* ht_neuron.cpp
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "ht_neuron.h"
#ifdef HAVE_GSL_1_11
#include "universal_data_logger_impl.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace nest{
// Could be a param, but fixed by Hill-Tononi. We need
// it several places, thus we put it here. It's a hack.
const double_t KNa_D_EQ = 0.001;
RecordablesMap<ht_neuron> ht_neuron::recordablesMap_;
template <>
void RecordablesMap<ht_neuron>::create()
insert_(names::V_m, &ht_neuron::get_y_elem_<ht_neuron::State_::VM>);
insert_(Name("Theta"), &ht_neuron::get_y_elem_<ht_neuron::State_::THETA>);
insert_(Name("g_AMPA"), &ht_neuron::get_y_elem_<ht_neuron::State_::G_AMPA>);
insert_(Name("g_NMDA"), &ht_neuron::get_y_elem_<ht_neuron::State_::G_NMDA>);
insert_(Name("g_GABAA"), &ht_neuron::get_y_elem_<ht_neuron::State_::G_GABA_A>);
insert_(Name("g_GABAB"), &ht_neuron::get_y_elem_<ht_neuron::State_::G_GABA_B>);
insert_(Name("r_potassium"), &ht_neuron::get_r_potassium_);
insert_(Name("g_spike"), &ht_neuron::get_g_spike_);
insert_(Name("I_NaP"), &ht_neuron::get_I_NaP_);
insert_(Name("I_KNa"), &ht_neuron::get_I_KNa_);
insert_(Name("I_T"), &ht_neuron::get_I_T_);
insert_(Name("I_h"), &ht_neuron::get_I_h_);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Iteration function
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern "C"
inline int ht_neuron_dynamics (double, const double y[], double f[],
void* pnode)
// shorthand
typedef nest::ht_neuron::State_ S;
// get access to node so we can almost work as in a member class
nest::ht_neuron& node = *(reinterpret_cast<nest::ht_neuron*>(pnode));
// easier access to membrane potential
const double_t& V = y[S::VM];
// Synaptic channels
double_t I_syn = 0;
// Calculate sum of all synaptic channels.
// Sign convention: For each current, write I = - g * ( V - E )
// then dV/dt ~ Sum(I)
// NMDA has instantaneous de-blocking thru sigmoidal function, see Lumer et al (1997)
I_syn += - y[S::G_AMPA] * (V - node.P_.AMPA_E_rev);
I_syn += - y[S::G_NMDA] * (V - node.P_.NMDA_E_rev)
/ ( 1 + std::exp((node.P_.NMDA_Vact - V) / node.P_.NMDA_Sact) );
I_syn += - y[S::G_GABA_A] * (V - node.P_.GABA_A_E_rev);
I_syn += - y[S::G_GABA_B] * (V - node.P_.GABA_B_E_rev);
// The spike current is only activate immediately after a spike.
const double_t I_spike = node.S_.g_spike_
? - (V - node.P_.E_K) / node.P_.Tau_spike
: 0;
// leak currents
const double_t I_Na = - node.P_.g_NaL*(V - node.P_.E_Na);
const double_t I_K = - node.P_.g_KL*(V - node.P_.E_K);
// intrinsic currents
// I_Na(p), m_inf^3 according to Compte et al, J Neurophysiol 2003 89:2707
const double_t INaP_thresh = -55.7;
const double_t INaP_slope = 7.7;
const double_t m_inf_NaP = 1.0 / (1.0 + std::exp(-(V- INaP_thresh)/INaP_slope));
node.S_.I_NaP_ = - node.P_.NaP_g_peak * std::pow(m_inf_NaP, 3.0) * (V - node.P_.NaP_E_rev);
// I_DK
const double_t d_half = 0.25;
const double_t m_inf_KNa = 1.0 / (1.0 + std::pow(d_half/y[S::IKNa_D], 3.5));
node.S_.I_KNa_ = - node.P_.KNa_g_peak * m_inf_KNa * (V - node.P_.KNa_E_rev);
// I_T
const double_t m_inf_T = 1.0/(1.0 + std::exp(-(V+59.0)/6.2));
const double_t h_inf_T = 1.0/(1.0 + std::exp((V + 83.0)/4));
node.S_.I_T_ = - node.P_.T_g_peak * y[S::IT_m] * y[S::IT_m] * y[S::IT_h] * (V - node.P_.T_E_rev);
// I_h
const double_t I_h_Vthreshold = -75.0;
const double_t m_inf_h = 1.0/(1.0 + std::exp((V - I_h_Vthreshold)/5.5));
node.S_.I_h_ = - node.P_.h_g_peak * y[S::Ih_m] * (V - node.P_.h_E_rev);
// delta V
f[S::VM] = (I_Na + I_K + I_syn + node.S_.I_NaP_ + node.S_.I_KNa_ + node.S_.I_T_
+ node.S_.I_h_ + node.B_.I_stim_)/node.P_.Tau_m + I_spike;
// delta Theta
f[S::THETA] = -(y[S::THETA] - node.P_.Theta_eq)/node.P_.Tau_theta;
