 *  version.sli
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

    SLI version number handling library

    Note: this file depends on misc_helpers.sli,
          because it uses "breakup", "reverse", and
          Hence misc_helpers.sli must be loaded first
          in sli-init.sli.

%% note: this library cannot use the provide/require mechanism, because this
%% would lead to infinite recuresion during initialization!

/version namespace

  % pad version arrays with zeros to make them same length  
  /:padversions[/arraytype /v1  /arraytype /v2]
    v1 length v2 length max /m Set
    v1  m  v1 length  sub  array join  
    v2  m  v2 length  sub  array join
  } bind SLIFunctionWrapper

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::validate - Assure correct format of version number array.

Synopsis: [version] validate -> -

Assures that the passed array is composed of truly positive integers
only, and contains at least one element.

[version] - Version number array. See [1] for details.

[1 23 5]  validate -> -
[]        validate -> (raises /SytaxError)
[1 -23 5] validate -> (raises /SytaxError)
[1 2.3 5] validate -> (raises /SytaxError)

If argument is no valid version number array, an error message is
issued and /SytaxError is raised.

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /validate[/arraytype /v]
    v length 0 eq
      M_ERROR funcname cvs (Version number array must contain at least one number.) message    
      funcname /SyntaxError raiseerror      
    } if
      type /integertype neq
        M_ERROR funcname cvs (Version number array must contain integers only.) message    
        funcname /SyntaxError raiseerror      
      } if
      0 lt
        M_ERROR funcname cvs (Version number array must contain positive integers only.) message    
        funcname /SyntaxError raiseerror      
      } if
    } forall
  } bind SLIFunctionWrapper

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::vcmp - Compare two version number arrays.

Synopsis: [version1] [version2] vcmp -> -1 | 0 | +1

Compare two version number arrays. The result is
  0, if version1 equals version2
 -1, if version1 is smaller than version2
 +1, if version1 is greater than version2

The common semantics of version numbers is applied, e.g.:
  [1 5] = [1 5 0 0 0 0 0]
  [1 5] > [1 4]
  [1 5] > [1]
  [1 5] > [1 4 99 99 99]
  [1 5] < [2 0]
  [1 5] < [1 5 1]
  [1 1] < [1 10]

version{1|2} - Version number arrays (see version::validate and [1]).

[1 5] [1 5 0 0 0 0 0] vcmp ->  0
[1 5] [1 4]           vcmp ->  1
[1 5] [1 5 1]         vcmp -> -1

/SyntaxError is raised, if parameters are no valid version number
arrays (see version::validate).

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /vcmp[/arraytype /v1  /arraytype /v2]
    v1 validate  v2 validate
    v1 v2 :padversions /v2 Set /v1 Set
    /result 0 def
    0  1  v1 length 1 sub  {
      /i Set      
      v2 i get  /n2 Set
      v1 i get  /n1 Set
      n1 n2 lt {/result -1 def exit} if      
      n1 n2 gt {/result +1 def exit} if      
      % it's neither greater nor smaller, so contine.
    } for
  } bind SLIFunctionWrapper

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::veq - Are two version number arrays equal?

Synopsis: [version1] [version2] veq -> true | false

Compare two version number arrays. The result is
 true,  if version1 equals version2
 false, otherwise

The common semantics of version numbers is applied, see version::vcmp.

version{1|2} - Version number arrays (see version::validate and [1]).

[1 5] [1 5 0 0 0 0 0] veq -> true
[1 5] [1 4]           veq -> false

/SyntaxError is raised, if parameters are no valid version number
arrays (see version::validate).

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /veq[/arraytype /arraytype]
    vcmp 0 eq
  } bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::vlt - "Less than" for version number arrays.

Synopsis: [version1] [version2] vlt -> true | false

Compare two version number arrays. The result is
 true,  if version1 is less than version2
 false, otherwise

The common semantics of version numbers is applied, see version::vcmp.

version{1|2} - Version number arrays (see version::validate and [1]).

[1 5] [1 5 0 0 0 0 0] vlt -> false
[1 5] [1 4]           vlt -> false
[1 5] [1 5 1]         vlt -> true

/SyntaxError is raised, if parameters are no valid version number
arrays (see version::validate).

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /vlt[/arraytype /arraytype]
    vcmp -1 eq
  } bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::vgt - "Greater than" for version number arrays.

Synopsis: [version1] [version2] vgt -> true | false

Compare two version number arrays. The result is
 true,  if version1 is greater than version2
 false, otherwise

The common semantics of version numbers is applied, see version::vcmp.

version{1|2} - Version number arrays (see version::validate and [1]).

