

     2. [dict1 dict2 .... dict_n] DataConnect_a -> -
     The argument is a list with synapse status dictionaries as obtained from GetStatus.


     Variant 1:
     This variant is used if connectivity data is explicitly given and read from files.
     Connects the source neuron to targets according to the data in dict, using the synapse 'model'.
     Dict is a parameter dictionary that must contain at least the following fields:
     Other parameters depend on the synapse model. 
     The values in the dictionaries are arrays of equal size, specifying the parameters for the
     respective connection. The arrays should all be of type DoubleVectorDatum (numpy.array(dtype=float)). 
     Note that for performance reasons, target GIDs must be given as doubles rather than integers!

     The second variant of DataConnect can be used to re-instantiate a given connectivity matrix.
     The argument is a list of dictionaries, each containing at least the keys
     % assume a connected network

     << >> GetConnections /conns Set      % Get all connections
     conns { GetStatus } Map  /syns  Set  % retrieve their synapse status

     ResetKernel                          % clear everything
     % rebuild neurons
     syns DataConnect                     % restore the connecions

     Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
     FirstVersion: August 2011
     SeeAlso: DataConnect_i_D_s, DataConnect_a, Connect, DivergentConnect

/DataConnect trie
  [/integertype /dictionarytype /literaltype] /DataConnect_i_D_s load addtotrie
  [/integertype /dictionarytype /stringtype] /DataConnect_i_D_s load addtotrie
  [/arraytype] /DataConnect_a load addtotrie 


/DivergentConnect_i_ia_l [/integertype /arraytype /literaltype]
  [] [] % put empty arrays for weights and delays on the stack
  3 2 roll
} def

/DivergentConnect_main trie
[/integertype /arraytype /literaltype]
    /DivergentConnect_i_ia_l load addtotrie
[/integertype /arraytype /arraytype /arraytype /literaltype]
    /DivergentConnect_i_ia_a_a_l load addtotrie

/DivergentConnect [/literaltype]
} def

/DivergentConnect [/anytype] {
  /Connect /synapse_model GetOption
} def



  Ensure that connection request can be fulfilled under given multapse and
  autapse constraints (cf #451). Can be called from either RandomConvergentConnect
  (RCC) or RandomDivergentConnect (RDC). Returns only if no problem.

  pool   - list of source (RCC) or target (RDC) nodes
  pole   - target (RCC) or source (RDC) node
  N      - number of connections requested
  mult   - allow_multapses
  aut    - allow_autapses
  caller - literal identifying calling function (/RCC or /RDC)

  Endless loop would results if multapses prohibited
     a) and N > len(pool)
     b) and N == len(pool), autapses prohibited and pole in pool
  c) Endless loop also if autapses prohibited and pole is only node in pool

%[/arraytype /integertype /integertype /booltype /booltype /literaltype]
  % open phrase dictionary for current caller
  << /RCC << /caller /RandomConvergentConnect
             /emptyPoolMsg (Source array must not be empty.)
	     /smallPoolMsg (Multapses prohibited and fewer sources than connections.)
	     /smallPoolNoAutapseMsg (Multapses and autapses prohibited and fewer sources than connections.)
	     /poolEqualsPoleMsg (Autapses prohibited and all sources equal target.)
     /RDC << /caller /RandomDivergentConnect
             /emptyPoolMsg (Target array must not be empty.)
	     /smallPoolMsg (Multapses prohibited and fewer targets than connections.)
	     /smallPoolNoAutapseMsg (Multapses and autapses prohibited and fewer targets than connections.)
	     /poolEqualsPoleMsg (Autapses prohibited and all targets equal source.)
  >> exch get begin

    % local dictionary
    << >> begin
      /allow_autapses Set
      /allow_multapses Set
      /N Set
      /pole Set
      /pool Set

      /pool_size pool length def
      pool_size 0 eq
        emptyPoolMsg M_ERROR message
        caller /ArgumentError raiseerror
      } if

      allow_multapses not
        N pool_size gt
        { % case a)
	  smallPoolMsg M_ERROR message
	  caller /ArgumentError raiseerror
	  N pool_size eq allow_autapses not and
	    % put MemberQ test in here to avoid unneccesary eval
	    pool pole MemberQ
	    { % case b)
	      smallPoolNoAutapseMsg M_ERROR message
	      caller /ArgumentError raiseerror
	  } if
        } ifelse