// Synaptic channels
f[S::DG_AMPA] = -y[S::DG_AMPA]/node.P_.AMPA_Tau_1;
f[S::G_AMPA] = y[S::DG_AMPA] - y[S::G_AMPA]/node.P_.AMPA_Tau_2;
f[S::DG_NMDA] = -y[S::DG_NMDA]/node.P_.NMDA_Tau_1;
f[S::G_NMDA] = y[S::DG_NMDA] - y[S::G_NMDA]/node.P_.NMDA_Tau_2;
f[S::DG_GABA_A] = -y[S::DG_GABA_A]/node.P_.GABA_A_Tau_1;
f[S::G_GABA_A] = y[S::DG_GABA_A] - y[S::G_GABA_A]/node.P_.GABA_A_Tau_2;
f[S::DG_GABA_B] = -y[S::DG_GABA_B]/node.P_.GABA_B_Tau_1;
f[S::G_GABA_B] = y[S::DG_GABA_B] - y[S::G_GABA_B]/node.P_.GABA_B_Tau_2;
// I_KNa
const double_t D_influx_peak = 0.025;
const double_t tau_D = 1250.0; // yes, 1.25s
const double_t D_thresh = -10.0;
const double_t D_slope = 5.0;
const double_t D_influx = 1.0/(1.0 + std::exp(-(V-D_thresh)/D_slope));
// equation modified from y[](1-D_eq) to (y[]-D_eq), since we'd not
// be converging to equilibrium otherwise
f[S::IKNa_D] = D_influx_peak * D_influx - (y[S::IKNa_D]-KNa_D_EQ)/tau_D;
// I_T
const double_t tau_m_T = 0.22/(std::exp(-(V + 132.0)/16.7)+std::exp((V + 16.8)/18.2)) + 0.13;
const double_t tau_h_T = 8.2 + (56.6 + 0.27 * std::exp((V + 115.2)/5.0))/(1.0 + std::exp((V + 86.0)/3.2));
f[S::IT_m] = (m_inf_T - y[S::IT_m]) / tau_m_T;
f[S::IT_h] = (h_inf_T - y[S::IT_h]) / tau_h_T;
// I_h
const double_t tau_m_h = 1.0/(std::exp(-14.59 - 0.086 * V) + std::exp(-1.87 + 0.0701 * V));
f[S::Ih_m] = (m_inf_h - y[S::Ih_m]) / tau_m_h;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructors defining default parameters and state
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
: E_Na ( 30.0 ), // 30 mV
E_K (-90.0 ), // -90 mV
g_NaL ( 0.2 ), // 0.2
g_KL ( 1.0 ), // 1.0 - 1.85
Tau_m ( 16.0 ), // ms
Theta_eq (-51.0 ), // mV
Tau_theta ( 2.0 ), // ms
Tau_spike ( 1.75), // ms
t_spike ( 2.0 ), // ms
AMPA_g_peak ( 0.1 ),
AMPA_Tau_1 ( 0.5 ), // ms
AMPA_Tau_2 ( 2.4 ), // ms
AMPA_E_rev ( 0.0 ), // mV
NMDA_g_peak ( 0.075 ),
NMDA_Tau_1 ( 4.0 ), // ms
NMDA_Tau_2 ( 40.0 ), // ms
NMDA_E_rev ( 0.0 ), // mV
NMDA_Vact (-58.0 ), // mV
NMDA_Sact ( 2.5 ), // mV
GABA_A_g_peak ( 0.33),
GABA_A_Tau_1 ( 1.0 ), // ms
GABA_A_Tau_2 ( 7.0 ), // ms
GABA_A_E_rev (-70.0 ), // mV
GABA_B_g_peak ( 0.0132 ),
GABA_B_Tau_1 ( 60.0 ), // ms
GABA_B_Tau_2 (200.0 ), // ms
GABA_B_E_rev (-90.0 ), // mV
NaP_g_peak ( 1.0 ),
NaP_E_rev ( 30.0 ), // mV
KNa_g_peak ( 1.0 ),
KNa_E_rev (-90.0 ), // mV
T_g_peak ( 1.0 ),
T_E_rev ( 0.0 ), // mV
h_g_peak ( 1.0 ),
h_E_rev (-40.0 ) // mV
: r_potassium_(0),
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE ; ++i )
y_[i] = 0;
y_[IKNa_D] = KNa_D_EQ;
nest::ht_neuron::State_::State_(const Parameters_& p)
: r_potassium_ (0),
g_spike_ (false),
y_[VM] = (p.g_NaL*p.E_Na+p.g_KL*p.E_K)/(p.g_NaL+p.g_KL);
y_[THETA] = p.Theta_eq;
for ( size_t i = 2 ; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE ; ++i )
y_[i] = 0.0;
y_[IKNa_D] = KNa_D_EQ;
nest::ht_neuron::State_::State_(const State_& s)
: r_potassium_(s.r_potassium_),
for(size_t i = 0; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE; ++i)
y_[i] = s.y_[i];
nest::ht_neuron::State_& nest::ht_neuron::State_::operator=(const State_& s)
if(this == &s)
return *this;
r_potassium_ = s.r_potassium_;
g_spike_ = s.g_spike_;
I_NaP_ = s.I_NaP_;
I_KNa_ = s.I_KNa_;
I_T_ = s.I_T_;
I_h_ = s.I_h_;
for(size_t i = 0; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE; ++i)
y_[i] = s.y_[i];
return *this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Parameter and state extractions and manipulation functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void nest::ht_neuron::Parameters_::get(DictionaryDatum &d) const
def<double_t>(d, "E_Na", E_Na);
def<double_t>(d, "E_K", E_K);
def<double_t>(d, "g_NaL", g_NaL);
def<double_t>(d, "g_KL", g_KL);
def<double_t>(d, "Tau_m", Tau_m);
