#ifndef HT_NEURON_H
#define HT_NEURON_H
* ht_neuron.h
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "archiving_node.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "stringdatum.h"
#ifdef HAVE_GSL_1_11
#include "ring_buffer.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "universal_data_logger.h"
#include "recordables_map.h"
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_odeiv.h>
/* BeginDocumentation
Name: ht_neuron - Neuron model after Hill & Tononi (2005).
This model neuron implements a slightly modified version of the
neuron model described in [1]. The most important properties are:
- Integrate-and-fire with threshold that is increased on spiking
and decays back to an equilibrium value.
- No hard reset, but repolarizing potassium current.
- AMPA, NMDA, GABA_A, and GABA_B conductance-based synapses with
beta-function (difference of two exponentials) time course.
- Intrinsic currents I_h (pacemaker), I_T (low-threshold calcium),
I_Na(p) (persistent sodium), and I_KNa (depolarization-activated
In comparison to the model described in the paper, the following
modifications were mare:
- NMDA conductance is given by g(t) = g_peak * m(V), where
m(V) = 1 / ( 1 + exp( - ( V - NMDA_Vact ) / NMDA_Sact ) )
This is an approximation to the NMDA model used in [2].
- Several apparent typographical errors in the descriptions of
the intrinsic currents were fixed, hopefully in a meaningful
I'd like to thank Sean Hill for giving me access to his
simulator source code.
See examples/hilltononi for usage examples.
V_m - membrane potential
spike_duration - duration of re-polarizing potassium current
Tau_m - membrane time constant applying to all currents but repolarizing K-current
(see [1, p 1677])
Tau_spike - membrane time constant applying to repolarizing K-current
Theta, Theta_eq, Tau_theta - Threshold, equilibrium value, time constant
g_KL, E_K, g_NaL, E_Na - conductances and reversal potentials for K and Na leak currents
- reversal potentials, peak conductances and time constants for synapses
(Tau_1: rise time, Tau_2: decay time, Tau_1 < Tau_2)
NMDA_Sact, NMDA_Vact - Parameters for voltage dependence of NMDA-synapse, see eq. above
{h,T,NaP,KNa}_{E_rev,g_peak} - reversal potential and peak conductance for intrinsic currents
receptor_types - dictionary mapping synapse names to ports on neuron model
recordables - list of recordable quantities.
Author: Hans Ekkehard Plesser
Sends: SpikeEvent
Receives: SpikeEvent, CurrentEvent, DataLoggingRequest
FirstVersion: October 2009
[1] S Hill and G Tononi (2005). J Neurophysiol 93:1671-1698.
[2] ED Lumer, GM Edelman, and G Tononi (1997). Cereb Cortex 7:207-227.
SeeAlso: ht_synapse
namespace nest{
* Function computing right-hand side of ODE for GSL solver.
* @note Must be declared here so we can befriend it in class.
* @note Must have C-linkage for passing to GSL. Internally, it is
* a first-class C++ function, but cannot be a member function
* because of the C-linkage.
* @note No point in declaring it inline, since it is called
* through a function pointer.
* @param void* Pointer to model neuron instance.
extern "C"
int ht_neuron_dynamics (double, const double*, double*, void*);
class ht_neuron: public Archiving_Node
ht_neuron(const ht_neuron&);
* Import sets of overloaded virtual functions.
* We need to explicitly include sets of overloaded
* virtual functions into the current scope.
* According to the SUN C++ FAQ, this is the correct
* way of doing things, although all other compilers
* happily live without.
using Node::connect_sender;
using Node::handle;
port check_connection(Connection&, port);
void handle(SpikeEvent & e);
void handle(CurrentEvent& e);
void handle(DataLoggingRequest &);
port connect_sender(SpikeEvent& e, port);
port connect_sender(CurrentEvent&, port);
port connect_sender(DataLoggingRequest &, port);
void get_status(DictionaryDatum &) const;
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum &);
* Synapse types to connect to
* @note Excluded upper and lower bounds are defined as INF_, SUP_.
* Excluding port 0 avoids accidental connections.
enum SynapseTypes { INF_SPIKE_RECEPTOR = 0,
void init_state_(const Node& proto);
void init_buffers_();
void calibrate();
void update(Time const &, const long_t, const long_t);
double_t get_synapse_constant(double_t, double_t, double_t);
// END Boilerplate function declarations ----------------------------
// Friends --------------------------------------------------------
// make dynamics function quasi-member
friend int ht_neuron_dynamics(double, const double*, double*, void*);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Independent parameters of the model.