	% warn if long runtime expected
	N 0.9 pool_size mul gt
	  (Multapses are prohibited and you request more than 90% connectivity.)
	  ( Expect long connecting times!) join M_WARNING message
	} if
      } if   % allow_multapses not

      allow_autapses not
	 pool pole HasDifferentMemberQ not
	   poolEqualsPoleMsg M_ERROR message
           caller /ArgumentError raiseerror
	 } if
      } if
    end  % close local dict
  end  % close caller phrase dict
} def


/* BeginDocumentation
Name: RandomDivergentConnect - Randomly connect a population of nodes to a target node.
source n [targets]                              RandomDivergentConnect -> -
source n [targets]                    /synmodel RandomDivergentConnect -> -
source n [targets] [weights] [delays]           RandomDivergentConnect -> -
source n [targets] [weights] [delays] /synmodel RandomDivergentConnect -> -

source    - GID of source node
n         - number of connections to be established
[targets] - array of (global IDs of) potential target nodes
weights   - A list of n or 1 weight(s)
delays    - A list of n or 1 delay(s)
/synmodel - The synapse model for the connection (see Options below)

allow_autapses  - controls, whether self connections can be produced.
allow_multapses - controls, whether multiple selections are possible.

If not given, the synapse model is taken from the Options dictionary
of the Connect command.


This function connects a given source node with a random collection of
n randomly chosen target nodes from the specified array. The targets
are chosen with uniform probability. Whether multiple synapses between
a pair of nodes are allowed can be controlled by the option
allow_multapses. Self connections are controlled by the option

Author: Tobias Potjans, Moritz Helias, Jochen Martin Eppler
SeeAlso: Connect, DivergentConnect, ConvergentConnect, RandomConvergentConnect

% default options
/RandomDivergentConnect <<
  /allow_multapses true
  /allow_autapses true
>> Options

% this function checks for impossible multapse/autapse requirements
% before passing the call to the C++ level
 % << >> begin
  % copy arguments required for checks
  1 pick /aut_ok Set
  2 pick /mult_ok Set
  5 pick /tgts Set
  6 pick /:RDC_N Set
  7 pick /src Set
  tgts src :RDC_N mult_ok aut_ok /RDC CheckMultapseAutapseConstraints

  % we only get here if check went through
 % end
} bind def

  [] [] % empty arrays of weight and delay
  /RandomDivergentConnect /allow_multapses GetOption
  /RandomDivergentConnect /allow_autapses GetOption
  5 4 roll
} bind def

  [] 4 -3 roll % empty weight array
  [] 4 -3 roll % empty delay array
} def

  /RandomDivergentConnect /allow_multapses GetOption
  /RandomDivergentConnect /allow_autapses GetOption
  3 2 roll
} def

/RandomDivergentConnect_main trie
[/integertype /integertype /arraytype /literaltype]
  /RandomDivergentConnect_i_i_ia_l load addtotrie
[/integertype /integertype /arraytype /booltype /booltype /literaltype]
  /RandomDivergentConnect_i_i_ia_b_b_l load addtotrie
[/integertype /integertype /arraytype /arraytype /arraytype /literaltype]
  /RandomDivergentConnect_i_i_ia_da_da_l load addtotrie
[/integertype /integertype /arraytype /arraytype /arraytype /booltype /booltype /literaltype]
  /RandomDivergentConnect_i_i_ia_da_da_b_b_l_wrapper load addtotrie

/RandomDivergentConnect [/literaltype] {
} def

/RandomDivergentConnect [/anytype] {
  /Connect /synapse_model GetOption
} def


/ConvergentConnect_ia_i_l [/arraytype /integertype /literaltype]
  [] [] % put empty arrays for weights and delays on the stack
  3 2 roll
} def

/ConvergentConnect_main trie
[/arraytype /integertype /literaltype]
  /ConvergentConnect_ia_i_l load addtotrie
[/arraytype /integertype /arraytype /arraytype /literaltype]
  /ConvergentConnect_ia_i_a_a_l load addtotrie

/ConvergentConnect [/literaltype] {
} def

/ConvergentConnect [/anytype] {
  /Connect /synapse_model GetOption
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: RandomConvergentConnect - Randomly connect a population of nodes to a target node.
[sources] target n                              RandomConvergentConnect -> -
[sources] target n                    /synmodel RandomConvergentConnect -> -
[sources] target n init_dict                    RandomConvergentConnect -> -
[sources] target n init_dict          /synmodel RandomConvergentConnect -> -
[sources] target n [weights] [delays]           RandomConvergentConnect -> -
[sources] target n [weights] [delays] /synmodel RandomConvergentConnect -> -
[sources] [targets] [ns] [weightss] [delayss] /synmodel RandomConvergentConnect -> -
[sources] [targets] n /synmodel RandomConvergentConnect -> -