def<double_t>(d, "Theta_eq", Theta_eq);
def<double_t>(d, "Tau_theta", Tau_theta);
def<double_t>(d, "Tau_spike", Tau_spike);
def<double_t>(d, "spike_duration", t_spike);
def<double_t>(d, "AMPA_g_peak", AMPA_g_peak);
def<double_t>(d, "AMPA_Tau_1", AMPA_Tau_1);
def<double_t>(d, "AMPA_Tau_2", AMPA_Tau_2);
def<double_t>(d, "AMPA_E_rev", AMPA_E_rev);
def<double_t>(d, "NMDA_g_peak", NMDA_g_peak);
def<double_t>(d, "NMDA_Tau_1", NMDA_Tau_1);
def<double_t>(d, "NMDA_Tau_2", NMDA_Tau_2);
def<double_t>(d, "NMDA_E_rev", NMDA_E_rev);
def<double_t>(d, "NMDA_Vact", NMDA_Vact);
def<double_t>(d, "NMDA_Sact", NMDA_Sact);
def<double_t>(d, "GABA_A_g_peak", GABA_A_g_peak);
def<double_t>(d, "GABA_A_Tau_1", GABA_A_Tau_1);
def<double_t>(d, "GABA_A_Tau_2", GABA_A_Tau_2);
def<double_t>(d, "GABA_A_E_rev", GABA_A_E_rev);
def<double_t>(d, "GABA_B_g_peak", GABA_B_g_peak);
def<double_t>(d, "GABA_B_Tau_1", GABA_B_Tau_1);
def<double_t>(d, "GABA_B_Tau_2", GABA_B_Tau_2);
def<double_t>(d, "GABA_B_E_rev", GABA_B_E_rev);
def<double_t>(d, "NaP_g_peak", NaP_g_peak);
def<double_t>(d, "NaP_E_rev", NaP_E_rev);
def<double_t>(d, "KNa_g_peak", KNa_g_peak);
def<double_t>(d, "KNa_E_rev", KNa_E_rev);
def<double_t>(d, "T_g_peak", T_g_peak);
def<double_t>(d, "T_E_rev", T_E_rev);
def<double_t>(d, "h_g_peak", h_g_peak);
def<double_t>(d, "h_E_rev", h_E_rev);
void nest::ht_neuron::Parameters_::set(const DictionaryDatum& d)
updateValue<double_t>(d, "E_Na", E_Na);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "E_K", E_K);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "g_NaL", g_NaL);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "g_KL", g_KL);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "Tau_m", Tau_m);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "Theta_eq", Theta_eq);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "Tau_theta", Tau_theta);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "Tau_spike", Tau_spike);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "spike_duration", t_spike);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "AMPA_g_peak", AMPA_g_peak);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "AMPA_Tau_1", AMPA_Tau_1);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "AMPA_Tau_2", AMPA_Tau_2);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "AMPA_E_rev", AMPA_E_rev);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "NMDA_g_peak", NMDA_g_peak);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "NMDA_Tau_1", NMDA_Tau_1);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "NMDA_Tau_2", NMDA_Tau_2);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "NMDA_E_rev", NMDA_E_rev);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "NMDA_Vact", NMDA_Vact);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "NMDA_Sact", NMDA_Sact);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "GABA_A_g_peak", GABA_A_g_peak);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "GABA_A_Tau_1", GABA_A_Tau_1);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "GABA_A_Tau_2", GABA_A_Tau_2);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "GABA_A_E_rev", GABA_A_E_rev);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "GABA_B_g_peak", GABA_B_g_peak);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "GABA_B_Tau_1", GABA_B_Tau_1);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "GABA_B_Tau_2", GABA_B_Tau_2);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "GABA_B_E_rev", GABA_B_E_rev);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "NaP_g_peak", NaP_g_peak);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "NaP_E_rev", NaP_E_rev);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "KNa_g_peak", KNa_g_peak);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "KNa_E_rev", KNa_E_rev);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "T_g_peak", T_g_peak);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "T_E_rev", T_E_rev);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "h_g_peak", h_g_peak);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "h_E_rev", h_E_rev);