struct Parameters_ {
// Leaks
double_t E_Na; // 30 mV
double_t E_K; // -90 mV
double_t g_NaL; // 0.2
double_t g_KL; // 1.0 - 1.85
double_t Tau_m; // ms
// Dynamic threshold
double_t Theta_eq; // mV
double_t Tau_theta; // ms
// Spike potassium current
double_t Tau_spike; // ms
double_t t_spike; // ms
void get(DictionaryDatum&) const; //!< Store current values in dictionary
void set(const DictionaryDatum&); //!< Set values from dicitonary
// Parameters for synapse of type AMPA, GABA_A, GABA_B and NMDA
double_t AMPA_g_peak;
double_t AMPA_Tau_1; // ms
double_t AMPA_Tau_2; // ms
double_t AMPA_E_rev; // mV
double_t NMDA_g_peak;
double_t NMDA_Tau_1; // ms
double_t NMDA_Tau_2; // ms
double_t NMDA_E_rev; // mV
double_t NMDA_Vact; //!< mV, inactive for V << Vact, inflection of sigmoid
double_t NMDA_Sact; //!< mV, scale of inactivation
double_t GABA_A_g_peak;
double_t GABA_A_Tau_1; // ms
double_t GABA_A_Tau_2; // ms
double_t GABA_A_E_rev; // mV
double_t GABA_B_g_peak;
double_t GABA_B_Tau_1; // ms
double_t GABA_B_Tau_2; // ms
double_t GABA_B_E_rev; // mV
// parameters for intrinsic currents
double_t NaP_g_peak;
double_t NaP_E_rev; // mV
double_t KNa_g_peak;
double_t KNa_E_rev; // mV
double_t T_g_peak;
double_t T_E_rev; // mV
double_t h_g_peak;
double_t h_E_rev; // mV
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* State variables of the model.
struct State_ {
// y_ = [V, Theta, Synapses]
enum StateVecElems_ { VM = 0,
IT_m, IT_h,
double_t y_[STATE_VEC_SIZE]; //!< neuron state, must be C-array for GSL solver
// Timer (counter) for potassium current.
int_t r_potassium_;
bool g_spike_; // active / not active
double_t I_NaP_; //!< Persistent Na current; member only to allow recording
double_t I_KNa_; //!< Depol act. K current; member only to allow recording
double_t I_T_; //!< Low-thresh Ca current; member only to allow recording
double_t I_h_; //!< Pacemaker current; member only to allow recording
State_(const Parameters_& p);
State_(const State_& s);
State_& operator=(const State_& s);
void get(DictionaryDatum&) const;
void set(const DictionaryDatum&, const Parameters_&);
// These friend declarations must be precisely here.
friend class RecordablesMap<ht_neuron>;
friend class UniversalDataLogger<ht_neuron>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Buffers of the model.
struct Buffers_ {
Buffers_(const Buffers_&, ht_neuron&);
UniversalDataLogger<ht_neuron> logger_;
/** buffers and sums up incoming spikes/currents */
std::vector<RingBuffer> spike_inputs_;
RingBuffer currents_;
/** GSL ODE stuff */
gsl_odeiv_step* s_; //!< stepping function
gsl_odeiv_control* c_; //!< adaptive stepsize control function
gsl_odeiv_evolve* e_; //!< evolution function
gsl_odeiv_system sys_; //!< struct describing system
// IntergrationStep_ should be reset with the neuron on ResetNetwork,
// but remain unchanged during calibration. Since it is initialized with
// step_, and the resolution cannot change after nodes have been created,
// it is safe to place both here.
double_t step_; //!< step size in ms
double IntegrationStep_;//!< current integration time step, updated by GSL
* Input current injected by CurrentEvent.
* This variable is used to transport the current applied into the
* _dynamics function computing the derivative of the state vector.
* It must be a part of Buffers_, since it is initialized once before
* the first simulation, but not modified before later Simulate calls.
double_t I_stim_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal variables of the model.
struct Variables_ {
//! size of conductance steps for arriving spikes
std::vector<double_t> cond_steps_;
//! Duration of potassium current.
int_t PotassiumRefractoryCounts_;
// readout functions, can use template for vector elements
template <State_::StateVecElems_ elem>
double_t get_y_elem_() const { return S_.y_[elem]; }
double_t get_r_potassium_() const { return S_.r_potassium_; }
double_t get_g_spike_() const { return S_.g_spike_; }
double_t get_I_NaP_() const { return S_.I_NaP_; }
double_t get_I_KNa_() const { return S_.I_KNa_; }
double_t get_I_T_() const { return S_.I_T_; }
double_t get_I_h_() const { return S_.I_h_; }
static RecordablesMap<ht_neuron> recordablesMap_;
Parameters_ P_;
State_ S_;
Variables_ V_;
Buffers_ B_;
port ht_neuron::check_connection(Connection& c, port receptor_type)
SpikeEvent e;
return c.get_target()->connect_sender(e, receptor_type);
port ht_neuron::connect_sender(SpikeEvent& , port receptor_type)
assert(B_.spike_inputs_.size() == 4);
if ( !( INF_SPIKE_RECEPTOR < receptor_type
&& receptor_type < SUP_SPIKE_RECEPTOR ) )
throw UnknownReceptorType(receptor_type, get_name());
return 0;
return receptor_type - 1;
port ht_neuron::connect_sender(CurrentEvent&, port receptor_type)
if (receptor_type != 0)
throw UnknownReceptorType(receptor_type, get_name());
return 0;
port ht_neuron::connect_sender(DataLoggingRequest& dlr,
port receptor_type)
if (receptor_type != 0)
throw UnknownReceptorType(receptor_type, get_name());
return B_.logger_.connect_logging_device(dlr, recordablesMap_);
#endif //HAVE_GSL
#endif //HT_NEURON_H