[sources] - array of (global IDs of) potential source nodes
target    - GID of target node
[targets] - array of (global IDs of) target nodes
n         - number of connections to be established
init_dict - dictionary used to initialize each of the established connections
weights   - A list of weights of size n
delays    - A list of delays of size n
weightss  - A list of lists of weights of size length(targets) x size n
delayss   - A list of lists delays of size length(targets) x size n 
/synmodel - The synapse model for the connection (see Options below)

allow_autapses  - controls, whether self connections can be produced.
allow_multapses - controls, whether multiple selections are possible.

If not given, the synapse model is taken from the Options dictionary
of the Connect command.

This function connects a given target node with a random collection of
n randomly chosen source nodes from the specified array. The sources
are chosen with uniform probability.  Whether multiple synapses are
allowed can be set via the option allow_multapses. Self connections
are controlled by the option allow_autapses.

In the second synopsis, init_dict is a dictionary supplied by the user
to initialize each synapses' parameters. init_dict must contain a
function called /InitSynapse, which is called by
RandomConvergentConnect before each call to Connect. /InitSynapse
expects as argument on the stack the number i (between 0 and n-1) of
the connection currently to be established.  A typical implementation
of init_dict, which for each connection sets the value for weight and
delay (stored in arrays in init_dict) of the synapse is given below:

     init_dict <<
	 /weights [0.3 2.2 0.1 -0.2 ...] % array of length n
	 /delays [1.2 1.3 1.0 1.5 ...]   % array of length n

	     /i Set

		 /weight weights i get
		 /delay delays i get
	     >> SetDefaults % sets these parameters for the following call to Connect
     >> def

 In the third synopsis, an array of weights and delays of length n each are supplied. The first connection will get weights[0], delays[0], the second weights[1], delays[1] and so on.

Author: Tobias Potjans, Moritz Helias
SeeAlso: Connect, ConvergentConnect, DivergentConnect, RandomDivergentConnect

% This variant handles calls with and init_dict
    /RandomConvergentConnect GetOptions begin
	<< >> begin %% open local namespace for variables

	    % stack should be unchanged in case of error
	    % we thus pick and pop only at end
	    /RCC_NUM_ARGS 5 def
            0 pick /synmodel Set
	    1 pick /init_dict Set
	    2 pick /:RDC_N Set
	    3 pick /target Set
	    4 pick /source_neurons Set

	    source_neurons target :RDC_N allow_multapses allow_autapses /RCC

	    target GetStatus /local get
		target GetVpRNG /rngindx Set

		source_neurons length /Nindx Set

		%% list of neurons already connected to this target
		%% top prevent multiple connections
		[] /srcs Set

		% make N connections i=0...N-1
		0 1 :RDC_N 1 sub
		    int /i Set % loop index

		    % call initilizer for synapse
		    i init_dict /InitSynapse call

			source_neurons rngindx Nindx irand get % GID of source neuron on stack

			dup dup target neq             	% check if no self connection
			allow_autapses or		% stack: gid gid True/False

			    exch pop true
			    exch srcs exch MemberQ not 	% check if no multiple synapse
			ifelse				% stack: gid True/False True/False
			and { exit } if
		    } loop

		    %% GID of source neuron on stack

		    srcs exch append /srcs Set  %% append to list of incoming neurons

	    			% source neuron's GID on stack
		    target	% target neuron's GID
		    synmodel Connect
		} for
	    } if % of if target is local

	  % all went well, we can now pop the copied args from the stack
	  RCC_NUM_ARGS npop

	end % of private dictionary << >>
    end % of options
bind def

% default options
/RandomConvergentConnect <<
  /allow_multapses true
  /allow_autapses true
>> Options

% this function checks for impossible multapse/autapse requirements
% before passing the call to the C++ level
  % copy arguments required for checks
  1 pick /aut_ok Set
  2 pick /mult_ok Set
  5 pick /:RDC_N Set
  6 pick /tgt Set
  7 pick /srcs Set
  srcs tgt :RDC_N mult_ok aut_ok /RCC CheckMultapseAutapseConstraints

  % we only get here if check went through
} bind def

  [] [] % empty arrays of weight and delay
  /RandomConvergentConnect /allow_multapses GetOption
  /RandomConvergentConnect /allow_autapses GetOption
  5 4 roll
} bind def