void nest::ht_neuron::State_::get(DictionaryDatum &d) const
def<double_t>(d, "V_m", y_[VM]); // Membrane potential
def<double_t>(d, "Theta", y_[THETA]); // Threshold
void nest::ht_neuron::State_::set(const DictionaryDatum& d,
const Parameters_&)
updateValue<double_t>(d, "V_m", y_[VM]);
updateValue<double_t>(d, "Theta", y_[THETA]);
nest::ht_neuron::Buffers_::Buffers_(ht_neuron& n)
: logger_(n),
// Initialization of the remaining members is deferred to
// init_buffers_().
nest::ht_neuron::Buffers_::Buffers_(const Buffers_&, ht_neuron& n)
: logger_(n),
// Initialization of the remaining members is deferred to
// init_buffers_().
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Default and copy constructor for node, and destructor
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
: Archiving_Node(),
nest::ht_neuron::ht_neuron(const ht_neuron& n)
: Archiving_Node(n),
// GSL structs may not be initialized, so we need to protect destruction.
if ( B_.e_ ) gsl_odeiv_evolve_free(B_.e_);
if ( B_.c_ ) gsl_odeiv_control_free(B_.c_);
if ( B_.s_ ) gsl_odeiv_step_free(B_.s_);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Node initialization functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void nest::ht_neuron::init_state_(const Node& proto)
const ht_neuron& pr = downcast<ht_neuron>(proto);
S_ = pr.S_;
void nest::ht_neuron::init_buffers_()
// Reset spike buffers.
for(std::vector<RingBuffer>::iterator it = B_.spike_inputs_.begin();
it != B_.spike_inputs_.end(); ++it)
it->clear(); // include resize
B_.currents_.clear(); // include resize
B_.step_ = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
B_.IntegrationStep_ = B_.step_;
static const gsl_odeiv_step_type* T1 = gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45;
if ( B_.s_ == 0 )
B_.s_ = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc (T1, State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE);
if ( B_.c_ == 0 )
B_.c_ = gsl_odeiv_control_y_new (1e-3, 0.0);
gsl_odeiv_control_init(B_.c_, 1e-3, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
if ( B_.e_ == 0 )
B_.e_ = gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc(State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE);
B_.sys_.function = ht_neuron_dynamics;
B_.sys_.jacobian = 0;
B_.sys_.dimension = State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE;
B_.sys_.params = reinterpret_cast<void*>(this);
B_.I_stim_ = 0.0;
nest::double_t nest::ht_neuron::get_synapse_constant(nest::double_t Tau_1,
nest::double_t Tau_2,
nest::double_t g_peak)
// Factor used to account for the missing 1/((1/Tau_2)-(1/Tau_1)) term
// in the ht_neuron_dynamics integration of the synapse terms.
// See: Exact digital simulation of time-invariant linear systems
// with applications to neuronal modeling, Rotter and Diesmann,
// section 3.1.2.
nest::double_t exact_integration_adjustment = (1/Tau_2)-(1/Tau_1);
nest::double_t t_peak = (Tau_2*Tau_1)*std::log(Tau_2/Tau_1)/(Tau_2-Tau_1);
nest::double_t normalisation_factor = 1/(std::exp(-t_peak/Tau_1) - std::exp(-t_peak/Tau_2));
return g_peak*normalisation_factor*exact_integration_adjustment;
void nest::ht_neuron::calibrate()
B_.logger_.init(); // ensures initialization in case mm connected after Simulate
// NOTE: code below initializes conductance step size for incoming pulses.