[1 5] [1 5 0 0 0 0 0] vgt -> false
[1 5] [1 4]           vgt -> true
[1 5] [1 5 1]         vgt -> false

/SyntaxError is raised, if parameters are no valid version number
arrays (see version::validate).

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /vgt[/arraytype /arraytype]
    vcmp +1 eq
  } bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::vleq - "Less or equal" for version number arrays.

Synopsis: [version1] [version2] vleq -> true | false

Compare two version number arrays. The result is
 true,  if version1 is less than or equal to version2
 false, otherwise

The common semantics of version numbers is applied, see version::vcmp.

version{1|2} - Version number arrays (see version::validate and [1]).

[1 5] [1 5 0 0 0 0 0] vleq -> true
[1 5] [1 4]           vleq -> false
[1 5] [1 5 1]         vleq -> true

/SyntaxError is raised, if parameters are no valid version number
arrays (see version::validate).

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /vleq[/arraytype /arraytype]
    vcmp +1 neq
  } bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::vgeq - "Greater or equal" for version number arrays.

Synopsis: [version1] [version2] vgeq -> true | false

Compare two version number arrays. The result is
 true,  if version1 is greater than or equal to version2
 false, otherwise

The common semantics of version numbers is applied, see version::vcmp.

version{1|2} - Version number arrays (see version::validate and [1]).

[1 5] [1 5 0 0 0 0 0] vgeq -> true
[1 5] [1 4]           vgeq -> true
[1 5] [1 5 1]         vgeq -> false

/SyntaxError is raised, if parameters are no valid version number
arrays (see version::validate).

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /vgeq[/arraytype /arraytype]
    vcmp -1 neq
  } bind def

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::s2v - Convert version number string to array.

Synopsis: (version) s2v -> [version]

Converts a version number contained in a string to a version number
array. The string is expected to contain a "usual" dot-separated version
number, e.g. (1.23.5) (no leading "V").
As one and only exception, the string may also contain a CVS revision
string, e.g. (<dollar>Revision: 0.8.15<dollar>). In all other cases, [0] is returned.
For CVS revision strings of not yet checked-in files, [0] is
returned, too.

(version) - Version number string. See description above.
[version] - Version number array (see version::validate and [1]).

(1.23.5)                           s2v -> [1 23 5]
(<dollar>Revision: 9.9<dollar>) s2v -> [9 9]
(<dollar>Revision<dollar>)               s2v -> [0]
(v3.5)                            s2v -> [0]

/SyntaxError is raised, if result is no valid version number
array (see version::validate).

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /s2v[/stringtype /s]
    % first, handle possible CVS revision string. There are two possible versions:    

    % revision string that has a number:    
    s ($Revision: ) search
      %stack: (number $) ($Revision: ) () 
      pop pop
      %stack:  (number $)
      reverse 0 2 erase reverse
      %stack:  (number)      
    } if

    % revision string that has not yet a number:    
    dup ($Revision) ($) join eq
        M_DEBUG (library::s2v) (Found non-substituted $Revision) ($ string, returning a large number.) join message
        M_DEBUG (library::s2v) (Please check that keyword substitution is turned on for this file.) message
      %stack:  (number)      
    } if

    % at this point we assume that it's a normal version number.
    (.) breakup {cvi} Map  
    dup validate  
  } bind SLIFunctionWrapper

/* BeginDocumentation
Name: version::v2s - Convert version number array to string.

Synopsis: [version] s2v -> (version)

Converts a version number array to a version number string. The string
contains the "usual" dot-separated version number, e.g. (1.23.5) (no
leading "V").

(version) - Version number string. See description above.
[version] - Version number array (see version::validate and [1]).

[1 23 5]  ->  (1.23.5)
[1 0 0 0] ->  (

/SyntaxError is raised, if result is no valid version number
array (see version::validate).

Author: Ruediger Kupper

FirstVersion: 29-jul-2003

Availability: SLI2.0, library: version

[1] Ruediger Kupper, SLI library management,
    HRI-EU Report 06/05, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, 2006.

SeeAlso: version::validate, version::vcmp, version::veq, version::vlt, version::vgt, version::vleq, version::vgeq, version::s2v, version::v2s
  /v2s[/arraytype /v]
    v validate  
    v 0 get cvs % get first number
    v 0 1 erase % get all other numbers
    {cvs (.) exch join join} forall
  } bind SLIFunctionWrapper  

end % namespace