  [] 4 -3 roll % empty weight array
  [] 4 -3 roll % empty delay array
} bind def

  /RandomConvergentConnect /allow_multapses GetOption
  /RandomConvergentConnect /allow_autapses GetOption
  3 2 roll
} bind def

  /RandomConvergentConnect /allow_multapses GetOption
  /RandomConvergentConnect /allow_autapses GetOption
  3 2 roll
} bind def

  % construct an array of size(targets) entries all of which have value given by third argument
  3 2 roll
  size [1] exch LayoutArray
  4 -1 roll
  3 2 roll
  [ ] % weights empty
  [ ] % delays empty
  3 2 roll
  /RandomConvergentConnect /allow_multapses GetOption
  /RandomConvergentConnect /allow_autapses GetOption
  3 2 roll

} bind def

% all calls without init_dict are forwarded to C++
/RandomConvergentConnect_main trie
[/arraytype /integertype /integertype /literaltype]
  /RandomConvergentConnect_ia_i_i_l load addtotrie
[/arraytype /integertype /integertype /dictionarytype /literaltype]
  /RandomConvergentConnect_ia_i_i_d_l load addtotrie
[/arraytype /integertype /integertype /booltype /booltype /literaltype]
  /RandomConvergentConnect_ia_i_i_b_b_l load addtotrie
[/arraytype /integertype /integertype /arraytype /arraytype /literaltype]
  /RandomConvergentConnect_ia_i_i_da_da_l load addtotrie
[/arraytype /integertype /integertype /arraytype /arraytype /booltype /booltype /literaltype]
  /RandomConvergentConnect_ia_i_i_da_da_b_b_l_wrapper load addtotrie
[/arraytype /arraytype /arraytype /arraytype /arraytype /literaltype]
  /RandomConvergentConnect_ia_ia_ia_daa_daa_l load addtotrie
[/arraytype /arraytype /integertype /literaltype]
  /RandomConvergentConnect_ia_ia_i_l load addtotrie

/RandomConvergentConnect trie 
[/literaltype] /RandomConvergentConnect_main load addtotrie
[/anytype] {
  /Connect /synapse_model GetOption
} bind addtotrie


/* BeginDocumentation
Name: BinomialConvergentConnect - Connect a target to a binomial number of sources.
[sources] target c    BinomialConvergentConnect -> -

[sources] - array of (global IDs of) potential source nodes
target    - GID of target node
c         - probability of a potential connection to be established

allow_autapses  - controls, whether self connections can be produced.
allow_multapses - controls, whether multiple selections are possible.

The function connects a given target node with each of the nodes
specified in the source array with probability c. The resulting
number of inputs to the target neuron is a binomially distributed
random number. Hence, the name. The parameters of the distribution
are the length of the source array and the connection probability c.
One way to implement BinomialConnect is to draw a binomially distributed
random number followed by a call of RandomConvergentConnect.

Author: Diesmann
SeeAlso: RandomConvergentConnect

% default options
/BinomialConvergentConnect <<
  /allow_multapses true
  /allow_autapses true
>> Options

 % note: protection against impossible multapse/autapse
 % requirements handled by RandomConvergentConnect_ia_i_b_b_l

 /BinomialConvergentConnect GetOptions begin
 << >> begin %% open local namespace for variables
  /synmodel Set
  /c Set
  /target Set
  /source_neurons Set
  length /n Set

  target GetStatus /local get
   target GetVpRNG /rng Set

   rng rdevdict /binomial get CreateRDV /bino Set
   bino << /p c /n n >> SetStatus

   bino Random

  } if % of if target is local
} def

/BinomialConvergentConnect_main trie
[/arraytype /integertype /doubletype /literaltype]
  /BinomialConvergentConnect_ia_i_d_l load addtotrie

/BinomialConvergentConnect [/literaltype] {
} def

/BinomialConvergentConnect [/anytype] {
  /Connect /synapse_model GetOption
} def


 Name: FindConnections - Find connections that fulfill the given criteria

 dict FindConnections -> [c1 c2 ... cn]

 The given dictionary may contain the following entries
 /source gid       - The GID of the source neuron (mandatory)
 /target gid       - The GID of the target neuron
 /synapsetype /syn - The synapsetype of the connection(s)

 FindConnections returns an array with the ids of all connections that
 fulfil the given criteria. The connection ids can then be used
 as argumentsfor GetStatus and SetStatus to inspect and modify the
 parameters of the connections. If no connections were found, the
 returned array is empty.

 This function is deprecated and will disappear in future version. 
 Please use GetConnections instead. 