// Variable and function names need to be changed!
V_.cond_steps_[AMPA-1] =
get_synapse_constant(P_.AMPA_Tau_1, P_.AMPA_Tau_2, P_.AMPA_g_peak);
V_.cond_steps_[NMDA-1] =
get_synapse_constant(P_.NMDA_Tau_1, P_.NMDA_Tau_2, P_.NMDA_g_peak);
V_.cond_steps_[GABA_A-1] =
get_synapse_constant(P_.GABA_A_Tau_1, P_.GABA_A_Tau_2, P_.GABA_A_g_peak);
V_.cond_steps_[GABA_B-1] =
get_synapse_constant(P_.GABA_B_Tau_1, P_.GABA_B_Tau_2, P_.GABA_B_g_peak);
V_.PotassiumRefractoryCounts_ = Time(Time::ms(P_.t_spike)).get_steps();
assert(V_.PotassiumRefractoryCounts_ >= 0); // since t_spike_ >= 0, this can only fail in error
void nest::ht_neuron::get_status(DictionaryDatum &d) const
DictionaryDatum receptor_type = new Dictionary();
(*receptor_type)["AMPA"] = AMPA;
(*receptor_type)["NMDA"] = NMDA;
(*receptor_type)["GABA_A"] = GABA_A;
(*receptor_type)["GABA_B"] = GABA_B;
(*d)["receptor_types"] = receptor_type;
(*d)[names::recordables] = recordablesMap_.get_list();
void nest::ht_neuron::set_status(const DictionaryDatum &d)
Parameters_ ptmp = P_; // temporary copy in case of errors
ptmp.set(d); // throws if BadProperty
State_ stmp = S_; // temporary copy in case of errors
stmp.set(d, ptmp); // throws if BadProperty
// We now know that (ptmp, stmp) are consistent. We do not
// write them back to (P_, S_) before we are also sure that
// the properties to be set in the parent class are internally
// consistent.
// if we get here, temporaries contain consistent set of properties
P_ = ptmp;
S_ = stmp;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Update and spike handling functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ht_neuron::update(Time const & origin, const long_t from,
const long_t to)
assert(to >= 0 && (delay) from < Scheduler::get_min_delay());
assert(from < to);
for ( long_t lag = from ; lag < to ; ++lag )
double tt = 0.0; // it's all relative!
// adaptive step integration
while ( tt < B_.step_ )
const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply(B_.e_, B_.c_, B_.s_,
&B_.sys_, // system of ODE
&tt, // from t...
B_.step_, // ...to t=t+h
&B_.IntegrationStep_ , // integration window (written on!)
S_.y_); // neuron state
if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
throw GSLSolverFailure(get_name(), status);
// Deactivate potassium current after spike time have expired
if( S_.r_potassium_ && --S_.r_potassium_ == 0 )
S_.g_spike_ = false; // Deactivate potassium current.
// Add new spikes to node state array
for(size_t i = 0; i < B_.spike_inputs_.size(); ++i )
S_.y_[2+2*i] += V_.cond_steps_[i] * B_.spike_inputs_[i].get_value(lag);
// A spike is generated when the membrane potential (V) exceeds
// the threshold (Theta).
if( !S_.g_spike_ && S_.y_[State_::VM] >= S_.y_[State_::THETA] )
// Set V and Theta to the sodium reversal potential.
S_.y_[State_::VM] = P_.E_Na;
S_.y_[State_::THETA] = P_.E_Na;
// Activate fast potassium current. Drives the
// membrane potential towards the potassium reversal
// potential (activate only if duration is non-zero).
S_.g_spike_ = V_.PotassiumRefractoryCounts_ > 0;
S_.r_potassium_ = V_.PotassiumRefractoryCounts_;
SpikeEvent se;
network()->send(*this, se, lag);
// set new input current
B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value(lag);
void nest::ht_neuron::handle(SpikeEvent & e)
assert(e.get_delay() > 0);
assert(e.get_rport() < static_cast<int_t>(B_.spike_inputs_.size()));
e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity() );
void nest::ht_neuron::handle(CurrentEvent& e)
assert(e.get_delay() > 0);
const double_t I=e.get_current();
const double_t w=e.get_weight();
// add weighted current; HEP 2002-10-04
w * I);
void nest::ht_neuron::handle(DataLoggingRequest& e)
#endif //HAVE_GSL