* randomgen.h
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @defgroup RandomNumbers Random Number and Deviate Generation in NEST.
* This module contains the interface to random numbers and random
* deviate generators. We differentiate between
* random number generators: generate uniformly distributed numbers.
* random deviate generators: generate non-uniformly distributed
* numbers, eg, Poisson, binomial or gamma distributed numbers.
* @note
* In the NEST kernel, random number generators are managed
* by the scheduler on a thread-by-thread basis. Nodes requiring
* random numbers must access random numbers and deviates only through the
* interface provided by the scheduler, as in the follwing example taken
* from nest::poisson_generator.
* @code
* #include "poisson_randomdev.h"
* class poisson_generator :
* public Node,
* protected Device
* {
* ...
* private:
* librandom::PoissonRandomDev poisson_dev_; //!< random deviate generator
* ...
* };
* @endcode
* @code
* nest::poisson_generator::poisson_generator()
* :...
* poisson_dev_(0.0),
* ...
* {
* calibrate(network()->get_resolution());
* }
* void nest::poisson_generator::calibrate(Time const & dt)
* {
* poisson_dev_.set_lambda(dt.get_ms() * rate_*1e-3);
* }
* void nest::poisson_generator::update(thread thrd, Time const & T)
* {
* ...
* librandom::RngPtr rng=Node::network()->get_rng(thrd);
* ...
* ulong_t n_spikes = poisson_dev_.uldev(rng);
* ...
* }
* @endcode
* Note that the RNG used by the deviate generator must be obtained
* via get_rng(thrd) on each call to update, to get the proper generator
* for the present thread.
* If one wanted just uniformly distributed numbers in [0, 1), one could
* obtain them with
* @code
* librandom::RngPtr rng=Node::network()->get_rng(thrd);
* double r = rng();
* @endcode
* @note
* Random number generators should be managed through safe RngPtr pointers,
* not through plain RandomGen*.
* @note
* All elements are in namespace librandom.
* @defgroup RandomNumberGenerators Uniform Random Number Generators.
* @ingroup RandomNumbers
* All generators are derived from base class RandomGen.
* All generators return only uniformly distributed random
* numbers in well-defined intervals. The following
* functions are implemented
* @verbatim
* Function Comment
* -------------------------------------------------------
* double drand() [0, 1)
* () [0, 1)
* double drandpos() (0, 1)
* ulong ulrand(N) [0, N-1]
* void seed(N) seed the RNG, N: ulong
* size get_buffsize() get RNG buffer size
* void set_buffsize(size_t) set RNG buffer size
* -------------------------------------------------------
* @endverbatim
* @note
* The drand() method is the core method for RNG production
* It buffers random numbers in a buffer; all other methods
* drawn random numbers from this buffer by calls to drand.
* The buffer size can be set by set_buffsize(). Changing
* the buffer size or seeding the RNG leads to a complete
* refill of the buffer.
* @note
* For access to random numbers from the SLI interface, see
* the SLI documentation.
* @note
* For a list of available RNGs, see rngdict info in SLI.
* NEST comes at present with two built-in random number generators:
* - knuthlfg, the lagged Fibonacci generator from D.E.Knuth,
* The Art of Computer Programming, 3rd ed, vol 2, sec 3.6.
* - MT19937, the Mersenne Twister by Matsumoto and Nishimura.
* Implementations of both are directly derived from free code published
* by the original authors.
* If the GNU Scientific Library (v 1.2 or later) is installed,
* all uniform random number generators from the GSL are made available,
* too. These have names prefixed with gsl_. For more information on the
* RNGs linked in from the GSL, see http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl.
* The following generators produce idential sequences:
* - knuthlfg and gsl_knuthran2002
* - MT19937 and gsl_mt19937 (for seeds different from 0)
* @note
* - Random generator constructors should always require a seed.
* - A default seed value is available globally through
* librandom::RandomGen::DefaultSeed.
* - If you need to create a random generator in a place without
* access to rngdict, you can use
* librandom::RandomGen::create_knuthlfg_rng(librandom::RandomGen::DefaultSeed)
* - This is not generally recommended practice. Both nodes and any
* module routines shall use the RNGs provided by Network.
* Problems:
* Some problems remain to be solved:
* -- portability has to be confirmed (on compilers other
* than g++ and > 32 Bit architectures.
* History:
* (1) first version (<= V1.0) by Gewaltig
* (2) rewritten for C++ (V2.0) by Diesmann 6.9.93
* Note! The July 8,1993 Version contains an error
* in random3 and in random2. In this Version the
* correct lines are marked.