 This function iterates over all threads, but not over MPI processes.

 Author: Jochen Martin Eppler
 FirstVersion: January 2008

 SeeAlso: GetConnections, GetStatus, SetStatus

%/FindConnections trie
% [/dictionarytype ] /FindConnections_D load addtotrie

  << >> begin
  /args Set
     /source [ args /source get ]
     args /target known {  /target [ args /target get ] } if 
     args /synapse_model known { /synapse_model args /synapse_model get cvlit} if 
  GetConnections Flatten
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: LayoutNetwork - Create a multidimensional network.

   model [d1 d2 ...] << >> LayoutNetwork
   model [d1 d2 ...]       LayoutNetwork
   /constructor [d1 d2 ...] LayoutNetwork

   model      - model id of the nodes to be created
   [d1 d2 ..] - array with dimensions
   << >>      - optional status dictionary with initialization for
                the nodes

   LayoutNetwork generates an n-dimensial network with nodes of type model.
   If a status dictionary is supplied, each created node is initialized with
   the supplied status dictionary.

   iaf_neuron [10 10] LayoutNetwork
   Creates a two dimensional layer of 10 by 10 neurons of type iaf_neuron.

   Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
   FirstVersion: 20.6.02

   SeeAlso: Create, LayoutArray

  << >> begin
             /val   Set
  size       /n_dim Set
   dup 0 get /n     Set
             /dim   Set
             /m Set

  /cwn CurrentSubnet def
  /subnet Create
  dup /result Set % safe return value
  n_dim 1 eq
    % we have reached the end of the recursion
    % and may create the leaf elements
    m n Create ;
    1 1 n
      1 arraystore val SetStatus
    } for
    cwn ChangeSubnet
    % go down in recursion
    m dim Rest val % parameters for LayoutNetwork
       3 copy LayoutNetwork_l_a_dict % call function recursively
       pop % forget about return value
    } repeat
    3 npop
  } ifelse
  % return root as result
  cwn ChangeSubnet
} bind def

  << >> begin
  size       /n_dim Set
   dup 0 get /n     Set
             /dim   Set
             /m Set

  /cwn CurrentSubnet def
  /subnet Create
  dup /result Set
  n_dim 1 eq
    % we have reached the end of the recursion
    % and may create the leaf elements
    m n Create ;

    % go back to where we came from
    cwn ChangeSubnet
    % go down in recursion
    m dim Rest % parameters for LayoutNetwork
       2 copy LayoutNetwork_l_a % call function recursively
       pop % forget about return value
    } repeat
    2 npop
  } ifelse
  % leave the root node as result
  cwn ChangeSubnet
} bind def

/LayoutNetwork trie
[/literaltype /arraytype /dictionarytype]
   /LayoutNetwork_l_a_dict load addtotrie
[/literaltype /arraytype ]
   /LayoutNetwork_l_a load addtotrie


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: elementstates - dictionary with symbolic element state tag

   Each element has a state which can be accessed via it's status dictionary.
   The state is defined as a superposition of the following values:
   /valid       1
   /busy        2
   /updated     4
   /suspended   8
   /frozen     16
   /buffers_initialized 32
   /err        64
   valid      - the default state of an element.
   busy       - indicates that this element needs more than one cycle to
                update and is not yet fully updated.
   updated    - indicates, that the element was updated in the current cycle.
                once the update cycle is completed, all updated flags are
		changed to valid.
		This flag shoulds only be set if the update cycle was
		interrupted or suspended.
   suspended  - indicates, that the update of this element was suspended. The
                next call to simulate will continue with this element.
   frozen     - if this state is set, the update cycle skips this element. In
                effect, the element keeps its state intact as if it was "frozen".
		This is the only state which can directly be set by the user.
   buffers_initialized - the buffers of the node have been initialized
   err        - some unspecified error condition has occured.

   Examples: elementstates info

   Availability: NEST

  /valid       1
  /busy        2
  /updated     4
  /suspended   8
  /frozen     16
  /buffers_initialized 32
  /err        64
>> def


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: unit_conversion - Conversion factors for SI units.

   Some SLI functions and tools expect numerical arguments which carry SI units.
   function/tool        expected unit
   Simulate             ms
   current generators   pA
   voltmeters           mV
   ac_generator         Hz

   As SLI does not know any unit conversion scheme, numerical values
   need to be specified in the appropriate units. However, it improves
   readability, if a hint to the unit is specified in the program code,
   such as "333 pA", instead of just "333".
   Furthermore, it may be convenient to have other units converted to the
   ones expected by the routines. (For example, "ms" converts from milliseconds
   to timesteps, taking into account the current network resolution, see
   example below.)