* (3) 16.9.93 class Normal is no longer a RNG but
* a deviation. This change was necessary to pre-
* vent side effects in cases where random numbers
* are used in several classes of one program.
* (4) Rewritten C++ base class and three more
* generators added. (Gewaltig)
* (5) Completely re-designed: GSL based, randomdict
* introduced (HEP)
* (6) GSL and standalone version now provide the
* knuthlfg originally introduced in (4)
* Diesmann 21.08.02
* (7) virtual function binomial added as interface
* for BinomialRandomDev to reach binomial function
* of gslrandomgen
* (8) Buffered drawing of RNG, all non-drand() methods
* now go via drand(); binomial removed, now imple-
* mented in BinomialRandomDev. (HEP, 28.06.04)
* (9) All code derived from the GSL removed (HEP, 09.01.08).
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "lockptr.h"
* Namespace for random number generators.
namespace librandom {
class RandomGen;
* Common lock-pointer type for RNG
* A safe pointer that should be used instead of RandomGen*
* in user code to manage random number generators.
typedef lockPTR<RandomGen> RngPtr;
* Abstract base class for all random generator objects
* Class RandomGen is the top of the random generator object
* hierarchy. It defines the interface to random generators:
* - creation
* - seeding
* - drawing
* - buffering
* @note
* Random number generators buffer the numbers they generate to
* increase efficieny in number generation. Buffer size can be
* adjusted at runtime.
* @see class RandomDev
* @ingroup RandomNumberGenerators
class RandomGen {
static const size_t DEFAULT_BUFFSIZE;
* @note All classes derived from RandomGen should
* have only a single constructor, taking
* an unsigned long as seed value. Use
* RandomGen::DefaultSeed if you want to
* create a generator with a default seed value.
// ensures proper clean up
virtual ~RandomGen() {};
The following functions implement the user interface of the
RandomGen class, including buffer management. The actual
interface to the underlying random generator is provided by
protected member functions below.
double drand(void); //!< draw from [0, 1)
double operator()(void); //!< draw from [0, 1)
double drandpos(void); //!< draw from (0, 1)
unsigned long ulrand(const unsigned long); //!< draw from [0, n-1]
void seed(const unsigned long); //!< set random seed to a new value
size_t get_buffsize(void) const; //!< returns buffer size
void set_buffsize(const size_t); //!< set buffer size
* Create built-in Knuth Lagged Fibonacci random generator.
* This function is provided so that RNGs can be created in places
* where the SLI rngdict is not accessible.
* @see KnuthLFG
static RngPtr create_knuthlfg_rng(unsigned long);
//! Default value for seeding generators in places where no seed is supplied.
static const unsigned long DefaultSeed;
//! clone a random number generator of same type initialized with given seed
virtual RngPtr clone(const unsigned long) = 0;
The following functions provide the interface to the actual
random generator. They must be implemented by each derived
generator class.
virtual void seed_(unsigned long) =0; //!< seeding interface
virtual double drand_() =0; //!< drawing interface
void refill_(); //!< refill buffer
std::vector<double> buffer_; //!< random number buffer
std::vector<double>::const_iterator next_; //!< next number to return
std::vector<double>::const_iterator end_; //!< == buffer_.end()
// prohibit copying of RNG
RandomGen(const RandomGen&);
* Factory class for random generators.
* @ingroup RandomNumberGenerators
class GenericRNGFactory
* Create generator with given seed.
* @note Generators cannot be created without a seed.
* If you want to create a generator with a default
* seed value, you should explicitly use
* RandomGen::DefaultSeed as seed value.
virtual RngPtr create(unsigned long) const =0;
virtual ~GenericRNGFactory() {}
* Concrete template for factories for built-in
* (non GSL) random generators.
* @ingroup RandomNumberGenerators
template <typename Generator>
class BuiltinRNGFactory : public GenericRNGFactory
RngPtr create(unsigned long s) const { return RngPtr(new Generator(s)); }
double RandomGen::drand(void)
if ( next_ == end_ )
return *next_++;
double RandomGen::operator()(void)
return drand();
double RandomGen::drandpos(void)
double r;
do {
r = drand();
} while ( r == 0.0 );
return r;
unsigned long RandomGen::ulrand(const unsigned long n)
// no check for size of n required, since n is ulong
return static_cast<unsigned long>(std::floor(n * drand()));
size_t RandomGen::get_buffsize(void) const
return buffer_.size();
#endif // RANDOMGEN_H