   The following conversion factors are know (developers: please add others in
   nest-init.sli as convenient):
   ms, pA, mV, Hz, spikes

   The following call always simulates 1000 ms of network time,

   1000 ms Simulate

   Author: (unknown), documented by Ruediger Kupper, 18-jul-2003

   Availability: This is just a description. unit_conversion is no SLI command.
   SeeAlso: Hz, ms, pA, mV, spikes, cvd, cvi

%% Some auxiliary definitions, just for readibility

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: ms - Specification in ms (for readability)
   SeeAlso: unit_conversion, ms2hms
/ms /cvd load def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: s - Specification in s (for readability)
   SeeAlso: unit_conversion, ms2hms
/s {1000.0 mul} bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: pA - Specification in pA (for readability)
   SeeAlso: unit_conversion
/pA /cvd load def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: nS - Specification in nS (for readability)
   SeeAlso: unit_conversion
/nS /cvd load def
/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: pF - Specification in pF (for readability)
   SeeAlso: unit_conversion
/pF /cvd load def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: mV - Specification in mV (for readability)
   SeeAlso: unit_conversion
/mV /cvd load def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: Hz - Specification in Hz (for readability)
   SeeAlso: unit_conversion
/Hz /cvd load def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: spikes - Specification in spikes (for readability)
   SeeAlso: unit_conversion
/spikes /cvi load def

/double /cvd load def

/int    /cvi load def

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: SubsetQ - Test if one dictionary is a subset of another

   dict1 dict2 SubsetQ -> bool

   dict1 - dictionary
   dict2 - dictionary

   The functions returns true, if all entries of dict2 are present in dict1
   with the same values.

   << /a 1 /b 2 /c 2 >> << /c 2 >> SubsetQ -> true
[/dictionarytype /dictionarytype]
  << >> begin
  cva 2 Partition
  /properties Set
  /object Set

    arrayload ;
    /val Set
    cvlit /key Set
    object dup key known
      key get
      val eq and
     pop pop false exit
    } ifelse
  } forall
} bind def


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetGlobalNodesInfo - Return GIDs, VPs and Parent GIDs of all nodes of 
         a subnet that fulfill the conditions given in the dictionary, or of
         all nodes if no dictionary given.
     gid [<<dict>>]  GetGlobalNodesInfo -> [<<...>> <<...>> ...]
     gid      - id of a subnet
     <<dict>> - Dictionary of selection properties
     [<<...>>...]  - Array with dicts containing /global_id, /vp, /parent
   This function recursively traverses a subnet and returns the gid, vp
   and parent gid of all child nodes in increasing order of gid. If a dictionary
   is provided, only those nodes which fulfill the given criteria are

   The returned Nodes include the intermediate subnets.

   Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, Abigail Morrison

   SeeAlso: GetGlobalNodes, GetLocalNodes

/GetGlobalNodesInfo trie
[/integertype /dictionarytype] { false false GetNodes_i_D_b_b } bind addtotrie
[/integertype] { << >> false false GetNodes_i_D_b_b } bind addtotrie


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetGlobalNodes - Return IDs of all nodes of a subnet that fulfill the
         conditions given in the dictionary, or all nodes if no dictionary given.
     gid [<<dict>>]  GetGlobalNodes -> [gid1 ... gidn]
     gid      - id of a subnet
     <<dict>> - Dictionary of selection properties
     [gid..]  - Array with the global ids of all child nodes.
   This function recursively traverses a subnet and returns the global
   ids of all child nodes in increasing order of gid. If a dictionary
   is provided, only those nodes which fulfill the given criteria are

   The returned Nodes include the intermediate subnets. For a variant
   of this command that excludes the subnets, see "GetGlobalLeaves".

   Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, Abigail Morrison

   SeeAlso: GetGlobalNodesInfo, GetLocalNodes, GetGlobalLeaves, GetGlobalChildren

/GetGlobalNodes trie
[/integertype /dictionarytype] { false true GetNodes_i_D_b_b } bind addtotrie
[/integertype] { << >> false true GetNodes_i_D_b_b } bind addtotrie

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetLocalNodes - Return IDs of all local nodes of a subnet that fulfill the
         conditions given in the dictionary, or all nodes if no dictionary given.
     gid [<<dict>>]  GetLocalNodes -> [gid1 ... gidn]
     gid     - id of a subnet
     <<dict>> - Dictionary of selection properties
     [gid..] - Array with the global ids of all local child nodes.
   This function is equivalent to GetGlobalNodes, but returns only those
   nodes that are local to the MPI process executing the command.

   Author: Hans Ekkehard Plesser, Abigail Morrison

   SeeAlso: GetGlobalNodes, GetLocalLeaves, GetLocalChildren
/GetLocalNodes trie
[/integertype /dictionarytype] { true true GetNodes_i_D_b_b } bind addtotrie
[/integertype] { << >> true true GetNodes_i_D_b_b } bind addtotrie


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetGlobalChildren - Return IDs of all immediate child nodes of a subnet
         that fulfill the conditions given in the dictionary, or all nodes if no 
	 dictionary given.
   gid [<<dict>>]  GetGlobalChildren -> [gid1 ... gidn]

   gid     - id of a subnet
   <<dict>> - Dictionary of selection properties	
   [gid..] - Array with the global ids of all child nodes.

   This function returns the ids of all children of a subnet in increasing order  
   of gid. If a dictionary is provided, only those nodes which fulfill the given 
   criteria are returned.

   Author: Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, Abigail Morrison

   SeeAlso: GetLocalChildren, GetGlobalNodes, GetGlobalLeaves

/GetGlobalChildren trie
[/integertype /dictionarytype] { false GetChildren_i_D_b } bind addtotrie
[/integertype] { << >> false GetChildren_i_D_b} bind addtotrie

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetLocalChildren - Return IDs of all immediate local child nodes of a subnet 
   	 that fulfill the conditions given in the dictionary, or all children if no 
	 dictionary given.
   gid [<<dict>>]  GetLocalChildren -> [gid1 ... gidn]
   gid     - id of a subnet
   <<dict>> - Dictionary of selection properties
   [gid..] - Array with the global ids of all local child nodes.

   This function is equivalent to GetGlobalChildren, but returns only the ids of all 
   children of a subnet belonging to the MPI process executing the command.

   Author: Hans Ekkehard Plesser, Abigail Morrison

   SeeAlso: GetGlobalChildren, GetLocalNodes, GetLocalLeaves

/GetLocalChildren trie
[/integertype /dictionarytype] { true GetChildren_i_D_b } bind addtotrie
[/integertype] { << >> true GetChildren_i_D_b } bind addtotrie


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetGlobalLeaves - Return IDs of all leaves of a subnet that fulfill the 
   	 conditions given in the dictionary, or all leaves if no dictionary given.
   gid [<<dict>>]  GetGlobalLeaves -> [gid1 ... gidn]
   gid     - id of a subnet
   <<dict>> - Dictionary of selection properties	
   [gid..] - Array with the global ids of all leaf nodes.

   This function recursively traverses a subnet and returns the global
   ids of all leaf nodes in increasing order of gid.  If a dictionary is provided, 
   only those nodes which fulfill the given criteria are returned.

   The returned nodes DO NOT include the intermediate subnets. For a
   variant of this command that also returns the subnets, see

   Author: Ruediger Kupper, Abigail Morrison

   FirstVersion: 12.3.2003

   SeeAlso: GetLocalLeaves, GetGlobalNodes, GetGlobalChildren

/GetGlobalLeaves trie
[/integertype /dictionarytype] { false GetLeaves_i_D_b } bind addtotrie
[/integertype] { << >> false GetLeaves_i_D_b } bind addtotrie

/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: GetLocalLeaves - Return IDs of all local leaves of a subnet that fulfill the 
   	 conditions given in the dictionary, or all leaves if no dictionary given.
   gid [<<dict>>]  GetLocalLeaves -> [gid1 ... gidn]
   gid     - id of a subnet
   <<dict>> - Dictionary of selection properties
   [gid..] - Array with the global ids of all local leaf nodes.

   This function does the same as GetGlobalLeaves, but returns only the
   nodes local to the MPI process executing the program.

   Author: Hans Ekkehard Plesser, Abigail Morrison

   SeeAlso: GetGlobalLeaves, GetLocalNodes, GetLocalChildren

/GetLocalLeaves trie
[/integertype /dictionarytype] { true GetLeaves_i_D_b } bind addtotrie
[/integertype] { << >> true GetLeaves_i_D_b } bind addtotrie


/* BeginDocumentation
   Name: ShowStatus - Show the status dictionary of a network node.

   gid ShowStatus -> -

   ShowStatus retrieves the status dictionary of the specified node
   and displays it, using info.
   ShowStatus is equivalent to the sequence "GetStatus info"

   SeeAlso: GetStatus, info

  GetStatus info
} def


/GetNetwork_i_i {
  << >> begin
  /depth Set
  GetStatus /model get % id model
  /subnet eq depth 1 geq and {       % id
    dup                % id id
      exch           % id [ id
      GetGlobalChildren { depth 1 sub GetNetwork_i_i } forall
    exch prepend
  } if
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: GetNetwork - Return a nested list with the IDs of nodes in a multi-dimensional subnet.
Synpsis: ID n GetNetwork -> [ ]

GetNetwork takes the id of a subnet and an integer parameter
n. GetNetwork then recursively calls GetChildren down to level n.
The result is a nested list whicht contains the ids of all nodes.
The first element of each list is the id of the subnet itself.

SLI ] /iaf_neuron Create ;
SLI ] /iaf_neuron [2 2] LayoutNetwork ;
SLI ] /iaf_neuron Create ;
SLI ] 0 3 GetNetwork ==
[0 1 [2 [3 4 5] [6 7 8]] 9]

In parallel simulations, this function collects data across all processes
and can thus take a lot of time and consume huge amounts of memory.

SeeAlso: GetGlobalNodes, GetLocalNodes, GetGlobalLeaves, GetLocalLeaves, GetGlobalChildren, GetLocalChildren
/GetNetwork trie
[/integertype /integertype] /GetNetwork_i_i load addtotrie

  /* BeginDocumentation
     Name: TimeCommunication - returns average time taken for MPI_Allgather over n calls with m bytes
     n m [bool] TimeCommunication -> time
     Availability: NEST 2.0
     Author: Abigail Morrison
     FirstVersion: August 2009
     The function allows a user to test how much time a call the Allgather costs
     If boolean third argument is passed and true, time offgrid spike communication.
     SeeAlso: TimeCommunicationOffgrid
/TimeCommunication trie
[/integertype /integertype /booltype] /TimeCommunication_i_i_b load addtotrie
[/integertype /integertype] { false TimeCommunication_i_i_b } bind addtotrie

  /* BeginDocumentation
     Name: TimeCommunicationOffgrid - returns average time taken for MPI_Allgather over n calls with m bytes when communication offgrid spikes
     n m [bool] TimeCommunication -> time
     Availability: NEST 2.0
     Author: Abigail Morrison
     FirstVersion: August 2009
     The function allows a user to test how much time a call the Allgather costs
     SeeAlso: TimeCommunication
/TimeCommunicationOffgrid trie
[/integertype /integertype] { true TimeCommunication_i_i_b } bind addtotrie

% can only be defined here because on bg processes.sli is not included
statusdict /platform get dup (bg/p) eq exch (bg/q) eq or
 /memory_thisjob {memory_thisjob_bg} def
} if

/* BeginDocumentation
Name - RestoreNodes - Restore nodes from an array of status dictionaries.
RestoreNodes takes an array of status dictionaries and creates nodes with these properties.
RestoreNodes assumes that the status dictionaries belong to a consecutive range of nodes.

The new nodes are created inside the current subnet and maintain their local subnet structure.
Thus, RestoreNodes can be used to copy a range of neurons to different locations.

/RestoreNodes [/arraytype] /RestoreNodes_a load def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: SaveModels - Retrieve the state of all models.

  << >> begin
  modeldict cva 2 Partition size /n_models Set
  n_models 1 add % proxy model is not in modeldict
  array /models Set
    models exch
    arrayload ; exch
    put /models Set
 } forall 

   dup type /literaltype eq
   { GetDefaults } { pop } ifelse
 } forall 
} def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: RestoreModels - Restore saved models from an array of status dictionaries.
 << >> begin
  /models Set
  0 GetStatus /dict_miss_is_error get /dict_err Set
  0 << /dict_miss_is_error false >> SetStatus
  /old_verbosity verbosity def
  M_ERROR setverbosity
    model type_id neq
      type_id model currentdict CopyModel
      type_id /a2eif_cond_exp_HW neq        % these models
      type_id /topology_layer_3d neq and    % these models
      type_id /topology_layer_free neq and  % break when
      type_id /topology_layer_grid neq and  % their status is changed
      {  model currentdict SetDefaults } if
    } ifelse
  } def
  } forall
  old_verbosity setverbosity
  0 << /dict_miss_is_error dict_err >> SetStatus
} def

/cva [/connectiontype] /cva_C load def

  statusdict /exitcodes get /userabort get
  statusdict /is_mpi get { MPI_Abort }{ quit_i } ifelse
} bind def